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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10208336 No.10208336 [Reply] [Original]


I'm an avid /jp/, I won't get into the NEET arguments cause every single idiot that comes here thinks he's "NEETER" than the last, so I'll just shut up about that and say that this video resonated with me. Sure, it's utter bullshit but he sticks all the fat fakers who wanna be japanese with the truth, the same people who give us such a bad rep. being a NEET or an otaku is not a choice, and fucking fat idiots who go to cons and make that "a lifestyle choice" are the worst cancer.

>> No.10208353

this is sorta long... can I get a short synopsis before I give it my extremely valuable and precious time?

>> No.10208361


>> No.10208364

Let's see how many times we can use the word NEET in a sentence.

>> No.10208371

Semper games.

>> No.10208373

If we take "NEET" as an adjective (e.g. "NEET lifestyle") and "NEET" as a verb (e.g. "I just NEETed on my floor") then


>> No.10208375

every moment of it is pure gold. anxious nerds get told in their face and can't handle it, then some retarded jocks step in and are socially engineered to stfu. basically sit back and enjoy

>> No.10208382

I sucks being a NEET. I'm currently trying to upgrade and become a Freeter or to put another way. I'm trying to get a job.

>> No.10208388

first step to success: stop sage'ing
if u can't even post in a thread without sage'ing how can you expect to get a job?

>> No.10208389

Nice to know that Sam Hyde isn't funny anymore now that 4chan is beginning to latch onto him

>> No.10208397

Anyone who would walk out the door while dressed as an anime character deserves to get fucked up physically and emotionally.

>> No.10208409

I just misread your post and was about to post something stupid, thank god captcha failed on me.

>> No.10208418
File: 54 KB, 500x460, st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not as simple as that, who cares what you wear? it's the lack of the most basic form of self awareness in these people that is so disturbing.

>> No.10208427

But don't you think that self awareness is a very unpleasant thing?

>> No.10208432

I can't understand it. There's too many NEETs.

>> No.10208434

watching to see whats all the fuss about

>> No.10208438

Seconded bro.

*wears fedora and trenchcoat indoors*
*is expressing himself*

>> No.10208440

if everyone was accepted the way they are I'd have to work instead of getting disability for my self-imposed 'social anxiety' (aka i dont want to deal with fucking people). Thank God for bullies and normals.

>> No.10208444

i'm not watching a 47 minute video unless you give a good reason, and "just watch it trust me!" doesn't count

>> No.10208447

Sounds like you don't leave the house much.

>> No.10208448

Some hashtags would have been nice here.

>> No.10208449


Society should be a standard, not a spectrum. It benefits us even though we're the freaks.

>> No.10208474

Ummm...I watched 5 minutes of this video but I still don't get what he was trying to do.

Can someone explain to me? I don't feel like watching more.

>> No.10208482

meh, not everyone is an amerifag and not everyone gets disability for social anxiety. also, not everyone can mooch off their parents.

>> No.10208484

I'm about 10 mins in and hes talking about culture. And you know how nobody here cares about that.

>> No.10208493

watch the second half or the last 10 minutes. it slowly builds up dude, first he enters their mind as if he was one of their own, then he slowly shatters their defensive realities and forces their consciousness into the real world.

>> No.10208502

you can get disability for serious social anxiety in any civilized country. Sorry for your living in Africa/some CIS shithole

>> No.10208511

Something like ridiculing weebs by throwing stuff at them that they don't agree with.

>> No.10208517

meh you're forgetting that getting disability takes effort, and it takes less effort than that to become homeless.

>> No.10208531

There is such thing as a social anxiety disorder, most people who suffer it can't even do a normal education and have to be home schooled or something.
But yes, suffering social anxiety doesn't mean you have that disorder.

>> No.10208537

Who gives a shit you fucking aspie faggot. Stop posting.

>> No.10208553

15mins samurai and social networks

>> No.10208548

Shut the HELL up, Sean. No one asked for your opinion.

>> No.10208563

you guys have seriously lived up to your reputation of being retarded shut-ins if you can't see the irony in this video.

>> No.10208570

You can apply that comment to almost every single post in 4chan.

>> No.10208574

hi sean

>> No.10208584

It's stupid that I need to ask your permission before posting on a thread.
Also, capitalizing "hell" like that is no good on /jp/. If I recall correctly that's from the "why the HELL is inuyasha farting fire? xD" threads.

>> No.10208578

GJ not reading anything in the OP or thread you fat fucking nerd

>> No.10208581

Take that tinfoil hat off your head, friend.

>> No.10208580

I see. That sort of idea.

But his "execution" was terrible.

>> No.10208593


Says the nerd who constantly cries no bully we're all friends bullshit

>> No.10208599

That's trying to be positive.
It's good to live in a friendly environment.

>> No.10208602

hi sean's friend

We need to carry on with the legacy of what wTH brought us. RIP in piece.

