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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 3 KB, 414x78, 131235416253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10211776 No.10211776 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any decent alternatives to exhentai?

All this "You need 50 posts on the forums and a 2+ year old account to view this gallery" bullshit is really starting to get to me.

Besides the site being managed by obnoxious ponyfaggot jews who make up their own rules and ban you for not blindly following them.

>> No.10211779

Stop posting on their shitty forums you retard. It's a porn site, not a social club.

>> No.10211780

u wot m8

>> No.10211784


Its a porn site that subtly requires you to post on their forums to view their content.

I'm fucking sick of it.

>> No.10211785

>Its a porn site that subtly requires you to post on their forums to view their content.

>> No.10211789


See that image on OP's post?

Yeah, that gallery has not been really "removed".

>> No.10211792

Joke's on you I only browse e-hentai for non-h content. Nothing is blocked and I don't have to make a single post there.

>> No.10211794

Who the hell browses galleries anyway?

>> No.10211797

The gallery must have gotten expunged or replaced. What's this nonsense you're spewing about needing to post on the forums?

>> No.10211799

So many sages around me, I wanna suck them all.

>> No.10211801

I translated porn. Since it is monstergirls, I get hundreds of thousands of points each month.

Ever since then, I have had no isses accessing anything.

>> No.10211802


>> No.10211803

The hell is this guy on about? I've never so much as looked at the forums and I've never had a problem viewing anything.

>> No.10211804

Oh, of course. It had to be a newfriend.

>> No.10211806


>> No.10211807
File: 299 KB, 1366x1042, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feel too well.

>> No.10211808


What bullshit are you talking about?

>> No.10211809

Let the sunshine, let the sunshine in, the sunshine in!

>> No.10211812


>> No.10211813

I just save the images one by one.

>> No.10211815

Never happened to me. My account is like 2 year old and has zero posts.

I usually just login, do my business, and leave. Never had accoint issues before.

>> No.10211816

Get up, stand up, stand up for your thread.

>> No.10211817


Its unavailable for me as well.

The fuck?

>> No.10211821

Do you like humiliating yourself on imageboards, OP?

>> No.10211823

I bet you're the one who posts Danbooru samples here.

>> No.10211826

Uh what? This was duplicate so it got deleted, but that manga is still here:


The fuck you niggas are on about.

>> No.10211828

Hey, any alternatives to ex hentai?

>> No.10211829
File: 161 KB, 1122x554, expunged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


niggers can't into expunged galleries [they aren't really expunged]

>> No.10211831


This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable.

You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.

(Click here to continue)

>> No.10211834
File: 24 KB, 518x432, 1350168091592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hentai? Are you eleven?

>> No.10211835

I can see it fine as well, I guess you're just retarded or something.

>> No.10211841

I don't believe you.

I never posted on the forums, never uploaded anything, I only lurked and I can access it fine.

>> No.10211842

Same problem. What the heck.

>> No.10211843
File: 202 KB, 1249x556, 1216534165231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy

>> No.10211849


lol they "removed" his mixed real series?


>> No.10211850


See >>10211829

>> No.10211854

Do they keep a history of what you viewed?

I bet they always browse through peoples history list and laugh at them.

>> No.10211856

The admin is a fucking ponyfag. How could he laugh about other people.

>> No.10211857
File: 281 KB, 1206x649, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10211859
File: 92 KB, 1257x553, 121563416253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


still can't see them, page 2 has 1 entry

I'm also 100% sure they were posted there.

The galleries are "removed".

>> No.10211869

I can't believe there aren't any online hentai viewers comparable to exhentai.

Just give me a fucking working website and I'll delete this thread already.

>> No.10211875

As said previously, you need to make xx posts on their forum for some galleries that the mods randomly hide.

>> No.10211879

Heres my 2 year old account



Dont use my points please

>> No.10211881
File: 15 KB, 428x116, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10211882

hacked >:]

>> No.10211883
File: 270 KB, 1170x750, ghtrehetr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. I've never used the forum.

>> No.10211884



changing password as we speak ;)

>> No.10211885

Your password is so cute, wanna be friends with me?

>> No.10211886
File: 13 KB, 1092x627, exhentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It doesn't for me. Did you do ANYTHING with your account beside browsing exhentai? I didn't. My account has 1+ year.

That's not cool. Fucking exhentai faggot jews.

>> No.10211888

Joke on you, i only go to this site to play Hentaiverse

>> No.10211890


At this moment I'm guessing it's just an IP hide or something. I might take this to their forums but I don't want to risk a ban...

>> No.10211891


Try just searching for it kudasai. >>10211829

>> No.10211893

So create another account and do it.

>> No.10211894

There will be once moot gets wise and bans them all from posting advertising on his site as though it was content.

>> No.10211896

I have never used the forums or played that game on top. I have no idea of what you are talking about.

>> No.10211897

Exhentai is popular only because it's supported by the people in the "scene".
There isn't an alternative because all the people in the "scene" upload their stuff there, and because the site is so goddamn popular.

Exhentai is the windows of hentai sites, it's accessible and widely supported but it's still a huge fucking mess.
[spoilerPaheal/G.E is the Mac equivalent, and .jp sites/buying your own doujins is the Linux equivalent, respecitively.[/spoiler]
You're just going to have to suck it up and deal with the moneygrubbing ponyfags if you don't plan to read Japanese and get it directly from the source.

>> No.10211898

How do you search with just a URL?

>> No.10211899


Already did moron. All I got was something similar to >>10211859 and >>10211883

If you can't see those two images and tell something's VERY wrong then you're clinically retarded.

>> No.10211905


Already did, still "removed".

>> No.10211928
File: 99 KB, 1212x580, bolze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well some galleries seem to have these. not really a problem unless you cant find it someplace else. which bothers me a bit

>> No.10211945

Go to the scanners'/translators' web site. Don't support content aggregation sites. Danbooru, exHentai, FoOlz and so on are making money from other people's content that they are (illegally) hosting. I don't know why people kicked up such a fuss about eBaum's World yet here everyone is, supporting the same type of site.

>> No.10211946


I just can't imagine how much I'm missing with these fucking retard mods randomly hiding shit for no fucking reason at all.

Not to mention I have zero access to my previously favorited galleries.

Fuck I mad.

>> No.10211962
File: 199 KB, 1317x736, sadpanda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels good to have a privileged panda account.

>> No.10211967

Y-you think you're better than us, anon?

>> No.10211968


how the fuck

How old is your account?

>> No.10211973

I don't think foolz is exactly making a ton of money, they're providing a useful utility, and they started as a translation effort.

Oh I'm sure moot doesn't like them much since they can keep a record of what goes on on his site, but if it isn't foolz, it'll be whosoever's next in line to want to maintain the archives. And it does moot some good because it keeps him more honest than he might otherwise be. Running 4chan must be temptation itself.

The rest of the fags can look forward to burning in some kind of hell, shared with all the jetsetting TV preacher types, that doesn't even exist for the rest of the world, because we're real and both hell and those fags value proposition isn't. It's not for us, it's just for them.

>> No.10211982


why can;t i view those galleries

pls respond

>> No.10211983

It's not just the archive, though Woxxy did run interstitial ads and he was planning on going the freemium route (e.g. paying him would let you skip ads and see full images). Thankfully people bitched, though I don't use FoOlz so I don't know what's changed.

Then there's FoOlz's other ventures:

>> No.10211987

Is it okay if I block all the ads?

>> No.10211995


I have a 4 year old account, have uploaded several galleries (most in good standing), have thousands of posts on their shitty forums and can't view those galleries.

This is very unsettling, but its most likely a bug on their part.

>> No.10211993 [SPOILER] 
File: 866 KB, 1245x687, sfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you use that view?

>> No.10211997

A secret club within a secret club?
That's too much.

>> No.10212001


lewd futaba.

>> No.10212003
File: 455 KB, 853x1400, hayate09_163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foolz makes me so angry, I go to tenmanga to read their stuff rather than give them even one ounce more of traffic even with Adblock at 100% than is necessary.

>> No.10212004

Here now stop whining.

>> No.10212006

Just to add, even though I can see all these galleries that the rest of you supposedly cannot, I have never uploaded a single thing to Exhentai. I have posted a few comments on galleries and upvoted one tag that was "big balls" on some futa touhou doujin.
Other than that, I have done nothing else other than have this account since the week that exhentai was made and the fjords things started.

I don't know what you're supposed to do to see these galleries other than just visit and fap a lot. I like to downvote NTR galleries too.

>> No.10212007

I hate to ask this, and I'm ashamed, but how do I get past the panda in exhentai? I just want tons and tons of shota...

