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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10217619 No.10217619[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Which touhou's feet would you lick?

>> No.10217620
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How is this even a question

>> No.10217623
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>> No.10217624

All of them because I'm not a faggot.


>> No.10217633

The one with the smelliest ones.

>> No.10217649
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>> No.10217651

That would be Minoriko.

>> No.10217657
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>> No.10217658

Every single one. Except Yukari. Fuck Yukari.

>> No.10217660

None because I am not a foot fetishist.

>> No.10217661

What's wrong with Yukari?

>> No.10217663
File: 1.03 MB, 1600x1200, fc63352564ae2e79b64477b1c24c70de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Enjoy licking Yukari's feet for the rest of eternity

>> No.10217726

Why are you so lewd /jp/, you do things to my dick.

>> No.10217734

Another quality Touhou thread discussing an important aspect of the games. Thank you for it.

>> No.10217740


I will!

>> No.10217742

I bet that has been his plan all along.

>> No.10217754

Another quality post implying primary's threads have more value than secondary's threads.

>> No.10217749

It's janitor-approved and that's all that matters.

>> No.10217760
File: 459 KB, 850x602, Patchy's feet are so CUTE!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop imagining Patchy's feet doing lewd things!

>> No.10217800

God I want to put my dick on her feet.

>> No.10217826
File: 688 KB, 751x1050, 11111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would lick up and down Yuyuko's sternum

>> No.10217892 [DELETED] 

It's board-approved.

>> No.10217937

You can have the feet, I'd be licking that puffy vulva.

>> No.10218134

I don't understand why foot fetishists value the sole over the front of the foot. It's disgusting. The front also has the extra of serving as a clear, continuous surface to go from the foot up the leg. >>10217619 Is the only good picture so far.

>> No.10218171

>It's disgusting.
confirmed for shit taste

You're telling me it wouldn't be incredibly erotic for your favorite touhou to let you lick the bottoms of her feet, while she giggles cutely?

>> No.10218174

Why even bother making these threads or asking these questions?
I would die from over-consuming the shit from a touhous anus, of course I'd like any of their feet.

>> No.10218210

I wouldn't obcess over it if that's what you're asking. I'd rather lick their feet then work my way up her legs.

>> No.10218259

The sole is the best part, I can confirm this from experience. The texture, softness, the wrinkles and smell, it's amazing. Just rubbing your face on a girl's sole or licking it or burying your face in it and smelling it deeply is a heavenly experience. The foot is the most intimate and sexual part of a woman and the sole is best part of the foot.

>> No.10218277

Foot fetishists truly are disgusting. They even have sexual experience.

>> No.10218292

Of course there is a sexual experience since the foot is a sexual part of a woman's body. If you don't understand why it is better than breasts, or ass, or whatever, it is your loss.

>> No.10218295

My sister's feet are right next to my face this second, but she's wearing socks.

>> No.10218321

Tell your sister to stop being lewd

>> No.10218334
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>> No.10218376 [DELETED] 

you fuckers would sexualize anything.
what's next, hair?

[spoiler[that place on the other side of the kneecaps is better anyway[/spoiler]

>> No.10218405

Yukari's sweaty socks...what I wouldn't give to have those in my mouth.

>> No.10218401

sexualize this!


>> No.10218660

What is the source for this? I can't find it.

>> No.10218686

Long hair is extremely sexy to me. It's easily the most important part of a woman to me while fapping.

>> No.10219445


>> No.10219495



>> No.10219499

紫さんのダイエット日記 ~香霖堂地獄篇~

>> No.10219502


>> No.10222871
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>> No.10222966

Best doujin.
