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File: 563 KB, 786x599, 786px-WnHH_Dragon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10176346 No.10176346 [Reply] [Original]

Dragon Child!

>> No.10176364

Once again, Reimu would have died without Kasen's help. It happens quite a lot.

>> No.10176422 [DELETED] 

Please use the catalog feature to check for an extant Touhou thread before creating one of your own. /jp/ is a board with a diverse array of interests, and no one topic should dominate page real estate.

>> No.10176813


>> No.10177019

I wonder if Reimu can summon Dragon, the god, seeing as how she developed her god-summoning abilities way back in SSiB.

>> No.10177036

Dragon seems to outrank everybody, so she could probably call him but not summon him against his will.

>> No.10177742
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Speaking of WaHH. Spoilers for the new chapter are up. Remi employs a group of hobgoblins and other things happen to Kasen.

>> No.10177754
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>> No.10177755

Is there a timeline between kasen and kosuzu?

>> No.10177777
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>> No.10177770

Since when are there hobgoblins in Gensokyo?

>> No.10177782

Gensokyo is home to anything anybody would disbelieve.

>> No.10177788

Nice GET.

>> No.10177823
File: 288 KB, 708x963, kasen oh my.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yukari? Oh man.

>> No.10177839

Spoiler summary:
Villagers in Gensokyo keeps a Zashiki-Warashi (youkai that brings prosperity to the household) in their houses.
But they are actually there as a spy for Yukari, to make sure they don't do anything stupid (such as revolting).
Yukari is now deploying her Zashiki-Warashi spies to households outside Gensokyo, in order to obtain food supply (=humans) from outside Gensokyo.
"There is not enough food to satisfy all youkais in Gensokyo, you see."
Because of this, there is a massive Zashiki-Warashi shortage in Gensokyo, thus Yukari went overseas and brought some hobgoblins to fill in.
Of course Yukari keeps all this secret from Reimu et al, but lets Kasen know since she is "on the youkai's side."

To put it short: Yukari is the enemy of mankind afterall

>> No.10177857

That's awesome.

>> No.10177867

Yukari for president

>> No.10177884

Believable. But I'll wait and see.

>> No.10177887

Manga chapters tend to follow real time so this is probably around the same months as Scrollery 1 and 2. It's kind of like you're reading Gensokyo's current events.

>> No.10177890

Why wouldn't she be? She's not human anyway.

>> No.10177891

Go ahead, Ibara. Grab Yukari with your magic arm and destroy her once and for all.

>> No.10177914

Fuck mankind. Yukari is awesome.

>> No.10177917

Zashiki-Warashis returned later, which left all the hobgoblins unemployed.
They were then hired by Remilia (appropriately enough for western youkais).

I haven't read the actual manga and only got everything from the spoiler images that come in bits and pieces, so it may not be 100% accurate.

>> No.10177933

SDM is where all the neet and homeless gather. As long as you pledge allegiance to her, Remi will let you stay at her home.

>> No.10177938

And she'll step on your head and yell at you. Sounds like heaven.

>> No.10177967
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Oh boy, time for food

>> No.10177992
File: 628 KB, 800x800, kasen fight!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Kasen really is a diva, then it's interesting that Yukari intimidates her. Both as in Kasen is intimidated by her and as in Yukari attempts too.
Is Kasen not an oni after all? Is she weaker than the others? Is that normal, or is weakened somehow? Or is she as strong as Suika and Yuugi, and Yukari just doesn't care at all?

>> No.10178000

全妖怪? What kind of youkai is that, Zashiki-Warashis?

>> No.10178006

> 10178000
that means "all youkais"

>> No.10178009

'All the youkai'

お腹 'stomach' 満たす'statisfy' 食料 ’food'

I think that should cover you

>> No.10178019

Oni are physically the strongest, and have very powerful magic as well, but I think Yukari outranks them in terms of raw bullshit reality bending. Suika is probably too drunk to take Yukari seriously and I can't imagine Yuugi being intimidated by anything, but that doesn't mean that they wouldn't necessarily be in danger if Yukari really wanted them dead.

