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10225325 No.10225325 [Reply] [Original]

What are some jobs for which you don't need a degree where you can take it easy?

>> No.10225326

home security guard

>> No.10225329

Ogre magi

>> No.10225336


>> No.10225346

It takes pure skills to be an ogre magi bro.

>> No.10225376

Security Guard

>School computer technician
>"Bah Mr. School computer technician, I can't get my Mac to access internet!"

You get that question every 3rd student.

>> No.10225386

Shitposting on /jp/
Professional gambler
Professional gamer
Professional game reviewer
Professional anime reviewer
Professional movie reviewer
Professional blogger
youtube internet superstar

>> No.10225412

It's funny because I would probably have no idea how to fix it.

>> No.10225422

Cannabis analyzer. You test how high a certain strand of cannabis makes you so they know what to price it at.

>> No.10225429

Wait, I don't know if this requires a degree.

>> No.10225452

Do you want to be a minimum wage slave forever? Never to retire off your savings? Working day in day out just barely getting by?

>> No.10225476

>Working day in day out just barely getting by?
That doesn't sound like taking it easy.

>> No.10225477

Sell used socks on ebay.

>> No.10225481

Join a pyramid scheme.

>> No.10225485

Does it take anything to work in a bakery? I could take it easy smelling that smell all day.

>> No.10225489 [DELETED] 

For bakeries you have to wake up extreeemely early and you work pretty long hours I think.

>> No.10225506

why /jp/ talking about getting jobs?

too many normals here.

please go to your home boards.

>> No.10225516

you are the normals now /jp/. old non-normal /jp/ 4chan staff totally ignore it now. neo-/jp/ is like sa forums where you get banned for everything.

>> No.10225785

Someone getting banned is hardly the users' fault, right, autismus maximus? Moot forces his jew mods on us, with no concern for ``board culture''.

>> No.10225963

Good luck trying to get a job in a real bakery, if you can't demonstrate personal experience in baking often, you'll probably start with working in bakery-cafes like Panera, Tim Horton's, etc... Sure, the smell's good. But having worked there myself, there is no taking it easy there.

>> No.10225976


>> No.10225981

Try to work in an internet café.

It's still a salary ,you have access to internet and you shouldn't work that much.

>> No.10225984

Are you a creative person? Make WordPress themes and sell them.
Are you a logical person? Make WordPress plug-ins and sell them.

>> No.10226026

if old /jp/ ``board culture'' was so bad then why did so many people come keep coming here? the elitist attitude didn't come from neo-/jp/. the board changed and so did the users to go with the new ``board culture'' i.e you are the normals.

>> No.10226047

I need a minum wage job before I can move up. I'm probably going to chose something like network security or veterinary medicine.

>> No.10226068

Write pulp. people on /jp/ are pretty creative, I'm sure you'll be good at it.

>> No.10226132

medical test subject

>> No.10226161

Just go to prison instead. You'll have everything accommodated for you.

Speaking of which, I had a dream last night where I was arrested for something I did online and prison ended up being even better than living in my room. It's a message from the universe.

>> No.10226190

Have you read the short story "The Cop and the Anthem" by O Henry?
You should read it, it sounds kind of like how you're describing your life and prison.

>> No.10226244

Work overnight stock

My friend does that and he just sleeps behind boxes all night...he's been doing this for a year now and they've never caught him or said anything

>> No.10226450

Work at a smoothie shop, it's easy as HECK

>> No.10226457

sys admin

>> No.10226482

>youtube internet superstar
We should make a group of /jp/ people who make retarded jokes while playing video games, get popular and get paid.

>> No.10226487
File: 369 KB, 1600x1200, VQ--wall-tent,-hockey,-tracks-138-744967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you escape the wage slave system entirely and go live in the woods?

With today's technology you can easily and cheaply power a small laptop off solar alone. You can get your water from a stream and boil it so that you don't get sick. You can buy an inexpensive rifle and hunt for your food or grow a small amount of vegetables. You purchase a large, sturdy, and well insulated tent for only a few hundred dollars and this will be a good home for you during all seasons of the year.


There's no need to live this horrible life any longer. You don't have to spend the rest of your life slaving away in a meaningless job like some kind of robot. You can just retreat into the woods now and still have the comforts of modern technology as long as the sun continues to shine.