>> No.10212011

What's that? I've heard other people talk about this, but I've never encountered anything of the sort.

>> No.10212010

>since the week that exhentai was made
Points accumulate with time

>> No.10212015

>Oh I'm sure moot doesn't like them much since they can keep a record of what goes on on his site,

And you're okay with this? Do you really want someone to look up your posts 5-10 years from now using a similar posting style search?

>> No.10212018

i've never even been to the forums and i can see everything

>> No.10212019

They don't believe in democracy on e-hentai. Tenboro told me it was supposed to be a "meritocracy" in a PM, when I complained to him about some issues on the site. I guess you better start uploading stuff or grinding in hentaiverse.

>> No.10212020
File: 6 KB, 663x173, points.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you even do with this?

>> No.10212022

No one gives a shit about you. Why would they look up your posts?

>> No.10212023

>similar posting style search
What's that?

>> No.10212026

So why was Forbidden Scrollery removed?

>> No.10212030

because it's an official (non-h) manga?

>> No.10212038

I don't know. Lots of crazy people out there.

>> No.10212067

well yeah basically because I'm not hatching a secret plot to construct loli wifeuu out of paper mashaay and make sweet sweet love to hurr

Also go fuck yourself.

>> No.10212084

Anybody? Please?

>> No.10212095
File: 84 KB, 1629x828, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol ex-hentai kids step up ^^;

>> No.10212102

Everything from there gets uploaded to sadpanda anyway.

>> No.10212104

I'd like to have a local mirror of exhentai. How would I go about acquiring 15TB of storage?

>> No.10212111


>> No.10212112

You don't need to store all 15TB.
If you don't count the Western shit, languages other than english and Raws, 3D, non-h, etc. then it should be a lot smaller.

>> No.10212133

If I'm not interested in anything but The Simpsons and Family Guy porn how much storage would I need?

>> No.10212137

exact same results for me, my sadpanda account is about 3 years old and I played their silly rpg game for a bit for credits if it accounts for anything

never uploaded/seeded a single gallery, never posted on the forums yaddayadday

<s>stopped playing the rpg game after the anti-bot script that pops up every x fights asked me to recognize which pony was on the image</s>

>> No.10212145

you can use it to download stuff directly from the site and for some extra feats in the rpg game/extra slots for fave galleries etc. basically premium feats for the site that you get for seeding stuff

>> No.10212168

>stopped playing the rpg game after the anti-bot script that pops up every x fights asked me to recognize which pony was on the image

Oh wow, does it really do that?

>> No.10212169

That's what she said...

>> No.10212172
File: 50 KB, 770x136, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10212171

Seriously? Is this shit you guys are talking about ITT real, or are you shitting me?

>> No.10212175

Started on April Fools, and he never got rid of it.
It's a fact he's a ponyfag though.

>> No.10212180

>[100 replies] [14 images]
Oh well, at least it's not on /a/ again.

>> No.10212187
File: 158 KB, 828x632, ponyshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10212188

Why do I have top pay the double amount of GP when downloading on sadpanda instead of e-hentai?

>> No.10212189

>You need 50 posts on the forums and a 2+ year old account to view this gallery"


>> No.10212190

What if you honestly have no idea who that is?

>> No.10212195

Oh god what.

I know it's the pink one? So I'm guessing Pinkie Pie.

>> No.10212196

I never understood what kind of fucking idiot thought that font would look good on anything.

>> No.10212200

So seriously, any confirmation as to why some galleries can't be viewed but only by some people? It happens with fjords ones too.

>> No.10212202

Hence the 'Pony Chart' you can click on in the top right corner

>> No.10212203

I know the answer and I don't even watch that piece of shit.

>> No.10212205

That's convenient.

>> No.10212210


I can see that and I have only 20 posts on their shitty forums and I don't think my account is 2 years old.

>> No.10212211


yeah the questions aren't supposed to be hard, they're just here to weed out potential bots

other than ponyshit I encountered some simple math questions and labirynths

doesn't make the ponies any less annoying though, especially since there was no reason to ever introduce them, the other questions worked fine

>> No.10212214

I don't know about you guys, I've never had a problem viewing things.

>> No.10212216

Are these all hidden?


>> No.10212217

But of course. You our on 4chan, the birth place of the brony fandom. If it wasn't for this site, the fandom would be much smaller.

>> No.10212220

Nope, none of them are hidden for me.

>> No.10212221

i can see them, so they're not very well hidden

>> No.10212223

They are for me

>> No.10212229

They are for me.

>> No.10212230


Just opened a handful of them and no, I could see them.

>> No.10212232

They're hidden for me, but my account is only a few months old.

>> No.10212236

The ones I tried are for me, but I can just use the `` Show Expunged Galleries'' option to view them.

>> No.10212240

Also unavailable. So is it just that your account has to be old enough, or made before a specific date or what?

>> No.10212247


Nope. I seed copiously, though. I think I have a ratio of around 12.

>> No.10212244

Maybe it's just there for the people who click on it thinking they need to or they get something out of it?

Just to bait them into posting about it on other sites.

>> No.10212245

Just out of interest, out of those of you that can see the galleries, did you <s>donate</s> at all?

>> No.10212249


No I just made some posts on the forums then after a few days I realised I could then see the hidden galleries. Only made around 20 posts.

>> No.10212250

i havent done shit, but i can still see everything
i never posted on the forums, never uploaded anything, never commented, nothing

>> No.10212251


never seeded, never donated, never posted

all I did was to get some credits from the game and use them to dl a few galleries

>> No.10212255
File: 117 KB, 400x400, laughingwhores.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10212257

I have an old as fuck account, 0 posts, 0 likes and 0 everything. I just log in and fap. Like half year ago I went through all the loli tagged pages. Never had a problem with it, I guess it does matters how old is your account.

>> No.10212259

lol bronate lolol

hey, send me some money for nothing while you're at it, bitch

>> No.10212262

How did this thread get so many replies in so little time? Are we being raided? What gives?

>> No.10212265


report on /q/

>> No.10212266

also i never played the game and never seed torrents unless they only have like 1-2 seeds

>> No.10212267

it's fridey and /a/ is here

>> No.10212269

Lol, I jerk off, what is fap?

Do you need to have an account somewhere?

>> No.10212270

We can't take it easy if they're taking away our porn.

>> No.10212271

Some people post more than once.

>> No.10212277

Can't see any of them.
Also I had to copy my cookies manually to even use ex.

>> No.10212283

Knock it off you lunatic. It's just a popular thread.


>> No.10212281

Why would /a/ be here?

The post rate is way too big for it to be just the same old people posting repeatedly.

Oh cool, you know one of our meemees!

>> No.10212286

post hidden galleries.

>> No.10212287

>Why would /a/ be here?

Are you serious? /a/ crossboarders are always here, it's just when it comes to these kinds of topics they actually post.

>> No.10212288

Yes. So popular my post got four replies in a matter of seconds. Typical popular /jp/ thread. It's expected though, since we're on /jp/'s usual prime time. Right?

>> No.10212291

Okay, so this thing is basically a torrent tracker with web seeds, frequented by idiots who like flipping out at pony bullshit and making things more complicated than they need to be? Hmm?

This will be very successful.

>> No.10212292

How would you know if those galleries could be hidden for some people? Are you a member of ex-hentai staff doing a survey on 4 chan or what?

>> No.10212300


This, I never really post in the

>It's a cock, would you suck it /jp/? Threads

>> No.10212306


No I saved them after someone posted them in a sad panda thread asking the same question.

>> No.10212311

You don't get the chance, unless you mean people reply to those offsite someplace.

>> No.10212312

This >>10212267. If you are masochistic enough to read this thread, you'll see a lot of shitty posting. It's just ret/a/rds and exhentai forum regulars astroturfing.

>> No.10212315

those are from /cgl/ though

>> No.10212323


All of those links are "removed" for me.

Viewed from a 2010 account.

>> No.10212335

> If you are masochistic enough to read this thread, you'll see a lot of shitty posting.

>> No.10212347

I can see everything, no problemo.
Like I said before, I guess it does matters how old is the account. lvl13 hentaiverse. also, that cookie edit trick causes problems with some galleried, bettet just log in.

>> No.10212351

> Gallery Not Available
> "This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable."
> This is not the same as a gallery being deleted or expunged.

They are aware of this issue,

So what's the fix? Just wait it out until your account is old enough to access the privileged galleries? Grind on their shitty game?

>> No.10212352

You can log in to ex? I've never been able to get any kind of login prompt on ex, I've always needed to log in on e- and then copy the cookies over.

