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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 19 KB, 450x317, 2012-12-11T010207Z_1_CBRE8BA02VL00_RTROPTP_2_JAPAN-ELECTION[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10222724 No.10222724 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/,
how will the shift in ruling party after the Japanese election affect my animes and video games?

I trust you in these matters

>> No.10222729

It won't.

>> No.10222736

no nihon product to stupid gaijin 

>> No.10222740

Have the new laws about copyright infringement hindered anything from getting uploaded?

>> No.10222752



>> No.10222763

They're putting forward a bill to ban all anime featuring females under 20.

Anime is finished.

>> No.10222767 [DELETED] 

Actually yeah.

>> No.10222778

It won't.
Abe is a right-wing clown that probably won't last long given his track record.
I'm curious to see him weakening the yen though. Would be about time.

>> No.10222781

Like what?

>> No.10222783

It figures that once I actually start to make some progress with my Japanese, Japan increases the severity of its copyright laws. Why didn't I see this coming? Is this a conspiracy against me?

>> No.10222784

It's time to vote Homu into office

>> No.10222786

Aren't those fuckers going to resign in a few months anyway? Or is it just the prime minister?

Japs have no sense of responsibility.

>> No.10222788

Japan needs communism.

>> No.10222793


>> No.10222794

Some might argue that the US does too,

>> No.10222796

Everyone needs communism.

>> No.10222801


Eh?! Embargo? Impossibiru!

>> No.10222805

If that were to happen I would not care.

It just means that my ideal title of having a slice of life show about cute office ladies doing cute things would become reality.

>> No.10222811

That sounds great, it's a shame I made it all up

>> No.10222819

I know, I'm just putting my idea out there.

Cute office ladies is an untapped genre.

>> No.10222820


>Cute office ladies is an untapped genre.

No, there various manga labout that

>> No.10222823

>Cute office ladies is an untapped genre.
It is untapped for a reason. It's a stupid and boring idea.

>> No.10222824 [DELETED] 

Various anime BDMVs (E7Ao for example) and share/pd.

>> No.10222825



>> No.10222829

>and share/pd

Do you mean on share/pd?

>> No.10222835

I haven't seen or heard anything about them so therefore it's an untapped genre.

There needs to be a rich entrepreneur who will take it upon himself to produce a show about cute office ladies.

>> No.10222836

Seems like these fuckin' gooks need more nuking.

>> No.10222842 [DELETED] 

Huh? I meant generally stuff on share/pd.

>> No.10222843
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>I haven't seen or heard anything about them so therefore it's an untapped genre.


>> No.10222847


I hear ya. What city should we hit? Wanna just blow up Tokyo?

>> No.10222851

No way that's where comiket is let's nuke kyoto instead.

>> No.10222853

Ultra patriotic conservative PM who loves nuclear plants and wants a japanese military? And he has the absolute majority?


>> No.10222857

Japan needs to grow its balls back. This is a step in the right direction.

>> No.10222858


This guy's rite
Gotta hit their spirit

>> No.10222861
File: 110 KB, 300x300, 1280264115319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Japan turning more conservative means more NEET and Suicides, right?

>> No.10222870

Why didn't Mitt Romney run in Japan too?

There's a lot of Mormons in Japan, he could have won.

>> No.10222878

I don't see how this can be good for people like us. These ultra-right shitstains need to be exterminated so I can freely enjoy animu land.

Also Japan didn't have any balls to begin with. All of their wars(including the civil ones) are known to be savage bloodbaths and major killings/rapes of civilians.
Give them a weapon and they'd turn East Asia into another Africa.

>> No.10222884


I want to be raped by a strong Nihon infantryman.

>> No.10222890 [DELETED] 

This is actually tangentially /jp/ related since it affects all of /jp/'s content in a way.

>> No.10222886

Epic thread, thanks mod or whatever the fuck are you.

>> No.10222891

He couldn't even win in his own home state in his own country.

He should have been executed as soon as his failure was announced. He should have been made an example.

>> No.10222892

Whenever I go, I must also rape.

>> No.10222893
File: 83 KB, 649x768, downfall_Map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my wet dream to pull off Operation Downfall.

