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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10186342 No.10186342 [Reply] [Original]

So, /jp/. If you were a cute little girl (or mtf or trap or crossdresser or whatever fits the bill) and not a smelly otaku, whatever would be stopping you from becoming a darling little Meido?

Wouldn't you love waking in the morning, preparing your employer's meal, airing out the futons, cleaning the Tatami, and waiting on them hand and knee like the good servant you are? The Meido culture is so glorified among otaku, so what's the hold-up?

Alternatively, would you want a /jp/ Meido for your own? You know they would be loyal to you, because how else would they earn a paycheck to purchase their figurines?

>> No.10186356

A year or two ago some upper-class Anon wrote about how he was in love with his maid and wanted to elope with her. It was probably all pretend, but does anyone know if anything came of it?

>> No.10186375

I wish I could have two sissy /jp/ boy maids.
Sadly I am too poor...

>> No.10186371

Roleplaying is not allowed.

>> No.10186388

I'll quit college and go be someone's effeminate-looking boymaid for 50k+/year.

>> No.10186405

I could do 30k. You'd have room and board.

>> No.10186418

If I was a little cuter, I'd do it in a heartbeat. It sounds very peaceful.

>> No.10186433

For you I'd do it for free!

>> No.10186431


You're being ironic but I'd do it.

>> No.10186432

Roleplaying is for the weak of heart. A true /jp/ would sell themselves away to a well-off employer forever. Unfortunately there aren't any vampires for me to work for though so I dunno if I could.

>> No.10186434

Can males have sugar daddies? Perhaps sugar mommies?

It's not fair that /cgl/ gets all the fun.

>> No.10186447


>tfw no qt3.14 sugar momma

>> No.10186448

Get the fuck out of here you fucking piece of shit.

>> No.10186459
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I would be willing to take care of everything but breakfast in exchange for comfortable, undisturbed living. I am not good with mornings.

>> No.10186462

that would be great.
ONLY if I could call her mom/mommy and she would treat me like her son.
And also fuck a lot of course.

>> No.10186464

Sounds shitty. I'd much rather do nothing.

>> No.10186465



>> No.10186467
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Real life maids aren't glamorous.

>> No.10186470
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Seriously, those bitches have all the luck.

Whoa there. Someone isn't taking it easy!

>> No.10186469

Sounds peaceful as heck.

>> No.10186473
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>> No.10186474

this is probably more in the vein of personal live-in maids instead of smelly mexicans in a hotel.

plus, life is what you make of it! you don't have to dress like an illegal immigrant!

>> No.10186478
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How unexpected

>> No.10186479

I would wear that apron.

I mean what

>> No.10186480

I would make a terrible maid. Hot headed, lazy. Loves to drink. At least I look good.

>> No.10186484

Not at all, but thinking about it I can't afford 30k. Sorry.

>> No.10186490

I'd take a maid but I wouldn't want to be one myself. I'm way too lazy and prideful for that kind of work.

>> No.10186492
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I think I would make a SICKNASTY meido. I'm a cooking otaku and compulsively clean my house.

>> No.10186498

Still, maid work is generally unskilled labor, so unless you were a particularly skilled, you would not be able to get union benefits.

>> No.10186497

what headphones are those?

>> No.10186501

I just want to wear a cute maid outfit, and work my hardest, and occasionally be molested by an old business man. Is that so much to ask?

>> No.10186504


They say "Sony MDR-XD200" on the side.

>> No.10186516

well i guess that would make them Sony MDR-XD200's you aspie with shitty headphones.

>> No.10186522


Thanks for hurting my feelings, jerk.

>> No.10186524
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In this world it is!

>> No.10186528

Dream destroyed

>> No.10186546

It's still possible to live a peaceful life as a maid working hard for your master and living with them.
Too bad you need to be a girl, but you can always be a worthless butler.

>> No.10186547


What if you have a degree in maidology?

You can design your own degree at some universities.

>> No.10186550
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Doesn't it? Household chores can be very satisfying and it wouldn't be much different than taking care of myself. Even the idea of cooking a nice breakfast seems pleasant but it just would not work out.