>> No.10226530

What about the land? You couldn't possibly afford to purchase it legally, and camping on private property and in national parks is trespassing.

There's no guarantee that there will be wildlife to hunt, or worse the wildlife hunts you (wolves, bears). Land that can yield crops would often be owned by farmers in the first place. The soil could be too hard or too acidic, and even if you managed to grow crops on it, you'll need to regularly fertilize and toss the soil to replenish its nutrients otherwise you're practically salting the earth. Fertilizer isn't that expensive, but a tractor costs thousands.

>> No.10226554

I forgot about the wifi equipped trees. >>10226487

>> No.10226574

Hunting animals and then turning them into food + maintaining a vegetable garden doesn't sound like taking it easy to me.

>> No.10226579

You'll spend years getting certs, but you take it easy at the end.

>> No.10226589


>What about the land?

It depends on what state you're in. People have been living for generations on land that they don't own without any issues in the Appalachian mountains, Alaska, areas deep in the south, Montana, Nevada, any of the remote areas of the country. It's not legal, but you're in the middle of no where and the chances that you're going to get caught are minuscule. Even if you do get caught then it's not actually punishable by any real fine, living in tents is just considered as a form of vagrancy so they tell you to pack it up and get lost just like they do with the hobos that live in the woods outside of towns.

If you want to do it legally then you only have to save up a few thousand dollars. Middle of no where land is dirt cheap since it really is just nothing but dirt.

>The soil could be too hard or too acidic

That's true, it's unlikely that the land would be suitable for growing crops, but you don't need to use your land to grow crops. You just use a potted vegetable garden so that you don't have to rely on the most likely poor quality soil of the land you're living on.

>> No.10226600

Move to country side Japan/China/Korea

You can probably make a living blogging about it.

With Internet access and Wikipedia at your disposal you can do pretty much everything. The land is cheap and you can even build your own house.

>> No.10226621


It's a lot more relaxing than you'd think. I don't grow a lot of food, but I've hunted for years and it's very relaxing. Most of the time you're just sitting in a treestand and waiting. You could be playing visual novels on your laptop while you're doing this, listening to music, learning Japanese, or whatever you want.

Eventually a deer wanders by, you take the shot, and now you have pounds of venison which will last you for quite awhile.

Compare this to a normal 9-5 job where you have to work for five days a week doing some repetitive task which is completely mindnumbing. You have to work much more with a normal job. As a hunter there will be many days where you barely have to do anything at all.

>> No.10226654


How much time do you really need to spend on the internet to enjoy your hobbies though?

You can download all of wikipedia and store it on your hard drive, prepare multiple external hard drives and fill it with as much entertainment as you can possibly think of, and when new releases come out then you just take a journey to the nearest town to jack the wifi from some motel, download what you need, and head back home.

There's really not much of a need for constant internet access if you download and store everything that you use.

>> No.10226662

What if I want to go on /jp/?

>> No.10226664


You can't download /jp/.
Well, you can, but it would be a bit weird

>> No.10226669

You require survival skills and other assortment of skills to do something like that. The typical basement dwelling shut-in doesn't have the strength or capabilities to do that. They're pampered babies, the wild would destroy them.

>> No.10226678


you cruise on your bike or car through town and put mail in boxes at your own pace

you don't have to interact with others too much either

>> No.10226681


That's the only downside to this. Probably wouldn't be able to communicate with anyone on the internet since I doubt you could pick up anything out in the middle of no where, but drugs or a dog should make up for it.

If you live in the middle of no where then you can just grow some magic mushrooms without any problems and when you're feeling lonely then you can eat some mushrooms and talk to the magic mushroom entity inside of your head. If you don't want to bother with drugs then you can just buy a dog and talk to him. Both should satisfy the need for socialization that /jp/ fills.

>> No.10226741


It's not so bad if they have a lot of educational information stored up, they start after winter has passed, and they're in an area where the weather and wildlife is more forgiving. There's a lot of states where the wilderness isn't as harsh as it in others, Alaska or Montana would probably destroy the average inexperienced shut-in, but if they were in a more forgiving region and had a small laptop stored with a lot of survival information and learning material then they would probably stumble around for a few months but they would eventually learn how to survive.

