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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 70 KB, 422x750, japanese schoolgirl collapsed in the snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10223298 No.10223298 [Reply] [Original]

The strenuousness of Japanese school life has caused this Japanese schoolgirl to fall unconscious in the snowy December wastes of Nippon.

Will you assist her, nurse her back to health and teach her the joys of a more carefree and spontaneous existence, or will you let the snow cover over her body and conceal her until the snows begin to melt in spring and her preserved body is revealed to the world?

Choose, /jp/.

>> No.10223304

[x]Poke with stick

>> No.10223303

I'd take her shoes off and jerk off to her feet.

>> No.10223305

I'll bury her in snow and she can be the ice girl of Hokkaido

>> No.10223308

I feel pretty bad about myself because I could seriously consider walking away.

>> No.10223310

Can I be a girl if I help her?
I mean, that's what I'd do anyway, but it'd be cool if I were cute too...

>> No.10223314

assist her

>> No.10223318

[x] Take home, close in the basement and rape

>> No.10223315
File: 74 KB, 537x523, japanese schoolgirl looks skeptically at you as she brushes her teeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You monster.

>> No.10223321

[x] Jump in the lake

>> No.10223324

You shouldn't. You're honest, that's nice in itself.

>> No.10223330

I would take her home and feed her a bowl of eggs when she wakes up.

>> No.10223334

I would ask if she's okay and call the ambulance if necessary.

Yeah, I'm that kind of faggot.

>> No.10223349
File: 410 KB, 250x251, 1323950801193.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the feeling when your dick slides past her cold outer skin into her warm vagina

>> No.10223348

avg nice guy MC

>> No.10223360


Necrophilia is my fetish.

>> No.10223359


If she was 2D maybe.

>> No.10223367

I would make sure she's really passed out, then I would feel her up just to get it out of my system, then I would call for emergency services.

>> No.10223372
File: 415 KB, 293x228, 1353552595210.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's probably the type of girl who would not appreciate waking up to the face of a smelly oily otaku virgin who looks like a beast but is a totally nice guy. When she freaks out, kicks my balls, knocks over the porridge I made for her and dashes out with her cellphone while calling for the cops I'll remember that I'm not beautiful enough to help anybody as I walk down the green mile for murdering a girl's expectations.

>> No.10223377

I want to lay down beside her and curl into the fetal position.

>> No.10223380

Call her a dork, and go back to tending my shop.

>> No.10223387

You may be on to something.
Perhaps it would be best to just join her and lay down next to her.

>> No.10223390

Then you can be together in the afterlife.

People will think you were lovers who made a suicide pact.

>> No.10223394

>teach her the joys of a more carefree and spontaneous existence

M-manic pixie dream otaku~?!

>> No.10223396
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This is nice. I like this.

>> No.10223405
File: 170 KB, 500x547, 1352132714373.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't help grannies.

>> No.10223408

I'm going to go with these guy's answer, sure you'll be cold for awhile but then you just get to drift off.

>> No.10223410

No, I'd cradle her in my arms, begin to cry dramatically until I draw a crowd all while shouting "助けてくれ! ! ! ! " and repeating her name over and over.

>> No.10223437

/a/ tier thread

fuck that gook whore

>> No.10223454

I call her a dirty slut to impress /jp/, then me and /jp/-kun walk away hand in hand. GOOD END

>> No.10223463
File: 26 KB, 437x471, 1351445139986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epic, Simply Epic.

>> No.10223481

I'd take care of her and hope she loves me

>> No.10223509


>> No.10223527

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10223531


>> No.10223554
File: 247 KB, 740x493, 1355530853446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would free her from her captivity in such an evil nation and take her with me back to the U.S.A.

She can feel the freedom on her face and breathe in all that open space while we ride ATVs and shoot guns on my 55 acres of beautiful Montana land.

No Japanese girl can resist the charm of a wild American cowboy.

>> No.10223562


>> No.10223567

That perfect hime cut...

>> No.10223568

A modern romantic, truly beautiful

>> No.10223583


>> No.10223581

[X] Touch fluffy tail

>> No.10223595
File: 50 KB, 495x309, 600full-legends-of-the-fall-screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Then one day you go on a hunting expedition into the mountains of Montana and you are attacked by the grizzly bear that you fought in your youth.

The bear defeats you and you never return home. Every day your Japanese wife will walk to the top of the mountains and play the lonesome song from Legends of the Fall on her shamisen.


>> No.10223601

Why would you torture her by taking her away from freedom and putting her into "freedom"?

>> No.10223610
File: 552 KB, 763x2415, 13548117910431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The fate of every Japanese person.

This is no life worth living. Living lives of depression inside of the concrete prisons that we call cities. Freedom is living in a big open space where there aren't any humans for miles and miles and you can bask in the beauty of nature.

>> No.10223611 [SPOILER] 
File: 229 KB, 700x536, ZabuzaHaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10223618

I'll trade you NJ for Montana.

>> No.10223620

I choose to report this thread for it does not belong in here.

>> No.10223621

nope, I wouldn't teach her that

but I would appreciate if she helped me with my japanese

>> No.10223624

You may want to review the global rules before posting, too.

>> No.10223631
File: 173 KB, 786x596, hippy-bus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and teach her the joys of a more carefree and spontaneous existence

I wonder how most Japanese people would react if they tried psychedelics.

