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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 677 KB, 2048x1279, japanese_girl_reading_prog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10200016 No.10200016 [Reply] [Original]

>(in Japan) a young person who is obsessed with computers

Programming is an otaku-related habit.

What are you working on, /jp/?

>> No.10200021


I feel like I'm the only person still working on this.

>> No.10200044

What language?

>> No.10200051


>> No.10200056

>Google Sketchup

Are you following Uncle Mugen's tutorial?

>> No.10200054 [DELETED] 
File: 1.47 MB, 1280x720, bg01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

VN engine with C#, Google Sketchup and FL Studio.

Hopefully I'll release the alpha this month.

>> No.10200063 [DELETED] 

Yes, he offered to help me with the backgrounds btw.

>> No.10200071

What a lovely man.

>> No.10200076
File: 2.06 MB, 960x612, i'll do it tomorrow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish i could program, but i'm too lazy to learn

>> No.10200086

I have problems learning java

>> No.10200082

Shut the FUCK UP and get learning.


Aspire to be this.

>> No.10200087

Working on adding bloat to a website.

>> No.10200088


Same here, it's just too much work.

>> No.10200099

I want to do some homebrew psx shit but I'm just too lazy.

>> No.10200100
File: 110 KB, 473x263, i dont have any willingness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i even got some medication that was supposed to help me do stuff, but it doesnt do anything except make my dick numb

>> No.10200113

Please don't listen to Zed Shaw, he is a horrible person.

>> No.10200125

what if the people on /jp/ who could program made a game to teach others to program

it could have touhous and stuff

>> No.10200128

wasnt someone making a shitty VN about that

>> No.10200137
File: 108 KB, 589x1762, prog and jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only programme in SAS. Which general-purpose language is closest to this, if I wanted to learn a new labguage?

>> No.10200146

Currently a facebook app that redirects users to my PPC and then send invites and links to there friends...

>> No.10200155

Is it going to be one of those "OMG! Now you can see who's been looking at your pictures!" things?

>> No.10200164


That sounds lovely.

>> No.10200170

But...how do you teach someone to program?

>> No.10200171
File: 106 KB, 1366x728, dview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doujinshi manager/viewer.

Right now I'm working on auto-tagging so the user can provide patterns like

"(%publication%) [%circle% (%artist%)] %title% (%parodies%)"

and the application will automatically generate tags based on the filename if it matches one of the patterns.

>> No.10200198
File: 118 KB, 1040x805, MIT-Scratch_8-1e1apuv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

scratch is used to teach children how to program so maybe something similar would work

>> No.10200213

Various ways. There are flash games where you program a robot to clear a puzzle, or program a robot to fight in the arena. You've also got GMod which has Wiremod and its rather crude and basic wire logic.

These aren't proper programming lessons but rather ways of introducing the logical thinking that programming needs. From there you could move to a proper language. I took a degree in Mathematics so I ended up having to use Matlab to program shit for 3 years, it's not a real language but it'll serve as an excellent bridge between being a beginner and learning C++ next semester.

>> No.10200226

I always thought Zed Shaw was a gigantic asshole. Then some /prog/rider linked http://vimeo.com/43380467 and I realised that, yes, he is a gigantic asshole, but he's an _agreeable_ gigantic asshole.

>> No.10200233

There's nothing wrong with being an asshole so long as you're right about everything.

>> No.10200258

He's just a dick, just like Stallman and many other programmers. I wouldn't be too negative about it - they're passionate people.

>> No.10200282 [DELETED] 

Nice. I'm looking forward to it.

>> No.10200330
File: 14 KB, 256x192, 9845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


VN that teaches you Lisp.

Zoom909 was working on an English patch and I think he got a few chapters done, then he dropped it.

The same guy was also translating the Manga Guide to Lisp:

He translated some of it (now mirrored at http://feor.org/mwl/)) but GUESS WHAT HE DROPPED THAT TOO.

>> No.10200346

Yeah, Zed Shaw is a total douche, but Learn C The Hard Way is a great book, and I've heard his Python book is good for beginners.

>> No.10200352
File: 293 KB, 700x849, 1344800607698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


(define ((jp) (+ qt 3.14)))

I don't remember anything from the first 25 pages of SICP, I think that's right syntax.