>> No.10222896


>> No.10222916

HaHa that will be the day. They would have to amend parts of their constitution before anything like that can happen. The US did a fine job castrating the military at the end of WW2.

>> No.10222918 [DELETED] 
File: 143 KB, 1005x1049, 12-16_16-32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boy, I sure wish I knew what was going on ITT.

>> No.10222919

What do you mean? What's stopping them from making something like a referendum to see if japan would like to revert to the old constitution? Is there a clause saying they'll get invaded if they do?

>> No.10222923

severe case of mental retardation

>> No.10222925


>> No.10222927

Political inertia and people don't really want to anyway.

>> No.10222936

The treaty they signed at the end of the war. Although it hasn't stopped counties before.

>> No.10222940


Maybe you should stop censoring things for yourself then.

>> No.10222941

It kind of makes me mad that he is hiding posts that use sage. He is obviously a crossboarder who does not understand what sage function is for.

>> No.10222956

Banzai Japan!

>> No.10222962
File: 262 KB, 1400x787, fat1355671086123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Banzai Japan !!!

>> No.10222965 [DELETED] 


There's no such thing as a polite sage unless you're correcting a mistake. It's either an expression of disapproval, a correction or clarification, or you should bump the thread.

Faggot sayjaroo.

>> No.10222972
File: 23 KB, 638x360, fucking conspiracies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking conspiracies

>> No.10222980


No, you.

>> No.10222981

smelly, dumb, crossboarding scum: >>10222972

>> No.10222975

Please stop being wrong.

>> No.10222979
File: 41 KB, 607x343, 7e212ac0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good bye, stupid gaijin.

>> No.10222988

I'm serious. Please learn what sage function does. It isn't hard to understand. I realize that most boards on 4chan do not understand and are idiots, but that is not an excuse for you to be an idiot too.

>> No.10222996


>> No.10222995

Can anyone name a few? It sounds interesting.

>> No.10223000 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 339x156, 12-16_16-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Waah, everyone else is wrong but we're right.

No, you're not. Pic related. I'm glad I could help you stop being retarded. Now please bump threads unless you don't like them or are correcting a mistake.

>> No.10223011

Moot doesn't have any say in what sage does. He didn't create it. Sorry but his description is wrong. I'm going to stop responding because I think you are a troll. So feel free to get the last word, Mr. Trickster.

>> No.10223013

Just leave the damn board you retard.

>> No.10223016

How is that inconsistent with what he's saying? It's meant as a polite gesture to not bump the conservation to the top of page 0 for people who it might inconvenience.

>> No.10223019

Office Romance: Women's Division


Its a slice of life and it has OLs.

>> No.10223020 [DELETED] 


>Waah even the administrator is wrong. I'm right!

Jesus you're a faggot. What is so hard about not saging?

>> No.10223029

so new it hurts

>> No.10223034

Are you clinically retarded? There is no need to bump a thread in a board that is so slow that even if noone replied to it for 10 minutes it would still stay on the front page.

You're also stupid to believe that everyone treats sage in the same manner just because moot said so you brain-dead idiot. You're obviously new here, either accept it or get out.

>> No.10223036

replying to unfunny trolls is da best

>> No.10223039
File: 278 KB, 1400x787, fat1355662431519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10223045

The only thing more fun than talking about Japan politics is /jp/ politics.

>> No.10223042

I really wish moot had understand sage so that the culture of idiocy around it would not have take root on 4chan, but I guess I can't blame him too much since he was like 15.

>> No.10223043

Epic greentext story bro.

>> No.10223050 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 419x410, 1355088162307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>It's meant as a polite gesture to not bump the conservation to the top of page 0 for people who it might inconvenience.

Does everyone in Japan have asperger's?

Why would bumping a thread to page 0 inconvenience anyway? They take politeness to such a crazy extreme that their mannerisms become so bizarre that it's almost impossible to differentiate it from autistic behavior.

>> No.10223054

Simply epic.

>> No.10223059 [DELETED] 

le upboat

>> No.10223096
File: 318 KB, 1100x1650, berryz32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye, China and South Korea.
Hello, Southeast Asia.