>> No.10208610

Well..I think that if he was trying to be ironical then it would help if he knew what he's doing.
Because he clearly didn't.

Also, he's communication skills suck.

>> No.10208615

~25 mins in and still spewing shit

>> No.10208623

congratulations you are the kind of person hes making fun off.

>> No.10208629

does it make you feel bad that even on an anonymous online board for shut-ins everyone hates you? or are you simply trying to reinforce your feeling of low self esteem and righteousness by reliving your highschool experience over and over again over different mediums?

>> No.10208638

I'm from /a/ and I like him. Hes really friendly.

>> No.10208649

yeah from /a/, but his kind does not accept him. what does that say about him?

>implying ur not him

>> No.10208678

haha the ending was hilarious i seriously thought they were gotta get beaten up by security

>> No.10208676

10 minutes in and it's boring. Unless he really steps up these jokes I doubt it's worth investing another 30minutes.

>> No.10208732

Oh he does. He might start off slow, but that's just to lull everyone into a false sense of security.

Though Sam is too extreme for some people, as evidenced by the chunky weebs in the video.

If you don't like him, then check out kool funny youtube channels like tobuscus and raywilliamjohnson

>> No.10208762

>Oh he does.
Does he?

23minutes in and this humor is equal to jokes I heard in high school. I've actually seriously heard some of these in high school. It's like he's not even trying. When does he stop being lame?

>> No.10208784
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>> No.10208789

The jokes are going over your head. Try having a better sense of humor.

>> No.10208790


The lameness is actually part of the bit. Look at how incredibly uncomfortable everyone in the audience is, part of what makes it funny is how the audience reacts to all the awkward, racist, sexist and just wrong info he presents.

>> No.10208799

They aren't. They just sound juvenile to me. I don't know why everyone is leaving at 32minutes, he hasn't changed his tone at all, did it really take them 32minutes to pick up one what he was doing? That's pretty brutally thick, you get one funny point for that.

>> No.10208797

my name is sean too so whenever someone says that it makes me feel bad

>> No.10208826

Dude. Hes essentially playing a character. Its SUPPOSED to be dumb and juvenile. Hes making fun of lame, self-important weebs by acting like one. If somebody has to explain this to you then you're probably one of the people hes mocking.

>> No.10208829

So if someone is acting like a retard and you don't find it funny, you must be retarded, right?

>> No.10208837

I'm well aware of what he's making fun of. I told you several times I get the jokes. I just can't find juvenile shit funny. Why is that so hard for you to grasp? I thought he was going to be more brutally insulting so I'm disappointed.

Yeah, his presentation is pretty mediocre, but the way everyone is reacting to it is pretty hilarious. The small snippets of the audience and staff are about the only thing worth watching the video for.

>> No.10208848

No, but theres a difference between not finding something funny and not understanding something. If you "got it" but didn't like it, whatever. But you don't get it. Thus you're probably a retard, yes.

>> No.10208849

The guy who does the introduction at the start of the video may be my favorite part. That voice, that clothing, ecks tee see, the way he bows at the end of his introduction. Ugh

>> No.10208861

I genuinely do not understand why people non-ironically think spurdos are hilarious.

>> No.10208896
File: 69 KB, 300x300, 1209005426275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus, this is better than Tim&Eric.

>> No.10208915

This was awful. I wish I hadn't watched because it was a waste of time.

For the curious, basically he goes on and on about how Japanese things are superior, using the most retarded arguments, and sometimes switches to just saying bad things about Japan (true and untrue). Some people leave right away, the others are obviously just being polite and trying to sit it out. Apparently they are physically preventing them from leaving anyway. In the end the convention organizers kick him out.

I don't see the satire in this. If you want to claim it's satire, it's very poorly done. There must be some internal logic in satire, this is just a guy saying random stupid things and acting like a faggot.

What's wrong with cosplay anyway? Sure, I don't like it because I have a conservative attitude to dressing, but if these people want to do their thing, fine, why not. It's not affecting me, and they show me the same courtesy by not making a big deal out of me being 3 months late for a haircut. Should we go back to Victorian England where everyone has to adhere to the same stupid, rigid fashion or become an outcast?

>> No.10208922

I don't get it /jp/ is funnier than him.

>> No.10208927
File: 121 KB, 500x688, 1346606132583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just gonna highlight my own post in case any of you missed it, cause this is really bothering me now

>> No.10208946

Don't worry.

MDE will never really get big on 4chan because of dense autists like this guy >>10208915 who cant find anything with with slightest bit of brevity funny.

>> No.10208952

He's being ironic, newbie.

Welcome to /jp/. Enjoying your stay?

>> No.10208964
File: 16 KB, 432x288, 1207192513085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't see the satire in this. If you want to claim it's satire, it's very poorly done. There must be some internal logic in satire, this is just a guy saying random stupid things and acting like a faggot.

But all of that's wrong faggot.

