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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10174366 No.10174366[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your most hated neo-4chan meme?

As for me, I would say it's misusing spoilers, if only because it's so prevalent on virtually every board now and it is usually used to hide low-quality posts and off-topic, circlejerk garbage.

"my sides" takes second place, with "bro" and the variations of "lel" following. Doubles are so played out that they hardly matter anymore.

I don't consider ironic shitposting, smilies, and such as a meme, so I didn't include them in this ranking.

>> No.10174371


>> No.10174372


>> No.10174379

Irony in general, particularly ironic passive aggression and spelling mistakes.
Qualifying is dumb too. Just post what you want to post, you don't have to justify it.

If it has to be a catchphrase, probably "le", especially "le x face". 4channers use it more than Reddit. Irony does not make that okay.

>> No.10174383

My list:
1.-Misused quoting functions
2.-"lel". It's just as bad as "LOL" or even worse
3.-"U mad" when someone is angry at a shitty post.

>> No.10174386

The difference is that everyone outside the rage comics subreddit hates "le" garbage.

>> No.10174389

Doubles are the new #fortune.
lel is the new lulz
bro is the new anon
It was always shit.

>> No.10174393
File: 22 KB, 300x169, ,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

soon the meta will collapse in on itself and from it will emerge an age of enlightenment

the behavior of the community will resemble circa 2004

this will occur from massive administrative intervention in the community

>> No.10174394

Anything involving loli manga and/or that girl with the annoying as fuck voice. I want to pour acid into their throat so badly.

Also Jews. What the fuck is all this Jew this and Jew that lately? Slavs too. The spurdo bears are funny though.

>> No.10174396

>U mad
>when someone is angry
Except that's only about 3% of the time u mad is used.

>> No.10174398

"Lulz" is terrible anyways...

>> No.10174402

lel isn't any worse than saying lul or lawl or lollercoaster or roflcopter.

>> No.10174408

That's my point, buttnerd.

>> No.10174409

lel is sarcastic so what's the problem?

>> No.10174415

Some people hate fun, and will force their taste on you.
Note that it applies to both parties.

>> No.10174416

Ironic shitposting about ironic shitposting is still shitposting.

>> No.10174418

No, most people don't use it sarcastically.
And it's retarded. What's even they point of it if I might ask?

>> No.10174420

You're unironically shit, and I wish you weren't posting.

>> No.10174421

It will never occur, shit like "postmodernism" dates back decades and we still haven't recovered.

>> No.10174429

tfw no gf
btw i am grill
claiming oneself as NEET/otaku/hikkimori just because he goes to class for 2hours and then return home
greentext stories

>> No.10174428

Calm down.

>> No.10174430

"I'm too dumb to see the point and therefore other people are wrong" - u
lel u mad bro

>> No.10174440

>claiming oneself as NEET/otaku/hikkimori just because he goes to class for 2hours and then return home

If you guys didn't attach importance to being a truNEET & truHIKKI shit on da floor, there wouldn't be people pretending.

>> No.10174444

At least the people pretending do it right. They dont claim to be a student or salaryman.

>> No.10174447

No bully and calm down
Pretty much the same thing as u mad and other such catchphrases.

>> No.10174456
File: 436 KB, 500x428, 1354631653044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I very much prefer tongue-in-cheek shitposting, le x face, lel #tags etc, to sincere shitposting and unironic meme spouting the likes of facebook or reddit.

>> No.10174457

Greentext abuse
That stupid face that's being spammed everywhere
Mah nigga
X thread? X thread.
le x face
this is me giving a fuck
MSpaint arguments
pull ova that ass too fat

There's more, but I'm too disgusted to post the rest.

>> No.10174466

I don't. They know better, yet still continue to do so, adding to the shit willingly.

>> No.10174471

Surprise bars and quote function misuse also get on my nerves. I also hate how some passive-agressive weak mentalities have established, with canned sentences like "why don't you like fun?" or "Stop liking what I don't like!" used ironically. Do these people expect 4chan to be just like their blog hugbox?

Fanboys I've always hated but valve fanboys in particular have brought it up a couple of notches by being some of the most obnoxious people I've ever seen roaming 4chan. As bad as pony spammers, in my opinion.

