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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 271 KB, 600x700, consensual rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10231551 No.10231551 [Reply] [Original]

Why are siblings having sex the best?

>> No.10231554

Because its taboo

>> No.10231570

Can't spell twincest without win.

>> No.10231578

Otaku subhumans are lonely creatures and they fall in love with any girl they come in contact with. For most of them their sisters are the closest they've been to a girl so this subhuman fantasy is common.

>> No.10231593

But sex between siblings has been common practice ever since the dawn of man.

>> No.10231675

I wish I had more Rin x Ren images in my folder
incest is best etc.

>> No.10231695


Me too, I don't have nearly enough.

>> No.10231706

Very this


>> No.10231758

Even the most primitive grub eating abo or groid have disdain for incest.

This fetish only appeals to sheltered virgins.

>> No.10231764

But that's wrong.

>> No.10231769


So God is even lower than a grub, eh?

>> No.10231798

Why is Len the dominant one? This image makes no sense and is disgusting.

>> No.10231843

Because little sisters are made to be dominated.

>> No.10231844

There's no culture where sex between siblings is socially acceptable. Inbreeding causes genetic defects. Society's hatred and rejection of this is a product of evolution.

The few examples of sibling marriages among monarchies are irrelevant, such instances were rare even for them and it was borne out of an unnatural custom to maintain power.

>> No.10231858

um in japan it was very socially acceptable. And a lot of east cultures as well.

>> No.10231874

How do you think Adam and Eve created humanity?

>> No.10231897

They ate the fruit of knowledge and learned how to summon the mystic stork through witchcraft, thus creating humanity and partaking in the original sin of witchcraft. Why do you think witches are so hated?

>> No.10231901

you fucking Ecce Mono

>> No.10231941

the kagamines aren't siblings.

>> No.10231948

Blond couples don't look right.

>> No.10232027


I agree. Siblings having sex isn't as strange as two blondes dating.

>> No.10232553



>> No.10232560

But sibling incest is mostly popular with people who don't even have siblings, so it's easier to romanticize the experience.

>> No.10232572

Mmmmm, Bali


>> No.10232879

Because it sounds pretty hot.

And I enjoy the fuck out of the incest games.

>> No.10232884

you can accept them as siblings if you want to because no one knows the true nature of relationship between them.

>> No.10232928
File: 16 KB, 225x225, noonecares.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking after my sister alone for the next 12 days, but she's too young for me, she's like 13...

I'm only into sisters around my age or older, and that's not even possible anymore, and even if there's even a mystery sister that's older I've never met, it just wouldn't be the same, not spending our life together till this point...

I'll never be happy.

>> No.10232946

we do know for sure they were never meant to be siblings so if you're imagining them as siblings you're forcing it.

>> No.10232973

What is anti-contraceptive methods?

Check mate, nerd. Incest is just prohibited because of the shit morals we have nowadays. Tran scum is acceptable, faggots are acceptable, womyn oppressing men is acceptable but incest not? Fug DAT.

>> No.10233120

do you think the societies will ever accept the incest? I myself don't mind it but I can't be so sure about others.

>> No.10233122

I don't think so. They will make paedophilia normal before incest.

>> No.10233134

that kinda sucks but Im ok with it

after all it's the taboo factor that make it good.

>> No.10233221

Incest is bad only if protracted for generations, once in a while isn't that dangerous.

>> No.10233271
File: 153 KB, 480x600, 135519514158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inbreeding causes genetic defects
Only if you try to keep a "pure bloodline" by fucking your sister and your son fucking his mother etc.
Incest doesn't automatically mean retarded children.

>> No.10233316

Rin is older than Len in real world time because she was tge first of the pair to be revealed.

>> No.10233319
File: 96 KB, 716x586, 33dbd56b60518ca8a5d7648b45a07cd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wud u clean ur sisters ears, even if she had an orgasm?

>> No.10233324

Len is such a trooper

>> No.10233329

This is my fetish.

>> No.10233337
File: 470 KB, 749x599, d24308cb842287d780339c349387317d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wat about taking a bath with ur sister?

>> No.10233351
File: 32 KB, 399x240, southern_trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ - Redneck Culture

>> No.10233365

I have an attractive sister and I never felt disgusted by the idea. I somehow doubt that there's a natural aversion.

>> No.10233492

Of course. If she was cute, that is.