>> No.10212361


Just log in on e-hentai and then go to exhentai and it should work.

>> No.10212360

Please do not misuse the quoting function.

>> No.10212365


Please refrain from posting if you're not going to contribute anything to the thread.

>> No.10212368

When I log into e-hentai and subsequently visit exhentai, I am automagically logged in there without having to play with cookies. Normally, I'd investigate just how that works, but I'm too lazy to bother.

>> No.10212369

Negative. I have tried that many times and have never been successful.

>> No.10212371

I am contributing to the thread by urging people to improve the quality of their posting, thus themselves contributing for a better thread and a better /jp/.

>> No.10212374

counter sage

>> No.10212395
File: 203 KB, 800x600, ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10212409

>>10211890 here.

They deleted my thread from their forums.

>> No.10212418

translate it weeb, nsj cant into moonrunes.

>> No.10212427

Is this hidden?


>> No.10212429

>Are there any decent alternatives to exhentai?

Mediafire and torrents. Why bother with galleries?

>> No.10212440

I >>10212240 can see that one.

>> No.10212442

Stop trying to ruin their secret club, faggot.

>> No.10212434


>> No.10212446


So hidden galleries aren't just expunged galleries then.

>> No.10212443

I can see that one fine.

>> No.10212457




>> No.10212464

That doesn't explain why they're not available.

>> No.10212467

This thread has started to worry me. I hope they dont hide some of my favorite doujins...

I go to exhentai because I want to see the stuff that normally gets taken down in ehentai. What is the point if they take it down on exhentai.

Is there a way around this besides sucking admin dick?

>> No.10212470

did you just call hverse shitty?

>> No.10212477

not for me, there must be some trick to this. i know my account is about 3 years old. some are saying you need to post at the forums, or seed some torrents.

but its probably just some expunged galleries or manga. nothing too significant, hopefully.

>> No.10212488

Wild and Horned Hermit is still up.

>> No.10212482

I can also see that and never posted anything on my account? Maybe it's about them banning some IPs from viewing certain galleries?

I had to use this
script to get through it, but I'm not sure if this is the same thing.

>> No.10212499

So where's Maximum Joe. He usually shows up in threads like this maybe he can explain what the fuck hidden galleries are.

>> No.10212490


> nothing too significant, hopefully

They hid the entirety of xration's mixed real series. That's pretty fucking big.

Brandish? Hidden. Begginer Adventurer? Hidden. Those are pretty fucking big 200 image galleries.

>> No.10212491

I have been saying this shit for ages, you idiots. When Cudder comes and forces translators to use a shitty, Cudder-controlled web interface for VN translation, everybody complains, yet somehow when a site does the exact same for H-manga, everybody likes it and I'm apparently wrong for being the only one not to like it.

Can we finally go back to giving names or translator/DDL links when giving source, instead of posting exhentai links all the time? I want to be able to download without having to jump through any hoops or having content inaccessible to me, and to view without being confined to a shitty web interface. Can't we just go back to how it all used to be?

>> No.10212503

I am sending emails to ero manga publishers as we speak.

>> No.10212510


I have a strong feeling Maximum Joe or that fucking faggot Pop9 deleted my thread from the forums. I expect nothing from ponyqueers.

>> No.10212522

MegaUpload is gone, Mediafire constantly deletes stuff, DDLs in the truest sense don't scale well. Torrents are harder to update.

>> No.10212528

It's not like cloud storage is at a premium right now. If someone kept a moderately low profile, things like Amazon cloud could work for a long time.

>> No.10212555

Don't worry, MegaUpload is coming back soon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mega_%28website%29

>> No.10212561


Sweet Jesus

>> No.10212604

Well if you mentioned sadpanda/ex then obviously you're gonna have your thread deleted.

>> No.10212648
File: 81 KB, 1318x781, 14-12-2012 20-29-31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having old sad panda account and hath perks

>> No.10212654


I can't H@H because shit internet otherwise I'd have all those perks.

>> No.10212683


>> No.10212768
File: 2 KB, 140x96, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the 26-40 rows of thumbnails related to donator exclusive perks or are they just disabled? the highest amount of rows one can get with hath perks is 20.

>> No.10212792

If exhentai went down forever I would secretly be vindictively happy.

>> No.10212815

Exhentai makes money from traffic. A thread about it thus ends up in one form or another working as publicity for them. This counts as advertising. This thread has no reason to exist. Now fuck off, astroturfers.

>> No.10212818


nevermind i found the answer. they are donator exclusive. (bronze, silver & gold)


>> No.10212854 [DELETED] 

don't mind me, just testing something

>> No.10213099

There is only 1 admin. He posts MLP to troll (and clearly it works). Also I'm not sure how big of a "jew" you'd be by funding a porn site at a massive loss.


There will be what?

No site has even 20% of the content that E-Hentai has.

E-Hentai does not make a profit. The ads are to reduce costs.

There's a Hath Perk to block ads on E-Hentai.

Democracy isn't a good idea for certain aspects of the site.

50+ posts on the forums.

>> No.10213112

Neither of us are forum mods so no. Also I fucking hate MLP.

That's nice.

E-Hentai wouldn't make a profit even if it were spammed on every social media site in the world.

>> No.10213116


No, Exhentai is the best. I feel sorry for you.

>> No.10213117
File: 32 KB, 640x480, 324768987452211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> funding a porn site at a massive loss.

>> No.10213121

People who are too fucking stupid to post source and instead post links even more so.
What happened to the whole spoonfeeding thing?

>> No.10213123

>Can't access Exhentai?

. . .Jesus.

>> No.10213126

>He posts MLP to troll (and clearly it works).

>> No.10213136

>buying your own doujins is the Linux equivalent


translating doujins yourself and distributing them via usenet/p2p/some other shit would be the GNU/Linux equivalent

>> No.10213141
File: 159 KB, 1361x548, Hijp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10213155


Wait, lemme get this straight.

Exhentai doesn't work for some people anymore? Wow, I've been on the site e-hentai] since 04 I think. Joined Ex-hentai 2 years ago. What's going on here? Now everyone is claiming it's a secret club, WTF is going on?

>> No.10213168

Newfags mostly.

>> No.10213176

who is this self righteous faggot and why does he spew shit like he knows something. on top of that he uses a trip so he is trying to draw attention to himself and prove his self worth to anonymous posters

>> No.10213181

Oh hai.


>> No.10213183

So do you know if there are any special restrictions to viewing certain galleries? I don't seem to have any, but I've posted half a thousand times with ~100 levels in HV. I'm just interested.

>> No.10213189

Has anyone tried asking moot to ban exhentai links?

>> No.10213186

Haven't you heard?
Exhentai doesn't work anymore, you need to pay panda gold for the pony admin's pony figurines to gain access to it.
Either that or join the official brony fanclub.

>> No.10213190

At least he's using a trip, since moot is still all MUH ANONYMITY and won't add IDs on all boards.

>> No.10213192

that does not answer why you feel you have to use a trip

>> No.10213200

There are some random galleries that require 50+ posts on the forums or an old account (1+ year AFAIK) to view them. No idea which ones or why though.

>> No.10213205

How the heck else do I maintain an ID? Should I just let any namefag pretend to be me?

>> No.10213207

Glad I never made an account at that fucking site. I had a feeling it wasn't worth it. This confirmed it.

>> No.10213208

>site being managed by obnoxious ponyfaggot jews who make up their own rules and ban you for not blindly following them.

sounds really familiar to another popular site on the net

>> No.10213211

By not even having one to begin with silly.

>> No.10213218

What /mlp/ tumblr reddit?

>> No.10213230

So I'm supposed to post on the forums to view specific galleries now?

You know, anon. This is one of the very few times that I can see the reasoning behind using a tripcode.

>> No.10213226
File: 620 KB, 750x720, 1340826291572.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I should just answers questions and concerns as another Anonymous just so I won't offend you. Here's a better idea: No.

>> No.10213233

Can you see stuff like?

I'm guessing you need to have some special mod privileges to be able to view deleted galeries.
I can view all of the ``hidden'' ones but not that one though.

>> No.10213245

Nope, I think that gallery was truly removed (as in only the admin can still see it).

>> No.10213246

By getting the fuck out of here, faggot.

>> No.10213241

lol you're not answering my question. you are just like the others who feel they need to have an identity in an anonymous by default image board.

>> No.10213243

>account turned 2 years old two days ago
>7 modpower

Still can't see shit captain.

>> No.10213252

Eh, make a post somewhere and I'll give ya karma, might kickstart your account status.

