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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10212331 No.10212331 [Reply] [Original]

>For Morinaga, the idea that he supported men who are, like himself, ‘otaku’, is important. Morinaga sees otaku as men who are not good at love and dating. ‘Their opportunities to encounter women fall, and they become increasingly bad at dating women. They fall in love with the 2D female characters from anime and manga. But I want to tell them that human women are also great fun!’

>‘The income-gap is often focused on, but what’s more severe is the gap in appearance. Men who look good get an unbelievable amount of women. There are even men who’ve had relationships with over 100 women at the same time. Consequently, the problem arises that women only focus on one group of men.’

>Morinaga, who has many opportunities to learn about the love lives of these so-called handsome men due to his television appearances, suggests the following.

>As important elements of love, Morinaga raises (1) appearance, (2) wealth, (3) charm, and of these, the most significant is appearance. ‘No matter how much ugly men live it up at go-con group dates, in the end the girls always like the ike-men, that is the men who are the most attractive. But people can’t do anything about the way they look. Therefore, by redistrubuting the wealth, we will correct the inequality.


>> No.10212342

>But I want to tell them that human women are also great fun!

Hm, no.
Whores are more fun and less effort

>> No.10212343

btw im a girl

>> No.10212362

But I am a handsome man and yet still prefer 2D.
I can't afford to give /jp/ my money, if we will even get it at all considering many of us might be cute, handsome fellows as well.

>> No.10212375

What If I'm not ugly but dislike women? Not all otaku are revolting people who don't take care of themselves, that's a stereotype.

>> No.10212394

Then you must be even more messed up.

>> No.10212400

Who cares.
Go to /r9k/ you wannabenormal, nobody will pity you for being a loser here

>> No.10212402

I think the idea presented in OP is flawed. Relationships are supposed to be about love, common experiences and trust. Of course it is important to work with yourself and your image to attract the interest of others, but in the end the love and genuine interest that both partners experience towards one other is what makes a successful relationship. Are males and females really so alienated towards one-other in Japan? It's so sad.

>> No.10212408

Pretty much this. I've had tons of opportunities to get a girlfriend, it's just that I don't want to sacrifice my hobbies over something like that.

>> No.10212411

Well, he asked.

>> No.10212412

What do you mean? Is it so hard to believe that one can simply be uninterested in relationships without being ugly, retarded, insane, or otherwise suffering from some affliction?

>> No.10212420

True, but using a word like "messed up" on /jp/ is pretty pointless

>> No.10212435

Being misfit enough to ignore relationships counts as being insane.

"A mental disorder or mental illness is a psychological pattern or anomaly, potentially reflected in behavior, that is generally associated with distress or disability, and which is not considered part of normal development of a person's culture."

>> No.10212451

Fair enough, I suppose I am insane then. Thank god for that, too.

>> No.10212460 [DELETED] 

Having a mental disorder is pretty much requirement to post on /jp/ and it matters anyways if you seclude yourself from society like /jp/ does.

Mental disorders are just societies way to tell you that you need to take meds in order to be a productive member of society and work your ass off.
Actually I find being friends with "crazy" people much more interesting.
Neurotypicals make me so sick sometimes

>> No.10212471

That means I have lots of mental disorders. I'm not surprised.

>> No.10212496

Having a mental disorder is pretty much requirement to post on /jp/ and it doesn't matters anyways if you seclude yourself from society like /jp/ does.

Mental disorders are just societies way to tell you that you need to take meds in order to be a productive member of society and work your ass off.
Actually I find being friends with "crazy" people much more interesting.
Neurotypicals make me so sick sometimes

>> No.10212502

Man fuck.Meant to quote
Whatever, I don't feel like remaking this post again

>> No.10212533

i've been told i'm handsome numerous times by female co-workers and female family members and i'm still a failure when it comes to women, 3D women that is. Wealth is more important than looks i think.

>> No.10212673

Is this another "the problem is not that women being shallow itself" type of advice?
Not that I care, but this guy should try something else if he wants to get famous or something.

>> No.10215287
File: 440 KB, 1159x991, 1339895786212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The term otaku was born 20-odd years ago because young men who were not good at conversation spoke to others saying "Otaku wa ... " (literally meaning "Your house is... ," but also expresses a slightly distant way of saying "you.").