>> No.10223100

kapook? more like kaGOOK

>> No.10223130

Oh boy, sage autism. What fun.
Sage originated on textboards with either no deletion cycle or a really long one. Additionally, 2ch-style BBS-es have a thread list at the tp of the page, which lists all the threads on the first few pages, right there, together, with no need for a thread to be on the first page to be seen. Posting with sage on a site like that does no harm to the thread, as it's not going to die if it's not bumped. On imageboards, especially fast ones like 4chan, if a thread is not bumped evey few minutes, it runs the risk of dying (on the faster boards, that is. A thread on this board may last a day or two with no bumps, depending on whether the board experiences a flood of new threads). Due to this, users tend to view sage as a harmful thing--which, if it's done enough, it can be. However, it is mostly just used to express the desire of a poster to let the thread die faster, since one sage post isn't going to kill a thread.

Which meaning of sage is ``correct''? Depends on the setting. On a slow board, sage doesn't really have any meaning at all. Slow boards require you to go back a few pages to see all of the active threads. On a faster board, a simple F5 will likely give you mostly different threads than were on the board last time you looked. On these faster boards, the high rate of new thread creation means that, if sage is done enough, it can kill a thread, and if it's just one person doing it, it expresses, as I said before, a desire to see the thread die faster.

In both cases, sage does not, in reality, do anything. Neither interpretation of sage is more valid. Just use it in whatever manner the other users of the board tend to interpret it.

>> No.10223273
File: 59 KB, 606x429, APTOPIX_Japan_Emperor_015d7-19371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will become less relevant and almost be seen as increasingly shameful as Japan reemerges with their past military pride. Japan needs an aggressive hero at this time and this man is more likely to bring about a reborn embrace of Japanese cultural/traditional aesthetics suppressed after ww2 with the over all new found hope of Japanese warrior manhood.

I do not think Anime will disappear, but that pitiful moe/hentai gradually fade away and anime will become more similar to violent/in a pop scene sense "badass" and more serious. With that said I think Japanese sexuality will become less suppressed, even though their traditional cultural aesthetics stress the opposite.

This is only going to be possible if the new political movement pulls off something short of a miracle in a Japanese overpowering in international affairs of East Asia or Japanese education/business worlds.

>> No.10223307 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 800x600, 2n19ft0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10223313

Isn't the new ruling party the one that was in power the entire time since WWII other than the last few years? I'm going to guess it won't affect your weeaboo shit at all, /a/v/-kun.

>> No.10223382
File: 46 KB, 520x300, rhapsodyinaugust3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Up until 10 - 20 years ago the ruling party that you're thinking of was in complete power with no other competition, but then a left winged party started and each side has been fighting for the 1 year long prime minister seat; resulting in almost nothing progressive for the state of Japan. This new party is further right winged in public vocally and policy wise than the traditional ruling right wing group.

This new group grew in the thousands over a few nights; taking members from both the traditional right wing and left wing supporters. I'd say that this group will not win election this year and maybe not the following, but they're bound to take power shortly bring Japan into a new unknown era.

>> No.10223557
File: 219 KB, 1400x787, 1355704289624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10223559

I laughed, good job.

>> No.10223580 [DELETED] 

/jp/ hasn't had a mod since a-san

>> No.10223578

So it's true that we don't have a mod again.

>> No.10223613

I can only hope that does not happen. I dont want my anime to change. I do however want my precious glorious nippon people to be more sexually active and create more pure breed japanese.

>> No.10223925

Mods are not board-specific, only janitors are. The people who delete threads and posts are normally janitors. Janitors can't ban, and have to put in ban requests to mods. Please learn the difference!

>> No.10223939

Considering that the LDP had already vowed to put forth bills to criminalize loli? Maybe, assuming they don't fuck up and another election is called in 2-3 years time. It would be a valuable scapegoat to distract the public while they are busy not making any major changes in current policy and worsening relations with an already hostile China.

>> No.10223950

I'd be fine with a ban on loli.

>> No.10223962

Your just tryin' start fights now arent you.

>> No.10223989

This is like the craziest super shitposting thread I've seen in a while.