>> No.10213254

>truly remove
Well then it isnt truly removed if it is still up. even if it is just the admin that can see it

Also I am sure someone will create another site when there are enough people that have had it with the sites increasing bullshit

>> No.10213255



>> No.10213259

You should be ashamed of yourself for working on such a terrible website.

>> No.10213261

You make a new and better site.

>> No.10213262

Funnily enough, exlinks lets me see the title, thumbnail, tags and some other information but nothing beyond that.

>> No.10213265

honestly i don't particularly care

i just think you people running around like chickens with your heads cut off because somebody maybe deleted a gallery somewhere are hilarious

>> No.10213271

>somebody maybe deleted a gallery

I don't think you understand the issue at all. Maybe you should try reading the thread.

>> No.10213276

someone didn't delete a gallery

someone renamed a gallery

somebody put a gallery into the super-secret money-only zone

explain the issue and why anybody should give a shit

>> No.10213272

Why are you lumping me with them? I just answered your rhetorical question is all.

>> No.10213274

Your lack of proper capitalization is driving me crazy.

>> No.10213283

>money-only zone

Donators do not get any special rights.

>> No.10213279

It is truly removed if I cannot see it. Tenboro can see everything simply because he is the admin so I wouldn't count that.

And no one else is ever creating another site, trust me.

Same here, E-Hentai's API allows for some weird stuff...

>> No.10213288

Putting shit when you need to pay on a FREE SITE is stupid.

>> No.10213284



I simply go there to fap and nothing more.

>> No.10213286

The problem here is that I never asked to be fucking force-fed, but 70%+ of the times people give source nowadays they only post a link to this horrible, horrible site. I just want names for source, not this shitty restricted web interface. I can get the doujins myself if I just know what they are.

>> No.10213290

Stop defending your shit website here, please.

>> No.10213291

It's sad that this awful garbage site is the best one available.

>> No.10213296

it kisses up to the higher ups and shows they want more.

>> No.10213297

maybe you shouldn't pay money or use their site if you dislike it so much

>> No.10213298

The only issue here is that you're an idiot.

>> No.10213301

Clearing up false claims isn't necessarily defending, is it?

>> No.10213302

I get that feeling with YouTube links to music, sometimes. Just post the name. Or at least post the name AND the link.

>> No.10213303

Just wait until there is more and more people that get tired of exhentais shit.

>> No.10213308


Make me.

Again there is only 1 admin and the money just helps cover costs, they already get benefits but none of them involve special access to any galleries.

>> No.10213310

okay so there is no actual issue and people have made two hundred something posts about absolutely nothing at all

/jp/ as usual

>> No.10213316

It is far easier to copy paste a link than copy pasting all the relevant information within it.

>> No.10213313

The problem is exhentai has gotten so huge that making a competent replacement would be are gargantuan undertaking.

>> No.10213315

>Make me.

Wow, dude. You are so cool and entitled.

>> No.10213322

Yeah just copying that title line is so much harder than copying the link. Congratulations on being a fucking retard.

>> No.10213321

I dont pay

Having restricted content and can only be viewable shows they need to have a better method for "paying" their site

>> No.10213330

Again, "paying" doesn't get you access to those galleries.

>> No.10213324

name and author should PROBABLY be easily accessible information when you're talking about something like that

do you refer to music as "youtube.com/watch?=whatever" instead of giving people the name of the track and/or album and/or artist because giving people what they actually care about is too hard

>> No.10213325 [DELETED] 

It's easier to just post a link then to manually type in a name or search for it to copy paste.
And you got the name in the posted gallery, so I don't see the problem here.

>> No.10213334

Why is the admin continuing to run the site if he's doing so at a loss? Do you know how much he is loosing approx per year?

>> No.10213335


>This gallery has been removed, and is unavailable.
>8 modpower now

So it IS ten mod power required. Guess it's time to make a dozen or so posts on the forums.

>> No.10213339

I don't want to use their site. But they're so dominant I'm being screwed over for not using the site.

The name is the only thing necessary. I don't need to know who made it, I don't need to know who translated it, I don't need to know when/where it was released, I don't need to know its tags, I just need the name and I can find the rest by myself.

>> No.10213340

lol so you blatantly prove that you are defending that site i am sure you suck that admins shriveled pony dick too.

>> No.10213344

You are on THE INTERNET. How hard is it to look up shit?

>> No.10213346

>All this "You need 50 posts on the forums and a 2+ year old account to view this gallery" bullshit is really starting to get to me.

>> No.10213350

>And you got the name in the posted gallery, so I don't see the problem here.
...except the gallery is only accessible by jumping through exhentai's hoops, otherwise you get nothing but a sad panda. Assuming non-elite-premium-superior-members have access to it.

>> No.10213351


Not sure how much donations and ads cover but he's said in the past that he can't quit his day job.

I'm almost positive mod power isn't a requirement.

Yes how dare I defend a website by clearing up misinformation!

>> No.10213354

Maximum Jew please go.

>> No.10213355

But I don't care that much about how easy it is for you to find it.
I only care about how hard it is for me to give you the information.

>> No.10213361

>then to manually type in a name or search for it
Oh you poor poor dear. It is too hard to move your fingers on a keyboard when you do it all the fucking time.

There is absolutely no excuse for not being able to search for things yourself. You have to have no fingers left in your hands or you are too busy watching me anally stretch your moms anus.

>> No.10213365


>> No.10213366

How are you getting the link? You're either 1. having to search for the link, in which case you can just as easily past the title, or 2. you have it bookmarked, in which case you can just as easily open it and copy the title, which would not be more difficult than going into your bookmarks to copy the URL. You're not making any reasonable case here.

>> No.10213374

>Make me

That says it enough.

>> No.10213372

>Yes how dare I defend a website by clearing up misinformation!

All you've done is confirm how terrible the site is.

>> No.10213378

so it costs 56k PA to run, is one of the most popular websites on the internet and goes at a loss when it comes to donations and adverts?
I'm calling bullshit.

>> No.10213375

Summary of thread: A significant number of Exhentai's galleries are restricted to many members (they appear deleted to those without permission to access them). Conditions for access are unclear, but most people with old accounts can access them, and a guy from the site confirmed that a 1+ year old account and 50 forum posts will give you access. Discussion on how inconvenient and harmful Exhentai is ensues.

>> No.10213376
File: 42 KB, 704x400, 1334957729034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are only 2 types of members. Those who can see removed galleries and those who cannot. Everyone has access to everything else by default.

Make me.

Yea, some galleries aren't available unless you post on a forum. Truly hell on earth.

>> No.10213379

50+ posts OR an old account, you don't need both.

>> No.10213380


>I'm almost positive mod power isn't a requirement.

I've heard mod power is a requirement. I've heard a two year old account is a requirement. Hell, I've heard making 50 posts on the forums is the requirement. Nobody really knows.

>> No.10213384

Remember there are no ads on Exhentai.

I can confirm 50+ posts as 100% true.
The account age is a bit questionable but I've head 1 year is enough.
Mod power doesn't seem right to me but you're free to try.

>> No.10213386

When you put it like that, there does indeed appear to be no reasonable basis for the claim of it being easier.

But that's just the way it is in my irrational head. It feels simpler for me to copy paste the link than the title.

>> No.10213387

So having a 1-year old account with no posts is enough?

And why do those restrictions exist in first place?

>> No.10213389

Just just one post you have to make several. Why do you need to to that?

Why cant the rest of them have access? Why does it need to be restricted so only a select few can see them.

>Everyone has access to everything else by default.
apparently not

>> No.10213390

>Yea, some galleries aren't available unless you post on a forum. Truly hell on earth.

Pretty much. I hope the site ends up costing too much to maintain and has to close down. That would truly make me happy

>> No.10213391

I wonder if you get some bonus for downvoting any comments that mention missing galleries.

>> No.10213398

>Those who can see removed galleries and those who cannot. Everyone has access to everything else by default.

Listen to this fucking Jew doublespeak.

>> No.10213399

maybe you just compulsively feel the need to advertise exhentai

it's okay we understand

>> No.10213408

>everything else

>> No.10213402

If exhentai is running at such a loss, why does tenboro keep maintaining it? Does he love it that much?

>> No.10213404

nothing in his post is particularly misleading

>> No.10213407

What? I'm sure I saw on the site, why would you lie about that?

>> No.10213414

he enjoys having power over the penises of thousands of lonely perverts

he also has a big list of IP addresses of people too dumb to take proper precautions who are confirmed lolicons

>> No.10213415


I think making posts increases your mod power. I'm not sure, however. As I said, I only go to EX to fap. I know when you gave me the karma it increased my mod power by 1.

>> No.10213411

I have 2 accounts. For awhile, I've been using my Oct 2010 account with no posts and couldn't access the gallery.