It's all just about your starting location. If it's not too cold, you have nearby access to water, basic medical supplies and learning material, have some canned goods stored up in case your first attempts at hunting don't go well, and ideally have an area within walking distance that you can go to for fishing then there's a good chance of survival for even the most inexperienced person.

>> No.10226789


>> No.10226816
File: 145 KB, 500x374, 1351592410322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm learning Python and then C/C++ to try to land a job doing whatever since my bio degree is worthless. I'm also relearning all the calculus I forgot at khan academy.

Anyone want to make a project together and NEET it up?

>> No.10226854

>learning Python and then C/C++ to try to land a job doing whatever since my bio degree is worthless
Same here, except it's C#.

I have a game I'm making that I'd love to let you fiddle with, but you'd probably sneer at me for using a shitty language.

>> No.10226864

OLPC won't survive exposure to sub-zero temperatures, moisture from the snow, and frequent, rapid, drastic temperature shifts.

The high parallel will hurt your available solar power.

>> No.10226860

i read postman by Charles Bukowski and that guy didnt seem to like it

>> No.10226866


I was going to make a chess playing program (in C), but I gave up quickly.
I might start again at some point. My (mediocre) goal would be to make one that could beat me (I'm not brilliant or anything).

>> No.10226879

Don't have the link but I remember reading about the Danish post service. It was privatized, and the private companies had freelancers work on a temp basis. Because as always the job market is oversaturated and the companies are ran by greedy jews, they overworked people with inadequate pay. The postmen had to work 7 days a week, morning till night, they weren't able to meet their exaggerated quotas and they could barely make ends meet.

>> No.10226888

I'm flipping you off so hard right now.

C# is an abortion that the videogame industry has clung to. Enjoy being a slave to Microsoft.

>> No.10226894

Chess is boring. There's basically three things to it:

* Traverse the game tree 3+ moves ahead.
* Calculate the point value of a board position (ie who has the advantage).
* Cull tree nodes that won't lead to interesting positions.

It seems rather trivial to me conceptually, although I couldn't design the nitty-gritty details on par with current cutting edge software, and I couldn't optimize it that well. But chess is boring, you essentially just brute force the game tree with a few simple shortcuts.

Try go.

>> No.10226901

Lisp is the most poweful programming language.

>> No.10226911

I'm enjoying it very much. XNA is great, straightforward, bug-free, stable, sanely designed, well-documented, powerful, pretty fast given what it is and has many great tutorials available.

C# has many useful features that make coding very pleasant, and MSDN is quite complete and helpful. Resharper and Visual Studio offer excellent refactoring and static analysis capabilities.

I know it's slow, and I know it's not really cross-platform (although there's Mono) but I've never been bottlenecked by those two factors yet, so it doesn't matter

>> No.10226919


You're probably right - Go might be better because I would have to develop more strategy.
I think chess is near solved, could be mistaken though. I know checkers was solved years ago.

>> No.10226925

But that's the whole point. The basic strokes are simple, but zomgoptimizing the shit out of it is the fun part, as well as coming up with creative algorithms to solve the same problems in a different way.

Heuristics is huge.

>> No.10226927

that's not how you spell Assembly

>> No.10226932

C# was made to increase productivity in relatively unskilled code monkey work. The videogame industry hasn't clung to it even though Microsoft is trying to make it appear so.

>> No.10226937


Have you made a chess playing program? Can it beat you consistently?

>> No.10226942

Have you watched this before?


If you're going into the videogame industry I suggest you run in the other direction as fast as you can. Those jobs are poorly paid prison sentences that take advantage of saps with an addiction and a "passion".

>> No.10226958


Come to think of it, one of the main things would be the relative values assigned to pieces.
I think:
Q: 9
R: 5
B: 4
N: 4 (N because K is taken, I suppose everyone knows that - just proving I can spell)
P: 1
but I suppose they would have determined it more precisely than that now, with values to several decimal places.

>> No.10226975

>N because K is taken

Then why haven't you listed its value?

>> No.10226983


Well, it's kind of obvious. You would assign it as something arbitrarily large, I assume.

>> No.10226996

That's such a strawman.