>> No.10224083 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 400x400, 1328329606474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Janitor, I sincerely hope you die the most gruesome death possible and imaginable. It's incredible how much of an autistic retard you are. Truly amazing.

>> No.10225003


>> No.10225061


>the new political movement

The rest of your slavering isn't worthy of comment, but are you actually so retarded as to believe shit like this?

There is no new political movement, you fucking nimrod. It's not even the same party, it's the SAME DUDE. This spineless bastard was already prime minister once, for fuck's sake. He barely lasted a year and quit in 2007 because his tummy hurt.

>> No.10225063


>> No.10225086

It doesn't effect them or you at all. It really doesn't. Not one bit. They'll do the exact same thing as they always have. Anime and video game industry in Japan is strong. They might mess things up but they won't mess up the economy enough to cause a significant enough contraction to cause anything to happen to your video games and anime.

>> No.10225091

Are you aware of how advanced and developed Japan was when Europeans first arrived?

>> No.10225109

Yeah, not at all.

>> No.10225136

I remember that they were busy raping each other and turning Kyoto into a bloodbath during both Onin war and Sengoku.

>> No.10226324


>> No.10226360

They did (and do) have a better diet than us, and by the 1600 they had better hygiene. But other than these two areas, they were pretty primitive compared with Europe. It's takes a special brand of weaboo to say otherwise.

>> No.10226362

why the fuck is this thread still here

>> No.10226368
File: 86 KB, 500x415, 833342657_a5d25f4502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They did (and do) have a better diet than us

Things change, compadre.

>> No.10226371 [DELETED] 

How the hell do you even eat the middle part?

>> No.10226379

This never stops looking amazing. I want it.

>> No.10226383

It's just a pizza. I actually am mainly confused about the hotdog filled crusts on one side.

>> No.10226392

>But other than these two areas, they were pretty primitive compared with Europe.
The standard of living in pre-modern Japan was fairly decent compared to standards of living in pre-modern Europe. They couldn't compete with an industrialization Western Europe, obviously, but the comparison gets skewed there for obvious reasons.

>> No.10226388 [DELETED] 

Yeah but how do you eat a pizza without a proper crust?

>> No.10226389

One side has sausage inside, the other has cheese inside.

>> No.10226395

The cheese crust is actually normal where I live, but I dunno, the pizza just has too much going on without the hotdogs.

These types of pizzas usually have a crust underneath the outer bits don't they?

>> No.10226398
File: 63 KB, 501x327, cheesy-bites-pizza-7422501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had one of these, and you can either leave the "crust" attached and eat the pizza part, or pull of the pieces of the "crust" and then pick the rest of the pizza up from the bottom. It's not hard, really.

>> No.10226412
File: 29 KB, 469x419, japanese_pizza_being_weird.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I may have figured out its secrets.

>> No.10226416

You don't need to do that, pizza crust is sticky enough that you can roll out the pieces individually and then attach them by wetting it.

>> No.10226438

But they're parallel, not perpendicular.

>> No.10226486

Not the same guy, but I believe one of our regulars became a mod in the past couple months.

>> No.10226658

I always thought that Hokkaido was the large island

I learned something today

>> No.10227935

Abe loves NiconicoDouga.
Aso loves Anime.

Anime will survive.

>> No.10229387

a-are you sure?

I hope they won't put a ban on loli or incest or other not-so-socially-ok genres.

>> No.10229469

Loli causes pedos, ban it.

DAILY REMINDER: Japan did not have a written language until China.


>> No.10230761

That's my only worry, as well.

Except it doesn't. Go look up studies online.

>> No.10230797

Much like most Western countries didn't have a written language until Rome.

>> No.10230802

The sooner that old fuck dies the better.
Pedos never call for the banning of anything.
Therefore, pedos > you.

>> No.10230808

It depends on the pedophile. Some of them call for things to be banned. I'm even sure there are some who have guilty consciences and want loli banned to remove the temptation to look at it.

>> No.10230812

Loli is an outlet for pedos to use so they don't use real kids/porn. I would hope they don't want to ban it.
Suppression leads to violence.

>> No.10230826

Well, constantly thinking about children isn't a good way to avoid being a pedophile, either. Concentrating on things that aren't related to sex seems to be a better option. Catharsis theory has also been disproved by experts.