I then switched to my Dec 23, 2009 account with no posts and everything worked out fine.

>> No.10213413

It all comes down to stroking your e-peen

Just look at max here. He is showing a perfect example of it.

>> No.10213426

>he also has a big list of IP addresses of people too dumb to take proper precautions who are confirmed lolicons

So, he's a narc?

>> No.10213428
File: 292 KB, 1000x1000, marisoutdb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is the admin continuing to run the site if he's doing so at a loss? Do you know how much he is loosing approx per year?
Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.10213420

At least he's not using the "you probably hate it because you can't get in" argument.

>> No.10213425

>list of IP addresses of people too dumb to take proper precautions who are confirmed lolicons

so not only he is an e-peen stroking faggot but he feels he is the dark night? is he going to bring them to justice so he can look good in the public eye?

>> No.10213435

Are you talking about ads on Ex?

There was a period where ads were there, but they were supposedly a bug.

>> No.10213430

Posting 50 posts considered harmful

For a number of years I have been familiar with the observation that the quality of /jp/ers is a decreasing function of the density of posts in the porn site forums they visit. More recently I discovered why the use of the forums has such disastrous effects, and I became convinced that privileged accounts should be abolished from all "higher level" porn sites (i.e. everything except, perhaps, plain fanfiction). At that time I did not attach too much importance to this discovery; I now submit my considerations for publication because in very recent discussions in which the subject turned up, I have been urged to do so.

>> No.10213431

I think so. No idea.

You mean me posting here? I'm not using a normal browser so replying is weird, sorry. What do you mean apparently not? All I see here are complaints about removed galleries.

Yes. Truly you're minor inconveniences is of equal worth to denying porn to millions.

Probably but that's just for voting on comments period.

I'm sorry you don't speak English.

I guess so.

>> No.10213442

i hardly know what he's going to do with them

maybe he prints them out and puts them on the walls and feels good about them

what i do know is that he has them

>> No.10213452

What reason do you have for gallery restrictions other than forcing people to post in your shitty forum?

>> No.10213453

Everyone else except for those who haven't registered for voluntary tracking. I am not making an account for a porn site, not in a world where fapping to cartoons can land you in jail.

Multiple people in this thread have pointed out that just having a year-old account won't get you access to the Premium Gold Special Access Galleries (tm).

Not being able to quit your day job is an entirely different thing from not making money off of something. If you live cheaply you can get around from $10,000 a year (much more if you don't). Earning $5,000 a year won't allow you to quit your day job, but it definitely counts as making money.

>> No.10213455

How do you not know how so many things in the website works despite being a mod
>welcome to 4chan
I hope you have evidence about that from someone that isn't Moot. I'm sure he's said he doesn't take donations either which is bullshit.

>> No.10213456

I'm not lying, I don't know. Where did you read that on the site?

Hmm, thanks for that tidbit. Do you know how much mod power each account has?

I'm the only mod to post here on 4chan. I only do it to get feedback and answer questions.

Yes, posting does give a tiny amount of power.

I would never use that fox+grapes argument. It's just annoying to hear how awful it is to not have a small amount of free porn without a bit of effort.

/jp/ does seem to be worse than /a/, that's for sure.

>> No.10213457

>Truly you're minor inconveniences is of equal worth to denying porn to millions.
Don't try to fucking stear this argument away.

Its not about the content. Its about the faggot admin and his irc circle jerk-ies denying content that should be free for everyone in the first place.

keeping your site up and running is your excuse for manipulating content then you should have an alternative means to keep your site up.

>> No.10213459

Look, it's simple.
To copy and paste the link all you have to do is right click on it in your browser's address bar.
To copy a name you have to move your cursor over it or triple click it.

Therefore, pasting a link takes less effort, so everyone does that.

>> No.10213466

all of it is already free you fucking sperg

stop whining that you will have to put in the slightest amount of effort to get your nuts off

>> No.10213463

My first remark is that, although the /jp/er's activity ends when he has constructed a coherent post, the process taking place under control of his post is the true subject matter of his activity, for it is this post that has to accomplish the desired effect; it is this post that in its dynamic behavior has to satisfy the desired post count. Yet, once the post has been made, the "making' of the corresponding post count is delegated to the privileged account.

My second remark is that our intellectual powers are rather geared to master static relations and that our powers to visualize porn sites evolving in time are relatively poorly developed. For that reason we should do (as wise /jp/ers aware of our limitations) our utmost to shorten the conceptual gap between the unprivileged account and the privileged account, to make the correspondence between the posting (spread out in text space) and the masturbating (spread out in time) as trivial as possible.

>> No.10213475


has it even answered this yet or at all?

It is only answering questions that it wants to answers. It knows very well why they restrict it.

>> No.10213481

and thanks to exhentai they are being adequately recompensed for their efforts

hail exhentai

>> No.10213482

>he's said he doesn't take donations either which is bullshit.
Source on him taking donations?

>> No.10213479

>enying content that should be free for everyone in the first place.
But most of the stuff on there are comics someone's had to buy. I'm sorry the real world doesn't buy into your delusions.

>> No.10213484


It's not enough. There was a thread on /a/ about this earlier as well. You need a two year old account or 50 posts on the forums. I still can't access the hidden galleries even though my account is over two years old. So, it might be two year old account with 50 posts. Or it might haft to do with mod power.

>Yes, posting does give a tiny amount of power.

So, 10 mod power might be the magic number to access the hidden galleries. I have 8 currently...

>> No.10213489

Again, I have no idea. Only Tenboro knows.

He doesn't live in the U.S. btw, so I dunno how much his personal life costs. But like I said, he doesn't make any profit, nor has he ever.

Some things only he knows.

Should be free?
1) It is free, some of it (a VERY small amount) just requires some effort to obtain. You never have to pay money for anything.
2) 99% of the content is copyright infringement so if you wanna get right down to it almost nothing should be free on that site.

God you're so entitled.

>> No.10213492

>/jp/ does seem to be worse than /a/, that's for sure.

well for one thing it looks like you dint even read his post and then you just came up with an answer to a question no one asked here

>> No.10213493
File: 581 KB, 1000x1000, getout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I hope you have evidence about that from someone that isn't Moot.
I have more reason to believe him than the 4chan stormfront here.

>/jp/ does seem to be worse than /a/, that's for sure.
Feel free to leave any time you like.

>> No.10213502

>November 1 - moot begs for donations in the first of a long history of times, complaining that the site is running extremely slowly and that he would have to block Japanese domains unless something was done, and that the cost of moot's server bill was now $400/month. moot warns that 4chan will die slowly unless enough donations are received.
>Censored Vagina makes a newspost announcing that the cost of running 4chan for the rest of 2004 added up to $2,200 and that the money would be needed in donations. The links on 4chan are reflected to link to 4chan.org instead of 4chan.net so that users will not need to write 4chan.org's IP into their hosts file.
> March 1 - moot announces that the site will not be able to continue because the March server bill is too large to pay and that more donations will be required to pay it or 4chan will die. He makes one final request for donations and hopes for the best.
>June 20 - 4chan dies for the fourth and longest time, for nearly six weeks. moot blames lack of contribution and donations, asshole posters, and GNAA flooding, among other things, as the reasons for 4chan's death.
and others
>15th June 2004: 4chan's Paypal donations account is reported by TheRowan, owner of HentaiKey and host of rival imageboard 5chan. (Source: SA 4chan thread)

>> No.10213498

As long as you had your account open longer than two years it doesn't affect you. Why did you even make a new account?

>> No.10213499

Ask Tenboro.

Good luck to ya, lemme know if it works.

I thought he was commenting on pushing /jp/ posters to post on the forum.

>> No.10213508

>all of it is already free
Alright buddy whatever you say.

Galleries that are restricted so only privileged accounts or admins can see them is a totally different matter.

>> No.10213513

I am talking about the site

I am not talking about who bought the actual shit.

>> No.10213514


>> No.10213516

It is certainly free in a monetary sense, but not free in terms of work.

>> No.10213521

I've got 9 and I can access them just fine.

>> No.10213522

You're an idiot if you can't understand why people would get angry about a website that provides things for free, but arbitrarily restricts other things for no good reason, and does not notify users that said things are restricted but rather misleads them into thinking it has been deleted, apparently just to increase activity on a shitty forum. Get fucked.

>> No.10213523

Yeah, moot can't even cover server costs with his new 4chan scam he cooked up. One of the most visited forum on the web with tons of ads, but he can't make ends meat. he also got a few hundred thousand dollars to create that one website, I forget the name. I bet he had to put up a couple million of his own to create that site as well.

