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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 867 KB, 1024x1024, drunkmarii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10186932 No.10186932[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /jp/~
Which of you boys are drunk tonight?

What otaku-related shit are you up to while you drink? I'm gonna play melty blood

>> No.10186946
File: 198 KB, 700x467, Aoi Haru Noki's Choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not drunk, but I am collecting more and more massive collection of images form my favorite Japanese movies...While I watch anime...

>> No.10186947

You only want to get me drunk so you can take advantage of me. Begone demon!

>> No.10186950
File: 577 KB, 800x800, mariitowel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now, Now~

It wouldn't be so bad, would it~? I won't tell anyone if we do something lewd!

>> No.10186959

I masturbate or play touhou when drunk, surprisingly I am better at them.

>> No.10186969

I suppose it's okay then.

>> No.10186970

I'm a little bit drunk and watching Skyrim

>> No.10186978

I don't drink. The last time I drank alcohol I tried to kill myself by laying in front of an oncoming train. Now my parents lock their alcohol in a safe and I have no way of getting any.

>> No.10186979

Please don't shitpost with joshiraku....

>> No.10186982

What movie is this?

>> No.10186986

I want to drink, but only if I can have superior nipponshu, like Yebisu and Kirin.

Is being drunk more socially acceptable if you're drunk on japanese beer?

>> No.10186990

dont start please, i have been and its really diffuclt to type so much

>> No.10186992

Last time I drank I cried like a little bitch and woke up lying on a puddle of vomit in a corner. Relieving.

>> No.10187008
File: 334 KB, 1057x800, 26918380_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a bit of beer and cider with dinner, but I don't like feeling any more than slightly drunk. I love relaxing with a cold drink and reading a VN. I think playing fighting games while impaired would be frustrating, but I guess if you're drunk enough it would just be funny.

>> No.10187015

I'm slightly buzzed, I had a Founder's IPA.

I've been programming and now I might do some very lewd stuff.

>> No.10187030
File: 313 KB, 1366x767, Aoi Haru_Fools&Flowers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aoi Haru - Blue Spring

>> No.10187045

Last time I drank my sister arrived 2 hours ealier (3 am) and came into my room asking me to take out the trash and do the dishes. I tried to pretend I was sleep because I didn't want her to realize I drink but everything was a blur and I kept messing up and stumbling around. She realized I was drunk and asked me where I was hiding my bottles. I didn't tell her but she went through my room, found my stuff and threw them away, then gave me a speech on how I shoudn't do this. When I finished doing the chores I threw up over the floor, cleaned up and then passed out in my bed.

>> No.10187051

I was thinking on going for adventure. But I ran out of alcohol and passed out before I could put on shoes. Not a new thing for me.

>> No.10187061

how pathetic, being bossed around by your sister. A man is entitled to his liquor! I always make sure to abuse my sister physically or emotionally (sometimes both) when I see her so that she knows I am not to be bossed around!

>> No.10187062
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>> No.10187063

Should I get drunk tonight, /jp/?

Whenever I drink it screws up my SSRIs and I get really depressed for 1 or 2 weeks.

But I REALLY want to get drunk.

>> No.10187075

Try another alcohol.

>> No.10187082
File: 171 KB, 1000x1000, kanaisbossu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What kind of SSRIs are you on? I take zoloft, and it makes me feel amazing when I'm drunk. When I'm off, it feels worse when I'm drunk, AND after I'm drunk.

But, if you wanna get drunk, screw it OP! Do it! I'll stay up with you all night.

>> No.10187085
File: 36 KB, 320x401, 1345272614152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just recently changed them and I can't recall what they're called. Paxil, I think.

Yeah, I get drunk really fucking easily on them and it's great, but then it's followed by a week or two of crushing depression.

>> No.10187093
File: 24 KB, 225x350, anzuprez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ah, sorry, it feels roughly the same when I'm not on my meds than when I'm off when I drink. However, being drunk while on my SSRIs feels amazing. I've had like 8 drinks and I feel so nice all over.

I really will stay up with you all night, though.