>> No.10178023

Kasen has basically renounced her entire identity and lied to everyone about what she is. For a youkai, the first part is often enough to destabilize their existence, and for an Oni, the second is a big problem. I doubt she's going to disappear or anything due to how ridiculously strong she must be, but her power level might have taken a hit.

But it isn't like I have any proof of that. To be honest, it's probably more along the lines of "Yukari just doesn't give a shit."

>> No.10178051

Well, that proves that while Kanako upgraded Gensokyo, Yukari wasn't just sleeping, she is still active.

>> No.10178100

In fact it can be suggested that this whole "sleeping" thing of hers is a big bullshit and that she is actually quite active during that time, without anyone knowing about it.

>> No.10178579

If Yukari has the same kind of power as Merry (or is her or whatever), then she could be dreaming to all sorts of places during that time. Or yeah maybe it's a lie. PCB's profile makes it sound like she's asleep most of the time, but PMiSS says just the winter and unconfirmed at that. ZUN probably meant it when he wrote it but then wanted to stick her in everything so he walked it back.

>> No.10178584

>Or yeah maybe it's a lie. PCB's profile makes it sound like she's asleep most of the time, but PMiSS says just the winter and unconfirmed at that.
It's canon that she sleeps during the day though, it's repeated all time on PCB Phantasm, IN and IaMP.

>> No.10178638

Yeah I just meant the hibernating. I'd check SSiB to see what happens during that winter, but I don't care about it enough.

>> No.10178653

Wait what? So finally the super overpowered dragon god made an appearance in canon manga? I thought it would be one of the last things ever to be shown in any official Touhou work.

>> No.10178668

Nah, it's just Falkor or whatever Kasen's little dragon familiar was called, not the Dragon-Emperor of Mankind.

>> No.10178677

Why do I get little Mary Sue vibes from Kasen? I mean, she is super mysterious and has many powers and magic arm and then she has a dragon familiar, and dragons are noted to be the strongest things in Gensokyo.

>> No.10178688

It's less about dragons in general and more about Dragon specifically. But given this is only the second dragon we have seen so far and dragons are generally considered top tier creatures in a fight - often times on par with or topping gods - you probably have a point.

>> No.10179097

I felt that a little bit. She has trait overload and is always the one who figures out what's going on or solves the problem. The way everything is, though, it's fine.

>> No.10179122

It's like ZUN is doing bit too good job at making Kasen next playable character, by making her too amazing compared to Marisa and Reimu

>> No.10179220

Just like Sanae and Sakuya when they were introduced.

>> No.10179246

Touchy my Reimu and I will cut you bitch.

>> No.10179322

How do you figure that for either of them? Especially Sanae.

>> No.10179630 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10179722

Yeah, Kasen won't let Yukari make up with Reimu.

>> No.10179759
File: 121 KB, 722x228, Yukaridicks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really easy to image them saying something like that when they're drawn in that cute style.

>> No.10179829

Everybody is straight in Gensokyo.

>> No.10180302


>> No.10181219

so how long until we get doujins with the hobgoblins ravaging all the SDM girls

>> No.10181279

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed ZUN is trying to sneak in male characters in touhou.

>> No.10181834

Artists must be on their way already ;_;

>> No.10182437

You're not supposed to like you. She wants you dead.

>> No.10182444

You're not supposed to like her. She wants you dead.

>> No.10182446

C83 is gonna be great.

>> No.10182550

Kasen showing that's she's really just a bitch ass punk. For all her preaching and stern looks, she can't even raise a finger against the systematic imprisonment and slaughter of the human population in Gensokyo, or for that matter the beginning of exploratory farming of human lives outside of Gensokyo. Don't worry though Kasen, you'll always do a good job at playing a bitch.

>> No.10182560

Oh, shut up. You haven't even read the damn book yet.

>> No.10182684

None of the few humans used as youkai food for the few youkai who still need to eat humans are from Gensokyo. The human population is for the most part safe; it's humans that are spirited away (or wander in) that end up in the mouths of youkai. It's odd that you say "beginning of exploratory farming" when that's what they've been doing from the get-go, but aside from that the humans spirited away would generally be people who no longer "exist" in the outside world anyways i.e. no family no life suicidal etc.