>> No.10186554


Why not?

You should follow your dreams, King-san. You can become a cute meido if you really want to.

>> No.10186558

It's weird because when it comes to keeping my own room tidy, I can never manage it, and my parents usually do most of the other chores around the house, but I know for a fact that if I was taken in to be a Maid, I would work my absolute hardest.

I guess what makes the difference is between just boring cleaning as part of a job or for yourself, and cleaning to serve and impress someone to make them happy! And I would want them to be happy so it would be so much easier!

>> No.10186565

What about Butlers?

>> No.10186574

Not as cute. I'd prefer a boy wear a dress.

>> No.10186589

The logistics of having a personal maid are kind of bad. ~$55,000 USD off the top of your yearly salary is a lot.

>> No.10186590

I wonder how you'd even go about setting this up. Internet I suppose

>> No.10186596

I want to devote my life to a man and take care of all his needs, sexual or otherwise

Maybe one day I will be brave enough to try to find someone

>> No.10186599

This is why you always make your maid a live-in slave and fuck them a lot! That way they fall in love with you and whether or not you care about them, you can easily avoid having to pay them!

>> No.10186601
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I'd rather be the ojou-sama.

>> No.10186605

Yeah, I'd do it for free if I got room + board

>> No.10186608
File: 865 KB, 415x233, tumblr_m1r8ojXjtW1qj756zo3_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying for years and haven't gotten anywhere. Though it probably doesn't help I'm looking for a Mistress instead which lowers my prospects.

And the only Mistress interested in a sloppy NEET maid probably wouldn't even tolerate my uselessness.

>> No.10186612

If I was a maid, I'd want to be raped repeatedly until I began to enjoy it and fall in love with my master. Yes.

>> No.10186615

>I will never give my master a blowjob when he seizes me from behind while I'm making his dinner

>> No.10186620


>tfw no qt3.14 employer


>> No.10186623
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But wouldn't a rough fucking from behind impede your ability to cook it? Doesn't he know that?

...Unless he's looking for a reason to punish you.

>> No.10186633
File: 488 KB, 500x708, tumblr_m1s1vfuej81qjlrc4o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American Maids are Shit
Glorious Nippon Maids are Best

>> No.10186638

It's because American maids are middle aged Mexican women isn't it?

>> No.10186640


These sound like -booru comments.

>> No.10186648

But those are Mexicans.

I mean the shitty American "French Maid" outfit stereotype with big ugly 3DPD whores with fake tits and slathered in makeup.

>> No.10186649

Too bad you're not a cute girl.

>> No.10186654
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>> No.10186657


Holy shit. Do you have ESP?

>> No.10186661

The irony is that that outfit is french.

>> No.10186664
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I just meant that making breakfast wouldn't work out, but it's unfortunately true that the whole thing is extremely unlikely. There are plenty of cute /jp/ers that have talked about this before and sadly I have not seen any success stories. That just leaves room to be the first though, I suppose!

It's not weird, it just means that you're a good person.

>> No.10186665

is she menstruating?

>> No.10186670

Sakuya nose bleed.

>> No.10186684

Your nose would bleed too at the sight of Remipanties.

Then at least the french did ONE good thing for the world.

>> No.10186688
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I wish I was a maid...

>> No.10186695
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But if I can't be Remilia's maid, what's the point

>> No.10186696

I wonder if I could replace Sakuya by offering my tasty blood

>> No.10186698
File: 456 KB, 1440x1440, 1321434834067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No no no, you said it wrong.
>"I wish I was inside* a maid"

>> No.10186701

Everyone would be Anzu, do compensated dating or a pornstar.

>> No.10186705

Gross, what the hell is wrong with you?

>> No.10186707


My boss said it's time to start packing. Thanks a lot, jerk.

>> No.10186710

You both said it wrong.
It should be, 'I wish I were (inside) a maid.'
You guys are using the past tense instead of the subjunctive mood, and it makes you look like retards.