These guys denouncing moot for being Jewish, G*ds chosen, make me remember the 13 billion killed in the holocaust.

>> No.10213529

Alright, please explain to me why it should be free then.

>> No.10213530


Yeah, but is your account 2 years old? Do you have 50 posts on the forums? Details man.

>> No.10213526

if you don't want to jump through hoops find that shit yourself it's not that fucking hard

you're just crying because the spoonfeeding pornlords of the internet who are feeding you insist that you do a song and dance before giving you what you want

>> No.10213528

>I thought he was commenting on pushing /jp/ posters to post on the forum.
I was making fun of it and the people who blow this deal out of proportion, true. This whole thing is a fucking non-issue.

That said, I'm strictly a /jp/er myself and not urging anyone to start posting just to get to view a few galleries. I'm certainly not going to, the whole idea is dumb as hell.

>> No.10213532
File: 54 KB, 1095x766, Secret Club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pic has never been more related.

Thanks for that tidbit too, I knew 10 mod power seemed weird.

I understand people are upset but they are disproportionally upset. If you don't like it you can contact the admin. I don't think we need more forum activity so maybe he'll change it.

>> No.10213535

>why people would get angry
because they are retarded autistic sperglords who are too stupid to find their own porn and get mad when other people won't find it for them

J-list is not exactly rolling in dish

and even if they are it's run by a stingy jew anyway

>> No.10213537
File: 72 KB, 217x255, 4chan pass account.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exhentai are taking freely accessible information (the h-manga) and serving it through a central portal they control. Although the information itself is free (if you have the right information you can find it elsewhere), people grow dependent on the portal from which they get information. Then, when the portal restricts information, the people dependent on the portal no longer have access to information. You can control the flow of information by serving it for free. It's a basic part of information control. Exhentai made h-manga less free by giving it to us for free; although it's still available in other places, because of Exhentai many people are no longer able to reach those other places.

GOTO was a symptom, not a problem. It's become collateral damage in the hunt for bad programmers; even though GOTO is now rarely used, bad programming remains. Giving GOTO such a bad rep did not solve the issue at all.

Though you can argue whether or not what he did was a bastard move, Moot never contradicted himself regarding donations. He said he would never accept general 'donations to the site'. The only time he asked for donations was with a specific goal (I think it was for hardware), and the 4chan Gold Account is a paid service, according to him because he did not want to just accept donations.

>> No.10213543

>God you're so entitled.

Are you a christian why did you capitalize the g in god he is not a proper name he is fictional.

How am I entitled

I am not saying


I am talking about why things need to be restricted when they dont need to be. You should not need to post in their site for the average joe coming in to have a quick wank and leave. not everyone comes there and become completely invested into the site

>a VERY small amount

apperently that "VERY small amount" is enough to create such an uproar.

>> No.10213544

It's 3.5 yrs old and 3 posts on the forums.

>> No.10213551

you feel like you are entitled to porn that is hosted on someone else's website

among retards

>> No.10213555

What the fuck would I even begin to post on that so called forum? Do I just post in the feel threads and shit to get 50 posts?

>> No.10213556
File: 60 KB, 1095x766, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fixed that picture for you.

>> No.10213557

Welcome to /jp/, where entitled losers expect everything to be spoonfed to them.

>> No.10213560

>Are you a christian why did you capitalize the g in god he is not a proper name he is fictional.

I'm thinking it had something to do with being the start of a sentence.

>> No.10213562

That picture does not show that you need to have a 2 year old account and forces you to post in their site to pick an apple though.

>> No.10213564

I see what you mean.

Uhhh some people BUY shit and post it right away onto E-Hentai so no, not everything was already freely available. Also it's a big fallacy to say it restricts you because those alternative sources no longer exist. Those who can see removed galleries can download and rehost them somewhere else at any time.

Yahweh/Allah/Buddah you're so entitled.

It creates an uproar because of all the autists here who think that the removed galleries have super special porn in them.

>> No.10213565

This pretty much describes the situation perfectly.

>> No.10213568

well that escalated quickly, i don't understand why people are angry over this. even if some content is inaccessible, there are other places to get it, unless its old, rare or unscanned etc. there's no need to get mad. lots of content are still accessible .

>> No.10213569

Since you're clearly a retard, i'm just going to poke fun at your horrible english.
>how much he is loosing
>make ends meat

>> No.10213577

If you want to.

50 posts OR an old account. Not and.

It's never rare shit from what I can tell. People are making the mistake of thinking that it is.

>> No.10213582

I don't think anyone expected bad programming habits to disappear along with goto. Giving it a "bad rep" did have some positive consequences to it though, it's not entirely false to claim it contributes to bad programming.

You're partly right, though. I admit I pretty much twitched when I learned you can't simply fall through switch cases in C# without using goto. Right after I wondered why I had to react like that.

>> No.10213579

If you look at a fiction book, all the characters have capitalized names.

>> No.10213588

He made $625k from canvas, he wouldn't have gotten that offer if he hadn't have made 4chan. Not the same guy but he does have a couple of valid points.

>> No.10213584
File: 65 KB, 1095x766, fixed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now it's perfect.

>> No.10213595

>50 posts OR an old account. Not and.

Several people in this thread with year old accounts and no posts can't access the restricted material. Your information on how to get access has not been correct.

>> No.10213596

That money is tied up in the company. He could probably charge a ton of expenses to it but he can't, say, buy a new house with it. He does get a salary from his work there, though.

>> No.10213598

<s> </s>

>> No.10213608


So, he collects them then? Wow, what a faggot.

>> No.10213600

Have you checked your privilege today?

>> No.10213602

It would be perfect if there were a box of fresh apples on the ground, ready to be picked, expect the guy deliberately wants one from the tree.

>> No.10213612

Yes some of the apples arbitrarily restricted for no discernible reason.

>> No.10213615

Any example of them blocking a shitty work?

>> No.10213621

Add a pony in the background

>> No.10213626

Well, it is their tree after all.

>> No.10213627

50+ posts alone has been enough for users. That much I know for certain.

Now that I think about it I think one of my galleries is removed too, lemme check.

>> No.10213630

It's more like the farmers have apples and pears in a crate, they're willing to give you free apples but you have to fill out a form before you get the pears, and somebody is throwing a huge shit-fit while standing next to a pear tree.

>> No.10213639

Have I got one of those super special accounts if I'm able to view expunged content? Or can everyone else do that as well?

>> No.10213642

Oh that reminds me. Here:

Does anyone have trouble seeing this?

>> No.10213645

Everyone can see expunged content. Only removed galleries have any restriction.

>> No.10213646

It's removed.

>> No.10213651

No, everyone can do that.
Try viewing >>10211826

>> No.10213653
File: 282 KB, 1267x444, 14-12-2012 23-53-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but it's some futashit.

>> No.10213654

I can see it.

>> No.10213655

Much better you fucking jew

>> No.10213662



>> No.10213664

Thanks, thought so.

>> No.10213670

And? People have pointed out the adverse affects their "tree" is causing.

>> No.10213678

the only reason why this guy is still talking and replying is because he gets satisfaction and enjoyment out of pissing people off and have them argue with him.

he feels that he is better then the rest. he is not different than a troll looking for a reaction right now. look as he still continues to reply to people and propagating arguments

>> No.10213683

that's because most of the people replying to him are retards

i'm trying to have fun pissing them off to but they won't reply to me

>> No.10213680

They could just close off registration to new users, would that make you feel better? Then everyone would have a two year or older account.

>> No.10213687

your like his lacky or something. your posts are too obvious when I see them.

>> No.10213688
File: 41 KB, 640x480, 1350507490456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like pissing people off unless they piss me off first.

>> No.10213691


>> No.10213692

The adverse effects are trivial at best. The worst-case scenario, you have to Google whatever you were looking for yourself. The other issue I gathered was that exhentai is an aggregator, but doing the legwork yourself obviously makes that point moot.

>> No.10213690

what in particular makes me his lackey

i don't even use his site, unlike the lot of you who are beholden to his cock and begging at his feet

>> No.10213698

lol you are being obvious about your roll you dont even try to conceal it. thats why no one else is replying to you.

your're a faggot


>> No.10213700
File: 21 KB, 241x251, 254365467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2) 99% of the content is copyright infringement so if you wanna get right down to it almost nothing should be free on that site.
Are you actually this dumb?

>> No.10213704

i genuinely think the lot of you complainers are retarded faggots begging to be spoonfed because you are too incompetent to find your own porn

nobody has even bothered to respond because it's true

>> No.10213705


>> No.10213711

Why don't they just claim it's a ``copyright issue''. That's a popular excuse and it works!

