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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10181059 No.10181059[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10181060


>> No.10181070

I wish /jp/ were able to discuss anime and manga.

>> No.10181075


check it out:


on that board you can talk about epic japanese cartoons all day. you can even use le memes and le midoritext and no one will mind b/c they're not teh bullies ^_______^

>> No.10181084

That's really insulting. Who said anything about using memes?

>> No.10181092


if you're mentally stunted enough to be watching modern anime don't get confused when people question your standards

>> No.10181106

What anime do you watch?

>> No.10181108



>> No.10181112


>> No.10181113

You're talking to the colonydrop autist. Please ignore him.

>> No.10181114

If you're going to differentiate anime by age I'm going to need some examples.

>> No.10181120


people who arent fucking children watch adult things for people who actually have a brain

some examples: citizen cane, clockwork orange, fight club. real artistic works with themes and tones and work put into them, not just tits and ass glued together with "hurr so cuet LOL" childish bullshit

>> No.10181123


Colony Drop is shit

anime is 30 minutes of unoriginal cliche-driven crap over and over again. I genuinely don't understand how stupid you would have to be to actually get excited about yet another anime that looks like every other anime every single year but /jp/ would benefit from not accommodating such plebs

>> No.10181127

You want to know the only animé you'll ever need to watch? ``Elfen Lied''. It's the grand pinnacle of Japanese animation. No other animé can compare.

>> No.10181132
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>> No.10181135

Is this not a place of children?

>> No.10181141

why are you here?

>> No.10181142


this is our board and you are a dying race, get the fuck out with your kiddy anime shit back to /a/ kid

>> No.10181149

you are such a hardass i bet you could break steel with your buttocks

>> No.10181159


Yeah but he's right.

How LOW would your artistic standards have to be to enjoy anime?


--Cliches everywhere, they don't even hide that every character is an overused archetype

--Shitty dialogue. Someone is making breakfast! Someone is talking about school work! Someone mentioned their crush and now they're embarrassed and it's "moe ^_^"! How exciting!

--Shitty, uninspired use of other works of art. Japan can not do allegory or allusion. Look at Eva. Look at the fucking shit that counts as "Christian symbolism" for an anime fan. If that was in a serious novel it'd be laughed at and used as an example of how NOT to do symbolism

--Shitty comedy that gets forced into every SoL show. If you actually laugh at jokes in anime I just don't even know

Trash is fine. Trash can be entertaining and fun. Bayonetta is almost 100% pure trash, but it's still awesome because it's FUN. Anime is just trash. Boring, artless, uninspired, waste-of-time trash and if you are still captivated by it maybe you should go to >>>/a/ and join all the rest of your friends who never grew up. Not that you don't already have /a/ open in another tab anyway.

>> No.10181166

What do you do for fun? Honest question here. I find that I simply do not much enjoy doing anything aymore and completely lack the drive to do anything I used to have fun with.

>> No.10181169

But what about /jp/'s discussions about visual novels and touhou? Is there some kind of higher thinking involved?

>> No.10181171

I think your first mistake is taking his post seriously.

>> No.10181176

Of course there's higher thinking in reading novels and playing video games than there is in simply staring at a screen watching cartoons.

>> No.10181186


why is reading text in a VN any different from reading subs in anime

both are for little kids, shit activities for kids

>> No.10181187
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>> No.10181191

The term is contemporary. We aren't talking about modernism in anime here, kid.

>> No.10181195
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>> No.10181201


Videogames, 2hu, books, VNs sometimes, music. Taking up a musical instrument would help you fill up a lot of time if you're interested in that. Photography is fun too, or you could collect things?



Visual novels (and videogames) are interactive. They demand more effort and attention than anime, which could technically be watched by a sponge from the kitchen.

2hu is a massive series with a lot of backstory to discuss. Of course that involves more thought than moeblob #39873 having breakfast for 7 episodes.

Anime is the television of otaku hobbies. Lowest common denominator.

>> No.10181214

To be fair Eva is laughed at as an idea of how not to do symbolism by the /a/ you despise so much even though that was never the creator's intent. Christian symbolism is exotic to the japanese just like shinto and buddhist stuff is to us, that's the only reason it was used not because there was some deeper meaning.

>> No.10181210
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>> No.10181216

It's unfair to say all contemporary anime is just moe shows. And can't that logic just as easily be applied to /v/?

>> No.10181221

>as an idea

that was stupid, I meant example.

>> No.10181223
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Not all VN's are interactive, unless you count simply clicking to move on to next piece of text as interactivity.

The subs in anime are less elaborate than the written words of VN's, ans VN's need to describe everything, in a similar way to how watching a Harry Potter movie subtitled requires less though than reading the book, despite having the same plot.

>> No.10181264
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You must be trolling. 2hu and VNs are basically an extended joke /jp/ was tricked into believing.

>> No.10181277

They are the height of intellectual pursuits free from any kind of cliches found in other Japanese media.

>> No.10181293
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>> No.10181293,1 [INTERNAL] 

That girl looks like a pretty version of Pygma.
