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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10198668 No.10198668 [Reply] [Original]

What is Eirin? A god? A lunarian? Human? Sakuya before time-traveling to the past to stop herself from creating the fake moon?

>> No.10198684
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First Lunarian, and she's immortal.

I think ZUN referenced her to being a goddess once, or based off of one.

She's at least as strong as divinity, I'd say.

Also, just look at her hat!

>> No.10198691

>Sakuya before time-traveling to the past to stop herself from creating the fake moon

Original theory do not steal.

>> No.10198699

a fictional character

>> No.10198706

>First Lunarian
So...did the other supposed lunarians pooped out of her sweaty sausage satchel?

>> No.10198713
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She brought other people along of course!

Though there actually is a Yagokoro lineage. I'm not sure if they're actual blood relatives that Eirin brought over or if she had kids.

>> No.10198714

This theory is highly reputed and was brought forth by 2ch users. Most people don't get to hear about it because it's similar to Maribel being Yukari theory. Even though Eirin-Sakuya was conceived before Mari-Yukari.

>> No.10198719
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Personally I'd think it'd be a pretty lame thing if it were true, considering Sakuya's pretty air-headed.

That and if she was a Lunarian, it'd just be pretty boring after all, she's already special enough.

>> No.10198726
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>considering Sakuya's pretty air-headed.

Eirin is air-headed enough to let herself be fed hallucinating mushrooms.

Eirin is hot.

>> No.10198724

Is the general consensus is that sakuya was tricked/manipulated into serving for the scarlet?

>> No.10198730
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Not like she knew what was in the stew.

Sakuya opened up a window in fucking space. That's beyond stupid.

>> No.10198731

She's canonically a vampire hunter, I think it's more likely to be a submission thing.
Also sorry for being off-topic.

>> No.10198738
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>> No.10198741

Those were bull testicles, not breasts, but a nice try anyway.

>> No.10198743

Assuming she isn't Eirin, Sakuya didn't have enough knowledge to even know what would happen if she opened a window. She was only making herself useful when her mistress noted it was too hot. Also note it wasn't actually in space. They didn't even get to go that far. They only crossed a border.

Assuming she is Eirin, she knew how the travel was going to take place and simply forgot about it being windy up where they were.

Wait, why am I even discussing this? That theory is riduculous.

That's nothing but Akyuu conjecturing.

>> No.10198749
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Agreed anon, that theory is beyond ridiculous.

>> No.10198754
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Wasn't it hinted somewhere that she might be the Shinto god of knowledge, Omoikane? That god is also written as Ya-gokoro-omoi-kane-no-mikoto after all.

>> No.10198761

Japan made the theory so it can't be ridiculous. It would also explain how Eirin knew who Sakuya was, because Eirin looked at Sakuya and understood her time travel was a success.

>> No.10198765 [DELETED] 

>Eirin looked at Sakuya and understood her time travel was a success

maybe because of understood because of >>10198754

>> No.10198769

>Eirin looked at Sakuya and understood her time travel was a success

maybe she understood because of >>10198754

>> No.10198774
File: 201 KB, 500x1500, eirin pantyhose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes no sense. If Sakuya went back in time to stop ``herself'' from completing the fake moon plan, how would her past self know who she is, when the plan hadn't even come to fruition?

>> No.10198911


wanting to see balls instead of breast...

>time travelling Sakuya

lol ironically this theory could be plausible but you'd have to figure out a way why she's younger and had time traveling tech and the older Erin didn't, also the different name and eye color

>> No.10198938
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Why do people draw portray her as a slut?

She doesn't seem the kind of people that would do that kind of lewd stuff

>> No.10198950

An ancient humanoid that is really, REALLY good at making medicine. I say humanoid because she probably predates the modern homo sapiens.

Omoikane is a god derived from people incorrectly remembering the awesome things Eirin do.

I don't think she's the first one on the moon, through. This would be Tsukiyomi.

Sakuya probably /is/ a full lunarian, or at very least has lunarian DNA/mojo on her. Eirin's surprise seems to be mostly because that.

>> No.10198962
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>> No.10198967
File: 106 KB, 419x248, powerful.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sakuya probably /is/ a full lunarian, or at very least has lunarian DNA/mojo on her. Eirin's surprise seems to be mostly because that.

So get this: Kaguya's power is manipulation of eternity. Sakuya's is manipulation of time. assuming Sakuya has lunarian blood in her and seeing her abilities are so similar, Sakuya is Kaguya's daughter!!

This is an original theory made by anon of /jp/.

My sister was talking about this frog just now.

>> No.10198981

You're right that Sakuya ability is related to Kaguya's. Sakuya in fact has a very weaksauce time control when compared to "manipulation of eternity and the instantaneous".

But that is probably something that runs in families on the moon. Kaguya can be a kind of epitome of that skill (maybe this is why she was needed to create the Hourai?) but this doesn't imply that she and Sakuya are direct relatives. Most likely something like distant cousins, if Sakuya is actually a lunarian too.

>> No.10199039
File: 202 KB, 1000x1084, 1354668339690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can picture her both as a cute girl, a lewd young lady and everything in between. That's one of the many charms of the Touhous less nice people refer to as ``hags''.

>> No.10199086
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So cute in this

>> No.10199093
File: 504 KB, 800x989, 1354168972831.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That image reminds me of how badly I want an Eirin fumo.

>> No.10199100

Who ever made that doll. I would pay them so much of my NEETbux to have.

>> No.10199103
File: 163 KB, 708x1000, 7c89d5f57a8598370711c13f08832ed9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could always get an Eirin funi-funi.

No clue where to find them though.

>> No.10199151

inaba isnt canon

>> No.10199675

That's debatable.

>> No.10199677
File: 216 KB, 938x744, c5c7bc3b49e60900cd79b1a8bfbf8381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just leave it at semi-canon?

>> No.10199697

it wasnt written by ZUN
it's an alternate universe

>> No.10199736

So Kasen isn't canon either?

>> No.10199742

Does anyone play the games anymore? They even have handly little omake.txts that detail these kinds of things.

>> No.10199762

fuck off, sperg-lord.

>> No.10199786


Trying too hard to be Japanese.

>> No.10199788

WaHH was written by ZUN