>> No.10213714

>Defending Exhentai

He collects the IP of people who look up lolicon. He's a narc.

>> No.10213713


that's si


>> No.10213716

I know just look at youtube it's fucking horrible with that.

>> No.10213717

I don't get it.

>> No.10213719

Because then they'd have to take down everything.

>> No.10213724

You're still missing the part where people looking for a specific kind of apples asking around where to get them only get pointed towards that specific tree even though it's available elsewhere, whereas in the past they would've just told them basic information that would allow them to find any tree that contains those apples.

Worst case scenario, we browse the archives in a year, and all source links have become unusable and it's no longer possible to find out what the source of a specific page or picture is. <s>It's actually not that different from now for someone who hasn't registered for voluntary tracking.</s>

>> No.10213727
File: 87 KB, 1094x1168, exhentai.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10213729

They would have to if they wanted to be consistent, but they don't have to be consistent about it.

As a bonus, it will piss off a lot of retards.

>> No.10213730

These are the ones that complained more or something.

>> No.10213731

Oh please, tell me how I'm wrong oh wise one.

Would be inconsistent, people would ask why other works from the artists are still up.

>> No.10213735

I'm pretty sure >>10213683 and >>10213688 are the same person. It's too obvious, especially how the anonymous one isn't capitalizing his words, like Maximum Joe is trying to make the posting style look different.

>> No.10213737

i'm actually tenebro

but yeah we were working together you got me

>> No.10213740

>He collects the IP of people who look up lolicon


He really does that shit?

>> No.10213741

Technically I've told people about the ladder (at least the ladder that I know about).

Retards are clearly already pissed off as is.

>> No.10213742

he obviously could if he wanted to

nobody besides him actually knows what he does with his server logs, of course

>> No.10213744



Who does what now?

>> No.10213753

>he obviously could if he wanted to

I heard he actually does.

>> No.10213749

Lol no. He couldn't give less of a fuck what you browse.

>> No.10213750

>we should be taking money for illegally distributing copyrighted content
Please do. That will make it much easier to shut your shithole down.

>> No.10213757

That would be a horrible honeypot. I took out Lolita from my local library, should I get be ready for the feds?

>> No.10213758


Are you him?

>> No.10213759

>all source links have become unusable and it's no longer possible to find out what the source of a specific page or picture is
Much as I wouldn't mind agreeing, technically it can't be exhentai's fault that a /jp/er provided source as a link there instead of spelling it out here. ┐(´~`;)┌

>> No.10213760

Oh, so that's what you meant.

>> No.10213761

tenebro, the owner of the website, could be compiling a list of IPs from people who browse lolicon content

i hear he's actually a yeti monster from scandinavia

>> No.10213765

but the content restriction is still up so i dont see what you are getting at

Why do you keep a collection of various ip addresses of alleged lolicons?

what are you planning to do with them make yourself look good in the authoritative eye and turn them in?

>> No.10213766

Not unless he violates the privacy agreement.

>> No.10213769

Yes, that will change all of our minds right away from that simple statement that clears everything up and it's all dust under the carpet now.

>> No.10213770


I dunno, but I think I'm gonna stop going there. That type of sanctimonious shit makes me sick. Whiteknighting bullshit, meanwhile the faggot has hundreds of thousands of copyrighted content on illegally up on his site. Western otaku fandom just keeps getting worst and worst. Time to learn japanese.

>> No.10213773

one day i'll turn them all into the FBI and laugh vindictively as i ruin the lives of thousands of people

some people just want to watch the world burn

oh no not a privacy agreement

>> No.10213774

The pointy hat man is you and other users, owner is meant to be tenebro

>> No.10213775

>i hear he's actually a yeti monster from scandinavia
strawman argument.

he uses select6ed user ips for his own gain

>> No.10213778

>Time to learn japanese
i look forward to conversing with you in japanese never

>> No.10213782

I've actually heard that the Japanese make up a sizable portion of the site's userbase.

>> No.10213783

it's not a strawman in any sense of the word learn what a strawman is you fucking retard

i was literally the first person in this thread to accuse him (myself) of being a narc anyway so you're being laughably retarded

>> No.10213784



>> No.10213786

you see that max

look at what is happening with your precious butt buddie tenebro.

>> No.10213790

>Time to learn japanese.
meanwhile g.e-hentai is one of the 200 top viewed websites in Japan.

>> No.10213791

Straw man argument again he is using then ips for his own gain

>> No.10213794

i'm sorry i hid this secret from you max

i know you thought we were friends

but this is something i've got to do

>> No.10213798

No I'm just a mod.

He's not compiling anything besides porn. He only files reports for real CP (yea we get that too on rare occasions).

Oh okay, nvm then.

Protip: Tenboro does not ever post here.

>> No.10213799


>> No.10213803


I'm talking with you on IRC right now, nice try. See this is why I don't post anonymously.

>> No.10213801

>Tenboro does not ever post here.
i say that to maintain plausible deniability

it's actually a lot of fun

>> No.10213806

>meanwhile g.e-hentai is one of the 200 top viewed websites in Japan.

Where are you going with this?

>> No.10213813

Stop responding to jokes seriously, it makes you look incredibly self-important.

>> No.10213810
File: 57 KB, 480x365, Why a Hates NTR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, "Tenboro", tell us more!

>> No.10213818
File: 494 KB, 1502x2000, 1355103200020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm bored.

>> No.10213829

Nips get their porn there more than the west so you'll still be getting it there anyway.
Unless you mean you're going to get it raw and read it, then good luck to you

>> No.10213830

look man i lied to you

i don't know how many times i have to explain this

it's like you're just not willing to believe that i'm running this charade

anyway this shitty thread has run its course

>> No.10213831

You are not "bored"

you are getting satisfaction from arguing with people and you continue to do so.

>> No.10213833

>shitting up a sub-forum
>20 posts
>mod power hasn't moved past 8

Oh god kill me. I prefer lurking and fapping.

>> No.10213843

>Nips get their porn there more than the west

I checked the source for the citation and get accessed denied. But, it doesn't even matter. Nips won't get party vanned, but I will. So, that's irrelevant.

>Read the raws

Yep, because fapping isn't worth jail time. Because some faggot host wants to play whiteknight.

>> No.10213847

>Loli Mom

>> No.10213848
File: 110 KB, 1280x720, 1352157861881.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I am bored.

Dude, mod power takes a lot of power to raise.

>> No.10213854

>but I will

Sucks to be you then, I suppose.

>> No.10213855

>so you'll still be getting it there anyway.

Fuck you narc.

>> No.10213849

Posting is almost the worst option you have to increase mod power.

>> No.10213859

What's the easiest way to get GP or whatever it is so I can increase the amount of favourites I can save?

>> No.10213864

Don't you need Hath for that?

>> No.10213871

>Sucks to be you then

You know damn well that I'm not the only one who can get potentially screwed by this. Biggest collection of ero material combined with the fact that western countries lolicons are hunted like dogs. You guys are traitors.

>> No.10213875

It *is* the worst.


Correct. But you can buy hath so maybe he wants to do it via GP.

>> No.10213876


>> No.10213882

Yeah I think it is but I want to get some because I've been stuck at 500/500 forever and being a long term member grants you fuck all relative to what you need

Unless he already has ties with the police it'd be suicide because he was providing it to people, you're also assuming multiple nations would bother getting literally millions of people in jail over this. The worst case scenario would still only see a very small portion of users be reproached.

I'm looking for either method, just the quickest one to get more favourites.

>> No.10213892

Again it depends. If you have a great internet connection H@H is by far the fastest. The next would be uploading a really popular and large gallery. After that I'd say seeding torrents.

>> No.10213903

>Unless he already has ties with the police

So, why is he collecting them?

>you're also assuming multiple nations would bother getting literally millions of people in jail

The same nations made a shit deal over rapelay.


And, wanted to ban them even in japan. Yeah, I'll assume that.

>> No.10213907

He's not collecting anything. He only reports IPs if someone is dumb enough to post CP.

>> No.10213913


>seeding torrents

Longer you seed the more you gain?

>> No.10213908

>After that I'd say seeding torrents.

Do you get things for just grabbing random torrents and seeding them?

>> No.10213924

Not as much, also make sure it's a personalized torrent (tied to your account), not the public one.


>> No.10213928

> He only reports IPs if someone is dumb enough to post CP

So, then he reports them then? I thought he "didn't give a fuck" now it's "he reports them if it's CP".