>> No.10230827

The urges will always return, and months of repressing it a pedo will sooner or later crack and hit up some darknet stuff for release.

>> No.10230833

That's why you ban loli/CP and crack down on darknet sites.

>> No.10230844

Someone just link that university's study directly correlating the decrease of sexual crimes in Japan with the increase in availability of pornography catering to all types of fetish.

>> No.10230847

But he's taking everyrhing more agrsivly now. I stand by what I said.

>> No.10230886

The leftist tears ITT are delicious. Face it, the glorious nationalist Japanese RISING SUN empire is rising again.

>> No.10230893

No thanks, mass starvation and death camps aren't my thing.

>> No.10230907

Neo-nationalism and extreme conservatism kills fun. Fuck off weeaboo, I want my degenerate media.

>> No.10230908

I dunno, the sense of comradery it can bring can be pretty swell. Have you ever tried joining in?

>> No.10230911

Delete this shit fucking janitor.

>> No.10230921

>In March 2007, Abe along with right-wing politicians have proposed a bill to encourage nationalism and a "love for one's country and hometown" among the Japanese youth.

He's the hero Japan needs. Liberals have made American youth hate themselves and their country.

>> No.10230922

Why would you want Ishihara-style (or that young shithead in Osaka) Japanese nationalism?
1) Ban loli, fight otaku media
2) Provoke your neighbours into war
Great ideas.

Why would you support them?

>> No.10230932

Japan has been neutered and turned into America's little bitch. The birthrates are abysmal because men are apathetic and prefer cartoons or other things that are less of a hassle. As fun as certain media is, consumerism can be very detrimental to societies.

"The country I dislike most in terms of US–Japan ties is Japan, because it's a country that can't assert itself."

>> No.10230937

Look where you are

>> No.10230946

Japan had its highest period of economic growth around the period when they were literally occupied and their women were being regularly raped by US soldiers.

You'll have to come up with a better explanation than that.

>> No.10230947

As for loli, I see something being done about it sooner or later. Either they do the sensible thing and go all out into making it super duper porn, only in the hermetically sealed adult room section thing with it, or they pussy foot around trying to define what's aokay and what's not, or they do the stupid thing and cave to foreign pressure trying to put into effect a nonenforceable blanket ban on it. But in the end, it's eventually going to have to be done with, one way or another.

Otaku media is not going anywhere.

As for provoking war, it's not like anything can come of it, the Chinese are doing the same kind of chest beating right now, but thus far all the blood shed has been at home. It's a good angle to unite people in this age where few even know their next door neighbors.

I think a stronger nation will ultimately lead to a stronger industry, therefore I directly benefit as a consumer of their media, as well as the moral victory in seeing a nationalist party come to power in an increasingly westernized state.

>> No.10230951

That's irrelevant. Just because I like certain things doesn't mean that they are beneficial to society.

>In 1990, Ishihara said in a Playboy interview that the Rape of Nanking was a fiction, claiming, ”People say that the Japanese made a holocaust but that is not true. It is a story made up by the Chinese. It has tarnished the image of Japan, but it is a lie.”[31] He continued to defend this statement in the uproar that ensued.[32] He has also backed the film The Truth about Nanjing, which argues that the Nanking Massacre was propaganda.[33]
>In 2000, Ishihara, one of the eight judges for a literary prize, commented that homosexuality is abnormal, which caused an outrage in the gay community in Japan.[34]
>In a 2001 interview with women's magazine Shukan Josei, Ishihara said that he believed "old women who live after they have lost their reproductive function are useless and are committing a sin," adding that he "couldn't say this as a politician." He was criticized in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly for these comments, but responded that the criticism was driven by "tyrant… old women."[35]

The hero Japan deserves.

National spirit and unity comes before economic growth.

>> No.10230956

Individualism also drives economic growth. Look at China. They had national spirit and unity in spades for decades but it wasn't until they dropped it for every-man-for-himself that their economy took off.

