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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10193915 No.10193915 [Reply] [Original]

What's the official MMO of /jp/?

>> No.10193919
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Fucking your mom, I grinded out 10 levels just last night.

>> No.10193922

3D Custom Touhou

>> No.10193923 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10193932

Hikikomori Manager Online

>> No.10193933

Call of Duty: MW3

>> No.10193939


>> No.10193942
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7/10 would play both

>> No.10193946


>> No.10193955

Autism: Online

>> No.10193950

Talking of off-topic bullshit

What's the official steamed vegestable of /jp/?

>> No.10193973

Dark Autism: Unholy Trolls

>> No.10193985
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Creamed corm.

>> No.10193987

Is anyone playing the Wizardry beta any more?

>> No.10193991

Maple Story? Mabinogi? Blade & Soul? Meguka Online? Tera? That one asian rpg that is full of loli and panties?

Carrot & Potato.

>> No.10193999


>> No.10194037

Welcome to post-/jp/, where people suck cocks IRL and want to fuck smelly little brats.

>> No.10194194

Only normalfags find real lolis annoying.

>> No.10194200
File: 29 KB, 330x175, swgemusetupguide25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing this, it's a really autistic game so I'd reckon /jp/ would enjoy it.
You can even be a virtual mayor and build cities and houses and name them.

>> No.10194211

They smell like crayons and milk.

>> No.10194218

Kids (and most people) don't drink real milk today. That white-colored crap literally stinks.

I feel bad for them.

<s>They sure smell like crayons, though.</s>

>> No.10194235 [SPOILER] 
File: 23 KB, 357x480, milkkkk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only good milk in the world. Don't let your cousins drink fake milk anymore.

Spoilered for 3D loli, I googled "milk bag" and she was there.

>> No.10194253 [DELETED] 

I am playing now Guild Wars 2
Atm lvl 14 Elementalist
Still getting the hang out of the game.

>> No.10194280

I'll open a dairy farm for lolis then.

>> No.10194330

That's a boring game and it's difficult to make a little girl.

>> No.10194335

i sort of consider 4chan to be a MMO

>> No.10194363

I tried EVE, boring game.
Maybe I'll try joining goonswarm but that seems like a serious pain, the idea of being an intergalactic asshole seem fun though.

>> No.10197235
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diablo 3

>> No.10197253


>> No.10197272

The "Stop Playing Shitty Ass Games" MMO.

>> No.10197317

is this one year ago?

>> No.10197346

Either Mabinogi for old hotglue, Aika for neo-hotglue, or ECO for post-neo-/jp/. Hopefully Project NT in the future. It actually lets you sit down and eat stuff. /jp/ can finally have its online meetup/tea party.

EVE would be 500x better if you could paint your ships and put pictures on them.

>> No.10197388

EVE is really boring unless you're a self motivated risk taker or in a good group. I played with goons for a few years. They're relatively easy to join for what you get, especially as a new player.

>> No.10197414

What was that mmo where you could just sit together and watching nico videos? @live or something like that?

>> No.10197417


I will never understand how /jp/ played Mabinogi. The game is so buggy, I couldn't even add a friend.

>> No.10197421

It would be so much fun playing something like Elevator: Source with /jp/.

>> No.10197435 [DELETED] 

Why is this thread still alive?

>> No.10197440
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The answer is obvious, and I am deeply offended by the fact none of you could answer it. You should all get your /jp/ licenses revoked.

>> No.10197446

Why are there so many people teleporting at once?

Also, in related news, all the iRO renewal servers are merging next week.

>> No.10197453
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They're all bots.

Also, they announced an evolution for the Gunslingers.

>> No.10197504

They look pretty cool I suppose, any information on skills? I can't seem to find any.

>> No.10197580

I just remembered. It's Ai Sp@ce if anyone even cares.

>> No.10197617
File: 428 KB, 1600x1200, Emil Pantsu Online.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can grind hard while dressing up, why not?

>> No.10197624


>> No.10197634

There's not any yet. They just announced they were making it during the RWC, and later these sprites were posted by the staff of the Russian servers.
I'm looking forward to it a lot, I really liked the Gunslingers but the class always sucked. After Renewal they became even more useless, I hope they become at least usable.

>> No.10197863

No way, so did I. Flew light tackle

>> No.10198232

Any jp guild on iro renewal?
Classic is boring

>> No.10199445

Wasn't there some guy getting custom touhou hats made on iro?

