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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10182215 No.10182215 [Reply] [Original]

This film is what will happen if you remain a NEET.

>> No.10182218
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>> No.10182220

Pfff... We would all just hold hands and jump off cliff. Like true brothers and sisters in sloth.
Also very Japanese.

>> No.10182225

>In March 2012, Roy Lee reported that a remake of Battle Royale would no longer be possible due to the release of The Hunger Games, stating that “Audiences would see it as just a copy of ‘Games’ — most of them wouldn’t know that ‘Battle Royale’ came first. It’s unfair, but that’s reality.”

Thank Kami-sama.

>> No.10182226

If I am a NEET, why would I care?
As a NEET, wouldn't the likelihood of being selected for a round of BR be very small?

>> No.10182235

I'd finally be able to show what I'm made of. Except that I'm not in school anymore.

>> No.10182236

I wouldn't even bother.

>> No.10182237
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So we have to dumb down our games for america.
And we don't release certain movies because americans might get confused.

>> No.10182243
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y so saya

>> No.10182244

At least something good came from that piece of shit.

>> No.10182247

What would happen if they used a gang of NEETs instead of students?

Would we just start sucking each other's dicks until our simultaneous death when the area becomes a danger zone?

>> No.10182248

Its okay for amerifats to make inferior remakes of every single good movie because 'I AINT GONNA READ NO GAWD DAMN SUBTITLES IM HERE TO WATCH A MOVIE' but if someone remakes an american movie they shit their pants.

God wills it.

>> No.10182250

All of them were students.

>> No.10182251

Don't bully America.

We had a thread a few days ago about how The Ring is better than Ringu, which it is.

>> No.10182258

Games of Thrones & Lord of the Ring are better than any Japanese fictions.
You are free to prove me wrong or ague.

>> No.10182261

They're both shit. Just like the film in the OP.

>> No.10182262

The backstory was something about NEETs ruining Japan so they came up with Battle Royale.

>> No.10182267

Those were alpha delinquents.

>> No.10182266

Why, aren't you special.

>> No.10182282

Exactly, Battle Royale wouldn't make sense if Neets were the cause because they'd never go to school in the first place.

>> No.10182280

> alpha delinquents

This is how I choose to identify myself from now on.

>> No.10182289

I'm gonna kick your ass bitch.

>> No.10182284

Not true, the government pays me to stay away from the general populace.

>> No.10182308

Stab through my fists!

>> No.10182304

Not if I stab ya first, teach.

>> No.10182317

The law doesn't make sense if only criminals get punished.

>> No.10182320


Lord of the rings is just so goddamn wordy. He spends a good 5 pages to describe any one set of scenery. Sure, it's rich, but it's that kind of rich that makes me want to throw up. The hobbit was well-written, the rest not so much.

I do like the wheel of time and game of thrones though. They're wordy, but not excessively so like LOTR. The authors are at least building to something eventually when they slow down the story.

>> No.10182351


Tolkien was a great world builder but yeah, his actual writing leaves something to be desired.

>> No.10182361

You should read his other children books, too. Not trying to be condescending.

>> No.10182363


>> No.10182388

how did we come to that conclusion. I haven't seen either in a while but i remember Ringu being more atmoshperic especially if you include the precuel. (though the last movie was absolute gobshite. Visually transmitted dieseases? what arse)

>> No.10182390

lord of the rings was a masterpiece

>> No.10182393

>how did we come to that conclusion.
"We" didn't.
It's just the same guy agreeing with himself.

>> No.10182398

as opposed to a different guy agreeing with himself

>> No.10182413


>> No.10182452

God, I hated The Lord of the Rings.


The Hobbit was great. I wish Tolkien had stuck to that style of storytelling, but I guess it wasn't very "adult".

>> No.10182462

i figured as much

>> No.10182488

Lord of the Rings is as much about fleshing out the world as advancing the plot. I like that sort of thing, but I guess a lot of people don't.

>> No.10182524

take your film threads to >>>/tv/

>> No.10182661

>the nostalgia

>> No.10182669

Someone make a dedicated NEET thread.

