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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10180851 No.10180851[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Gomenasai, but
What did I tell you about posting on 4chan Sean?
I'm dead fucking serious, if I see you again I will send all of your archived posts to your relatives.

>> No.10180855

I wonder if Gomensasai, but would go for a beer with me. We could wear polo shirts and pop our collars, maybe he'd invite me into his frat. I'd even be able to call him Sean in real life

>> No.10180856

Who's this again?

>> No.10180857

go ahead, fag

>> No.10180858

I don't think that's him. I saw Sean posting anonymously in that gakuran thread.

>> No.10180860 [DELETED] 


>> No.10180865

Confirmed for Sean

>> No.10180866

It's time to stop posting.

>> No.10180867

You're stupid. Gomenasai is from Spain.

>> No.10180868

Why do you keep bullying that guy?

>> No.10180875

What is up with Sean-sama's nose?
What's with the bump and hook?

>> No.10180876

He is a shitposter of the highest calibur, completely taking over every thread he posts in by replying to almost everyone. Not to mention he has a long history of acting like a dumbass. Around Sean never relax

>> No.10180884


You can always, like, filter him, dude.

>> No.10180877

What the fuck is this Trevor, Tom, and Sean shit all of a sudden on /jp/? Are we getting invaded by some teenage normalfag anime club?

>> No.10180881

because he's a huge faggot

>> No.10180885

Trevor is florida-anon
Tom is a pretty cool dude
Sean is disability-san/gomenasai,but

>> No.10180888
File: 28 KB, 400x225, takutoshocked.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting Disability-san pics!!!

Fu!! Fu!! Fu!!

>> No.10180892

Please stop posting here.

>> No.10180894
File: 497 KB, 215x180, 1330675878856.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi Yama where have you been lately?

>> No.10180896

It's weird that they're all english names. I bet we have atleast one Sasha and a Hans aboard too.

>> No.10180900

I don't recall Sean going around being elitist about Japanese, and being overly shitty at it.

Also this tripper doesn't abuse "...... .. . . .. ....." like Sean does.

>> No.10180904 [DELETED] 

Mó viadão você.

>> No.10180916

Check out some of his earlier posts, he does use ellipses quite a bit. Guess he realized he had to change it up or people would notice.

>> No.10180920

More that they're diagnostic uses at that.

>> No.10180920,1 [INTERNAL] 

Is it somehow confirmed that this ever-present Trevor guy is Accela?

>> No.10180920,2 [INTERNAL] 

search florida anon

>> No.10180920,3 [INTERNAL] 

Is florida anon that one girl from tallahassee?

>> No.10180920,4 [INTERNAL] 

I mean that supposed female NEET that usually posts gifs of girls eating, has been banned a lot of times and has a dark firefox theme.

>> No.10180920,5 [INTERNAL] 

yama/disability/gomensasai sean-same

>> No.10180920,6 [INTERNAL] 

Yama is probably KoG
Gomenasai is a former Spanish tripfag
Disability/Sean is none of the above

>> No.10180920,7 [INTERNAL] 

I wish you virgins would stop calling me Trevor when it's not even my name.

One of you dipshits even used that name to fake my death when I was banned for like 2 months after moving. I'm just glad that never got back to the actual Trevor.

>> No.10180920,8 [INTERNAL] 

Florida-anon = Trevor = accela = fishheads

>> No.10180920,9 [INTERNAL] 

But Fishhead is tallahassee femanon.

>> No.10180920,10 [INTERNAL] 

Learn the lore

>> No.10180920,11 [INTERNAL] 

>Florida-anon = accela = fishhead


I'm not fucking Trevor, he's just some pasty nerd I went to HS and uni with. I haven't even spoken to him since I moved from Tallahassee to Colorado like 5 months ago.

The next time someone calls me fucking Trevor I'm going to stomp on their dick and rip their cheese-encrusted foreskin off.

>> No.10180920,12 [INTERNAL] 

So I was correct. I was very confused when I saw people refering to you as Trevor.