Stickling for detail and fond of collecting, their characteristics are similar to the "mania" person (maniac), but the word comes from the fact that they say the words, "Otaku wa..." (And how about you?...) when speaking to others.

An otaku is an obsessive hobbyist and generally, the image of these people is one of socially dysfunctional individuals, gloomy, unkempt and possibly with a Lolita complex.

The appearance and behavior of otaku can sometimes give the impression to people that they are potential sex criminals.

Otaku are also not popular among women.

>> No.10215664


>> No.10215667

It's time to join us in 2012.

>> No.10215672

I don't mind changes in language, which is natural and occurs over time, when that change isn't being driven primarily by marketers and retards.

>> No.10215677 [DELETED] 

Get fucked weeaboo.

>> No.10215710

I think that's a good idea. People who have natural advantages in finding relationships should be punished to create more equality for those lacking such advantages. In the past it was easy for most men to get married but due to societal changes women are now following their biology and it is causing societal collapse.

>> No.10215710,1 [INTERNAL] 

I got banned for this post.

>> No.10215710,2 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to the club.

>> No.10215823 [DELETED] 

Get fucked weeaboo.

>> No.10215823,1 [INTERNAL] 

Maybe you'll think twice before back talking me next time.

>> No.10215823,2 [INTERNAL] 

Welcome to Something Awful 2.0 image board edition.

I am going to dox this janitor.

>> No.10215823,3 [INTERNAL] 

Thats not even that bad really, unless you're not allowed to call people a weeaboo anymore.

>> No.10215852 [DELETED] 

Get fucked weeaboo.

>> No.10215866

Stop harassing me. moot is my grandson and I'll have to email him about this if you keep it up.

>> No.10215884

> There are even men who’ve had relationships with over 100 women at the same time.


Anyone weak-willed enough to believe this utter bullshit has it coming.

>> No.10215891

But personality trumps all.

>> No.10215895

I'm thinking he just means one fling right after the other...
Either way, I'm not envious of such a situation. It seems sort of pathetic to me, but people put a lot of value on sex so I suppose it's an accomplishment to have even a fraction of that.

>> No.10215901

Your looks will definitely get you past a lot of starting barriers, but you've got to have a baseline of sociability to keep things going. Or, as you said, lots of money. I think money is sort of the 'instant win' option, provided you have a lot of it. Keep in mind that will only attract scum.

>> No.10215913

A hundred seems a bit high, but professional hosts can juggle dozens of women at the same time. And it's not a "real relationship," but they're paid to make it indistinguishable from one.

>> No.10215953


>A mental disorder . . . is when people stop being normalfags, relative to their culture

Well, okay wikipedia

>> No.10216053

And that's why psychology is a joke.

>> No.10216053,1 [INTERNAL] 

About time someone did it.

>> No.10216053,2 [INTERNAL] 

le feel when your youngest kyoudai had plenty of sex while you are still a virgin....

le feel when you could of done the same but just refuse.

>> No.10216053,3 [INTERNAL] 

le visage quand your imouto had sex with only one man and will soon marry the said man.

le visage quand your imouto is the only female creature that you consider a ningen being.

>> No.10216053,4 [INTERNAL] 

Waiting warmly.

>> No.10216053,5 [INTERNAL] 

Someone make a NEET lifestyle thread.

>> No.10218033


>> No.10218327

Why the fuck all in this life is only about of a god women for being politically correct?

Occidentals don't understand a fucking shit what is being otaku. Truth some otakus are obsessed with that. But think otaku = greasy obsessed retard is ridiculous.

>> No.10218394

I've seriously never heard that word before someone used it two days ago.

>> No.10218397

Sounds like Wikipedia needs to check their privilege.

>> No.10218488

Fucking liberals.

>> No.10218509

>Why the fuck all in this life is only about of a god women for being politically correct?


>> No.10218655

>But people can’t do anything about the way they look.
Bullshit. If you work out and take care of yourself, you can look pretty presentable. And since otaku just basically go to work and then sit home, would it be so bad to lift some weights while watching anime and then doing some crunches between them?

...That's what I do anyway. Even if I'll never go out.

>> No.10218713

No matter how much some people work out, an ugly face will still be an ugly face

>> No.10218757

General fitness does a lot for the looks though. Everybody can still look acceptable.

>> No.10218781

>...That's what I do anyway. Even if I'll never go out.
Why would you go through with the effort of doing this?

