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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10208464 No.10208464 [Reply] [Original]

If it wasn't for Japanese media, what obsessive interest would you have instead? Comic books? Star Trek?

>> No.10208470

>implying I'm not a trekkie

>> No.10208471

video games

>> No.10208479

probably trekkie, I liked watching TNG a lot as a kid

>> No.10208472

Well I'm very diverse in my interests, star trek being one of them. TNG all the way.

>> No.10208475

Does the West even make video games? There's like, Zork and Call of Duty.

>> No.10208487

More LoL, MtG, and political discussion.

>> No.10208491
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Bestest Star Trek

>> No.10208494


Worst series. Ruins what the original series was trying to do. Not sure if making it a generic sci-fi romp was an executive decision or if Gene Roddenberry went all George Lucas, but it is completely out of line with his original, superior vision of the future.

>> No.10208505

Same things as before. Other games, books, fantasy, etc.

>> No.10208507

But I already like star trek!

>> No.10208500


The west invented rtses, mmos, fpses, "open world" games, 4x games, and ancient text heavy party rpgs.

I'm sure there's some sort of video game one could enjoy.

>> No.10208513

The best game ever made is Russian.

>> No.10208509
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Doctor Who.

Star Trek is too grown-up for me.

>> No.10208510

Maybe I would have a girlfriend.

But it's more likely that I would waste my time with video games.

>> No.10208512

Games and shitty forums.

>> No.10208516


>> No.10208518

I don't know but I would like to hang out with the guys in OPs picture.

>> No.10208520
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I have no other interests than Japanese media. I guess video games and tinkering with computers is fun, but nothing I could spend all my time on.

>> No.10208522

I got a original, superior vision of the future right here *grabs cock*.

>> No.10208523

I'd be an alkoholic.

>> No.10208524

ITT baka gaijin admit to liking inferior Western games.

One hypothetical parallel universe and suddenly /jp/ shows its true colors.

>> No.10208532


The more I find out about computers the more amazing they get.

>> No.10208535

I would still be playing video games, composing music and obsessing over 2D girls.

>> No.10208536

I'd have a girlfriend.

>> No.10208539
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>> No.10208542
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>Worst series

But that's not Enterprise

>> No.10208554

Nothing. There's nothing else I like on the level that it could be a hobby for me. I wish I had something else other than Japanese shit but I don't. I've tried other things but nothing works so I have just resigned to my fate.

>> No.10208547
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Comic books and traditional games.

I was into them when I was a kid anyway.

>> No.10208549


All Japan does these days is making porn "games" and shitty JRPGs. The Japanese video game industry is declining since the death of the PS2, no matter what you dweebs say.

>> No.10208550

I'm sorry we failed to meet your expectations of true and unwavering loyal Japanese spirit.

>> No.10208551
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But that's not Deep Space 9.

>> No.10208555

Oh don't you fucking...

>> No.10208569
File: 573 KB, 1920x1080, 14422_star_wars_star_destroyer_spaceship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sci-fi, which was the reason I got into Gunpla and other Japanese media. Find it strange that we don't have a sci-fi board yet, considering how popular it is.

>> No.10208571

TNG: Best single episodes
DS9: Best overall plot
Voyager: What the fuck are you trying to tell me
Enterprise: You can't be serious

>> No.10208575


Whoops we've got a retard here

>> No.10208585


I'm sorry you're a weeaboo anonymous.

>> No.10208589

There are people who liked DS9?

I respect that it had proper story arcs, but come the fuck on.

>> No.10208592


You're just jealous because you don't have such a proud Yamato Damashii,

>> No.10208596

Star Wars isn't sci-fi.

>> No.10208597


It's my favorite Star Trek show. They fucked it up in the last season, though.

>> No.10208605

Yes it is.

>> No.10208606
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TOS > TNG > TAS > DS9 > Voyager > Enterprise

TWoK > TMP > TFF > TVH > TSfS > TUD > First Contact > Generations > Nemesis > Insurrection

>> No.10208613

In casual conversation it's fine to lump it in with science fiction since most people don't know the difference, but it is technically science fantasy.


>> No.10208617

I used to be into science fiction and fantasy stuff long before I was into Japanese entertainment. Books, role-playing games, what have you. I don't really read much anymore and when I do I'd rather read some classics I missed because I shunned "normal" literature, but I'll probably go back to it someday.

I was also, and still am, into comics. European, American, everything. Never too much into superhero comics, but I still read them if a writer I like is writing.