I got straight As in high school and did very well in a prestigious college's STEM program. I know how to program. I know what neural networks are, I make realistic plans and I can design (I write design documents for my own projects and follow them). Most importantly, I don't want to work for an AAA studio. I want to make my own games and self-publish.

>> No.10227027

Enjoy being a nerd for the rest of your life.

Fucking loser.

>> No.10227033

A grat one!

>> No.10227043


The problem with that video is that it's talking about the game industry.

Indie development is the most accessible and easiest way to make money. No need for college, can be completely self-taught, release your games on indie market places like android, the xbox live one, or Steam's greenlight problem and then viral the shit out of your game on /v/ and reddit.

You will make far more money than you would if you become some wageslave for a professional game development studio and your game can be some mediocre cellphone trash and people will still buy it.

>> No.10227075

>Projecting this hard.
>Thinking that the kike-run industry that America has is the same as the industry in the rest of the world.

Ok then.

>> No.10227081

>The problem with that video is that it's talking about the game industry.
No, the problem is that it is jumping on a "harsh reality of video game industry" bandwagon that has been done to death long before.

The audience of this video isn't anyone considering a career in games. It's for people who just sit there and fantasize, rather artlessly, about working in vidya because they are hack mediocre office drones with no talent, vision, passions or individuality.

When you are literally a shitty wage slave, of course anyone who has a job they love and isn't destitute is an existential threat - "no, they can't be Truly Happy working in games! Working in games s-sucks! The p-pay is crap and t-there's crunches!"

When you really love a job, the money ceases to matter so long as it pays the bills. That's why so scientists have top job satisfaction despite shit pay. There's bad vidya companies, just like there's bad companies in any sector. So what? "Code monkey who writes AI routines for a game" still beats "office bitch who makes Excel files about real estate sales data" by a margin so big it's not even funny.

>> No.10227080


>is the same as the industry in the rest of the world

Not that guy, but it probably is.

>> No.10227105

Uh.... yes?

Every hear of outsourcing?

This is a global market in case you somehow forgot. If America works their employees like slaves so will the rest of the world in order to compete. Some companies just have friendlier environments than others.

>> No.10227107

70% of Wakfu devs are female.

>> No.10227114

Don't be ridiculous. What game company would outsource programmers?

>can't come to meetings
>can't spell
>can't speak english
>no work ethic
>shit quality
>can't be easily intimadated by management
>can't be trapped inside on a forced death march

>> No.10227145


What about all the indians, anon?

>> No.10227144

>When you really love a job
That's the problem though.
Do you love your job, or do you love video games?
Because if you love video games, there's no way you can love working in any of the big companies.

>> No.10227147

Let's see...

Security Guard
Farm Hand (depending on farm type)
Ebay Distributor (people who make postings for companies on Ebay)
Phone Operator (ex: phone psychic)

Outsourcing doesn't always mean out of country. Asking ANYONE not in your company to do things for you is outsourcing.

>> No.10227150

how do the poor who work for 18 hours per day have poor work ethic? programming in areas outside of gaming regularly outsources and there already is some outsourcing for games to other areas in asia like taiwan and crap. once china catches up soon then people will be outsourcing there and india.

also, western developers don't have work ethic. their beta is actually alpha and release is beta. they feel like people playing their games are bug testers and are so lazy and stupid they don't even fix bugs.

>bug fixing is a job that doesn't get you thanks! so i won't fix them
-every programming monkey in he west

>> No.10227188

>their beta is actually alpha and release is beta.
That's always a management decision.

>> No.10227240

It's probably the fault of game testers. No one really wants to run into a wall over and over trying to clip through and write a report. Nowadays, they probably even want to just blaze through the game and beat it once so they can break NDA and talk about what a buggy piece of shit the game is without even reporting anything.

The company can't test it themselves because they know how it's supposed to work and they aren't going to do the kind of idiotic things players will, like try to jump on a moving horse from a third story window while on fire or whatever weird thing that triggers a crash.

Even if they call it open beta, they'll just get people calling the game buggy shit anyway and those same people will keep playing that version for free instead of any finished one. If you charge, then you'll get shit for making people pay to test a game.

Try playing an MMO in beta. See how much time you actually spend trying to find bugs and report them vs being angry the game is buggy and telling other 4channers the game is buggy shit.