>> No.10186713
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Ehh, you homo? Sorry I'm not used to deal with homos.

Welcome to the NEETdom!

>> No.10186714

Not even, just do something that requires training (I think even launderers count for this) and I'm pretty sure you can unionize.

On a related note, has there ever been a story about the many fairy maids at the Scarlet Devil Mansion?

>> No.10186718
File: 72 KB, 225x350, badass as heck anime girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Her chin makes her look like the Planetarian girl in that image. Maybe not her chin, actually, but something.

What the hell is it about this girl's face? There's something weird about it.

>> No.10186735

But who cares about the ~fairies~? They're not important! ...Actually yeah it would be neat, but I bet they're the most uneventful kind of maid.

>> No.10186748

I would be a maid, but only if my master puts a collar on me and orders me to clean in the nude.

>> No.10186756
File: 211 KB, 850x975, sample-8c02cdce833db2bf114a9f824d01c70c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nude? And not in a nice outfit? Get out, whore.

>> No.10186757

I like being nude though.

I would wear whatever was asked of me, though.

>> No.10186765

From what I can tell, there really isn't too much explanation about them (how the came to their positions, their duties, living quarters, etc), so if I were to write a story about them, there would be a lot of details left up to the author.

>> No.10186782

Last I checked, maid dresses were pretty expensive.

>> No.10186779

Nothin' stopping you if you're not fat as fuck, Maid Dresses are pretty cheap.

>> No.10186790

Depends on the quality, basic ones aren't too bad, ones that are legitimately good dresses can get pretty expensive.

Though the basic ones aren't supposed to be comfortable, just look like a maid, so don't expect to be able to lounge around in one, especially Chinese Ebay ones.

>> No.10186792


But there's no one to be a maid for!

>> No.10186796

If you're feminine and can pass as a trap, it's possible.

>> No.10186798

You could be my maid, but I won't pay you.

>> No.10186802

Slave =/= maid

>> No.10186806

Fine, acceptable.

But you have to wear a Maid Headdress so it's obvious you're a maid. Otherwise what's the point?

They are, unless that other guy is talking about the shitty-fabric Milanoo ripoff shit. An ACTUAL Maid outfit that would last a while is hella dosh.

>> No.10186809

But you'd get somewhere to live and free food.

>> No.10186808
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My cooking wouldn't be good enough. Pic related.

>> No.10186810

Look, OP, i am suffering from a severe depression because I am not a cute girl or trap. You are making it worse.

>> No.10186813

Yeah, thats really all you need as a neet. You'd basically be like any normalfag's girlfriend/trophy wife, so there really shouldn't be too much different.

>> No.10186815

Slaves get that too.
In fact some slaves got paid a little bit as well, depending on the time and place. I think many slaves got a little bit of money in Roman times for instance.

The real distinction is that they'd be free to go if they wanted to, presumably.

>> No.10186817
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That is true.

Mostly I would just like to wear anything lewd.

>> No.10186821

I don't think you know what a slave really is.

>> No.10186824

A slave is somebody who's owned as property. I could have a salary of ten million dollars a month and still be a slave if somebody else owned me.

>> No.10186827

Hell no. I don't want to work.

>> No.10186831

Exactly, and I said maid not slave.
Now stop trying to act smart.

>> No.10186832

Is this what they call servitude otaku?

>> No.10186836
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(so am I)

((that's why I made the thread))

>> No.10186838
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I wish I could be a cute buttler like Miketsukami for my loli ojousama.

>> No.10186839

What the fuck happened to our society anyway? At one point, it was perfectly normal that one person was the breadwinner and the other was the homemaker. Nowadays if you both don't have a job and one of you stays home to clean or do housework, you're a moocher and are looked down upon. I just want to be a good housewife!

>> No.10186845

You should probably kill yourself since it's not going to happen either way.

>> No.10186850

I'm agreeing with you, I'm just saying that the distinction between a slave and a maid is being owned, not being given food or a place to live.

>> No.10186853

Working for room and board isn't the same as being a slave. >>10186798 remains valid.