And there are also games, but I can't really call myself a "gamer" anymore - 99% of games that come out these days in the west are just bitterly disappointing. I'm still hoping for the indie stuff to pick up the pace outside of the few niche genres it fills now, it's pretty much the last hope gaming has.

>> No.10208620


>> No.10208621

The very idea that there's such a thing as "Science Fantasy" doesn't sit well with me. Star Wars is a space opera, an adventure film.

>> No.10208631

It's the same mistake that leads people to think anything with a Victorian-esque setting is steampunk, or anything with computers is cyberpunk.

Star Wars is as much sci-fi because it had space ships and robots as Die Another Day is fantasy because it had a sword fight.

>> No.10208632
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How can anyone like The Final Frontier?

>> No.10208634

video games and books

>> No.10208636

Is there anywhere I can download all of The New 52 from the beginning? Now seems like a good time to get back into comics.

>> No.10208646

It doesn't matter whether it sits well with you. The genre is established. Star Wars clearly departs from and lacks a focus on scientific theory and wades into magic (the force) and other fantasy issues.

>> No.10208643

NOOOO wrong quote

>>10208606 is the bad guy

>> No.10208657

Make-up and clothes most likely.

>> No.10208658

Also being science fantasy does not preclude any elements of space opera. Science fantasy is a mix of science fiction and fantasy, so science fiction elements still appear.

>> No.10208660


>> No.10208674

There's not enough science to make it science fiction, there's not enough fantasy to make it fantasy. Now fuck off.

>> No.10208687

Please don't try to force your gender roles on me. I like clothes and fashion because they are a form of self expression.

>> No.10208699

Exactly. That's why it is called SCIENCE FANTASY. Are you fucking stupid? It is a mixture of the two genres that is neither wholly science fiction nor fantasy.

>> No.10208707
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It would probably be Star Wars for me. It what first caught my interest when I was like seven.

>> No.10208710

It's too bad that having Star Wars as a hobby is a perpetual road of despair and disappointment.

>> No.10208711

Russia is not part of the west

>> No.10208728

There are still decent Japanese games coming out.
FromSoftware and ArcSystem still are up.

>> No.10208723

It wants to be.

>> No.10208733

Science fiction, video games, western TV series(Doctor Who, Star Trek). Maybe comic books.
Huh? You mean Tetris?

>> No.10208729

Being science fantasy also does not preclude being sci-fi, just like a sci-fi can also be drama or horror or comedy. Star Wars is listed as an example of Space Opera on the Sci-Fi wiki page. It was also a winner of both nebula and Hugo awards which are for the genres of Science Fiction and Fantasy, not "Science Fantasy".

Both the critical and lay consensus is that Star Wars is Science Fiction.

>> No.10208731

Is science fiction not entirely fiction, then? Did some part of "I, Robot" REALLY HAPPEN?

>> No.10208737

Um, no

>> No.10208738

I love how basically all of you say you'd be into shit like star trek, comics, and video games.

None of you would be into music? hiking? art? history? soccer? animals? cooking? boxing?

I guess /jp/ really is full of NERDS after all.

>> No.10208740

I never got the appeal of series like Star Wars, LOtR, and Star Trek or games like D&D. If it weren't for my interest in technology and computers I would be an outcast in the "geek" world.(No I don't mean the "XD im such a nerd" people either)

>> No.10208745

It's called science fantasy because science fiction or fantasy takes too long to say. Both SciFi and Fantasy are basically the same genre.

>> No.10208748

>Both SciFi and Fantasy are basically the same genre.
OK fuck you /jp/, I'm not gonna talk to you anymore about this.

>> No.10208750
File: 29 KB, 464x652, alien_poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alien is a horror movie with sci-fi elements.
Star Wars is an adventure movie with sci-fi elements.

>> No.10208751

I'm done talking about this since neither of you clearly have any idea about the subject you are trying to discuss. Sorry.

>> No.10208755

>Both SciFi and Fantasy are basically the same genre.

In Hollywood, maybe. In literature, no way.

>> No.10208757

You guys are a bunch of tryhards.
I'd be stuck in my room in /g/.

>> No.10208760

Well, I'm be into art too but that is because that is something I associate with anime. I also love history but, that is a whole other thing.

I'm not sure how my interests would have been shaped if I were just into Star Wars or something else.

>> No.10208767

Then what is the difference? They both seem the same to me.

>> No.10208769

I would be obsessed with linux and being paranoid about everyone for not respecting my freedoms, joining the secret hacker club. 4Chan is also an obsessive interest.

>> No.10208775


>> No.10208776


>> No.10208781

Traditional games like? Would you play them all alone?