>> No.10227271

>Beta testers don't bug hunt

I guess I was a rarity then. I found bugs all the FREAKING TIME! The creators ignored me mostly and even called some bugs "features". When the buggy still unstable version came out people complained and said all the stuff I said was broken. They took over a year to fix half of what I found. The rest is still broken!

Nope, it's not the testers alone. Americans are LAZY.

>> No.10227273

>It's probably the fault of game testers. No one really wants to run into a wall over and over trying to clip through and write a report. Nowadays, they probably even want to just blaze through the game and beat it once so they can break NDA and talk about what a buggy piece of shit the game is without even reporting anything.
I don't think you've ever tested any game.

I'm never again writing 30 reports only to see nothing from them fixed by release.

>> No.10227280

you're describing the most bullshit possible. i can barely tell if you're trying to troll or not. testers/players report more bugs now than ever and they don't get fixed for months if ever. as if any of the lazy code monkeys would ever fix clipping issues. no they can barely fix broken skills or change numbers on bugged abilities.

the game industry in china is starting to really move forward and i look forward to when they're the ones programming. at least then when you report a bug it'll get fixed and not ignored for 10 months.

>> No.10227304

Do you have to be good at math to program? I know very little about it

>> No.10227301
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>The company can't test it themselves

>> No.10227316

Why bother paying for QA when you can just find a bunch of nerds that'll work for free?

>> No.10227330

No, not really. You have to be good at math to do computer science, not for programming.

Same way you have to be good at math to be an astronomer, but you don't need it to own a telescope.

>> No.10227321
File: 47 KB, 637x579, 1345045190644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't HAVE to, but it helps a lot. And you will most likely need to, as you get into more complex stuff

>> No.10227329

>there already is some outsourcing for games to other areas in asia like taiwan and crap

source, citations, anything

you sound utterly fucking retarded right now.

>> No.10227336


>> No.10227332

I flunked out of geometry...I was in a NEET mindset back in HS though. Does this mean I'm fucked?

>> No.10227363
File: 173 KB, 600x600, 1333292841241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I flunked out of geometry...I was in a NEET mindset back in HS though. Does this mean I'm fucked?

Are you planning on learning by yourself?

High-school level math is more than enough to get started, so I'd brush up on that if I ware you, and there's plenty of resources online on whatever you might run into.

>> No.10227378


>> No.10227382 [DELETED] 

i'm not some dumb code monkey who bookmarks this crap. if you're not area of new with outsourcing then you're the retard.

what do you think that division in the far east/india means retard?

>> No.10227383

Get a CDL A and drive a truck. As long as you don't mind driving, you take it pretty easy. You'll never talk to anyone 99% of the time.

>> No.10227386

i'm not some dumb code monkey who bookmarks this crap. if you're not aware of news with outsourcing then you're the retard.

what do you think that division in the far east/india means retard?

>> No.10227387

How did people learn computer science and programming before all these online courses and so on? If the accepted way to learn is to "start with Python" or "use this web application" what did people do before those? What did they read? Where did they learn?

>> No.10227392


Books, school.
Be careful while choosing books, though. There's a lot but I'd stick to the recommended ones

>> No.10227399
File: 58 KB, 335x415, 1337703605226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the of the
Oh Cirno

>> No.10227400

Depends on what you're programing. You need to know your trig if you want to make danmaku.

Things to do with image and 3d involve linear algebra and vector calculus.

>> No.10227397


>start with Python

I think it is stupid that universities start with Python now, they should just start with C.

>> No.10227411

Actually, python is very useful considering it's multiplatform and very extensible. If you can write in Python anything you learn after that can be added to it.

Before internet you learned programming either from other computer gurus, college, or books. You were better off learning from other programmers as they can spot check your work and won't cost an arm and a leg like a college will. Once you get good you can even learn from each other! Books are OK, but they get outdated and sometimes can be wrong.

>> No.10227424
File: 77 KB, 300x300, 10546318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't decide between going back to school for nursing or study programming

>> No.10227437

Because a bunch of nerds are not going to do the same shit over and over again for free.

>> No.10227448


Would you rather nurse programmers or program nurses?

>> No.10227454
File: 46 KB, 500x374, 1353863631695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nursing NEET programmers with smelly NEET pussies.