>> No.10180920,13 [INTERNAL] 

I tried stalking that slut from Florida by googling "fishheads@gmail.com" and checking the forum profiles linked to it.

I found a gender, age, and location but no name, unfortunately. Apparently she's some 24yo hag from Tallahassee and one profile said something about loving cock.

>> No.10180920,14 [INTERNAL] 

I've read on some of her posts that she is technically a virgin, but she makes money by sticking things up her ass and showing it on cam sites. Not sure how true it is. I'm going go to do some researching now.

>> No.10180920,15 [INTERNAL] 

>>believing anything that crazy guy writes with his throwaway email and forum accounts

Green simply because I have no words.

>> No.10180920,16 [INTERNAL] 

They were profiles from years ago, if she's not female then s/he's pretty damn dedicated.

>> No.10180920,17 [INTERNAL] 

By the way, this is her Steam account: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197971651803

Her profile on HardForum is legit. That tab appears on almost all her screencaps, and she's been there since 2005 using that email.


Her being 24 is plausible with all of this (being in 4chan at least since 2008, in HF since 2005, in Steam since 2004...).

>> No.10180920,18 [INTERNAL] 

>>he's pretty damn dedicated.


He really is.

Like in 2010 I used to think that all these shitposting memes came from other people (like Squidy if anyone remembers that name) but nope, it was actually damned Trevor all along. His dedication is mind-blowing.

>> No.10180920,19 [INTERNAL] 

The same picture made me lol (I didn't refresh before posting).

What is HardForum anyways. Does Trevor still act in character on there?

>> No.10180920,20 [INTERNAL] 

Are we going to go to someone's house?

>> No.10180920,21 [INTERNAL] 

Also it's funny because minutes after >10180920,13 her profile shows she's been reading the thread where she posted her email.

Well, I haven't checked her(?) posts there, but I think she's a girl.

This the post that I talked about earlier: >>9109486

By the way, she should get a secure tripcode or something, because it's very easy to impersonate her: her tripcode, her pictures...

>> No.10180920,22 [INTERNAL] 


Is this the same wench?

>> No.10180920,23 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10180920,24 [INTERNAL] 

Well, this is just terrific.

Looks Like I'm going to have to delete some accounts before one of you internet superstars gets my phone number or something.

>> No.10180920,25 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry, for my part I'm not going to stalk you publicly anymore. I have a folder dedicated to you, but it's just for private use.

>> No.10180920,26 [INTERNAL] 

This crazy bastard literally always asked for people to go to his house. Happened in every single one of his troll threads over the years.

Then again, karma tends to already be at work for the kind of people who troll/spam 16 hours per day on 4chan.

>> No.10180920,27 [INTERNAL] 

How exactly do you track an anonymous poster?

She picks a new image to spam like every week. Right now it's Linus giving people the finger.

>> No.10180920,28 [INTERNAL] 

Hey, me too

>> No.10180920,29 [INTERNAL] 

Can't someone make some scrip to auto-delete all posts with the comment "check out this CP"? Didn't easymodo have that?

>> No.10180920,30 [INTERNAL] 

It's a secret ability that unlocks after spending all day on /jp/ for 5 years.

>> No.10180920,31 [INTERNAL] 

>Temporarily Offline



>> No.10180920,32 [INTERNAL] 

He's deleting /jp/

>> No.10180920,33 [INTERNAL] 

Why isn't this shit stickied yet?

>> No.10180920,34 [INTERNAL] 

For anyone that cares and doesn't actually think Trevor is Trevor.


Note the consistency in GUI appearance and thread theme. They spotted his name in a browser tab for FSU (Tallahassee) email.

>> No.10180920,35 [INTERNAL] 

I love all this intrigue and board drama.

Keep at it, goys.

>> No.10180920,36 [INTERNAL] 

One time I posted a shit thread and some guy called me Trevor. Does that mean I'm a truly ebin shitposter?