As for /jp/, I hate how most people claim to be apart from the rest of 4chan but then go out of their way to prove it otherwise. This is better shown whenever some drifting fa/g/got makes a desktop or browser thread. It also really upsets me that such a small number of coordinated people are able to change the whole board's direction. Though I'm slightly amused at the number of factions within such a small board. There's the /q/ brigade, the twitter syndicate, Jones' cronies, the tripfag squad, the /a/v/b/vg/ tryhard association... It's like I'm in Beirut during the late 80s. I wonder if each group knows they are more connected than they think.

>> No.10174472

That's what I think too. It could be acceptable in moderate proportions, but people don't have self-control and it ends up becoming just as bad as the real thing.

However, I also think it's better than genuine abuse of the quote function, feels, pseudoreddit stuff, lel...

>> No.10174481

>That stupid face that's being spammed everywhere

What, le traced cp face or that kawaii noseguy face?

>> No.10174496

How can you hate brofist? Brofist is awesome. Just watch for a moment.


>> No.10174492

The noseguy. Rustle face would fall under "le x face"

>> No.10174494
File: 9 KB, 290x250, 5c1965e8bc59d5e41d5adafe9265dd13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That stupid face that's being spammed everywhere

>> No.10174498

Who is le nose guy?

>> No.10174503
File: 28 KB, 300x351, Jew-cartoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. I thought he meant this.

>> No.10174511

I don't know why people hate that face so irrationally much, but I admit that picture of the kitten's foot makes me really angry for some reason. I hate it more than that dumb cock picture.

>> No.10174513

Stop being so anti-semitic that whenever someone mentions a nose you immediately jump into that unfortunate caricature of what the west perceives as a Jewish man.

>> No.10174515


>> No.10174517


Sure is neo-4chan. The only new meme regarding spoilers is complaining about "misuse".

>> No.10174520

>How can you hate brofist?
I hate the word "bro", and it's been abused so much that I can't stand it anymore.


>> No.10174527


>> No.10174528

Most of those use spoilers appropriately, or to hide bad puns. That's loads better than what we have today.

>> No.10174530
File: 18 KB, 584x173, quotation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ``'', and it's not a meme, much less a neo-4chan one.

>> No.10174557



>> No.10174558

You guys are a bunch of babies/autists. Greentext, feels, my sides, etc. are hilarious when you use them ironically. I literally find myself crying at the more creative stories/pictures.

>> No.10174563

Same. That guy who shit up the NEET threads with feels was a comedic genius.

>> No.10174568

I disagree, though. I'd challenge you to post a single story that actually incorporates these memes and is funny, because so far I have found none. I'm certainly not autistic nor do I not possess a sense of humor. In all cases, they're just flimsy excuses the writer uses to avoid having to come up with something original.

>> No.10174570

>Greentext, feels, my sides, etc. are hilarious when you use them ironically.
I don't agree at all.

>> No.10174575

I'm sorry but you definitely write like an autist. You might have already caught it.

>> No.10174579

x/10 is pretty obnoxious. When someone uses it, they're basically saying

"I disagree with your point, so you must be trolling"

I can't stand the word "trolling" anymore either

>> No.10174580

Actually, autism has little to do with the way you write. Because I'm not using memes and brospeak in every sentence does not mean I'm autistic, though it may seem uncommon since the posting quality on 4chan has dropped so significantly. I'm still waiting for that story.

>> No.10174586

On a reverse note, I don't mind "lol". I wish it was fine to use "lol". A lot of 4channers do in IRC and such, and plenty of staff members/long-term posters can get away with it, but to most people "lol" is the most obnoxious acronym in the world, right up there with YOLO, IAMA, and whatever else.
"lol" is so useful. It's nice to say, "I found your post amusing."
Try to write that in words without appearing sarcastic. You can't. That's why we have all this "MY SIDES" nonsense, when you could just write "lol". But oh no, EVERYONE writes "lol"! That means we can't!

Fuck you, anti-lol brigade.

>> No.10174582

"my sides" is definitely the worst.
Fortunately it's not so big on /jp/.

As for real /jp/ problems,
"No bullying", as well as tryhard cuteposting s-stutters and ;_; and :3

I seriously think touhou games discussion should be moved to /vg/ and just let things like touhou music and doujin manga stay here, not only because the "STG" general here is it's own little community who never post anywhere else on /jp/, (especially so for the trips) but it attracts morons who make brand new touhou game threads without realizing there's a general already because they think this board IS touhou general.