>> No.10227455
File: 75 KB, 600x600, 12422437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nursing a bunch of skinny neet /jp/sies does sound nice

>> No.10227475


Yet those same nerds will pirate the released game and play it over and over again while complaining no one caught some rare bug that only 1/100 nerds who've played the game 20 times through would notice.

>> No.10227484

You obviously don't know how it works.

They play the same fucking level and inspect every pixel in every way until they run into a bug. Then, after the bug is fixed, they do it again. And again. And again. Repeat x100.

Also, the programmers fucking hate them for finding bugs that they have to fix.

>> No.10227495

You don't know bliss until you've done nothing but run into an odd piece of terrain for 12 hours just to see if you can phase through it/exploit it etc.

>> No.10227512

this doesn't happen. this never happened. they don't even fix the most obvious bugs which you can repeat easily and notice from just playing the game regularly. a users just spend a few hours testing damage on skills or using statistics to find it isn't 50% it's actually 10% they don't fix it.

stop trying to glorify this shit. boss bugs out at 30% health always or some broken mechanic in the fight? yeah, obviously they tested it, hehehe! that's why they didn't notice you can't kill him. that talent that should increase your damage by 50% actually doesn't even work? yeah, tested by the developers obviously :)

>> No.10227517

>all testers are the same
>all software is tested in the same way

>> No.10227521

>that talent that should increase your damage by 50% actually doesn't even work? yeah, tested by the developers obviously :)

That skill probably bugged the game and they couldn't fix it in time so they just left it disabled but forgot to take it out.

>> No.10227534

obviously not. there's some good companies and people, but most are shit and lazy. i just don't want to read someone trying to glorify some shit code monkeys. you can glance the bug section in any game forum and see hundreds/thousands of bugs which never get fixed.

yeah, flat % increases on skills/spells are so difficult. making that fireball do 50% more damage is tough.

>> No.10227542

>flat % increases on skills/spells

I assume it's because of some effects working, for example, over your base attack damage, as opposed to on your total attack damage or your bonus attack damage.

>> No.10227553

BASIC and asm in the eighties, BASIC, Pascal and C in the nineties. Reading and writing "real" code used to be more of a core activity.

>> No.10227835

unsigned int sum2(int n)
unsigned int sum;
while((n >>= 1)) ++sum;
return sum;
Does this work? Is it optimal?

>> No.10227846

I forgot to initialize sum (to 0) or is that unnecessary?

>> No.10227931

Tested, completely wrong.
unsigned int sum2(unsigned int n)
unsigned int sum = 0;
do if(n & 1) ++sum; while ((n >>= 1));
return sum;
There are no Targets nearby. I'll find another store.

>> No.10227955
File: 68 KB, 552x521, loop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is necessary.

And you just want to increment sum when the least significant bit is 1.

unsigned int sum2(int n) {
unsigned int sum = 0;
while (n > 0) {
if ( n & 1) sum++;
n >>= 1;
return sum;

>> No.10227962

Not sure if
so I replied anyway.

>> No.10227966

Necessary for original C. Not sure about C++, it may depend on the compiler. Java initializes ints to 0 and Integers to null.

>> No.10227969

It compiles, but does not work on that case, it crashes.

Recursive one-liner
unsigned int sum2(int n)
return ( n > 0 ) ? ( (n & 1) + sum2( n >> 1 ) ) : 0;

>> No.10227982

What's the difference between an int and an integer?

>> No.10227989

Is there a recursion limit in C like in Python?

>> No.10228051

Since someone brought nursing up earlier, im curious, what does this profession entail

I'm on my first year of college and right now im majoring in computer science, but I haven't really done anything for it since right now im only getting my AA, so I don't think its too late. I am honestly not very interested in computer science, its just the only thing I have even a tiny amount of interest in, I'm not even very good at math.

Is nursing easier to get into and is it an easy job to do with decent pay?

>> No.10228111

C is free of such quirky hacks.

>> No.10228405

The recursion limit in C is called stack overflow.

>> No.10229055


>> No.10229233

Sports Adventurer

>> No.10229240

Basically doing everything the real doctor doesn't need to handle personally- Asking people how they feel, taking simple tests and samples, changing bedpans and giving food, jerking off the mentally handicapped, etc.

