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10178106 No.10178106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10178110

Aikido is inferior to the original, superior, Corean martial art, Hapkido.

An Aikidoka can only stand and react. You can beat an aikidoka with no effort, simply by doing nothing. If I wanted to rob an aikidoka, all I would have to do is make sure not to attack him while doing so. It would be easy. You cannot redirect any force if none is applied.

But even a mere white belt in Corean Hapkido could defend against a nonaggressive attacker with his striking prowess.

>> No.10178115

I don't understand why Korean children are so mad.

>> No.10178118


korea hasn't made anything that people are proud of

one ``gangnam style'' is not enough to prove anything

>> No.10178120


I believe you shouldn't underestimate Aikido. Now I know you may be thinking, "Why take a weakling martial art like Aikido seriously when I am learning Kendo?" I can see why you would think that, how can a peaceful martial arts like Aikido beat a powerful one like Kendo?

Well, I have a story to share with you.

Years ago, I was a Kendoka, I thought I was the toughest kid in high school, I would pick fights, and kick ass. I was full of hate, until I picked a fight with the wrong dude. He was a Japanese exchange student, I still remember his name, Noboru Takeda.

I picked on him because of his hilarious and thick Japanese accent. I told him I was going to beat him so hard, he would go back to China(Yeah, I was a little racist prick.), he never said anything back, made me wanted to kick his ass even harder.

Well, here comes the fight. I threw men and do strikes, he dodged them like I was a mere white belt. I was tiring out and he knew, I saw the smirk on his face that made me raged hard. I put all my strength in one amazing tsuki, and he grabbed past it to my wrist and threw me over. My back smacked on the hard cement ground, and I was knocked out for who knows how long.

When I woke up I was in the school infirmary, I asked the nurse who brought me here, and you guessed it, Noboru Takeda. The next day, he wasn't at school, he was back in Japan, and I never got to thank him, for saving my life and showing me the light. I soon learned that he was an Aikidoka and have been practicing Aikido ever since to show my thanks to him.

>> No.10178122


Let me share an experience with all from one of my many quests

Its lunch, I went to my favourite sandwich shop, got a delicious veal sandwich and was on my way back home.
There was this thuggish "Nigga" style black dude, he was behind me, I stopped, because he was walking quite fast, and I didn't want to be in his way.

He comes up to me, and asked, “Do you have any money?”, I knew where he was going with this, so I said, “Yeah, but you’re not getting any of it.”, and I walked away.
I suppose it’s in his blood, he was going to punch the back of my head but I quickly grabbed and threw him over my shoulder, he fell down and became unconscious.
I checked if he had any drugs/money, found cocaine in his jacket and called the cops.
I guess it wasn’t really a fight since it lasted less than 10 seconds, it really shows how effective Aikido is in real life situations.
It feels good to help the police catch drug dealers/druggies.

>> No.10178124

Go /kr/.

>> No.10178145

Is it me or are coreans are gullible and easily and heavily brainwashed?