>> No.10182714

lol'd at this

seems like the /jp/ way

>> No.10182743

We are discussing the light novel, which does not have an anime adaptation. The image is only to start the thread.

>> No.10182756

the thing for me is: why should I care about how cool a world is if the events happening there aren't interesting. Maybe I just have shit taste, but the world of middle earth doesn't even seem all that interesting to me.

>> No.10182760

Most fictions cant get Fantasy right.
LoTR has no competition in this.

>> No.10182768

That's how it is in the book thou. It makes sense though, because in the sequel it turns out that that world was a just a computer simulation, but the virus escaped to the real world, and was an actual virus that gave you cancer. The protagonist of that book was produced in a lab from the DNA of the simulated people, where he magically was used to cure the Human Cancer Virus, then was killed in some quantum magic scanning machine so they could insert him back into the Matri-, er, simulated world.

Ring-bitch was just as surprised as you.

>> No.10182767

>why should I care about how cool a world is if the events happening there aren't interesting
You're missing out on a lot of great prose-driven fiction like that.

But middle earth is not that interesting. neither is fantasy as a whole if this is the best of the best it has to offer.

>> No.10182771

>neither is fantasy as a whole if this is the best of the best it has to offer
I feel this way too. It's like the best of all possible fantasy worlds is on par with a mid-tier scifi world.

>> No.10182779

Sci-fi worlds, with the exception of Dune and some other exceptional examples are pretty mediocre as a whole. However they destroy in other areas like food-for-thought potential so I'm not saying they're bad, just that world-building isn't a strength of the genre.

>> No.10182778

shit the book sounds at the same time more retarded and more interesting than the movies. Is it worth a read?

>> No.10182792

You can only go so far with `magical elves and dwarves living in caves in a land where a great wars has befall and the princess, oh, the poor princess, has been betrothed to the evil blah blah blah....' before the setting is the only thing that sets you apart.

There are four actually. Ring, Loop, Spiral, and Birthday (a short story collection). They aren't bad books; they are actually pretty interesting and draw you in. I didn't realize how retarded the premise was until I actually though about it a week or so after reading it.

>> No.10182802

Cyberpunk has the best scifi worlds.

>> No.10182812

Example. "Androids dream" I didn't feel was that well realised in the book, the emphasis was on philosophy for sure.

>> No.10182813

Your momma is special to me, anon.

>> No.10182831

Epic burn bro

>> No.10182847

I would have mentioned "Do Androids Dream...". I guess we have different taste. I also like the worlds in "Snow Crash" and "Neuromancer", and the world in "Neural Chernobyl" was pretty good.

>> No.10182857

Everyone mentions androids

>> No.10183974

That's the thing, I love world building. I used to buy D&D source books just so I could read about the Forgotten Realms or Planescape. In a way, that's how I would have liked The Lord of the Rings to have been structured--one plot following a party on their quest to destroy a magic ring, and another book (or appendices) that tell you about the world. Weaving history and geography into the main story felt like exposition without a pay-off.

Maybe I'll read The History of Middle-earth some day. That sounds like just the kind of thing I would enjoy.

>> No.10183996
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, Battle.Royale.Directors.Cut.2000.720p.BRRip.YIFY.0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best characters in the movie.

>> No.10184060 [DELETED] 

I don't know about the movie but the BR is very stupid.

>> No.10184063

I don't know about the movie but the BR manga is very stupid.

>> No.10184078

Have you read the Silmarillion?

>> No.10184109


I'm reminded of that one scene where someone duct tapes their mid-section together after having the contents of their body spilled.

Fucking retarded, but extremely hilarious.

>> No.10184114

The manga was very silly in an unrealistic way. The movie was silly in a realistic way. The movie was better.

>> No.10184120


Wanna talk about the whole thing that happened in the girls' ''house''?

So stupid.

>> No.10184245

I'm fine with that. I'd rather kill or be killed than get a job anyways.

>> No.10185384

Is the book worth reading if I liked the movie? Did they change a lot in adaptation?

