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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10226846 No.10226846 [Reply] [Original]

are you a good representative of Otaku Culture?
Do you make an Otaku Culture presence in online areas outside of /jp/?

>> No.10226852

I am the /jp/ ambassador to ADTRW. Currently I'm working on stronger 4chan-SA relations by educating them about pedophiles.

>> No.10226852,1 [INTERNAL] 

I became the otaku culture without ever touching 2hu. You can't touch this.

>> No.10226882

thats called "meme spouting" and i hate it

>> No.10226852,2 [INTERNAL] 

If you're so good at otaku culture, why aren't you posting in the otaku culture board?

>> No.10226892

"Meme spouting" is a meme.

>> No.10226892,1 [INTERNAL] 

Because this very board you brought up in our candid little conversation is an elaborate ruse.

>> No.10226936
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>> No.10226950 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10226953

>dat resolution

>> No.10226967 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10226969
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MS has been down for the entire day because Nexon broke something with the Kaiser update.

>> No.10226982
File: 238 KB, 633x465, frustrated3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's my guild, do you want to join?

>> No.10226997
File: 101 KB, 450x539, 1351570992405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the janitor is around but he hasn't deleted this thread yet?

>> No.10227007

it's on-topic
I can delete it if you want though

>> No.10227039

It's a fun thread, leave it up unless it becomes total garbage.

>> No.10227060

Have you been here the past month? MMOs and video games are /jp/ related.

>> No.10228845


>> No.10228869

>are you a good representative of Otaku Culture?
>Do you make an Otaku Culture presence in online areas outside of /jp/?
No, and that's why the first answer is yes.

>> No.10228866
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>> No.10228897
File: 403 KB, 800x719, 345435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol he used an epic meme!!!! i recognize it from four chan! do you recognize it too? omg aren't we special! lol what other memes do you know!! hehe WHO R U QUOTING XD what's ur fav meme??? lol let's use more memes!!! maybe other ppl will recognize our memes! then we'll be friends! because we've seen these memes before! isn't that cool!!!

>> No.10228909


also, everyone from /jp/ I've ever seen acts like this outside of /jp/. Particularly common on "/jp/" IRC channels and Steam.

You can have 10 seconds of a normal conversation then it absolutely MUST descend into the meme game. "Lol that feel!" "lol autism!" "lol who u quot??" "lol which 2hu fuk!".
Yes faggot, I am aware of these phrases. They don't establish the amazing common ground of fraternity and experience between us that you think they do and if you've ever done this you're no better than the average /v/tard you fucking hypocrite

>> No.10228919

The mmo mobile i play doesnt recognize /jp/, touhou anything you name it but it is fucking full of weaboo though. Fucking mainstreamfags.

>> No.10228957

Touhou is as mainstream as it gets, or was that the joke?

>> No.10228969

Doing the typical edgy rant is a good way to show that you belong in whatever board you are posting it. Just type something between the lines of "people citing jokes from MY place and having fun are worse than people who aren't from MY place because..." then underage kiddies will agree with you and feel the same connection with you as those people who are trying to get along spouting memes.

>> No.10228981

I don't tend to take 4chan stuff off 4chan myself, I just have normal conversations with people.

>> No.10229006

I dunno, I don't mention stuff on here with others unless I know them irl. Same goes with other internet communities I take part in.

>> No.10229013


yeah so basically my post hit too close to home for you

off you go, back to your epic IRC channels

>> No.10229024

Sometimes, when someone calls you a faggot, it's not because you've deeply wounded him. Sometimes he just thinks you're a faggot.

>> No.10229035


No, I can tell you're angry because you refer to memespouting as "citing jokes" (seriously? seriously though?) and you think acting like a fucking /v/-tier retard is the same thing as "having fun". Just sounds like some faggot trying to rationalize his actions after getting called out.

>> No.10229058

You are just an edgy kid wanting approval by posting a boring ironic shitpost-styled rant that has been posted a lot of times but with different words. Also that guy was not me.

>> No.10229062


You aren't even disagreeing with anything I said, just insulting me for no reason.

>> No.10229092

post the one where she got really saggy tits

>> No.10229100
File: 467 KB, 756x439, oh you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm not the guy you're replying to but damn is your post fucking ironic.

>> No.10229123

Shouldn't you learn the definition of irony before using it?

>> No.10232367 [DELETED] 

required reading for /jp/

>> No.10232699

Daily Reminder; /jp/ is FYAD's worst posters

>> No.10232753

Ive seen /jp/ meme spewers on krautchan and ylilauta, it's really annoying that these tards are the same people that think they're better than the average /v/tard. They are both one and the same.

>> No.10232759

None of you used irony correctly, dirty mongs.

>> No.10232772

I just do this. Am i a faggot?

>> No.10232868

That's some ironic shit right there dude.

>> No.10232924
File: 5 KB, 127x90, little_miss_plasticunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anal sex.

>> No.10232930

Your mom and my dick are the same. Why do you visit those holes and why do you care? It's not like you're trying to treat /jp/ as a secret club or anything.

>> No.10232941

Of course they will act like that. You expect better from people who go on IRC or steam?

Can we stop using the word edgy? People don't care much about post quality these days..

>> No.10233016 [DELETED] 

I've chatted with people who visit /jp/ outside /jp/ and they weren't the drooling memespouting retards claim they universally are, so maybe you're just looking in shitty places.

>> No.10233018

I've chatted with people who visit /jp/ outside /jp/ and they weren't the drooling memespouting retards you guys claim they universally are, so maybe you're just looking in shitty places.

>> No.10233018,1 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ sucks lol

remember when gods used to lurk here??

neither do i xDDDDD

>> No.10233018,2 [INTERNAL] 

You didn't even let me answer!

>> No.10233018,3 [INTERNAL] 

I've chatted with people who visit /jp/ outside /jp/ and they weren't the drooling memespouting retards you guys claim they universally are, so maybe you're just looking in shitty places.

>> No.10233018,4 [INTERNAL] 

ive met one wbro by chance

he was a total newfag crossie

a social retard who thought he was a genius

>> No.10233018,5 [INTERNAL] 

same lol

>> No.10233018,6 [INTERNAL] 

feel you described me before I realized how worhtless I am

>> No.10233018,7 [INTERNAL] 

feel when maplestory is older than most of warosu

>> No.10233018,8 [INTERNAL] 

What is maplestory? I'll just check on knowyourmeme

>> No.10233018,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10233018,10 [INTERNAL] 

i found a cute pic of chiyo because of this link thank you

>> No.10233018,11 [INTERNAL] 

post it

>> No.10233018,12 [INTERNAL] 

no, fuck you

>> No.10233018,13 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10233018,14 [INTERNAL] 

feel when played mapled story for a few days when 2005 because I had some gook friend who wanted me to

>> No.10233018,15 [INTERNAL] 

feel when poorfag pc couldnt even run maple in 05

>> No.10233018,16 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10233018,17 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 4chan is beyond terrible
feel when /ghost/ is dead
feel when 8chan is full of morons

why fucking live

>> No.10233018,18 [INTERNAL] 

i know those feels

>> No.10233018,19 [INTERNAL] 

we're all waiting for you at /bun/

>> No.10233018,20 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10233018,21 [INTERNAL] 

milk is the only reason to keep on keepin on

>> No.10233018,22 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit what is this new Firefox Hello thing? I saw the icon on my toolbar and thought I had accidentally downloaded some spyware or something

>> No.10233018,23 [INTERNAL] 

some shit ass skype thing isnt it

>> No.10233018,24 [INTERNAL] 

i thought so too

fucking KIKES