>> No.10200385

Whenever someone tries something like that we end up with another Why's Poignant Guide to retardation.

>> No.10200397

programming is gay

>> No.10200413
File: 8 KB, 286x242, chunky_bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like cartoon foxes and wacky anecdotes about dogs and balloons?

>> No.10200434
File: 726 KB, 424x600, kandrc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you read that trash when the best book on C has already been written?

>> No.10200458

A lot has changed, both in terms of technology and standards. I really wish Brian Kernighan would release a Third Edition that adds stuff from C99/C11, particularly threading and UTF-8 strings. He could dedicate it to Dennis Ritchie and release it for its 35th anniversary. Maybe release an official e-book or the troff sources. That would be awesome.

But NOPE, Kernighan is too busy writing books for idiots.

>> No.10200511

Who would win in a fight, SICP Snake or Python?

>> No.10200599


>> No.10200634

Computer programming were my favorite classes in high school, but I haven't touched it since.

>> No.10200636

Are you that guy from <s>/prog/</s> who watched the entire series to find that scene?

>> No.10200643 [DELETED] 

Last month then? LOL.

Please don't abuse the spoiler function.

>> No.10200684 [DELETED] 

He's misusing, not abusing the spoiler function

Please learn the distinction between misuse and abuse. Thank you.

>> No.10200684,1 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking Janitor, I'll find you.

Please learn how to lick my balls, nerd.

>> No.10200695

Well, I did some more ``What would my budget be like if I had a billion dollars'' in Excel. Does that count?

>> No.10200698

Right now I'm working on implementing camera rotation in a hexagon tile based map. For a turn based strategy RPG. It's written in Java.

>> No.10200702

I misuse little girls.

>> No.10200702,1 [INTERNAL] 

sage goes in the E-mail field, not the Name field.

>> No.10200710

Which reminds me. What ever happened to that guy who was making the loli rape game. He posted a demo but never came back to the best of my knowledge.

I hope someone completes a game with this concept.

>> No.10200711

Last week I found a spreadsheet from 2005 on my ideal <£1000 computer.

It's still better than my current computer.

>> No.10200718

He posts in the original content threads occasionally.

>> No.10200719

He's still around.

>> No.10200721

Wow... /jp/ programming thread and no one mentions Ruby.

Here's what I'm working on:

>> No.10200721,1 [INTERNAL] 

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.10200726

It-it's not like we care about Japanese programming languages or anything...

>> No.10200726,1 [INTERNAL] 

That's Mr Holmes to you, plebeian.

>> No.10200746
File: 145 KB, 500x374, 1351592410322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I started learning Python but then I had to do other stuff.

Funny how life works out."

Anon - Dec 11, 2012

>> No.10200812

Lately I've been wondering about which language to use.

- C/C++ is the hard/pro way but honestly I don't feel like wasting my time in C++ as a hobby
- C# seems to have a poor future thanks to Windows 8
- Java is just not accepted by people when it comes to gaming
- Ruby/Python I wonder... having already C++/Java knowledge I don't want to learn a new thing only to realize I won't make anything with it
- GameMaker/Construct/[Insert something new here] for some reason always seems to lack that "option" you need the most for big projects

Geez, I don't know what to use.

>> No.10200823

Just use C you faggot.

>> No.10200850

>C# seems to have a poor future thanks to Windows 8

How did you come to that conclusion?

>> No.10200869

Prototype with Python and if you actually manage to create something worthwhile, rewrite it in C.

>> No.10200870

Programming languages aren't hard to learn after you've learned your first one. There's no reason to not learn them all.

I'm not even trying to be post-ironic here. You will use something, sometime, some place.

>> No.10200900

>I don't know what to use.

You use the right tool for the job. What is it you want to make? Is programming going to be a hobby or a career?

>> No.10200954

For Windows 8 at least, I'm pretty sure I read something about C# being less used since last year.

Not a career, too old for that. Definitely a hobby.
To be honest writing an engine in something like C++ or Java is not -amusing- once you've already done it first I mean. Most of the time you end up writing tools that would make your life easier, but not the actual game.
I have something I want to rewrite but for some reason I just lose motivation when I open my editor.