>> No.10187098
File: 54 KB, 775x1030, kukuru1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's awful. Well, it's up to you, OP. I don't want you to feel bad for up to two weeks.

What do you tend to drink? In what way does it make you depressed? Do you think it's purely chemical, or partly cognitive?

>> No.10187101
File: 29 KB, 243x377, dlh212_nyanmage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink shots, so tequila, whiskey or vodka. I don't really like vodka though.

Sober girls around me be actin' like they drunk

>> No.10187103

I'm actually not OP.

I drink whatever I've got in my house, I live at home still so I just drink my parent's booze. Whiskey, when I can.

I think it's chemical, I can't think of a reason why it would be cognitive.

>> No.10187107

I skip my meds when I go with friends to parties.
You shouldn't be mixing alcohol with medications guys. I'm not autistic, but you guys must be if you're mixing your fucking medications.

I am on both of those meds too.....

>> No.10187108
File: 409 KB, 567x800, 30188298_p55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're hesitant enough to ask, it's probably a bad idea.

>> No.10187109

Last night I got drunk and made it to third base with a girl I met a few weeks ago.
Tonight? Sitting in my room eating a turkey wrap. Not getting home till 8 am fucked me up.

Why aren't you all out having adventures too?

>> No.10187113
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, anzuhappy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, I meant OP as in whoever I was responding to. I'M the OP who started the thread.

I see. Well, it's up to you. I hope you have a nice night either way!

>> No.10187112

Skipping your medication one night for a party doesn't make a difference when your bloodstream is already full of the medication.

>> No.10187114

Watching trains. I really wish it would snow already.

>> No.10187116

There aren't any interesting trains around here. No snow either.

>> No.10187118
File: 298 KB, 750x1170, Akiyama.Yukari.full.1336759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're retarded. Skipping your SSRIs for one night one do shit to you.

Neither will getting drunk once in a while on them. The reason they suggest you don't alcohol while using them is because both chemicals affect the same part of the brain-the effects, whether negative or positive, are largely dependent on the user. It's not going to fucking kill you or anything, but it may interrupt "treatment".

Personally, SSRIs do nothing but numb my obsessions and misery, so a night of bliss when I mix them with alcohol in exchange for half a day or so of feeling sick is no big deal.

>> No.10187119

i wish it would snow aorund here, at the best it gets really cold and hard to stay up sometimes

>> No.10187120

I've gotten drunk every night for the past two weeks. Tonight will be no different.

Because meeting people is hard.

>> No.10187122
File: 123 KB, 1064x810, 1354610228674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

King of /jp/ is the only King here buddy.
I suppose. But it probably is better than just taking more. My therapist said It is better that way too.

>> No.10187126

Alcoholism moe~

>> No.10187131

King of /jp/ is Satan

>> No.10187132
File: 458 KB, 800x667, 23452845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kings don't get banished, pal.

>> No.10187133

There's commercial trains that run through our town. It's out of sight but it's nice to hear the horn hear and there.

It bites. We haven't had a good snow in a few years.

>> No.10187135

>For one night one
>Part of the brain-the effects
I'm confused

>> No.10187150
File: 308 KB, 482x516, droolingyukari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For one night won't
>part of the brain; the effects

I meant whether alcohol while on SSRIs makes you feel great or terrible.

I've been drinking on SSRIs for about 2 years without any real effects. I've noticed that being drunk feels way more awesome while on them, and that the hangovers are slightly worse. Either way, life sucks more ass when I don't take them, drinking or not drinking.

>> No.10187176

Just got home and starting to drink. Maybe catch up on some anime if I can decide what to watch.

I always got drunk way too quickly while on my SSRIs. Tonight I'll just drink and figure out a way to get back on them again.

>> No.10187177

It's not very cute, trust me.

>> No.10187179

I was drunk last saturday. It was fun. Theeen I got drunk again Sunday. Not so fun. I took 9 shots on an empty stomach and woke up in the tub covered in puke.

>> No.10187185

>Woke up in the tub covered in puke
Oh god jesus christ

>> No.10187187

Are you sure it was your own puke?