>> No.10233536

sibling incest is for the royalties. it's a niche practise only for ones with superior genes.

>> No.10233544

>your son fucking his mother etc.
Well siblings are one thing but when parents involved it starts to get completely disgusting.

>> No.10233548
File: 15 KB, 341x475, Juan_de_Miranda_Carreno_002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep, sure

>> No.10233551

>not wanting to bang your mom as a kid
shiggy diggy

>> No.10233553

Yes, that's my point. It gets disgusting in every possible way, including genetically.

>> No.10233558
File: 9 KB, 200x284, Sigmund_Freud_LIFE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load at this repressed fellow.

>> No.10233571


You're not royalty. Incest shit is the fetish of ghoulish fangirls and socially immature losers with little or no experience with girls.

>> No.10233584

Anyone have a psychological explanation as to why something this morally reprehensible would appeal to someone?

>> No.10233626

Little sisters and their sexuality surpass the barrier of human morality.

>> No.10233695


What's "morally reprehensible" about it, fag? Who's closer to you than someone you grew up with? It's like fucking you're childhood friend, except more taboo.

>> No.10233738


Incestfags were sexually abused.

Older sister crammed a snapple bottle up their ass or something.

It's similar to how regular fags were often abused by priests or granpa stinky during childhood.

>> No.10233745

sibling incest is ok because of the pure love effect

no one give a damn about whatever you like or not and social retardness doesn't have anything to do with loving a genre. You sound like an ignorant faggot.
keep dreaming

>> No.10233800

Only when parents get involved because they fuck their children because why not but that's not the case with the siblings.
They fall in love with each other and even though they know it's something that shouldn't be happen, they still keep their relationship and usually end up running off to somewhere else where no one knows them.
Sure this might sound dull or boring or whatever but it's not disgusting and very well acceptable to some degree.

>> No.10233809

Incest is only bad if your family is full of shitty genes, if you're all genetically perfect to begin with, why would you want to ruin that by fucking some random loser?

>> No.10233814


Which is why every incest story ends up "not blood related lol!" right?

>> No.10233869


If it's cousins it's generally ok in Nip land. It's certainty prevalent among curry niggers, and mudslimes too, as far as "the east" is concerned.

>> No.10233892

stop projecting

>> No.10233894
File: 20 KB, 233x300, 6071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real question is, would you rape your sister till she became pregnant?

>> No.10233920
File: 133 KB, 533x482, genetic_defect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10233951

fuck all yall, Aryan maaster race couples are the only couples. Savages.

>> No.10233979

Posters advocating this sexual disorder by citing examples of some members of royalty who practiced consanguineous marriage in the past aren't even plebs, they're fucking proles. Any creature who consumes this filth has a rotten soul that has an ugliness only surpassed its face. Yes, people can tell as soon you walk into the room so please continue living under your rock. :3

>> No.10233997

When did /jp/ turn so /pol/ and /lit/ or wherever "pleb" came from? Hell when did /jp/ do the /v/ bitching about feminist shit too while we're at it?

>> No.10234015


Why are you talking like a nigger?

>> No.10234046

Oh you, sorry bu we'd rather enjoy the conservation than being a brain-dead useless subhuman like you.
Do your best while you yourself tying to live under a tiny rock.

>> No.10234067

thanks to his sacrifice now we will get the incest end which we have all been looking forward to.

>> No.10234091


Agreed, and anybody who uses the word "pleb" immediately comes across as a 16 year old retard.

>> No.10234095

> :3
Get the fuck out.

>> No.10234154 [DELETED] 

I imagine a girl writing this. It's so catty and bitchy yet void of any content.

>> No.10234163

> Yes, people can tell as soon you walk into the room

Like how you post in this thread?

>> No.10234169 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 640x853, 3464030_640px.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel when master race genes

>> No.10234285 [DELETED] 


>> No.10234293

Pointing out the multiple horrific fallacies of the current feminist movement is not a /v/ thing, it's common sense.

>> No.10235011

Its the purest form of love.
Who would be a better partner then someone who has been with you your whole life?
And it keeps the bloodline pure.

>> No.10235028

It happened when /v/ came to both /lit/ and /jp/. Two of my favourite boards are beyond recognition now.

>> No.10235048

Pleb has been a word for over two millennia. If someone happens to use it and catches on, /v/ doesn't deserve credit.

I do wish people would express themselves better though. It's like "autistic" -- there are substitute words you can use: anal, obsessive, picky, etc. Same goes for "edgy", "grimdark" and "moe".