>> No.10174587

Feel is the worst meme, with only my face when approaching it. (we fucking know that image is a character making a face you wish you could make, you don't need to write it too.) "Feels good man" is funny because it's from a comic and an actual quote. "That feel when " is nothing short of cancer.

I'm happy no one seems to hate "I seriously hope you guys don't do that.". Although >20xx itself is quotes abuse, the picture reminds me of delayclose for some reason and I think it is very funny.

What I hate are people trying to force this trap and fart and furry shit lately. The trap shit is the worst. It's not even about traps anymore, just ugly crossdressers and dick sucking.

>> No.10174589


You mad? bro, lel, check out these repeating numerals XD

4chan isn't your blog quite frankly I don't give a damn about your pet peeves do you stumble in here and read

/jp/ - personal blog bitch fest

NO? then get the fuck out


>> No.10174591

While "troll" has been misunderstood and you can never use it without it clashing with someone's sense of the word, I actually wish we would use it more often. Everything is a "shitpost." I don't mind the word "shitpost" like a lot of people--it means a shit post, or to make a shit post. Fine, whatever. But if someone is trolling, just say so. Look it up in the Jargon File if you're not sure what it means.

>> No.10174592

This thread is already janitor approved

>> No.10174593


>not crying tears by the end of this story

>> No.10174594

"That was hilarious." or "5 star post." both work pretty well for expressing you find something funny, even if the latter is an old meme. There are still ways to say something is funny without using "lol" or some other shitty variation. The real problem is that everyone is apparently afraid to call out a good post when they see it, and so all the attention goes towards the shitty posts, which just leads to more of them being made.

>> No.10174596

I like the theater stories from /tv/

>> No.10174604

1. "My sides"
2. Any variations of "hurr durr".
3. Not meme, just any overused reaction image.
Good thing that jp is not infected with this kind of shit.

>> No.10174598

>Go to see The Expendables on my own
>Grab a greasy ass burrito, box of popped corns and some cupped cola from the snack stand
>Theatre pretty full, don't want to draw attention, sit in first seat I see
>Sat inbetween some hot typical cheerleader type and a mom with her baby
>Eat my burrito during the ads
>An hour into the movie I need to take a colossal dump but don't want to miss the plot
>Pretty sure I can butt clench my way through the last 30 mins
>Suddenly a loud explosion makes me physically jump a bit in my seat and a wet fart of liquid shit pools around the seat of my pants
>Try to act cool but people in my vacinity are sniffing and looking around
>Look to my left and lock eyes with cheerleader girl, a look of desperation and hopelessness in my eyes
>She returns a look of disgust and begins whispering to her friends who also look over at me
>Look to my right, woman with baby lifts it up and smells its diaper, looks confused and then looks over to me and gives me a bewildered stare
>Decide to run out of there as fast as I can
>Get my cape caught in the door of the theatre
>Black attendant comes over saying "you a'ight, man?"
>Sees and smells the shit and goes "Damn nigga"
>Burst into treats
>Tear the cape out the door and run home crying
>mfw a woman took her baby to an R rated movie

>> No.10174599

"That was hilarious" reeks of sarcasm. I can just picture some smug asshole writing that out with a straight face.

>> No.10174602

Link? Or a term I can search?

>> No.10174613

>Any variations of "hurr durr".

I hate this too

>> No.10174611

Eh, I've read so many of these "greentext embarrassing exaggerated situation" stories that they all seem the same already. The only good one I can recall from recently is the one where a person goes to America and an eagle swoops down and steals his burger, or however that went. Oh, and another new one from /pol/ about genderqueer bisexual liberated mollusks, or something. Those were really funny, but most greentext stories are dull.

>> No.10174612

Not him, but I didn't found it funny. >>10174598 is also pretty stupid. Do people honestly laugh at this stuff?

>> No.10174615

Why do you need to show that you enjoyed a post? It's just inane regardless of how you do it.

>> No.10174616

>right up there with YOLO, IAMA, and whatever else.

I don't even know what these are. Perhaps you should stop going to sites that use them and just type lol on 4chan.

>and ;_; and :3
You are a fag. Possibly of the new variety, but mostly normal kind.

>things like touhou music and doujin manga stay here
If Touhou games go to /vg/ then Touhou music goes to /mu/ and Touhou manga goes to /a/. Try to be less of a fag. I bet you think /jp/ isn't a board about video games despite being created as a place to discuss video games.