>> No.10218798

Women start appreciating other things when they get too old to worship Backstreet Boys.

>> No.10218808

Don't you want to look nice for your lolis?

>> No.10218822

Seems pointless when you can waste that time on something like learning Japanese instead.

Just admit that, in reality you just want to escape the otaku medium and become a normal.

>> No.10218844

I still need to go out and buy stuff like liquor to help me get through days. And general groceries.
Honestly I couldn't live with myself if people at those shops looked at me and thought I was obese or something.

>> No.10218852

I admit that I kinda wish I could, but after years of no proper social contact I'm so awkward that it's not possible anymore.

>> No.10218858

Good body doesn't necessarily equal good face.

>> No.10218872


Why do otaku wear headbands?

>> No.10218876

from that hour long google talk about sex and why liking penises isn't gay, they raised a point about women's attraction towards men that i thought was interesting.

they took data from thousands of case studies that showed women are more attracted to men if many other women are also attracted to the same man. a man who is in demand is more attractive. of all women to choose from, he chooses you. this is demonstrated to be a super exciting concept to a lot of women.

i don't think it's entirely true for most men since we'll fuck pretty much anything.

>> No.10218878


To display their indomitable spirit to the world.

>> No.10218879

If they take the headband off their hair falls.

>> No.10218900

Why do these threads get so many replies

>> No.10218917

>As important elements of love, Morinaga raises (1) appearance, (2) wealth, (3) charm, and of these, the most significant is appearance.
How shallow!

>> No.10218920


Why don't they just cut it so they don't have to shampoo it as often, or do other maintenance, allowing more time for otaku-related endeavors?

>> No.10218951

wasn't saori just faking her power level in that show? she's actually ballin rich. rich people can't be such high-level otaku.

>> No.10218967


Saori is an inheritor of her family's fortune but doesn't run any business, she has to dress normally around them but dresses the way she wants to in public. She is truNEET because she doesn't have to work and she can pursue what it's important in life.

>> No.10218988

I find it ironic that I only learned where the term came from a couple years ago, some time after trying to get close to a girl and actually being unable to use anything other than the formal pronoun (Spanish) when talking to her, something that young peers probably haven't done in 200 years.
I must really have looked like the retard I am.

>> No.10218995 [DELETED] 


>le mexican otaku face

>> No.10219053

I may be ugly but that doesn't mean I want a girlfriend.

>> No.10219134

Not like there is a (non-slutty) girl who wants to be your girlfriend either.
I'm ugly too, and I realized this harsh truth long ago.

Non-sluts prefer 1. looks, 2. money
Sluts prefer 1. money, 2. looks

>> No.10219152

B-but I can be funny and witty and romantic? What do I get?

>> No.10219159

I wasn't aware that /jp/ is full of ugly people.

Dammit, I feel a little out of place now, seeing as I am at least a solid 8/10 on a bad day. I feel weird around you goblin-looking motherfuckers now.

>> No.10219182

I work out because I'm afraid of being mugged or raped when I go outside.

>> No.10219193


>> No.10219195


Don't make me suck your cock, dude

>> No.10219198


>> No.10219219
File: 262 KB, 650x842, DRIVER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no gf thread?
>tfw no qt gf

>> No.10219235

"tfw" I blow your fucking head apart, outsider fuckstick.

>> No.10219244

I don't feel anything like that. Go away.

>> No.10219247
File: 49 KB, 680x511, BRTky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10219251

I don't understand how these people are so incapable of recognizing silly joke posts. Are they literally autistic?

>> No.10219255

[wubetch increases in volume]

>> No.10219263

I was joking, therefore it is you who did not comprehend my joke and is autistic.

>> No.10219273


>> No.10219280
File: 35 KB, 117x176, backpedaling.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10219296

Umm, someone want to explain to me how taxing "handsome men" is suppose to level the playing field for otaku men, who are "supposedly" too ugly or "lack money" to get married.

One has to remember that the main point of this is for marriage and not "love" in the truest sense. Its hard for a economy like Japan's to pad their bottom-line if their people aren't getting married and subsequently having babies ( a market demographic that spends the most over a long period ). Don't believe the hype, fellas. Japan would have to examine their root causes to their problems to deal with their dismal dwindling population numbers and the problem IS NOT "otaku", and not "handsome men," or "women"/ "women's rights" or whatever the fuck.