>> No.10235079

Please do not derail the incest thread. Keep the vocabulary discussion incest related if needed so.

>> No.10235088

Can I ask a tangential but incest-related question instead?

>> No.10235094

Only as far as it maintains the incestuous character of this thread.

>> No.10235102

I suppose it will. H-Here I go!

Why is incest considered a taboo when sex is no longer about making babies?

>> No.10235128

I guess people inherited the dislike to it from times where birth control methods were non-existant. That or it comes from jelly people with no siblingss to fuck with.

>> No.10235132

Inate natural instincts and laws, as well as cultural traces of family behaviour.

>> No.10235134

But homosexuality is fine...
(isn't it?)

>> No.10235143

People are less likely to rail against not being allowed to have sex with one or two people than with 50% of the world's population.

>> No.10235165

The taboo to incest is all due to inherited cultural behaviour. But just like as with homosexuality it'll go away in some decades due to the ultra liberal waves that has been happening.

>> No.10235230

Given what those "ultra-liberal waves" have done for loli and the age of consent, I seriously doubt that.

>> No.10235250

That is localized to some countries or parts of the world as a consevative response from the ruling parties. Look, though, how it became universally acceptable to be androgynous, homosexual or so on in recent years compared to strict social manners that were imposed in the late XX century.

>> No.10235273

but it's that taboo effect that makes it good for fiction I think.
An incestious relationship in ok-to-marry-your-sister situation probably wouldn't not be that better than doing it with your cousins or childhood friends, no?

I mean no one is interested in stories that features step-siblings where the family adopted one of them he or she was still an infant. This removes the problematic blood-relation problem and make it an ok for them to marry (at least in Japan).

I know why no one like fake incest but isn't this make it a pretty good deal? You get to marry your sister and no one makes a fuss about it.

>> No.10235306

No, progressives can be just as rabid as conservatives when it comes to "protecting the children".
And of course there's the problem that most of what passes for liberal thought these days is actually conservatism in disguise.

>> No.10235324

BECAUSE it is "morally reprehensible". It is something forbidden, yet so close.
>but people in other cultures that don't discriminate this had this affection too
well of course, it isn't the law but it can happen.

>> No.10235549

you seem to miss the point

>> No.10235542

Yes, but far more common among otakufags than most other normalfags.

>> No.10236390

Keeping this alive.

>> No.10238007

what do people with real siblings actually think about the sibling incest in their anime and manga?

>> No.10238013

It's like what any ero scene in an anime or manga is like, a fantasy. Having a sibling doesn't make it much different, at least in my case.

>> No.10238023


Yeah ditto. Kinda hot in fantasy but I don't have any attraction toward my own imouto.

>> No.10239164

Seeing people to be able to distinguish the difference between 2D and 3D is pretty good imo.
At least now we can get less retards claiming that incest is bad and should be avoided and all other stupid crap when it doesn't have anything to do with reality in the very first place.

Really those kinda people are really annoying, not to mention they're such morons.

>> No.10239207

I don't know but I fucking love me some mother/son incest

>> No.10239217

In my experience I've found those to be overall happier and lovelier, that's what makes it better.

>> No.10239378



>> No.10239395

Your face is fucking disgusting.

>> No.10239507

Incest is one of my favorite genres but I feel nothing for my younger sister.

>> No.10239540

/ss/ is the best.

>> No.10239758

mom incest is shit.

>> No.10244003

fuck you

>> No.10244589

What's your problem with mom incest? Sisters don't love their brothers.

>> No.10246009

It wasn't the best but it was kinda fun at the time.

>> No.10246303

Those others guys just have no taste, man.

Mother/son > father/daughter > brother/sister.

>> No.10247779

mother/son is amazing because you're putting your dick in the womb you were born from.

father/daughter is amazing because it's the ultimate corruption of someone who depends on you most

brother/sister is amazing because you're more genetically related to your sister than anyone else on the planet

>> No.10247793


Then why do abos all rape their children?

>> No.10247805


>> No.10247808

Maybe but it is just me but the posts in this thread suggesting it is a moral issue creep the hell out of me. There is a highly plausible theory on why we don't have sex with our sisters; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westermarck_effect

And most people who grew up with their sisters will tell you that even contemplating the thought of having sex with them is like the most repulsive thing you can possibly imagine.