>> No.10201168

Phoneme recognition currently... ;_;

>> No.10201883

The TODO link is dead

>> No.10202167

What are you writing it in?

>> No.10202235


>> No.10202249

Ruby a shit.

>> No.10202285

If it's not Symta, it's crap.

>> No.10202313

Please finish this. I have a hentai manga/doujinshi collection of almost 4 years and i can never find what i want.You can just search exhentai but its more convenient.

>> No.10202351

I assume you're using Qt?
Would like to see it when you're done.

>> No.10202352

I should be working on my cpp homework but I'm being a lazy faggot.

>> No.10202441
File: 35 KB, 390x384, 1354016769273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try assembler or haskell

>> No.10202620

Lisp is the most powerful programming language.

>> No.10202746


>> No.10202748

Alternatively, you get some standards and stop saving every single fucking image you see on the internet just because it had a naked girl on it.

>> No.10202816 [DELETED] 


>> No.10203985

I also have that problem, but I think my doujinshi hoarding is slightly apart from that.
I'm gonna stop looking at porn and MAYBE (very unlikely, I admit) also stop fapping for a while. At least two weeks, but up to a month.

It'll be a great opportunity to organise my files without constantly adding every picture of a cute or sexy girl/anime character I come across.

I want to work on an image [auto]sorter capable of looking up images on the boorus/reverse image search sites for more info.
I'm only just beginning to learn programming, though.

>> No.10204374

I just started learning Python. I'm on functions.

>> No.10204420

Lisp is the most powerful programming language. It can grow to be the size of earth and can beat any badguy in one hit. At the begining of the universe, lisp acheived satori and fights the demon king yashinoru, but he never loses.

>> No.10204437

>I want to work on an image [auto]sorter capable of looking up images on the boorus/reverse image search sites for more info.

Doujinshi viewer guy here, this is something I'd like to eventually add.

>> No.10204594

Yeah, I was thinking our ideas were very compatible. I'll be a sad if it comes to fruition without me, but that would be outweighed by having it at all.

I've attached an email in case you'd be so kind as to email me if you ever get around to doing this, or if you'd like me to email you when I feel like I've learned enough to start such an ambitious project.

It'd be cool if it could use facial recognition to 2D as well as 3D into folders by character/person.

>> No.10204641
File: 35 KB, 365x365, slav_yuuka_reply.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you like Perl too.

>> No.10204653

>facial recognition

but they all have the same face

>> No.10204780

I just chose a random provider for a 4chan email, what's wrong with it? Not a slav and like I said, I'm only just starting to learn (python), how the heck would I have a language preference.

I donno how possible it is, but I remember using a program (picassa, I think) that recognised some 2D faces as distinct

>> No.10204878

easiest method for 2d would probably just be reverse-image search or maybe searching by hash. Was there a way to search by hash on any of the boorus?

>> No.10205455

Then how do you tell them apart?

>> No.10205516

I doubt you'd be able to tell cartoon characters apart by facial recognition, but you would probably be able to automatically sort 3D from 2D, and perhaps match characters based on colours.
ImageMagick has some great tools for comparing and identifying images:

Then again, this is silly if you can just fetch the character information from Danbooru automatically.

>> No.10205901

Do you even sort?

>> No.10208235

What are you coding it in?

>> No.10208270


>> No.10208714
File: 832 KB, 1920x1050,  .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i remember writing something similar to this ...

>> No.10208846

I want to pretend I'm Paul Graham and write websites in LISP.

Too bad I have nothing important to say.

>> No.10208865

You can use this to help Flaser update his torrent!!

>> No.10208875

I still don't get how state is supposed to work. Not being able to assign variables makes it weird.

>> No.10208905

I always had trouble programming.
I took a course in Java a year or so ago as a thing on the side, but it didn't feel like I learned anything other than terms, rather than how to program or do things.
If I ever wanted to do anything with it or make any type of software for me to use, it was more a matter of studying a thousand other libraries that I would need to glue all the other shit together.
Even worse than that though is me trying to find the most obscure hipster language to pick up and study. I have a book on haskell that I picked up and did most of the examples up to midway into the book, and another on FORTRAN90.