>> No.10187188

I know. I was throwing up the entire day. now just smelling vodka or looking at the bottle makes me sick.
I was drinking alone and it was my second time ever. I didn't want to ask /jp/ how to get drunk.
I only took 3 shots on saturday..

>> No.10187190 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 874x717, [rori] Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo - 04 [1746BF2B].mkv_snapshot_20.56_[2012.10.31_01.23.15].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Excuse me, but this shit thread is directly competing with mine: >>10187138

Please delete it before I have to take drastic measures.

>> No.10187191
File: 117 KB, 1280x720, Akari dead.... again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well...I guess I'm the only one that enjoys drinking on SSRIs and doesn't suffer horrid, 1-2 week depression hangovers as a result...

My hangovers are worse, but they only last a day at most [/spoiler[

>> No.10187197
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, shiranuirape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Excuse me, but please suck my fucking cock.

>> No.10187194

I woke up in barf the the first time I drank, too.

Shit isn't fun.

>> No.10187195

You're probably fat.
Are you fat?

>> No.10187199

Lol No No
King wasn't banished. You're just the next in line for the thrown.
Well I don't take them for that. I'll talk to my doctor about it.

>> No.10187201
File: 64 KB, 209x276, 13507225144120.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't test me.

>> No.10187204

What is your favorite drink to get drunk off of?

Rum goes down nicely for me.

>> No.10187205

Post your IP, OP. I'll play you.

>> No.10187207
File: 191 KB, 768x480, akarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You don't take them for what?

They were prescribed to me for depression, of course, and they work in a sense-they make me care less about most everything, and I worry less in general. They've actually been very helpful.

>> No.10187208

I'm not fat. I was just really bored and had a bottle near full of vodka. I don't remember anything after the 9'th shot. Is it possible that I drank more while I was blacked out? My bottle is nearly empty
it was not a good experience, but I'm glad I had it.

>> No.10187210


liquor makes me hungover in the morning

>> No.10187212

/jp/ is a business now?
/jp/ - Capitalism

>> No.10187213
File: 52 KB, 512x512, uf76567f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is really starting to piss me the fuck off.

>> No.10187214

>only second time drinking
>took 9 shots of vodka
Guess you learned your lesson, huh?

>> No.10187215
File: 23 KB, 225x225, mariawinksheart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


P-post yours first...I'm really, really bad, and on top of that, I'm trying to learn how to use a stick for the first time...I can barely play.

>> No.10187218

Happy December 9th /jp/!

>> No.10187222

I just watch youtube videos and talk to people on MMOs. If I'm not doing that then I'm in my backyard talking to myself which probably freaks out the kid that lives next door with his window open all night.

>> No.10187223

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10187224
File: 1.11 MB, 800x600, 1331548338950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jaypee isn't for fucking games, kid.

This is the Web 2.0. Everything is a business now.

>> No.10187228

To be honest with you, I thought I would be able to handle it. I've always had a good grip on myself, but I seriously lost that night. there is no telling what happened.

>> No.10187230

I was just downloadin this game. Would you like to play together sometime?

>> No.10187233

I'm bad at it too, but sometimes you just have to go balls to the wall and get out there. It's a slow process but I'm finding the world to be much more fun when I dump games and anime for life.

>> No.10187234
File: 33 KB, 225x350, kigu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sure, it might be fun sometime.

But like I said above, I'm learning just now to learn a stick. I suck.

>> No.10187235

Games and anime are life

>> No.10187236

>I'm finding the world to be much more fun when I dump games and anime for life.
Good for you, when I do that I just find the world to be disappointing.

>> No.10187237

Why are you even on /jp/?
Are you one of those blog faggots?

>> No.10187238

I'm still downloadin it, so it'll be a while. I'm not great at fast pace fighting games. Don't worry!

>> No.10187242

East Coast
I'm probably worse anyway.

>> No.10187243
File: 177 KB, 985x863, yunosketching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate to disappoint you, but I've tried real life.

Games and anime are way better.