>> No.10186860

Just become a trap already.

>> No.10186864

You have to look kind of feminine to do that, unless you want to take a long course of horomones or something.

>> No.10186866

Why are you depressed about it then if it isn't even a remote possibility?

>> No.10186870

I'm not OP

>> No.10186889

Sure you aren't.

>> No.10186893

They more or less come and go as they please, and don't actually do any work (Sakuya does it all, of course).

I think the fairies slipped into the SDM in the manga, which might provide some insight.

>> No.10186901
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I promise.

>> No.10186967
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They're not. I am.

>> No.10186993

Society needs to embrace Meidos as much as they need to embrace Catgirls.

Then I can get a Meido catgirl.

>> No.10187031

But is it really work if you have fun while doing it?

>> No.10187066
File: 280 KB, 636x356, 1319780592905.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an impossibility, lets all kill ourselves.

>> No.10187111

But you can't be a maid if you're dead.

>> No.10187121

feminism and divorces became legal. in case of a divorce a homemaker would be usually fucked over. so both parties had to work to support themselves and to be seen as 'equal'.

then people's mindsets changed overtime, divorcing someone who's not up to your expectations became the norm.

>> No.10187128
File: 48 KB, 640x480, 1ee5ccc86e2d859a811d801cf9283e63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... I'd be a good homemaker... I pretty work 7 days a week and do all the housework in my apartment anyway... I might as well be the maid...

>> No.10187130

It's hard work.

>> No.10187146

Not if we go to Gensokyo!

>> No.10187768
File: 226 KB, 900x1200, 2012-08-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you implying that your blood tastes better than Sakuya's?

>> No.10187987
File: 495 KB, 1280x720, maid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does most of /jp/ want to be a hardworking maid?

I don't want to be any kind of service worker at all. It sucks. You're all spoiled by anime, vns and eromangas. You don't want to really be a real maid, you just want a fantasy life with sex. You're all disgusting hypocrites.

>> No.10188009

Me too!

>> No.10188023

Because /jp/ doesn't want to work hard. They want to live out the dream of being a maid, and getting fucked by a master. It's not very uncommon for traps to do.

>> No.10188026

Lack of real creative work in a foreman position has spoiled you. It's easy to be responsible to a very limited group of people with non-conflicting demands and interests.

>> No.10188344

Maid = Meido

Two entirely different things.

>> No.10188357

Its true, I don't really care if my /jp/ maid cleans anything at all.
I just want a stay at home person I can fuck. Doesn't matter if they house is dirty if I can sleep comfortably and masturbate with their butt.

>> No.10188802

It's just an excuse to dress up in frilly clothes and have gay sex.

>> No.10189577

Is there anything fundamentally wrong with that?

>> No.10189588

Sure! I'd love to!
But only if I could kill them later.

>> No.10189598
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>> No.10189632
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Being a maid is hard work. If you have to work then most other jobs pay better and are much easier.

>> No.10190398


If I ever get married, it will only be to a woman perfectly fine with me being the homemaker and the child-rearer. Not because it's "easy," but because I don't think I'd ever trust anyone else to do it

It's meaningless to extol the virtues of something you can't prove, I know, but my mother is honestly one of the best homemakers I have ever seen. She took my father's income and, with thrifty saving and real estate work, practically doubled his money over the course of about seven years. Even though he was previously majorly in debt, going so far as to declare himself bankrupt, after ten years of marriage, she brought his credit rating to the top 1%

The family house is absolutely spotless. It's fucking hotel quality. You go into the bathroom and there are fluffy red towels, and in the bedroom the beds are always made with plentiful blankets and tasteful interior design, and GOD THIS FUCKING POST IS MAKING ME HOMESICK

A-anyway, I was just trying to say that good homemakers are absolute gold. I hope I can live up to her example, one day

>Implying I will ever get married

>> No.10192328

but priests are the shining examples of dressing in skirts and having gay sex with boys!

>> No.10192374

uh protip : cleaning is not fun work. Your hours are very long, the pay is shitty and people look down on you because you are a maid.