>> No.10230968

>It's a good angle to unite people in this age where few even know their next door neighbors
It’s something that can escalate far too quickly and I hope that in 5 years when some of the high ranking politicans in China get replaced, a more careful elite will be in power. Probably idle hope.
We don’t need a Japanese government provoking too. The American military has to be kept close as well, if the US drops Japan (unlikely) then East Asia could be fucked.

>> No.10230971
File: 1.13 MB, 1272x2516, 1342010936833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you judging countries by their economic growth? High living standards + materialism are why the west especially lives in such filthy decadence and hedonism.

>> No.10230972

I'm more impressed but what some halfbred slav managed to do with post Weimar Germany than what the country with the largest available natural resources and population to exploit them with managed to flop around and accomplish.

>> No.10230980

>The hero Japan deserves.
He just makes me cringe.
What a fucking shithead. Fuck his Osaka wannabe fan, too.

>> No.10230981
File: 24 KB, 460x276, Shintaro-Ishihara-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those statements are true.

>> No.10230982

Everyone is aiming for high living standards. It's what drives people. If enough people chase a goal eventually some of them will get there. And economics wins more wars than iron and blood ever will.

He got it thoroughly raped by full-bred Slavs.

>> No.10230986

Universal welfare and humanitarian immigration form a completely fragmenting combination. When working is not necessary to make a living, impressing women becomes the only real incentive to do low-skill work. If you want to rid your monoethnic country of healthy nationalism and take a dump on rational, capitalism-oriented natives who aren't already trapped in debt, just open those borders and start dishing out laziness bux. Collective demoralization is guaranteed.

I hope that Japan won't imitate Europe in this matter.

>> No.10230990

>He got it thoroughly raped by full-bred Slavs.

Well, in his defense, he was totally asking for it.
I might rethink my support if there are plans for full invasions of Russia on the table this time around.

>> No.10230993

There's nothing wrong with economic growth, but the economy should work for the people, not the other way around. Throughout history nationalism has been a large motivator for human action, you'd be surprised what people would be willing to do for their country after they are educated correctly. WW2 is a good example.

>> No.10231001

>WW2 is a good example.
Stories from my grandparents who lived on a border, I’d rather not get the kind of education that leads people to support such a war.

>> No.10231010

Such a war is impossible in this day and age, total war against a major power will end in a "push the button" scenario. The only way an established major power can leave the world stage is through the same means the former USSR did. Modern war is either through the half dozen or so suitable places to proxy, or dick waving with the odd border incident in between.

>> No.10231011

Getting people to fight wars is one thing, which can end in failure just as well as success, but when people are spurred to improve the country through nationalism, it's because of the hope that they will be able to improve living standards their people in the future. This is true everywhere, whether it's Stalin's Soviet Union, Mao's China, Meiji's Japan, or post-war Germany.

>> No.10231015
File: 88 KB, 640x370, pedo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou and comiket is finished.
I can see already see it now, Japan signed the IP agreement with americlap, banned comiket and applied strict copyright and started jailing people for even attempting to run perfect dark.

>> No.10231026
File: 210 KB, 940x1222, paris-hilton-vanessa-hudgens-05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends how you define living standards. There are many ways one could improve the "standards" of one's life, not all being restricted to shiny cars and tanning booths.

>> No.10231032

It’s not impossible. The possibility is still there, it would be devastating but it’s not that unthinkable.
All it takes is a sunken fishing boat with casualties to flip peoples shit.

>> No.10231037

I'm not saying hostilities can't occur at all, but the odds or seeing a war in the same manner of WWII are just as high as seeing one fought in the manner of our ancestors, giving every man in NATO and every man in China a sword and telling them to run into each other.

Either you would have to focus the scale of the conflict to a very small and exact point, or be ready do the cold war thing again.

>> No.10231045


>> No.10231150

My dream of being a foreign mistess to a Japanese traditional man is coming true!

>> No.10231200

c83 is going to get raided and shut down due to pedo peddlers

>> No.10232470

Every time something big happens in Japanese politics everyone seem to freak out, yet I don't think I've ever seen it end up effecting anything.

>> No.10232499

I can't see anyone freaking out. Some people genuinely enjoy examining serious things. Others can't stand it all and interpret it as great ignorance or distress.