>> No.10187245
File: 498 KB, 700x393, 1329382593751.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not drunk but I am on some pills..
I think I will read manga!
I haven't masturbated in about two weeks. Uh, I don't know how that's related.

>> No.10187246
File: 473 KB, 800x1131, aigirchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey, I'll try to link , but, I'm drunk, on top of being retarded, so we'll see if I can even connect,.

Thanks, though, you're sweet.

>> No.10187248
File: 30 KB, 712x493, delete_post.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delete your post before /jp/ tears you to shreds.

>> No.10187250

I had some codeine last week, codeine is great.

>> No.10187252

Go masturbate before you die

>> No.10187257

At the next /jp/ meet up we should all get drunk and bukkake milk.
Can you give me some of your backed up semen? I'm out.

>> No.10187263

It's a false lovey dovey.

>> No.10187258

Oh god, what have I gotten myself into.

>> No.10187259

I don't think anyone cares, at this point. All the buttangry posters don't bother with the drunk thread.

>> No.10187260

stuff is magic in pill form! It makes the world all lovey dovey~ well...at least for me

>> No.10187264 [DELETED] 

I would like to saw Milks head off.

>> No.10187266

not that anon you're replying to but, who do you play as?

>> No.10187267

In two weeks? I have to keep myself from masturbating lately because my balls are so dry that my orgasms suck.

>> No.10187268
File: 5 KB, 168x192, Hayashida 46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Anxiety is only part of the reason I take them, but I still am very stressed out and filled with anxiety. What I am saying is that I have such intense anxiety that even when I take my medications, I am left with anxiety still.
What a mess

>> No.10187270

Or that /jp/ is about taking it easy.
You should leave.

>> No.10187273

See: >>10185388

>> No.10187274

Explain more please..

>> No.10187277
File: 226 KB, 594x593, 16035910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey OP, is the next mystery box going to be good or bad?

He's been permabanned for a while now, he just evades it.

>> No.10187279

It just relaxes you and perks up your mood.

If you take a lot it can give you a light buzz.

Be careful playing around with opiates.

>> No.10187280

A shit thread, what about it? That doesn't change the fact that you're a normalfag.

>> No.10187281

Connection dropped, sorry about that. The lag was pretty intense anyway.
I think it was a problem on my end. GG anyway.

>> No.10187284
File: 2.05 MB, 1920x1080, illyalookingatyou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Our lag is really bad Op

but thanks so mcuh for playign with me.

>> No.10187285

Take it easy, dude. Why are you getting so upset?

>> No.10187288

Yeah, I think it might just be me. I had the same problem with a guy I played with earlier.

>> No.10187291

Because I hate normalfags.

>> No.10187293
File: 35 KB, 499x375, illyajumps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No problem. Sorry that i was so bad.


I like to play as Akiha and Arcuied.

Mystery box? w-what do you mean?

>> No.10187294

Take it easy. You don't even know what a normalfag is, dude.

>> No.10187296

I have hydrocodon 7.5~
it makes life feel worthwhile, yes yes
As for my semen... I've just been bored of masturbating for a while now. It barely feels like anything.
One of the odd side effects is that whenever I use the restroom, some of the...excess... has to also flow out. Disgusting, no?

>> No.10187299

>You don't even know what a normalfag is
Huh? I'm pretty sure someone who "dropped games and anime for life" and is social is considered a normalfag.

>> No.10187303

You're drunk. I was not defending that guy at all at any point

>> No.10187304

We're all drunk.

>> No.10187307

Then why are you arguing with me?

>> No.10187309

I'm not, unfortunately.

>> No.10187310

It's definitely false, but when you're having a terrible night, sometimes you just want to manually override it.
Here is an example I have often heard about oxycodone: It makes you feel like you're in love when no one else is there.

It is also extremely addictive, and I have been hooked on it before. You really need to be careful with such things, they are not good for you and you should find something healthy to help you.

>> No.10187312
File: 778 KB, 2000x1391, 204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get really drunk then dress up as atelier totori and play atelier meruru

>> No.10187314

All right, my download has finished.
If either of you guys would like to play, please don't hesitate!
My IP is

>> No.10187317

c-can you take pictures..?