By the time I can get some things actually done with fortran or haskell and can work my way with them, I just give up and feel even worse for taking the time to understand such shitty useless crap.
I hate programming.

>> No.10208908

There's no reason to write a website in LISPU other than attention whoring... or to test a new dialect you are working on (which is attention whoring too, in fact).

>> No.10208913

>I'm gonna stop looking at porn and MAYBE (very unlikely, I admit) also stop fapping for a while. At least two weeks, but up to a month.
I tell this to myself every week.

>> No.10208981

Anyone have any tips on Java? And any important aspects of/in java?

>> No.10208989

Tips? Get acquainted with a lot of object oriented design patterns. Also swing sucks, but less so than WPF.

>> No.10209005

Read through java.lang.*

>> No.10209071

I really hate programmers who fetishize low-level programming. I tell people that thanks to XNA, I could use my few hours of free time to make a neat game, and they start going on about how C# isn't a real programming language because it has a garbage collector so it's shit. Then they start writing a graphics engine in C++ and months later they're still haven't implemented some basic feature despite cranking out hundreds of line every day.

>> No.10209080

messing with the runtime stack gets me off

>> No.10209112

I just write stuff with Lua. I wouldn't even call it programming. Just writing Pong and whatnot. I was working on Space Invaders at one point, but I wanted to make Touhou instead and eventually got lazy 20 lines in.

>> No.10209126


>> No.10209131

I don't mind that some people like things that are boring to most. But it's annoying when they act like those boring, unnecessary things are "real programming" and tools that make your life easier are crutches for idiots.

>> No.10209153

It's best to ignore that type of post.

>> No.10209155

Maybe you just want to work with a language that doesn't make you feel like killing yourself.

>> No.10209182

Low-level fetishism is worthwhile if you're going to be a good (skilled) career programmer. Insecure beginners and hobbyists shouldn't read too much into the code monkey jokes.

>> No.10209188

I find it fun. Tinkering with bits and bytes using assembly instructions is just an enjoyable way of doing things to me. Though I definitely agree with what you say, even at the low-level. Writing x86 assembly doesn't make you a genius, it makes you an idiot for not using C. And writing a graphics library in C makes no sense when OpenGL, DirectX and SDL have done that job for you a lot better than you could ever do it.

You can take it the wrong way, though. A lot of people like to troll by saying stuff like "lulz it's 2012!!! why are you using C?! python is fast enough if you have a CPU from the last ten years!!!!"
Knowing and using the lower level stuff is important. Every science is built from some first principles and it's useful to know/use those even if they turn out to rarely be useful in practice. Optimization and low level code are important for tasks like cryptography and graphics, and the last thing we need are layers upon layers of thin clients that nobody understands any more.

>> No.10209198

A lot of the time, I end up with no choice but to interact with them.

>> No.10209201

``High-level languages'' aren't transparent enough. Limiting machine level features feels bad.

>> No.10209206

My <s>Guildie</s> suggested that i start with PHP. Is that a good starting place?

>> No.10209212

If being a scientist counts as "career programmer", then by the time I learned low level stuff, I had been productively programming for years, and learning low-level stuff didn't really do much for me other than enable a few mildly interesting conversations with my (non-scientist) programmer friends.

Incidentally, OOP which according to Zed Shaw above is hard and shitty and useless made a huge difference, and I essentially learned it from a few hours of reading the Sun Java tutorials.

>> No.10209214

>languages without explicit pointers

Why would you make everything more ambiguous and limited? Because people are retarded and can't take an hour to figure out how pointers work?

>> No.10209215

God fuck no. Use Lua.

>> No.10209225

It's fine in languages like ((scheme))

>> No.10209231

>Because people are retarded and can't take an hour to figure out how pointers work?
Can you give an example of what kind of situation has made you think, "jeez, I really wish I had implicit pointers"?

>> No.10209233

oop is useless and shitty if you already know how to organize data and code

its useful for people that would otherwise make everything global

>> No.10209242

Code reuse.

Creating data structures that behave in a way that is logically appropriate for your actual data.

>> No.10209249

It's a pretty cute way, but it's rather trivial to build similar systems yourself that suit your purposes better.