>> No.10208794

One of them is plausible bullshit and one of them is implausible bullshit.

>> No.10208814

Food, books, computers, sewing, art. A bunch of normalfag stuff.

>> No.10208828

There is such thing as implausible bullshit. The Bible, for example, is very fantastic, but people accept it as plausible.

>> No.10208838
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Why can't you just admit it?

>> No.10208873

>music, hiking, cooking, art
Those are all things I do. My relationship with them is however completely different than my relationship with Japanese entertainment and other nerdy pursuits.

>> No.10208881

>The Bible, for example, is very fantastic, but people accept it as plausible.

No, they accept it as fact. It doesn't have anything to do with plausibility.

>> No.10208882

I hope best korea nukes them. It would make the world a better place.

>> No.10208883

Classic sci-fi is political in nature. It's kind of like 1984 -- it makes a point about contemporary society using futuristic technology and science as plot devices. It's similar to how a lot of fairy tales are about goblins and witches on the surface level, but they're really about teaching kids some lesson.
At some point in the 20th century, people said "LOL FUCK THAT SHIT" and now we have dumb space action movies and sword & sorcery novels. It's all adventure stories. Switch that gun to a bow, and that space ship from Saturine to Neptus with a galley from Avalonia to The Shadowlands, and it's now fantasy instead of sci-fi.

>> No.10208897

> I guess /jp/ really is full of NERDS after all.
What a surprise.

>> No.10208904

i'd probably be a space or history nerd maybe, those were my biggest interests as a child. I got into japanese media when I was around 6, but perhaps something else could have taken it's place like fantasy or sci-fi, but even as a kid those things didn't interest me very much, despite being exposed to it a lot (my dad is a huge science fiction nerd). Maybe gaming in general, but I don't see that as japanese media only.

>> No.10208910

Photography, cooking. Really no different than now. Only difference is that I'd probably get out of the house more.

>> No.10208912

Now, I don't fully disagree with your statement, but saying that all classic sci fi was political in nature or that all modern sci fi is shallow adventure shit is such a sweeping statement that it's making me hard to take you seriously. There's been examples of both throughout the history of cinema and modern writing.

>> No.10208931

Well, I'm generalizing a little. But Asimov's stories were about more than LOLROBOTS or something like that. To describe them as such would be shallow.
Still, people have been writing fairly straightforward sci-fi stories (particularly in magazines) almost as long as the modern genre has been around. But that's like comparing Dracula or Sherlock Holmes to penny dreadfuls.

>> No.10208938

I'd still like video games, but probably not nearly as much. Barring that, I'd be bored out of my mind and possibly dead.

>> No.10208945

It would free up alot of my time and motivation into being more dedicated to computers. I would probably be fucking incredible if I could read through entire books about networking or programming in a day like I do with anime or manga.

Before I got into this, all I liked was drugs, old video games, and forums. I guess I still like old video games.

Had no clue so many people here liked star trek. Is it good? I've never seen any star wars movie either.

>> No.10208956

The people in this thread are like empty vessels of space

God, what boring fucks you all are once you take away the memes and Touhou

>> No.10208957

I would have full time interest in hate-sex

>> No.10208958

Something productive.

>> No.10208963
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Says the most interesting man in this thread.

>> No.10208967

I like a bunch of westaboo shit. I read American comics (which are terrible, but I've read them all my life and have a stupid attachment), Dungeons & Dragons (although I haven't had enough friends to play in an actual game in about 3 years), and I play World of Warcraft. And I watch a ton of science fiction television. Yes, including Star Trek.

There. Now you know all my secrets.

>> No.10208966

You don't have any other interests of your own? Besides, it's hard to imagine how our lives would have been if they had been well, different.

>> No.10208969

I'd probably carry on my hobbies of neuroscience and crossdressing.

>> No.10208980


Korea sucks at naming things

>> No.10208985

Talk about two hobbies on opposite ends of the spectrum.

>> No.10208987

Terrible? Really? Have you tried reading stuff like Crossed or Locke and Key? american comics are more than just superhero fights

>> No.10208988

I know I'm tired when that made me grin like a retard torturing a rabbit.

>> No.10208991

I disagree, they are very closely related.

>> No.10208993


>> No.10208996


I don't think they're related nor opposites.

I think it's about as related to neuroscience as liking the smell of your own nuts. Neuroscience is a joke anyway.

>> No.10208998

Yeah, also they are hardcore feminists.

They even named one of their citys Bancock.

>> No.10208999

the Oz series of books.
Also mmos.