>> No.10208961
File: 10 KB, 283x240, drac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Some people leave right away, the others are obviously just being polite and trying to sit it out

That part actually sounds kinda amusing

>> No.10208968

>He's being ironic

Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.10208973
File: 40 KB, 349x642, hey-guys-look-how-retarded-i-am-jokes-on-them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I won't watch that video but this seems to sum it up based on the posts in this thread.

>> No.10208972

I feel like his delivery could have been a lot better
It would have been much funnier if he mixed in more a of that kind of stutter + muttering that Tim Heidecker does in his standup or Kyle does in those interviews.

>> No.10208978

The problem isn't brevity. He just doesn't present a thorough mockery of what he is trying to parodize. Nobody actually thinks anything remotely like what he presents. It's too disconnected from reality. And if he's shooting for popular stereotypes about anime fans, then his material is unoriginal (tired old jokes such as "lol they like katanas") and poorly executed.

It's not that interesting. They're just sitting there looking bored. It's not like if you had a guy farting in an elevator and everyone hated it but felt too awkward to say anything. He's stupid and annoying if you pay attention, but he just drones on in this boring tone so it's very easy to ignore him, which I'm sure most of the "audience" did.

I watched it and you're spot on.

>> No.10208982

It's actually more equal to the nuke spam we get every now and then in terms of humor. Only the audience actually takes offense for some reason.

>> No.10208983

Hide and move on. This is a /v/ level thread.

>> No.10209014

Of course nobody acts that way, because he creates a monstrous amalgamation of several different related stereotypes, while satirizing TED talk lecture style, while just trying to provoke the audience as much as possible. Though maybe you're right insofar as wasn't into it enough. It's like comparing Tom Green and Tim Heidecker. Green isn't as funny because you can always detect the distance he has with his fucked up humor and the fact that he thinks it's funny, while with Heidecker it's like staring into the void. But Heidecker is high level shit, I can forgive this guy for not being that good.

>> No.10209022

Why do so many people have a problem with "being"? Can't you just live your life without a label on your forehead, and without concerning yourself with the philosophical nature of you behavior?

>> No.10209030

I like you let's get together and smoke a blunt sometime

>> No.10209087

Fucking waste of time.

I will make a mental sticky note not to watch something from OP without a valid reason.

>> No.10209120

>he creates a monstrous amalgamation of several different related stereotypes
Is "weaboo who thinks katanas will cut tanks" still a thing? I don't live in the US, but seems like maybe a decade ago it would have been funny. The internet has mocked it to death and a bit.

Same for:
* "weaboo who thinks japanese women are objectively more beautiful"
* "weaboo who thinks japanese society is perfect"
* "weaboo who looks at anime because he is a pedophile"

I think those are about the things he is "satirizing".

It's just like if I tried to satirize racists who hate Japs by poking fun at WW2 stereotypes. Or if I made fun of them by making fun of that WW2 Bugs Bunny cartoon. It would be like hitting a straw man.

>> No.10209208

So none of you have ever heard of Andy Kaufman, huh?

>> No.10209414

Are you still implying nobody gets the joke?
We get the joke it's just a really fucking old joke.

>> No.10209440

Was it really that great to you? It had some pretty good lines but even the guy linking it starts 17 minutes in. I've tried to watch it twice (now) and really resent the people acting like it's some laugh riot. It's ok, but it really just comes on super strong, it lacks any subtlety or humor and the sole interesting thing about it is that they managed to trick some dumb convention staff into letting them do it.

>> No.10209447

maybe that's the point he was making by mentioning someone from the 1970s

>> No.10209461

Well derp I totally missed that, then.
Saging my posts forever due to shame.

>> No.10209462

oh whoops it starts at 15 minutes in because that's where I stopped watching it before, thanks youtube, THANKS FOR NOTHING

>> No.10209628

Well whatever, just watch any of Fragmaster's youtubes they baited people and were actually funny and well executed.

>> No.10209644

Well I'm 6 minutes in, and this isn't funny. There's been a few funny moments, though! So when it is it going to get funny?

>> No.10209663

Hey, it is getting funny! Sort of lol

>> No.10209985

>Saging my posts forever

Please go back to where you came from

>> No.10211574

It makes me upset, but not everyone hates me as you say.
And why would I want to reinforce a negative experience?

>> No.10211576 [DELETED] 

Stop posting please.

>> No.10211595

What's the reasoning behind creating a trip aside for its original purpose? If you wanted an identity or reputation, wouldn't it make more sense to join a normal forum instead of an anonymous imageboard?

>> No.10213631

Who the hell is Tom Green and tim Hidecker? And who is this guy who made the video in OP? I'm not trying to sound tru/jp/ non-crossboarder who acts like he doesn't know ``crossboard shit'', I truly honestly don't know who these guys are and why people are talking about them.

>> No.10214015

Well then why don't you just google them if you want to know?

>> No.10216350