>> No.10229248 [DELETED] 

Security Bro!

Easiest job I've ever had, I don't even need to do anything since no one fucks around where I work and the people are generally nice and quiet.
Kinda worried about shootings and stuff, but I'm not paid to take bullets, I'd just hide.

>> No.10229275

Drawing blood without the faintest idea where a human's vein might be, and taking a few dozen tries to nail one down.

Can't forget that.

>> No.10229282

>Surveillance Operator
Three days a week I work for maybe an hour or two total (we rotate the "busy" position), OP.

Shit's easy as HELL.

>> No.10229291

In Java, an "Integer" is a reference type ("Object") that encapsulates an "int". An "int" is a 4 byte signed integer primitive.

>> No.10229297

Is it like in that movie, are you all obsessive stalkers over the people you're forced to keep an eye on? Protecting us from the... little plastic domes in the ceilings.

>> No.10229322
File: 409 KB, 480x486, -234664566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

int sum2(int i){
if(i<2) return i;
return i%2+sum2(i/2);

Give job now.

>> No.10229352

I'd like to think I'm not a stalker... but I do enjoy reading peoples texts (if you aim your phone up towards your face, I can see it) and following the cute girls around the facility. I just wish the pay was better, because I'd totally stick with it. I plan on getting a CDL though because the starting pay is double what I earn right now for about the same amount of work (plus no more long commute).

>> No.10229736

You can get certification of some sort through edx and/or coursera (I know at least one of them does it) where you take a test at a testing site at the end of the course.

If you're interested in learning programming online, you might as well try to get the certification as well, as it's better than nothing if you ever try to get a job.

>> No.10229737

Wow, those are some high quality cameras. Do you zoom in on the phone to read the text?

>> No.10229754

all of the cool kids use bit shifts to divide by 2.

>> No.10229767

Completely pointless, as any compiler will automatically convert relevant operations into bit shifts when constant operators are involved.

>> No.10229838

Why is this world so difficult to live in. Will things always be this way or was I just born 1000 years too soon?

>> No.10229948


You were born too soon. In the future the robot government will create supply and allocate all necessary resources while humans will only need to maintain themselves and their demand-prognosticator. And you will never explore the galaxy.

>> No.10229962


>never explore the galaxy


>> No.10229978

Don't feel bad, you're probably not missing much.
Space seems really boring. You could spend your whole life exploring and the most exciting day of it would be the one where you thought you found a simple fungi growing on a planet but then it turned out to be a sensor malfunction.

>> No.10230041 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 645x773, 1355782790402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posts the shit as a meditation ♪
And those he trolls never suspect ♫
He doesn't post for the 2hus he wins ♪
He doesn't post for respect ♫
He posts the shit to find the answer ♪
The sacred geometry of trips ♫
The hidden law of a probable shitpost ♪
The homu lead a dance ♫

I know that the spades are the swords of a 2hu ♪
I know that the clubs are weapons of NEETs ♫
I know that diamonds mean money for Saten ♪
But that's not the shape of my shit ♫

He may play the Ran of diamonds ♪
He may lay the Chen of spades ♫
He may conceal a shit in his hand ♪
While the memory of it fades ♫

And if I told you that I trolled you ♪
You'd maybe think there's something wrong ♫
I'm not a man of too many shitposts ♪
The shit I post is one ♫

>> No.10230150

>The plot to Phantasy Star II

>> No.10230224

Cinema ticket inspector. As long as you

-don't upset the boss
-don't have to work with THAT guy/girl
-don't have to clean up a cubic meter of trash after every screening

you can take it easy.

>> No.10230800

>robot government will create supply and allocate all necessary resources while humans will only need to maintain themselves and their demand-prognosticator

Until they figure out they'd be better off without us

>> No.10230811

Oh, are these the same kids who write illegible code to feel smart when people don't know what the fuck is going on in their spaghetti?

>> No.10230818

I wouldn't mind any of that. But there are people who went to high school with me who work at my local cinema and I don't want to make awkward conversation with those faggots.