>> No.10209002

lego autist

I really liked legos

>> No.10209004

>liking the smell of your own nuts.

Well, it IS a pretty interesting and unique smell. Glad to find out it's normal to rub your index finger against the moist side of your ballsack and smell the grime.

>> No.10209007

I loved lego as a kid too. Sometimes I want to buy those big package and build spaceships like I used to as a kid, but damn they are expensive.

>> No.10209019

I'm already pretty big on history. I'd say it's a bigger hobby of mine than Japanese stuff.

>> No.10209021

Maybe, I would have pursued b-boy or any music / hip-hop culture activity.

I may have also stepped up my game on the drawings. I would be much certainly more productive than now.

>> No.10209048

Without anime it would be video games but without eastern videogames I guess it would be trains. Then again, without Easter influence I doubt I'd like trains either.

It would be hunting and European history, I guess.

>> No.10209072


>> No.10209088

Corean MMORPGs.

>> No.10209219

If Japanese media is your whole life then you are pathetic

>> No.10209262

Welcome to /jp/, where most of the regular userbase has exactly two interests: Japanese media, and /jp/.

>> No.10209772
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>> No.10209778

There are better countries with better history and better everything.

>> No.10209783

ownin noobs

>> No.10209793

The fact is that "better" is an opinion and people have different views on the world normal scum.

>> No.10209795

Sci-fi and Video Games.

If you made me quite a bit richer, Warhammer40k.

>> No.10209812

But everything you could possibly like about Japan has been done elsewhere. You may prefer dollars to Euros, but 10 dollars is better than than 5 dollars. Or something.

>> No.10209835

Otaku are people for whom hobbies are life.

>> No.10209842

Having a successful life.

>> No.10209894

Whatever dude. Why are you putting my hobby down anyway? Out of all these other hobbies focusing on nonexistant reality hobbies, you chose mine, which I use to paint wisdom to form a poem of my life with a splash of blood.

Classic /jp/. It's why I love /jp/, yet builds such spite in me.

>> No.10209915

You're generalizing a whole fucking awful lot, because there's still as much insightful science-fiction done these days as was done in the past, and fantasy actually has improved greatly in that regard.

You either have huge nostalgia goggles or you simply haven't kept up with modern works(which requires some effort because of the lack of established canon).

The only thing that's been disappointing are blockbuster sci-fi movies, but there's still good stuff being made here and there with smaller budgets.

>> No.10209920

I'd probably just stick to my video game obsession more, maybe be more into reading actual books like I used to be.

>> No.10209921

>there's still good stuff being made here and there with smaller budgets.

Name one film that isn't Moon.

>> No.10209928
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Just because you are otaku doesn't give you a free pass to be a philistine piece of shit

Even the girls in your VNs are cultured in other things besides hotglue and katanas. Why don't you be more like them?

>> No.10209939

Cloud atlas? In time? Sunshine?

>> No.10209950

Comics like
Calvin and Hobbes
Bone by Jeff Smith
Pearls before swine
Anything on the sunday funny pages
So yeah

And porn

On top of that I'd probably be a lot more athletic

>> No.10209954
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Jazmine Dubois is Moe

>> No.10209956

It's called >>>/tg/

>> No.10209968

Probably only video games. Like Fallout and Elder scrolls which I already like very much.

>> No.10209969
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I'm more a fan of Ruthie from One Big Happy.

>> No.10209976
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Supermarket stocker in the winter

Mountaineer in the summer

>> No.10209986
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Walt Kelly's Pogo and a bunch of other shit

Classic Disney, and even give the frenchies some time

This thread made me realize my love of visual culture didn't originate with Japanese media...

Makes me wonder when the shift took place

>> No.10210001
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It's people like you that make me happy

I remember speaking to a backpacker on my first backpacking journey about the joys of getting free food when washing dishes and it felt great because we could relate and shit

>> No.10210006

You have to be joking right? Western gaming has easily overtaken Japanese games now.

>> No.10210014

I'd be so fucking productive if it wasn't for all of this bullshit. Why am I even here.

>> No.10210018

Nothing. I guess I'd kill myself.

>> No.10210026

Japan has a lot of shit and great variety but western games are more appealing and less sexual
Parents and shit worry less about violence then sexual stuff so west becomes more likely to sell to older players
Otherwise Nintendo has its safe for all ages games

>> No.10210035
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shit dude your right...

>> No.10210041

No, you wouldn't, you undisciplined homo.

>> No.10210095


>> No.10210097

Very likely just wrestling and video games. Cute men doing cute things. ^^

>> No.10210101
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I'd probably be a neo nazi

>> No.10210107

Why did Chihaya join the Nazi party?

