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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10211811 No.10211811[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I know it's kotaku, but they reference an article which apparently polled otaku to illustrate the difference between male and female otaku. Female otaku are more likely to have a significant other and have sex, but also:


>Another key difference, the Excite piece adds, is that female geeks like characters and the voice actor who brings that character to life—the voice actor must "suit" the character. Male otaku, however, are more willing to embrace the character independently.

Doesn't this prove that female otaku are more shallow? They can't accept a voice without a pretty face to go along with that voice.

>> No.10211820

Why do you give a fuck? Does your shirt say TruOtaku too?

>> No.10211819

who fucking cares

>> No.10211824
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It isn't. How many times have you seen a handsome man that sounds like a dork, or a extremely pretty girl that sounds like a harpy?

>> No.10211825

This is your first time here, right? Next time you should post with a touhou image and pretend as if you don't actually care what you're talking about.

>> No.10211827
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>> No.10211836
File: 13 KB, 379x300, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I know it's kotaku, but

>> No.10211840

Sure are a lot of girls on /jp/ these days....

Or should I say: Sluts.

>> No.10211846
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>> No.10211851


Considering three of my top five voice actors are old enough to be my grandparents and in two cases three times as old as the characters I most associate them with, I cannot relate.

>> No.10211855

Kotaku is even worse than Shitkaku, you should be ashamed of yourself. Also that's totally false.

>> No.10211858


/jp/ is where all the /cgl/ rejects go when they've become bitter old bags

>> No.10211864

>slut shaming on /jp/

Get out.

>> No.10211865

I thought /cgl/ was at least 50% bitter old bags?

>> No.10211866

Epic greentext abuse. You follow 'her' 'please'.

>> No.10211867

Female otakus don't exist. They are just attention whores who are trying to fit in.

>> No.10211868


>> No.10211870

It's because men are lonelier, and are willing to accept anything that has moe eyes and cute hair.

>> No.10211871

>and pretend as if you don't actually care what you're talking about.
This is your second time here, right?

>> No.10211873

So women can't experience loneliness?

>> No.10211887

No, they can't. How could you be lonely when you have a vagina?

>> No.10211889

Nice sexism sperglord. Just because you can obtain sex more easily doesn't make you any less lonely. There are women who have sex with tons of men who are lonely at heart.

>> No.10211900

>tfw /jp/ is becoming more progressive
>tfw you're impressed and would actually consider dating a /jp/er now

Keep it up /jp/.

>> No.10211901

Why are you even replying? Wasn't my sarcasm obvious?

>> No.10211902

So stating the truth is now 'sexism'?

>> No.10211903

Hey guys, the "pretend it's 2008 thread" is over here:


>> No.10211904
File: 164 KB, 1201x1284, jesus fucking christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Choosing to be lonely because your standards are too high to date the pussy beta guy is a lot different than being lonely because no one wants you.

Look at this horrible image for example. There is no woman ugly enough to not have a horde of losers chasing after her.