>> No.10187318

>One of the odd side effects is that whenever I use the restroom, some of the...excess... has to also flow out. Disgusting, no?
Don't say that, Anon-kun. Love your body!
Your semen is beautiful. And it will look even more beautiful on Milk's face.

>> No.10187319

Don't ruin it for me!

For me? Things just stop mattering and everything is suddenly ok. No pain, no worries. Just calm time where I accept myself.


>> No.10187320

No one cares about you nerd

>> No.10187321
File: 448 KB, 640x1187, arcphantasmmoon1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you faggots getting all asspained about
? jesus christ, just relax and get drunk with us

>> No.10187322

>I get really drunk then dress up as atelier totor
Post pics please

>> No.10187323
File: 64 KB, 400x400, 1273560840397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y-you started it..

>> No.10187324

I usually stream

>> No.10187325

I ain't queer, but you've piqued my curiosity.

>> No.10187326

you dress up as a building wow your a fukkin hardcore otaku

>> No.10187331

What does this mean? Is Totori some sort of structure? I don't get it.

>> No.10187332
File: 55 KB, 465x482, bernflip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10187334

>And it will look even more beautiful on Milk's face.

I've often fantasized about coming on milk's face. I hope that someday I'll be able to.

>> No.10187335

Link error, why

>> No.10187336

yeah dude, it's like a workshop or haven or somethin idk

>> No.10187338
File: 124 KB, 1024x600, mirakurun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a magical girl from the future, right?

>> No.10187337

I'm going to cut her head off. cum on that

>> No.10187339

Oh dear, this is my first time hosting
I probably did something wrong! My apologies!

>> No.10187341

How would you do it?
I'd tie her to a dining room chair naked with her arms bound behind the back and her legs bound to the chair legs. Then I'd take a small but very sharp scalpel and wave it in front of her face savoring to look of terror in her ugly deformed eyes. Just for emotional effect I'd lightly drag the scalpel over her skin from her neck to her toes leaving a faint red line. As the realization finally sets in Milk would become limp and resigned to her fate which is just perfect for the next step. I would then slowly and meticulously cut open her neck with the knife, being careful to miss any major arteries. By now Milk is thrashing at her bonds in a vain attempt to escape. No good. The scalpel makes short work of her spinal cord and the thrashing ceases. She looks at me with a look that seems to ask "why?" right before dies. Then I rip the head the rest of the way off and post it on /jp/.

>> No.10187342

The atelier is. I guess she's adventurer totori or something.

Maybe when I get sufficiently drunk I'll show you all what it looks like. I don't like the way I look.

>> No.10187343

Did you port forward?

>> No.10187346
File: 404 KB, 435x700, Aoi Haru - Noki Stare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen him just this week. Don't tell me he is banned, because I know he isn't. Stop spreading rumors for your own gain to the thrown tehehe

>> No.10187347

Don't be so down on yourself, anon.

>> No.10187350

I wouldn't have it in me. I would let her go.

>> No.10187352

Ah fuck, I'm retarded. Give me a moment.

>> No.10187353
File: 40 KB, 336x372, 1283507881207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to have trouble sleeping tonight..

>> No.10187356 [DELETED] 

Drunk people can do crazy things~

>> No.10187358

I would pay to see a drunk /jp/er go down on himself.

>> No.10187359

I-If you lived nearby, I really would share. You mean... the pills, right..?
I'm unworthy~

>> No.10187360

Drunk people can do crazy things~

>> No.10187363
File: 475 KB, 803x578, hidamari-sketch-x-honeycomb-nori-x-nazuna.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm afraid to answer that....

Next mystery box will probably be good-do you have a preference

>> No.10187365

I would if I could, and I would stream it.

>> No.10187368

How does /jp/ deal with the social anxiety of going into the liquor store with all the thugs, dudes, and normals in general to get their alcohol?
I haven't bought in months because of this.