>> No.10210131

It's the only party she was invited to.

>> No.10210210

Also probably astronomy. I can't believe how much I used to love looking up at the night sky as a kid. I loved thinking about all the planets and to a far lesser extent, stars. On warm summer nights before we had internet I'd go out in the backyard and look up at the night sky for hours. To this day I still make it a priority in my life to go out and enjoy the full moon when it comes around.

I still wish my parents had gotten me a proper telescope. We only had a pair of binoculars.

>> No.10210220

amurrican cartoons
bitching about south park and the simpsons and so on

>> No.10210267

Video games or D&D.

>> No.10210276

1) art studies (just personal art. not history)
2) Celtic culture
3) world religion

>> No.10210301

Oh celtic culture? Are you learning the language?

>> No.10210323

Working, making money.

>> No.10210344

Calvin and Hobbes, movies and basketball.

>> No.10210354


>> No.10210362

Probably would have continued to play competitive online games to eventually become the typical "CoD/LoL" player instead of moving on to exclusively single player games and little girl-based MMOs.

>> No.10210364

video games, movies, books, comics, animation in general, wrastling

you know the usual turbo nerd stuff

>> No.10210365


>> No.10210369

yea but thats all 90s stuff

todays demoscene a shit

>> No.10210373

Music and/or vidya.

>> No.10210397

Alcohol, cigarettes, marijuana, online poker, and normal video games.
Actually I would still be playing online poker if the Eagle would let me again, that was pretty good money.

>> No.10210403


>> No.10210405

Does media include video games? I can't imagine my life without video games. Probably I'd hate consoles with a passion and only play computer games.

But then consoles wouldn't exist without Japan. So I'd probably be happy playing war strategies, since STG wouldn't exist anymore.

I like animation in general so it wouldn't matter none.

American cartoons would probably still be good.

>> No.10210412

Consoles would exist without Japan. Nintendo just revived console gaming, they didn't invent it.

>> No.10210419

Haven't made a good Armored Core this whole gen.

Where mah GG fighting game sequel?

>> No.10210428

They saved it though. Consoles would have died and stayed dead until this iphone era.

Arcades might not have died out though, or else they would have been emulated on PCs with official software.

>> No.10210436

This thread is full of wannabe nerds. The type that shows like "the big bang theory" panders to.

You wish you could be a hardcore obsessive fan of something. I don't know why, since that lifestyle is the least appealing to you normals. Why is being a loser suddenly "cool" among you people? I blame welcome the the NHK.

>> No.10210445

What the fuck are you even talking about. I bet half these guys were born before you.

>> No.10210452
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>I blame welcome the the NHK.

>> No.10210458

It was the ending theme, wasn't it?

>> No.10210459

Yeah man, Star Trek?

Come back when you're reading Mary Shelley's Frankenstein. Everyone knows sci-fi turned into accessible, normalfag-pandering garbage after the 1830s.

>> No.10210484

To be honest, Star Trek was a large part of my childhood because of my dad. He was a general sci-fi nerd, he brought me to some cons, and my tastes only really deviated because of cultural exposure during the 90s.

>> No.10210494

I'd be into high literature, and artsy movies a lot more than i happen to be now.
I guess 4chan saved me from becoming a hipster piece of shit.

>> No.10210521

Because anyone can be a loser. It's easier to make being a loser "cool" than dedicating yourself to someting.

>> No.10210544

Plastic models.

>> No.10210942

>I'd probably be a neo nazi
Implying /jp/ isn't the Forth Reich.

>> No.10210967

Probably HAM radio

>> No.10211017
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Probaly this

>> No.10211026

Gangsta rap

>> No.10211025

I used to wrestle as well.

>> No.10211037


>> No.10212089

That looks disgusting

>> No.10212126


I would probably still be playing counterstrike

>> No.10212129

I'd probably be out with my bros getting crunk and fucking bitches, since I was with that crowd when I was younger, before I got sucked into this shit.

>> No.10212225

I agree. Sometimes in summer I keep several weeks without bathing because I love the smell of my scrotum.

>> No.10212272

I don't know, I honestly can't imagine my life without Japanese media and imageboards/meta otaku culture. Programming, maybe?

>> No.10212576


It's the zionist media programming you. Brake free from your chains, anon!

>> No.10212593

I'd prolly be normal

>> No.10212663

What's the point of breaking chains and getting free if you have nowhere to go anyway?

>> No.10214824

> cloud atlas
No way that had a small budget.