>> No.10180920,37 [INTERNAL] 

Of the highest caliber, congrats manX XDXXXDDDDD

>> No.10180920,38 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10180920,39 [INTERNAL] 

Not that I even give the slightest amount of a shit about this retarded crap, but wasn't this Trevor a uni friend of his/hers?

I used to check my friend's e-mails for them all the time when they were out and didn't have smartphones with internet. Maybe he was just fucking around with a friend's e-mail account. Maybe he's also a giant homo. I don't really care.

I don't understand how you guys can take so much interest in a blatant shitposter who wants to get our board deleted by shitting on it non-stop. I wish you would just suck his/her dick/clit already and get it over with so I don't accidentally read this crap again and respond out of annoyance.

>> No.10180920,40 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's a noble pursuit. We'd all be much happier without this board.

>> No.10180920,41 [INTERNAL] 

I fucking love impersonating Accela. It gets all the nerds going.

>> No.10180920,42 [INTERNAL] 

Accela lover pls go

>> No.10180920,43 [INTERNAL] 

Much too convenient to be true, Trevor. You'll need to come up with something more convincing than that. Witch hunts are just another thing to do. It always happens.

>> No.10180920,44 [INTERNAL] 

My name is Mike, Jim.

>> No.10180920,45 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10180920,46 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/'s lore, eehehe

>> No.10180920,47 [INTERNAL] 


Mein friend...

>> No.10180920,48 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, I'm confused. What part of this is a revelation? He's called Florida-anon because he (Trevor) goes to a Florida university.

He also uses the tripcode FishHead sometimes.

>> No.10180920,49 [INTERNAL] 

He denied being Trevor.

>> No.10180920,50 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, that's dumb.

>> No.10180920,51 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor Richardson sounds like a Silent Hill protagonist name.

>> No.10180920,52 [INTERNAL] 

He probably didn't want anyone in the real world linking him to /jp/. You can hardly blame him.

If any of my friends or coworkers found out I posted here I would probably jump off a tall building to spare myself the embarrassment.

>> No.10180920,53 [INTERNAL] 


Get out of /ghost/.

Also, I've talked to him on TF2 on the teek server and he never denied being Trevor. Was this supposed to be some sort of secret?

>> No.10180920,54 [INTERNAL] 

Apparently Trevor is a common name among British Air Force pilots.

Pretty kakkoii, onii-chan.

>> No.10180920,55 [INTERNAL] 

>I'm not fucking Trevor, he's just some pasty nerd I went to HS and uni with. I haven't even spoken to him since I moved from Tallahassee to Colorado like 5 months ago.

>The next time someone calls me fucking Trevor I'm going to stomp on their dick and rip their cheese-encrusted foreskin off.

So Trevor, what made you eventually accept that you ARE Trevor?

Please respond, I'm a Trevor otaku and I need to know.

>> No.10180920,56 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor never was.

>> No.10180920,57 [INTERNAL] 

Warosubrotip: That's not me you're greening.

This may be hard to believe but there are people on /jp/ who pretend to be me. Some of them even purposely try to make me look bad.

I don't know how they cracked my trip.

>> No.10180920,58 [INTERNAL] 

Your brain has split itself into four or five personas. You've lost control.

>> No.10180920,59 [INTERNAL] 

Next you'll probably say all those accounts discovered in this thread aren't yours and you were just pretending to be a girl for almost a decade.

There is no Trevor; it's just an identity you (or the real "Accela", if you're an imposter) adopted to mislead and confuse stalkers. You couldn't stand the heat so you got out of the kitchen, ie. left your femininity there to make sandwiches for your hardposting new male /jp/ persona.

>> No.10180920,60 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/ - directed by M Night Shamalyanhan

>> No.10180920,61 [INTERNAL] 

Lamashamalama DING DING


>> No.10180920,62 [INTERNAL] 

I'm literally preparing to send this fucking faggot pizza as we speak. Also free boxes from that FedEx offer.