>> No.10199458

Have they fixed the unskippable cutscenes already? I'm not going to bother with it again, unless they remove that shit. I have no problem with reading the story, but it can be damn annoying sometimes.

>> No.10199497

Cube 2 - Sauebrauten is the only true /jp/ mmo. if you don't play you're not a tru-/jp/sie and are probably a neo-/jp/ or a neo-neo-crossboarder

>> No.10199539 [DELETED] 
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>Cube 2 - Sauebrauten

i host a server

>> No.10199542

I was thinking of giving this a go for a while.

>> No.10199574 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10199582

MMOs are for twelve year olds

>> No.10199588

Which one has the most twelve year olds?

>> No.10199629
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Actually I've always wondered.
Why doesn't /jp/ play trickster online?

>> No.10199655
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>> No.10199663

I hate Maplestory, but for some reason I really want to play it again.

>> No.10199684

Why are so many nerds naming Corean and American games?

This is like,
"What's your favorite doujin game, /jp/?"

Fucking coreaboos/westaboos.

>> No.10199693

maybe cuz that game is from korea and not japan.

>> No.10199701

/jp/ plays tera, mabi and ro.
are you retarded?

>> No.10199708

It's very grindy and you can literally buy equipment with real money that makes you able to one hit enemies on your level for almost every level.

I got tired of it after 2 years but I love the design and it felt alot like RO

>> No.10199713

I play Call of Duty.


>> No.10199718

There really isn't that many Japanese MMOs.

>> No.10199731

I play it bro, wtf.
Had a level 73 HVCoon at one point, quit for a while, came back as Bunny. Then played fox cause fucking gay drills everywhere.

I plan to draw porn of it once I'm good enough.

>> No.10199738

I have a level 150 Sheep. Haven't played in about 4 years though.

>> No.10199758


>> No.10199763

Who are you quoting you miserable faggot there's nothing wrong with him playing a sheep he got to level 150. FUCK YOU

>> No.10199765

There aren't that many light novels available in English. Let's discuss Harry Potter and Twilight ^_____^

>> No.10199780

Let's do, since obviously we can't talk about MMOs without some queerlord suddenly giving a rats ass about everything.

>> No.10199778

Stop being so mean...

>> No.10199781

Them ninja foxes were hot.
I had a cat because nyan nyan mother fucker

I ended up quitting because my account got banned for account sharing.
Retarded shit.

>> No.10199794

I want a rat's ass!

>> No.10199797

that feel bro

>> No.10199795

I'll remember this post.
I'll remember it good.

>> No.10199796

Sheeps are one of the best things about this game.
Foxes, Bunnys and Cats are sluts

>> No.10199809

The only good porn I ever found was a Bunny pic with cum inside.
The rest is just photoshop crap

>> No.10199829

How high are your standards then?
I actually want to know, since it will give me ap oint where I feel comfortable posting here.

>> No.10199839

Chrck gelbooru for Trickster_Online, anything better than these shoops is fine.
By the way, just becsuse they are crap doesn't mean that I didn't masturbate to them

>> No.10199843

I'm afraid I will be playing WoW. Battle chest is only €5 at the moment and comes with one free month.

>> No.10199849

Oh wow, check more sites.
Paheal, check paheal.

Anyway I thought secret of solstice sucked.

>> No.10199872

Isn't there a way to play the Japanese server?

I can't remember the guide I saw.

Would anyone else play it?

>> No.10199882
File: 445 KB, 1110x1110, harry potter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that jokingly, but /jp/ has had discussions about Harry Potter.

>> No.10199887

Surprised no one mentioned PSO2 yet.

>> No.10199888
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How do I increase my dps as a witch doctor, /jp/?

Crit and crit damage seems like a waste since dots don't crit and the only attacks that do well with that is firebomb and bears and attack speed seems kind of pointless for dots with the exception of a few.

Am I supposed to just stack int really really high with feast and harvest? Seems boring.

>> No.10199920
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Currently playing japanese mobage.

>> No.10199933

Homeland for Gamecube.
You know, that one game that had online play that wasn't PSO.

>> No.10199977
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Harry Potter is pretty close to a Western light novel, story-wise.

>> No.10199981
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best HP

>> No.10199989
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>red hair
>dark brown eyebrows

>> No.10199992

you picked a bad time to start. this expansion is real shitty thus far, even worse than the last one imo.maybe next tier of content wont suck dick.

waiting to reboot with pso2 NA

>> No.10200012

stop teasing us with things we can't have

>> No.10200085


I'd play with you anon, if you are on EU

>> No.10200739