>> No.10232510

Clearly my post wasn't limited to just this thread as there would be no way to see the consequences of this already. Theres definitely some serious examination going on this thread though.

>> No.10232527
File: 465 KB, 1280x800, 1355876405028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish there was a far-right nationalist party in the US.

>> No.10232552

Please don't wish silly things.

>> No.10232562
File: 187 KB, 840x557, no more china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our nation will be like Australia.
We also love Koreans and K-POP.
Korean will be new Japanese people.

>> No.10232593

I get what the girl is doing, but what about the people around her, are they supposed to represent the world watching Japan's whale hunt?

>> No.10232595

we only have 2 parties in the US: right nationalist party and far-right nationalist party

>> No.10232608

Correction: right Jewish-nationalist party and far-right Jewish-nationalist party

>> No.10232613

I'm happy the JRP won 54 seats, but I would've liked to see more. Maybe next time.

>> No.10232614


>> No.10232628
File: 138 KB, 1280x720, [gg]_Joshiraku_-_10v2_[1B1DDCA2].mkv_snapshot_04.19_[2012.12.15_16.53.24].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would not mind this if it meant we would get more anime that doesn't take place in a school

>> No.10232634
File: 94 KB, 199x255, 1346908585444.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means more jewry and more restrictions on digital information.

>> No.10232646

>All of their wars(including the civil ones) are known to be savage bloodbaths and major killings/rapes of civilians
What are you talking about? Look at the Russo-Japanese war, for example. Japanese kicking a western country's ass fair and square, and without raping/mass killing civilians.

>> No.10232652


>> No.10232653

>So Japan turning more conservative
You people talking like this realise that this "conservative" (it's centre-right, not even that right wing) party has been in power for like, 53 of the last 57 years right?

>> No.10232655

100 yen went from .80 cents USD to $1.18 USD. I'm fucking happy as hell. Godoka figure just went from like 200$ to 160$

>> No.10232656

those look like high school girls to me

>> No.10232662

Good, whatever it takes to reduce sluttiness and sexual immorality.

>> No.10232663

What happened with the islands

>> No.10232671

that's what the jews want.

>> No.10232675
File: 18 KB, 652x914, MUSSOLINI EL DUCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a modern mussolini.

>> No.10232678

It means more restrictions on filesharing, dummy.

Japan is long past the point of caring about sexuality. Though I agree that people should prevent sexual degeneracy in america and the west.

>> No.10232687

Wouldn't that be a bad thing?

>> No.10232693

They aren't.

>> No.10232694

No, he was a good leader until he was forced to join in with Hitler's Jewish nonsense and other delusions.

>> No.10232704

JIDF spotted.

>> No.10232901
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>> No.10232927
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That's not how it works.

I actually worked at Pizza Hut when they had these. I will create a post describing how if you give me pantsu pictures.

>> No.10232935
File: 17 KB, 275x274, 1353015817506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sausage wrapped with raw dough, cut up and stuck on the pizza to be baked in. Not rocket science dude. No pantsu for you.

>> No.10232938
File: 211 KB, 500x500, 1340152634396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10232943
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, [UTW-Mazui]_Kill_Me_Baby_-_01_[h264-720p][99001B5A].mkv_snapshot_00.45_[2012.01.10_12.09.16].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deny it all you want you know I'm right.

>> No.10232953
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, yasuna - kill me baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can pretend all you want, but you're wrong. You won't know until I get my pantsu

>> No.10232957
File: 199 KB, 1280x1136, 1326368086675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go, what's the secret?

>> No.10232969
File: 181 KB, 500x500, 1340778187884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You take a large pizza crust and stretch it out on the edges, then you lay mozzarella sticks around the edge on one side, then sausages around the other. Then you roll the dough over and press it down, perforate the dough so it doesn't bubble up. Build the pizza.

To make the pieces they use a plastic ring that cuts the crust into inch long pieces. But you can use a knife too. Then you rotate each piece 90 degrees inward without breaking them off, then bake.

>> No.10232983


>comparison gets skewed

You mean your argument falls apart?

>> No.10232984

you flashed your panties for this? you must have secretly wanted to do it anyway.