>> No.10230830


If you know that x / 2, x being an unsigned integer will translate to x >> 1, why not just write x >> 1?
It makes it clearer that you're focusing on bitwise operations.


sum2 proc a: dword
xor eax, eax
mov ebx, n
mov ecx, 32

mov edx, ebx
and edx, 1
jnz one
shr ebx, 1
loop cicle
jmp finish

inc eax
shr ebx, 1
loop cicle
sum2 endp

>> No.10230872
File: 74 KB, 300x368, 2000AD168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or the automation of all parts of society will lead to rampant unemployment and then we're living Judge Dredd times

And does anyone really want that?

>> No.10230891
File: 20 KB, 334x393, 1353144910608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep dreaming, kiddo. Resources are finite. If anything we are living in a golden age of luxury and decadence which will soon come crumbling down.

>> No.10231095

the next bernie madoff, except not getting caught

>> No.10231115

Living in an apocalypse would be pretty fun imo. Even if I didn't last long.

>> No.10231138 [DELETED] 

Just wait for fusion power to be perfected, that will be the true golden age. We'll be harvesting mini suns for energy and oil will be worthless.

As for resources, just look at the massive price drop of gold and silver as of today. We're not even close to running out.

>> No.10231144

It won't happen.

>> No.10231154

>As for resources, just look at the massive price drop of gold and silver as of today. We're not even close to running out.
These two sentences are not even remotely causally connected.

>> No.10231158 [DELETED] 

You should read more modern science articles.

The only issue right now is synthesizing/finding an affordable substitute for platinum.

>> No.10231160 [DELETED] 


That's not what you mom said when I drilled her ass last night.

>> No.10231170

Unfortunately, nuclear fusion is hard to use.
Fortunately, modern nuclear fission reactors can be incredibly safe (some designs are impossible to cause meltdown in), and we have enough fuel to last for thousands of years at our current usage rates.

>> No.10231180 [DELETED] 

One word:


>> No.10231191

One sentence: RBMK reactors differ from light water reactors.

>> No.10231207 [DELETED] 

One problem:

Public opinion and ignorance

>> No.10231348

26, dropped out of school in grade 8, haven't left my house in 13 years, never worked a day in my life, no marketable skills outside of edging for 8 hours/anime/video games, severe GAD/Agoraphobia, can't sit on hard surfaces or my nuts hurt, out of shape, dumb, non-creative, math anxiety so I can't count money in public (cashier), driving causes me anxiety due to living in a severely crowded city full of FOBS and sensory defensiveness.

so... noose tester?

>> No.10231427

>current usage rates

Exactly. And when there's a mini nuclear fission reactor in every new car, we might have enough for 10 years.

>> No.10231454

When Chernobyl happened, an average computer could run at about 8Mhz.

Technology has advanced a bit since then.

>> No.10231553
File: 80 KB, 1024x768, ZzzZzzZzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently got a job stocking shelves over night at the grocery store. I can't say it'll be like this for any other location, but there's no manager all night, and we get to take our lunch break whenever we want. You don't have to deal with customers, and it gives you get a valid excuse to sleep all day and avoid your family. Best part is they let me listen to my music while I work. Also I started out at $9/hour cause it's overnight. It is physically grueling at times though, but you get used to it.

They fucked up in staffing and now they have too many people in my department though, so they need me to work in during the day if want more hours. I am insanely depressed over this.

Working overnight is still work, but it's much more NEET-friendly than your average job, and it's usually not too hard to get one since no one wants them.

>> No.10231560

Do people actually between social anxiety and "math anxiety?"

>> No.10231562
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 226923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working overnight is still work, but it's much more NEET-friendly than your average job

>> No.10231581
File: 93 KB, 1024x768, WAKE UP!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10231623


You made the autism flare up because NEETs dont have jobs, but i get what you are saying.

>> No.10231638

A friend of mine works overnight at Walmart and says pretty much the same thing. Nobody gives a shit, he can take breaks pretty much whenever he wants as long as his work gets done. It's something I've considered doing if I ever got forced out of my NEETdom.

>> No.10231648


Checkmate nerd,

>> No.10231932

dont build your nuclear reactor on a volcano

>> No.10232798

Fukushima reaction was a pre-chernobyl era reactor. It was scheduled for decommission a decade ago, but since they couldn't build any new reactors due to pressure from environmentalists, they had to keep the reactor running past its scheduled decommission, since you do actually need electricity.
That and it was hit by an earthquake and a tsunami