>> No.10187374

There usually aren't that many people around when I go, and because I don't look like a thug, the register guy doesn't pay me much mind. Don't let your social anxiety get out of control, it should at least make sense.

>> No.10187370

Just stop being a faggot and do it. Why the hell do you care about what they think of you? Are you a repressed normal yourself?

>> No.10187373
File: 33 KB, 640x360, konatapointingagain1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I buy my liquor at a grocery store in a very white neighborhood, so I don't have this problem.

but, don't worry about it. If anything, they'll think you're a hardcore nigga for drinkign despite being a little nerd. That's in the unlikely event that they give a fuck at all.

>> No.10187375

You can order liquor online, depending on your country.

>> No.10187377

Yes the pills, so kind of you.

I go to a small store no one visits. Just me, and the guy managing it. I can suck it up to handle one person for 5 minutes.

>> No.10187390

I would pay to see a female /jp/ user masturbate on cam, doesn't matter if she's hot or not.

>> No.10187388

Buy in bulk and go to different places with enough spread time.

>> No.10187392

Normie alert.

>> No.10187393


>> No.10187397

Okie dokie, if you still want to play, please try again.
I think it maybe should work now. Probably.

>> No.10187395

fyi I made the costume and not female

>> No.10187398

Sorry, but you're too normal for /jp/

>> No.10187401

You made it yourself? I'd like to see it, not even on you, just the clothes.

>> No.10187402 [DELETED] 
File: 691 KB, 1280x1024, tumblr_m2iy53khEo1qz9xivo1_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're sick

>> No.10187408 [DELETED] 

I'll post it some other time. Now's not a very good time for me.

>> No.10187409

Still not working for me. No clue why. I was having trouble connecting to someone that I usually have zero issues with earlier as well.

If you want, I can try hosting. I'm >>10187242

>> No.10187411

Some other time, maybe.

>> No.10187418

Okie dokie, I'll give it a shot. Give me a couple more minutes.

I apologize again!

>> No.10187420

But I'll miss your post and will never get to see it.

>> No.10187423
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I enjoy them. Make it good, it will be our secret (kind of)!

It may depend on where you live, but a lot of liquor stores are actually clean and civilized. If all strangers scare you, try imagining that everyone you encounter is secretly a /jp/er as well or something. It may sound silly but that kind of stuff can help.

Don't take my word for it, search the archive.

>> No.10187485

GGs dude. Really close matches there!

>> No.10187486

Why is being drunk acceptable, but when someone starts a thread about being high, it's insults? I don't understand.

>> No.10187489

Yes yes! Good games, good games!
I just started playing so I hope I offered a good enough challenge!

>> No.10187491

How do you fail to kill yourself by an oncoming train? All you have to do is jump out and lie on the rails just before it gets to your position. Unless you didn't actually wait for the train to hit you, in which case I don't think it can count as a suicide attempt. I think what you said would have been applicable if you somehow got hit and survived, or maybe laid on the tracks so that the train passed by above you, completely leaving you unharmed.

>> No.10187492

Yeah, for sure. Usually people on here are either way too good and just wipe the floor with me or are total pushovers. You're like one of the few that's been on roughly even ground with me.

>> No.10187495

Well I'm glad I'm not a pushover! If you'd like to play again sometime, please send me an email.

>> No.10187494

Cannabis is associated with normalfag teenagers.
Alcohol is a staple of any shut-in's diet.

>> No.10187496

Both are associated with normalfags.
And I could easily see a shut-in who gets weed delivered to his house and prefers the relaxing high over alcohol.

>> No.10187501

I thought it was because /jp/ is trying to emulate Japan as much as possible, in the land where cannabis possession is considered as bad as murdering people.

>> No.10187499
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>having money
>wasting it on alcohol
>while playing on gaming pc

>> No.10187502

>And I could easily see a shut-in who gets weed delivered to his house

>> No.10187505

There's a guy on /jp/ whose mother comes home with marijuana every Friday. I am really envious.

>> No.10187506

I don't think /jp/ cares about that. I hope not anyway.

Yeah, no you're right, it's totally impossible.

>> No.10187508


You have to interact with people to get weed.

