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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10215977 No.10215977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello, /jp/. I've come to tell my story, hoping you will hear me out.

Talking to classmates last night, there were general complaints about a teacher who gave a lecture on Pop Art but didn't know the concept of "blow up". I said I've seen worse.
I had a teacher giving a seminar about Japanese Literature. She was talking about a scene in the book where a woman suddenly claims to his husband and son at the breakfast table that she is the reincarnation of their dead dog. Teacher claimed that's ridiculous, how could a dog possibly reincarnate as a human being. I gave her all of my facepalm and say of course you can reincartnate as a dog or as a friggin stone, that's the whole point to reincarnation.
After telling the anecdote classmates look at me with half smiles. "Reincarnation, o rly?"

Is it really that awkward to expect basic, superficial knowledge of Buddhism from the common public?

>> No.10215984

I dunno. How is this board related, though?

>> No.10215989
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>> No.10215992

Why did you spare the white guy? That's pretty racist, you know.

>> No.10215997

Nerds can't grow facial mustaches. Only neckbeards.

>> No.10216069
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I feel sorry for you being born in America, OP.

>> No.10216077

Stop following me

>> No.10216099

How did you know he was following you.

>> No.10216125

I grew a moustache during November and I usually keep my face shaved for dressing up.

>> No.10216126

Being a souls stuck in stone must blow.

>> No.10216128

how do you know? maybe it's really awesome

>> No.10216191

I know almost nothing about Buddhism, and still I know this fact.
It's a common knowledge, I don't understand why they don't know it. Maybe they're Christians and thought that you are a Buddhist?
You won't have a human consciousness.