>> No.10213931

What does the ban on rapelay have to do with you being "hunted like dogs"?
From what I know no one was locked away for that fiasco. The same thing would apply here but on a much larger scale because if they truly wanted to lock up all dem internet pedophiles they'd be looking at six figures, which no one is going to try and enforce. Worst case if that they'd make examples of a handful of people.

>> No.10213946

Think of it just like 4chan. CP is the only thing that gets the owner into deep shit unless he deals with it right away.

>> No.10213953

>Not as much, also make sure it's a personalized torrent (tied to your account), not the public one.

What do you mean?

>> No.10213957

This is correct. Laws require that a website report illegal content that is posted there to the proper authorities, and if the website complies with the law they are not held liable for the illegal content that they inadvertently hosted.

>> No.10213964

>What does the ban on rapelay have to do with you being "hunted like dogs"?

Anon tried to imply that there isn't a zealous interest to convict people who like hentai. He's wrong, everyone knows that loli can get you jailed. So, why is this faggot giving out IPs?

>From what I know no one was locked away for that fiasco

There have been cases of people being arrested for lolicon.


>> No.10213973

allegedly storing IPs =/= giving out IPs

>> No.10213976


Not the same guy, but:


You guys are either really casual, really new, are really dishonest.

>> No.10213978

When you download a torrent for a gallery you can choose between one that ties the ratio to your account (personalized) or one that's public.

Yes, and CP is basically the only thing that's illegal on E-Hentai (there are other things but they are not loli/drawn stuff).

>> No.10213980


They just admitted that they report IP's of people who post CP.

>> No.10213984


>> No.10213989

Again you're still missing my point. When something like this involves so many people it's practically impossible that you personally will face repercussions for it. They've tried the same shit for years with piracy and they closest they've got is fearmongering by telling a dozen or so people to pay back a few million or something inane.
You should probably stop posting on 4chan then if you're that bothered because they do the same thing here.

>> No.10214008


This isn't about wether I'll get caught or not. It's about the fact that Teneberos is an arrogant fag. He host thousands of illegal works on his site, but meanwhile he collects peoples IP's to report to the police. That's not okay.

>> No.10214011


You're missing the point, what he does hurts the subculture.

>> No.10214023

What police? He's NOT IN THE U.S.

>> No.10214029


English speaking world bro. Stop being stupid, it's not just the U.S. that's cracking down on lolicon.

>> No.10214034

>What police?


>> No.10214037

His website would be shut down if he didn't report IPs that posted CP on there. It's the same with Moot and 4chan. I can't say whether he would report them or not or not if it wasn't a legal requirement but he wouldn't get far in the current legal situation of it.

>> No.10214038

You're paranoid and delusional.

>> No.10214040

And when in 5 years lolicon is fully illegal (to the point of being actively prosecuted like CP, or rather, just prosecuted AS CP) in the US, the FBI forces exhentai to fork over its user information, and suddenly they have a nice list associating IP Adresses and other information with lolicon uploads and perhaps even views (depending on how much Exhentai stores). It doesn't even have to be malice, if the FBI wants any data you are storing you will be forking it over. And sure, not every lolicon viewer/uploader will be prosecuted, but I'm not taking the chances of becoming one of the few that are prosecuted and have their entire lives ruined.

>> No.10214042

Reporting CP on sight does not equal "collecting peoples IP's".

>> No.10214045

English speaking world being what countries then?

Yea okay there captain tinfoil...

>> No.10214049


Nobody said it does.

>> No.10214055

[ ] Exhentai
[ ] Obeying FBI

Pick one. They have no jurisdiction now nor will they in 5 years.

>catchpa: freedom lizasu

>> No.10214056

use proxies or TOR or something if you're that bothered.

>> No.10214061

Neither was Kim Dotcom. Didn't stop the FBI from completely shutting down his website (one of the most-visited websites on the internet), ruining his company and basically fucking over his life. And by the way, what he did wasn't even illegal (safe harbor provisions; he is not responsible for the content users uploaded).

>> No.10214063

>English speaking world being what countries then?

Someone already posted a link that mentioned U.S. and canada being banned. I heard it's banned in europe. nuff said.

>> No.10214065

Exhentaifags confirmed for cancer.

>> No.10214066

And what happened to all the people who uploaded to his site again?

>I heard
>nuff said

Yea I can tell.

>> No.10214069



>> No.10214072

Is that what you keep telling yourself? I hope it helps you sleep at night.

>> No.10214075


Are you denying that CP won't get you partyvanned?

>> No.10214082
File: 206 KB, 213x513, Only_Morons_Think_Shes_Not_Loli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sleep well thanks. Here, let me help you out with that getting onto a list thing.

>> No.10214085

>[ ] Exhentai
>[ ] Obeying FBI

> Laws require that a website report illegal content that is posted there to the proper authorities, and if the website complies with the law they are not held liable for the illegal content that they inadvertently hosted.

>He's not collecting anything. He only reports IPs if someone is dumb enough to post CP.

Which one is it? Does he report them or not exhentaifags?

>> No.10214089

>Didn't stop the FBI from completely shutting down his website

That's because the servers were in the US and in case you missed it
It turns out they couldn't do shit to him afterall.

>> No.10214091

>I sleep well thanks
You're a cop. So, why wouldn't you?

>> No.10214106

CP is reported to the local authorities. WTF makes you think the FBI is the only authority in existence?

I wish, that would mean a much better pension that what I have now.

>> No.10214113

>CP is reported to the local authorities

And, that discounts the FBI how?

>> No.10214117

FBI is local to everyone now?

>> No.10214124


Federal government can intercede in local authority's. You make it seem like they can't get involved.

>> No.10214129

No, he hasn't. What on earth are you talking about?

>> No.10214136

>No, he hasn't.

Who hasn't what?

Freudian slip?

>> No.10214137

This is tiring and pointless. I'd rather be playing some shitty game.

But I want you to know that you're a faggot and I hope you fall down some stairs.

>> No.10214142

>That's because the servers were in the US and in case you missed it
Quoth Wikpedia:
>On 19 January 2012 the United States Department of Justice seized and shut down the file-hosting site Megaupload.com and commenced criminal cases against its owners and others. On 20 January Hong Kong Customs froze more than 300 million Hong Kong dollars (US$39 million) in assets belonging to the company.[47]
Furthermore, people were arrested in various countries. One of the main criticisms of the MegaUpload case was that US was playing world police, dragging other countries into their problems and generally ignoring sovereignty.

>It turns out they couldn't do shit to him afterall.
I don't know, but completely destroying a huge company, stealing most of his cash and other assets and preventing him from doing anything for several months doesn't really scream 'can't do shit' to me.

>> No.10214144

No, he hasn't made it seem like they can't get involved.

>> No.10214146


Why are you posting without your trip?

>> No.10214150

There's other countries in the world, ones which are not officially US states (though the FBI does in practice also have jurisdiction over a lot of them).

>> No.10214153

Actually, I'm sorry: No, Maximum_Joe !JrVCpvv176 hasn't made it seem like they can't get involved.

I stopped using my trip over a year ago. I didn't find it relevant to use it here.

>> No.10214154


It's called interpol.

>> No.10214160

I don't think you know what Interpol does...

>> No.10214175


Concession Accepted.

>> No.10214180

So, I've found this when it was initially uploaded. When I checked back later, it doesn't show up when I search the artist's tag. Why does it do that? Luckily, I still have the link through my history.


>> No.10214193

What did you search with?

>> No.10214194

Prohibited content.

>> No.10214196

group:draw go

>> No.10214202

Hmm, confirmed. I can't find it either, must be because it's prohibited.

>> No.10214210


> "Is there a fix?"
> 50+ posts on the forums

I'm way past 50 and there's people out there with 0 posts who can view the hidden galleries just fine.

Why are you doing this to me.

>> No.10214219

I think accounts from 2011 onwards aren't eligible for superuserability.
When did you make your account?

>> No.10214221

I said old accounts can do it too. The problem is I'm not 100% on how old it has to be.

>> No.10214227


I HAVE both and I still can't see shit.

I'm grinding this stupid hentaiverse shit to boost my Mod Power because I'm sitting at 6 at the moment.

If that doesn't work then I'm simply giving up on life.

>> No.10214228

Everyone is eligible, but changes to accounts are NOT instant. I can try giving karma if you want.

>> No.10214232

How old is your account and how long ago did you make the 50 post mark?

>> No.10214288

6 is way too low
no wonder you can't see them

>> No.10215560


I want to see the hidden galleries...

>> No.10215574

In none of those links does he to be operating under a loss. In fact he claims to make enough to cover hosting + equipment upgrade costs.

With reverse image search sites + /rs/ I've been able to almost completely avoid exhentai.

>> No.10216932