>> No.10209264

>Code reuse.
it's really, really easy to make re-usable non-oop code if you aren't terrible

>> No.10209276

You mean like...a data structure? Something that has been in almost every language since the 60s?

>> No.10209280

Well, I'm afraid I'm just terrible. And statistically speaking, so are most people.

"Data structure" can't have methods and can't inherit. You can't have interfaces of "data structures".

>> No.10209285

>Well, I'm afraid I'm just terrible. And statistically speaking, so are most people.

>"Data structure" can't have methods and can't inherit. You can't have interfaces of "data structures"
oh man it's time to stop posting before you make more of a fool of yourself than you already have

>> No.10209310

this thread went to shit so fast

>> No.10209314

Why is C pointer syntax so terrible?

>> No.10209325

What is terrible about it?

>> No.10209328


>> No.10209342


>> No.10209345

Portability aka easy compiler writing.

>> No.10209356

I thought there already were C compilers.

>> No.10209364

I believe you.

>> No.10209609

don't suppose either of you would be interested in posting yer code?

>> No.10209786

I'll post it on github eventually

>> No.10210390

granberia was unexpectedly cute

>> No.10215176
File: 67 KB, 807x623, techloligy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm still around! The engine underwent a total and utter rewrite though. Don't worry though, the game WILL get finished, even if it takes half a decade.

It's going to end up in somewhat-3D. 2D gameplay still, but a kind of Pokémon Black or Animal Crossing kind of 3D, I guess. Or it might not, we'll have to see how it works out.

If anyone here would be willing to help out it would be nice, especially from a content perspective once the engine is far along, but that probably won't happen for a while.

pic related, part of the new engine to allow more efficient processing of lolis.

>> No.10215205

Don't you have some porn to dump in /g/?

>> No.10215276
File: 605 KB, 1216x893, pulsewave_shader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep writing shaders. One day I will come up with a cool idea for a game and then I'll use them all.

>> No.10215292 [DELETED] 
File: 385 KB, 368x447, 1348986268942.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Python 2.0

>> No.10215326

Pixel Shader: The Game

Using a simple langage compiling to GLSL, players will have to create fragment shaders to match a reference image. It will run in a browser using WebGL.

>> No.10215338

That's pretty neat, actually. Might be cool for students trying to get into graphics programming.
I don't know any JavaScript though, and I don't want to learn it.
Also not interested in games that have nothing to do with anime characters.

>> No.10215340

>Also not interested in games that have nothing to do with anime characters.
Reference images can contain kawaii uguu anime characters ^_______^

>> No.10215346

But I don't want people to think I'm a faggot.

>> No.10215359

You mean, you don't want people to know that you're a faggot, right?

>> No.10215368

I like young, two dimensional girls.
That's as hetero as it gets.
Now please stop derailing the thread or I will have to report you.

>> No.10215375


If you're referring to the filename, I named it that because loli-partitioning tree data structures are loli technology, not because of techloli/g/y.

>> No.10215396

>Now please stop derailing the thread or I will have to report you.
Sorry, I always thought programming was /g/ or /prague/ material.
Welcome to /jp/ - Random Culture, I guess.

>> No.10215395

Young girls are flat chested, like men.

>> No.10215418

Refactoring code written by ancient sages to be more reusable. i.e. so I don't have to include tons of shit in order to use it.

>> No.10215439

anyone know where one could find snippets of code lying around in an orderly manner?
I'm not really all that into programming, but I do enjoy finding pieces of code lying around sewing them together and try to see what kind of program I can make out of it.
It's kind of like a hobby, making programstein monsters.
<s>Don't judge me</s>

>> No.10215449

Men aren't really flat-chested, we have pecs (or man boobs) and manly chest hair. A man's chest is just as developed as a woman's, just in different ways.

>> No.10216838

I've been thinking of diving into some Windows 8 app making. Mostly because it currently is a sad scene where stuff I want do not exist. Though someone could probably toss up something before I have a chance to, which would make it half-pointless.

>> No.10216866 [DELETED] 

Speaking of which, can I write WinRT apps in C? All the pre-release info said "C/C++" and one presentation said "C or C++", but that usually just means C++.