>> No.10185530

You obviously missed the 3 main themes of the movie. I went to Japanese Movie night at my university and a lot of Japanese said it had no meaning or message. Just a bunch of violence and drama.
I was so disappointed to hear that come out of their mouths. Some girls and even one boy screamed together on a few scenes too.

>> No.10185555

It has some fairly obvious meanings and messages, as well as some more subtle interpretations you can draw about the education system and Japanese society.

Your classmates are idiots.

>> No.10185571

I know it is stupid of me, but I actually wouldn't mind taking part in one of these games. Yeah it sounds edgy I guess and I would probably not fair too well there in reality, but I would rather have my end life there than continue on living until I either kill myself or get a job

>> No.10185583

Would you really kill someone else?

What would you do if you ran into a really cute girl? (or cute boy if you're gay)

>> No.10185586

I'm a firm believer that you should be able to die however and whenever you want. This would be an exciting and maybe a little fun way to die, though I'd be scared about the pain (especially if you got shot or stabbed in the wrong places).

I don't see why right-to-die groups focus on the sick and elderly. The right to die should apply to everyone. It's their life and their body.

>> No.10185598

>What would you do if you ran into a really cute girl? (or cute boy if you're gay)

Sexuality was touched on in this movie but I wonder how it would play out in real life. I imagine there would be a lot more rape.

>> No.10185606

I don't want to call them idiots, but my goodness, they need to think more.

>> No.10185722

>I don't see why right-to-die groups focus on the sick and elderly.
I never got this either. It's like pro-legalization-of-drugs people focusing on weed only or worse yet only on medical weed. People just don't base their reasoning on any type of logic, especially in politics.

>> No.10185723

To me, Shanarra beats LOTR mythos.

>> No.10185727

fuck I meant to sage

>> No.10185737

"Wake up, everybody!" The clamor of a hammer hitting an empty metal pot rang through the air. The noise roused the sleeping class, and they groggily began to rise. Blinking the sleep from their eyes, they found themselves no longer riding on a bus, but instead laying all about the floor of an unfamiliar classroom. It appeared old and rundown, with garbage strewn everywhere, chairs and desks tossed in a heap against one wall, and the windows boarded over.

They looked around, startled by their surroundings. Instinctively, the students began gathering in small groups. It soon became evident that not only was everyone present, but they had picked up an extra member: Kaorin, who was dressed in her school uniform as well. They also noticed that everyone was wearing identical gunmetal gray collars around their necks, locked in place by a complex electronic mechanism. People began to nervously finger the unfamiliar adornments.

"Attention, Class!"

All eyes turned to the front of the classroom. Yukari stood there, beaming at them. Rather than the blouse, skirt, and gas mask she wore on the bus, she now wore combat fatigues and metal helmet. There was even an automatic in the holster on her hip. The teacher was surrounded by a dozen men also garbed in fatigues. All of them had rough faces and wielded automatic rifles as though they were as much a part of them as their limbs and would use them without a second thought.

Tomo said, "Wow, Yukari-sensei, you sure can cut one." "That was sleep gas, you little ingrate!" Yukari snapped.

"What are we doing here?" Yomi asked, mirroring the confusion everyone but Tomo and Osaka (who took everything in stride, as usual) were demonstrating.

"Good question," Yukari answered. "I am proud to announce that you have been selected for this year's Battle Royale." Everyone in the room stared at Yukari in wide-eyed silence.

>> No.10185743
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>> No.10185748

There are no busses in Gensokyo.

>> No.10185754
File: 34 KB, 640x349, KURATAS - Suidobashi heavy industry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even make it all the way through first sentence

>> No.10185767
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That's arguable.

>> No.10186004

They only have Ayumu to rely on now.

>> No.10186681

so who wins?

>> No.10189627

Chiyo, because she's my favorite.

>> No.10192297

Her dad would save her.

>> No.10192738


>> No.10193562

That's more like BTOOOM! than BR

>> No.10194180

Yeah, but NEETs probably wouldn't even participate that much, they'd make for very uninteresting members. At least, if they were your typical apathetic, lethargic NEET and not the panicky liability type.