Alcohol only requires that you not be be an underaged faggot.

>> No.10187513

>Alcohol only requires that you not be be an underaged faggot.
Untrue. There are people who just drink their parents' stashes while in high school.

>> No.10187515

My mom had some black guy over once when she wasn't supposed to have any visitors. I noticed he was carrying around a beef jerky can full of marijuana so I stole some because I had never had it before and wanted to try it.

I experimented with it and it was kind of cool, especially when I boiled it down into oil and took way too much and ended up rolling around my bed melting. However it isn't worth having to socialize to get a hold of and silkroad is expensive/bitcoins are annoying to deal with.

>> No.10187517

I dunno if my email got through, but here's mine just in case.

>> No.10187520

They sell me booze with no problem back when I was still in high school.

>> No.10187521
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Cannabis enhances enjoyment of entertainment. It relaxes you, makes you feel happy and carefree, has few negative health effects. In other words, cannabis would be every NEET's best friend if it was legal.

Meanwhile alcohol turns you into a depressive wreck whilst destroying your liver and heart.

Pretty sure many of those who get angry at anyone mentioning weed are just very bitter because they don't have any. Fox and the grapes.

I could be wrong of course. Wouldn't that be something.

>> No.10187523
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I like weed too.

I just like booze more.

varies with the person severely. However, I've found that people rallying hardcore for weed tend to be children.

>> No.10187524

Keep in mind that whether THC is harmless or not, inhaling smoke still is. So get a vaporizer if you guys smoke. I don't want your cute /jp/ lungs to get sick.

>> No.10187525


Laws, like the spider's web, catch the fly and let the hawk go free.

>> No.10187526

The only drug I use is DPH. Took 100mg about an hour ago, about to take 25mg more and masturbate before I go to sleep, because those are the only things it's good for.

>> No.10187529


Meh. You can't really be alive without harming your health in some way. Relative to alcohol the health risks are negligible.

>> No.10187533

Alcohol damage is more severe.

>> No.10187536

Don't be a pussy take way more.

>> No.10187539

Guys, drugs are bad for you.

>> No.10187543
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I took that amount for about 3 years, but now all it does is make me a tiny bit drowsey and I have to piss really bad for hours.

Fucking DPH. feels so good sometimes, othertimes, it's terrib.e.

>> No.10187544

I can't go to sleep as easily if I take a lot, and then the next day there's the DPH hangover.

>> No.10187545
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It's sake time!

>> No.10187553

Anyone here huffs glue?

>> No.10187561

U-umm... where do you live? It might be nice to share together...

>> No.10187564
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>> No.10187566

It's a good thing Cannabis is illegal otherwise it would be #1 for sure.

>> No.10187570

>harm to users

u wot

>> No.10187585

What kind of glue is best to sniff?

>> No.10187593


>> No.10187596


>> No.10187596,1 [INTERNAL] 

Any alcohol otaku on /ghost/?

>> No.10187596,2 [INTERNAL] 

no one here is old enough to drink loser

>> No.10187596,3 [INTERNAL] 

I have today off and I am going to sleep soon. I drank Buffalo Trace White Dog (114 proof) which I will regret when I wake up later.

>> No.10187596,4 [INTERNAL] 

I gave up drinking.

>> No.10187596,5 [INTERNAL] 

I want to have sex with a sweaty drunk horny joshiraku.

>> No.10187596,6 [INTERNAL] 

God, just kill yourself you worthless subhuman.

>> No.10187596,7 [INTERNAL] 

girls dont get horny

>> No.10187596,8 [INTERNAL] 

not when they're around you at least

>> No.10187596,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10187596,10 [INTERNAL] 

how can i tell if a girl is horny

specifically how can i tell if a loli is horny

>> No.10187596,11 [INTERNAL] 

please guys

>> No.10187596,12 [INTERNAL] 

They will never be horny around you.

>> No.10187596,13 [INTERNAL] 

please don't use my joke without my permission or i will sue ty

>> No.10187596,14 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, isn't it more likely that a loli would get horny from being around any guy?