Would they lash out against the stressful and soulless lifestyle that was forced upon them and start a rebellion similar to a Japanese version of the hippie movement?

>> No.10223637 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 720x478, fuckthefuzz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call the modes i dont give a fuck

>> No.10223649

why eggs?

>> No.10223663

Nature is shit m8

>> No.10223680

Nature is beautiful. You suck.

>> No.10223738

>Basking in nature
>With predators waiting to feast on your flesh at every turn

>> No.10223751

When I was a kid I used to look at apartment buildings with disbelief and wonder why anyone would want to live in one. I still remember how cities felt profoundly wrong and depressing.

>> No.10223756

I have read them. I also dont give a fuck about that rule. Im holding onto ancient /jp/ traditions unlike you.

>> No.10223784

Which means you are deliberately breaking the rules by reporting this thread. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.10223788
File: 57 KB, 820x648, 1355528188923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>With predators waiting to feast on your flesh at every turn

Predators are just free meat.

Man is the greatest predator on this planet. We can blow a grizzly bear's brains out before he even sees us and if a bear walks onto your property then you can casually pull out your shotgun and take him down before he gets anywhere near you.

>> No.10223803

Keep fighting the good fight comrade

>> No.10223806

Come back a day later, warm her up in the oven for a couple of minutes, perfect.

>> No.10223821

It looks like shes doing an upside-down snow angel
I'd make one with her

>> No.10223843

the second one because the way you described it was funny and I laughed

>> No.10223912

>The strenuousness of Japanese school life has caused this Japanese schoolgirl to fall unconscious in the snowy December wastes of Nippon.

What I would like to imagine doing is kidnapping her, but I'm not really sure how I could get a body out of the country.

What I would really do is say, "Hey!" and maybe poke her a few times to see if she was conscious.

>> No.10223919

What I'd want to do is put my wiener in her
what I'd probably do is stare at her for 5 minutes and walk away

>> No.10223992

I support this.

>> No.10224040

Support this!
*whips out back*

>> No.10224274

I doubt she'll call the cops. She'll most likely just call her friends and they'll beat you up and take your money and cell phone.

>> No.10225293


I still havent died

>> No.10225320

Do this, but write "suicide spot" with my urine.
Thus, i'll start a habit, like that forest where people go to hang themselves, i'd have this snow covered street, maybe the police will do urine tests and realize that it was me who wrote it, so it will be named "anon's suicide snow".
It'll be so poetic and romantic,

>> No.10225385
File: 81 KB, 550x290, DeformedManEndPlace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anonymous End Place.

>> No.10225535

>see girl
>check temperature
>Princess carry home
>warm bath to return her temperature to normal
>make her tea and soup/porridge
>let her stay until she's competant or feels like leaving
>implying im worried she'll steal my shit. People call me paranoid, but i keep everything under lock and key, save furniture and useless bobbles.

>> No.10225546

Then she dies and you're arrested for murder

>> No.10225552

fugging epic story bro

>> No.10225567
File: 37 KB, 228x337, Abdock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True enough, the judiciary is garbage until you reach the SC. But, you all risk criminal negligence if you see the girl and ignore her.
Of course, I'm a mach manly man, so things of this nature are no problem.
>look at my pic related body.

>> No.10225581

> But, you all risk criminal negligence if you see the girl and ignore her.
Since when is ignoring someone in danger a crime?

>> No.10228560
File: 114 KB, 500x363, retards2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Man is the greatest predator on this planet.
It's hubris such as yours that really gets humanity into deep shit. Funny how big strong smart man can still get his ass kicked by a tiny fucking sack of RNA floating around. Not doing awesome on the antibiotic resistant bacteria side either. Special thanks to dumbshits who use antibiotics on colds or who don't bother to finish the regimen. Please wave your penis after you find a way to keep viruses, bacteria and just about every other micro-organism at bay. Rather than bears, they're the ones that like to kill us alot and we're still at their mercy. We're far off from controlling nature and her threats.

>> No.10228566


>> No.10228575
File: 6 KB, 264x400, 1346553724131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to say I'll help her, but I've been in a situation like this before and I did nothing. In 11th grade, I was being cooledgyguy pose during a lunch, while the cool kids gathered around my awesomeness. Most people were in line to get their food and it was just a few us there at the time but anyways, a girl passed out because she hadn't eaten anything all day and had low blood sugar, everyone freaked out and I kept eating my corn dog calmly since I didn't know what to do. Like 20 seconds later someone ran up and picked her up and took her to the nurse.
School lunches used to have the best corn dogs, but later on they started to make them greasier and greasier. I couldn't even eat them anymore since I'd have to squeeze the oil out of them if I wanted to eat a dry food and not a soup in a corn shell.

>> No.10228587

I wouldn't kidnap her if that's what your asking

She's too old

>> No.10228596

If I help her will she fall in love with me? Is that how romance works?

>> No.10228620


This picture is reminding me of something but I don't know what it is. Does anybody know what I'm trying to think of?

>> No.10228629

Are you serious.
I hope it's just because you're ignorant of your country's laws that you think so.

>> No.10228643

Greasy fried food is a sign of poor temperature control of the oil.

>> No.10228678

It depends on what country you live in.

>> No.10228695
File: 142 KB, 484x535, 13ac060a19ac18e48a0c95bcab77313a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great post-/q/ thread

/jp/ related because it mentions Japan in the OP
