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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10215140 No.10215140 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything that you absolutely hate in various otaku media? I hate when characters wear the same exact outfit for the majority of the story. I guess it's okay if it's a uniform they are wearing but anything else is just ugh no thanks please stop being a lazy fuck and draw something thing else goddamn PLEASE thank you

Oh I hate dense and under-confident protagonists too. I probably wouldn't mind it if it wasn't so overdone.

>> No.10215143 [DELETED] 

I dislike when the protagonist makes a major decision that I have absolutely no control over in a VN, even more so when they choose to do something that I never would myself.

>> No.10215161

Maybe it's just their favorite clothes, sometimes they lampshade this by having a wardrobe full of them.

>> No.10215162

Fucking this.

I love VN's that give you tons of choices.

>> No.10215169

What I loved about Shugo Chara was the fashion.

Amu was wearing different styles almost every episode. It was wonderful.

>> No.10215236

I actually have 3-4 pairs of my favourite clothes. Within any given season I tend to wear mostly the same stuff all around.

I have often wondered why people change clothes for the sake of changing clothes. Just make sure that they are clean.

>> No.10215255

Well, it's not like it costs more, so you might as well get a blue shirt, a red shirt, a gray shirt, if only for the sake of variety, rather than buying the same shirt over and over again.

>> No.10215259

Generic art style. Always keeping close distance to the status quo in aesthetics.

>> No.10215262
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This the the worst type a character can be and it's so overused. It also seems like there MUST be a tsundere girl in every VN or else nerds won't buy it.

>> No.10215290

I guess people having a women Tsundere for them take it as a massive compliment. I would too, but I still hate the tsundere character type

>> No.10215298

The main character in VNs abusing their close male friends and lots of sexist remarks they make about the female cast (Shirou was the worst with this especially when talking to Saber)

>> No.10215305

Tsundere is good if they are actually fucking dere.

I hate huge boob characters who have no point other than having huge boobs. I also hate weird mascot characters that don't talk. I also hate when time passes. Not just time skips, but when shows are in school such that you go through the seasons and they're going to graduate eventually. It's such a series ending thing that it'd feel weird to carry on after. I don't mind them being in the same grade every year or starting over each time.

I also hate when they're missing parents that aren't dead. Just missing, not even at work late, just like "my parents went overseas and I live in this big house alone" type stuff.

>> No.10215327

I hate ditsy meteor tit girls

>> No.10215336
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I always hate it when a character roster is more like a checklist for fetishes rather than a list of interesting characters.

"Let's see... we have girl with big tits and long hair, girl who looks like a loli but is actually as old as the MC, twintail tsundere and blonde haired foreign girl. We need one more. Any suggestions?"
"How about a female character who resembles a pretty, androgynous boy, but in a positive way, coupled with an appropriate 'masculine' outfit?"
"Brilliant, i can already smell the money!"

>> No.10215341

These threads always seem to attract people with only an entry-level understanding of otaku media.

>> No.10215348

Sterile MCs and that they're beloved by all girls.

>> No.10215353
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In lots of Japanese media people will be very blunt when someone messes up at something, and I guess it's just because of their culture but it makes me feel bad and seems mean, like they're bullying or something.

>> No.10215367

I am an enlightened being because I noticed obvious patterns in my entertainment.

>> No.10215379

"I couldn't believe that Sword Girl, lying naked next to me, was the same girl that fought for me earlier against the dreaded shitposting monsters.
Her frail arms were able to wield the Maken Zunibar, yet looking at her petite body I couldn't help holding her against my chest.
She was just a regular weak girl that I, Random Japanese Self-Insert, had to protect."

This kind of shit.

>> No.10215387
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What about the stupid shit you love, /jp/?

I like it when the MC's friend dies/gets injured and the MC's strength increases tenfold and kicks the villains ass.

>> No.10215394

I like when the villains will get progressively stronger along with the MC. I mean, if one of the later villains had shown up earlier MC would have just died so it's good they take his progression into consideration.

>> No.10215527

I hate Mary Sue/Gary Stu type characters with bullshit powers and no real consequences. Like Tohno as compared to Ryougi: the latter has to deal with isolation, external personality conflicts, blood lust, and identity crisis in return for her overpowered abilities while the former is a popular, intelligent, witty, slightly skeptical yet adventurous guy who gets a little woozy every now and then from anemia.

>> No.10216133

Classic tsundere are rather good and sympathetic, especially when they have a legitimate reason to to treat the MC like shit at the beginning. Hayase Misa and Makise Kurisu are good examples.
This. My clothes are always clean, but they mostly look the same. I wear them until they became worn-out or the season changes.

>> No.10216157

I mean, I sort agree, but did you miss the part where Tohno is (basically) dead in a short amount of time or summat? I mean, yeah, sure, bein' Ryougi probably isn't a walk in the park but at least she's got herself a future, sort of.

>> No.10216259

it's weird that you'd consider Ryougi's personality problems as fair tradeoff while Shiki is basically the same, if you remember his story and why Arihiko is his only friend, the bit about having to live constantly seeing death he discusses with Roa. Hell even the parts with Aoko

>> No.10216754

Pretty much what >>10216259 said. Shiki without his glasses starts to get massive migranes as seeing the lines of death is something his brain can't handle and it beings to break down. They both have their flaws for their power.

>> No.10216761

I like it when girls run to school with bread in their mouths

>> No.10216766

The same outfit is understandable, coming from someone who has nothing but red shirts and black pants, that's all I wear. If it gets too hot, I might switch to black shorts, but that's literally the only change between winter and summer.

What I hate is school setting. Massively overused and it's complete shit. Even worse if it's not at all related to the shit the MC is doing, yet there's a in-school part anyway. It's fine if the prologue is school I guess, before shit starts going down, but once it starts the MC shouldn't just go sit in school for half the day 5 days of the week.

>> No.10216815

From memory, FSN did that pretty well. Shirou and Rin start out trying to go to school but give the fuck up about a week into war. That's unless I'm remembering it completely wrong. Which is possible, it's been a while.