>> No.10219318

same shit would be happening in USA if not for all the immigrants dropping babies. white americans will be a minority by 2043.

no fucking way would japan ever accept that. even a non-jap population of around 2% is enough to make the old racists moan. imagine the shitstorm of right wing rage if they started letting negros and muslims in.

never going to happen. they will end up doubling the monthly child benefit and birth payments at least to make it affordable to have kids. free day care from all the old people would be a good idea too so that women can work and have kids more easily.

>> No.10219351

>never going to happen. they will end up doubling the monthly child benefit and birth payments at least to make it affordable to have kids. free day care from all the old people would be a good idea too so that women can work and have kids more easily.

Yeah, they've done that some years back and yet still they struggle. Other social pundits their have lamented that they are already at the "point-of-no-return," claiming that if every woman who is of child-bearing age had at least three kids among them, it still wouldn't be enough. Wonder how the japanese will deal with that reality in 30 some-odd years, since they clearly have their heads in the sand.

>> No.10219384

I see fat slabs of humanity, addicts with terrible life problems and fucking goblins with wives/girlfriends everyday. This Morinaga guy simply has no game and should probably just give up.

>> No.10219471

Genghis khan

>> No.10220336

Sounds like a problem that we're going to have to solve ourselves, /jp/. Time to rev up the Hyper Weapon.

>> No.10220352 [DELETED] 

Can probably skip the part where you fuck women half your age or anything to do with smelly whores at all.

And the part where your family thinks you're cool, but the rest of it's true. Don't know why dude in the OP is lamenting, he's already living the dream.

>> No.10220369

Sorry, every woman on the planet is a horrible wanton whore. I want nothing to do with their kind any longer. Let oblivion come.

>> No.10220389

Anon please, I read in the paper the other day and white's will still be the majority in America with a 47~%

>> No.10220393

What if white people get bred out because we have no interest in reproducing?

I think it'd be pretty cool, 1000 years in the future there will be this mythical race of pale people that existed long ago.

>> No.10220397

It's sad that there are so many people here who delude themselves into thinking that all women are childpopping, attention whoring, slut-golddigger-feminists. It's silly to judge a diverse group of people by their loudest members. Just how autistic one most be to forget that they too are people who deal with same shit as everyone else.

>> No.10220411

>Whites are the the only people with pale skin
>Blacks are the only people with dark skin
>Besides these, Mexicans, and Asians, there are no other ethnic groups

>> No.10220414

Shut up, you lonely sow.

>> No.10220416

Women aren't people.

>> No.10220431

Whoa! Where did you quote that from?

>> No.10220489

i would sell all of my animemerchandise and delete all the anime from my harddisk, if i get a girlfriend and she dont like my hobby.

>> No.10220495

Everything that is wrong with women is due to biological reasons and the same goes for Negroes. I'm sorry you did not realize this sooner.

>> No.10220500

I'm beginning to think /pol/ will never leave.

>> No.10220552

I don't know what they taught you. But it's not pathetic that you don't have any women (or men). It is, however, very pathetic to be so fixated on men/women. It's like talking about how to make lots of friends. That's why no one takes you seriously. You just don't do that. "Human women are great fun"? What is this, a theme park with mass manufactured toys? And please don't pretend that you're giving advice. The world is not so boring that everybody will have the same ideas when it comes to choosing people they want to hang out with. Your rant is so depressing that listening to it would give me the impression that the world is so bland and boring, that life was just a pointless Darwinian rat race catering to the lowest common denominator, if I also didn't know it was also total bullshit.

I just saw my professor whipping out his Ubuntu laptop with a TTGL wallpaper the other day during a class presentation. The day after, a girl was reading Snow Crash in my differential topology class and when I talked to her she could name drop her favorite sci fi novels. One of the many joys of life is that it is always full of surprises. If the people don't surprise you, then it's just a sign that you're not hanging out at the right place. And this coming from a guy who never shows up at parties.

If you enjoy being with someone and can relate to them in so many ways, you'll know it, and you'll also want to give them joy in return. You don't need anybody's advice to do so.

>> No.10220564

i failed diff top

she wouldn't want to talk to me

>> No.10220569

did not read

>> No.10220579

Why would you want them to leave? You should be thankful for the cultural enrichment.

>> No.10220901

>I just saw my professor whipping out his Ubuntu laptop with a TTGL wallpaper the other day during a class presentation.
lol what a loser