>> No.10174617


>> No.10174618

Pretty much every line in >>10174598 has become a /tv/ meme.

>> No.10174620

It makes the poster feel good.

>> No.10174622

Those images: "Least intelligent comment of all time award" and similar.
Overused to death.
GOAT too. It has no meaning anymore so it's dying out, luckily.

Not a meme but:

Nothing is a joke anymore.
It's shitposting, or trolling, or being stupid, or whatever.

One thing I did like for a while is the now hundred variations on 'It appears I have titillated you vis a vis my intent" next to a badly drawn play on coolface.
I hoped it'd kill the whole 'things are trolls' thing, because it's a parody of calling people a troll- however these images have started to be used seriously.

>> No.10174629

non ironic neet threads. It's like i'm really on /r9k/

>> No.10174632

I have a bad memory, so I just went over the thread and picked out what really annoys me the most.

my sides
greentext/spoiler abuse
trolling meaning someone disagreeing with your opinion

also, being mean to someone else non-jokingly, that's probably one of the worst

>> No.10174638

>btw i am a grill
Is that a thing?

>> No.10174639

>however these images have started to be used seriously.
New idiots come and see them being used without getting the irony. That's why ironic shitposting doesn't work.

>> No.10174647

Too sarcastic or over-the-top. Plus the latter is thread rating. Even if it's light hearted, it's exaggerating a little and I could see those pissing people off.

I agree that we shouldn't go through a thread and post our personal reaction to everything, but if something amuses you there's nothing wrong with saying so, especially if it's part of a larger post. 4chan isn't exactly a black tie website, it's okay to give someone some throwaway positive feedback, and it's encouraging receiving that sort of feedback. Even if we're anonymous, it's just nice knowing you amused someone.

>> No.10174648


B-but what if we didn't d everything in absolutes ;_;

maybe then jaypee would be nice to hang out in :3

>> No.10174651

Only the sith deal in absolutes

>> No.10174657
File: 209 KB, 406x480, hurtfeelingsandbuttranged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate irony, but I still love these anownymous images. Maybe it's because they cooled off before they became played-out.

>> No.10174662 [DELETED] 

itt we become the cancer

my sides

>> No.10174664

These have become so unbelievable. The charm of these stories used to be that they could suspend your disbelief up to the final part. It feels like I'm reading the product of the mind of a hollywood script writer who got hold of the meme and missed the point entirely.

>> No.10174691

I don't get what "my sides" is even supposed to be. I mean I understand what it tries to convey, but I'm not exactly sure what it means.

I also don't understand that Carlos meme.

>> No.10174696


Those aren't irony. They're making fun of people who come to /jp/ and actually act that way(rather act like that was how we acted to them), mostly during hotglue era.

I still don't understand why people got so butthurt over not much back then.

>> No.10174699

When you laugh a lot your sides hurt.

Actually, I have laughed a lot and its kind of under your ribs that hurts.
But my sides is likely derived from the phrase "side splitting" that critics throw around when talking about embarrassing american stoner comedies.

>> No.10174701

Carlos is the new, significantly less funny Ultros. Think of the humor being washed out, bland garbage that normals would eat up.

>> No.10174721

People with shitty sense of humour that are unfunny cunt like >>10174598 are the reason you hate those memes. The memes aren't the reason.

Take the "Oi, it's five bongs" greentext story.
That one is a work of art, regardless of greentext.

>> No.10174725

Carlos? Are you talking about that kid from the magic van cartoon show? Or is this something new?

>> No.10174726

"Spoiler misuse" is a pretty annoying new meme.

>> No.10174728

>new meme.

>> No.10174739

Spoiler misuse is a real issue. You'd know this if you browsed any board aside from /jp/, since it doesn't seem to be that much of a problem here. Usually it's stuff like IRC circlejerks, shitposts, memes, and generally unacceptable garbage hidden behind spoilers because apparently people think that makes it okay somehow.

>> No.10174735

Oh unless you mean the 'stop abusing hidden surprise bars you nerd' thing.
Overuse is just unfunny, not offensive.

>> No.10174742

Americaclap and Brits call fighting punch-ups u wot m8 are pretty shitty memes too. Bongs included. Unless related to stoners.


>> No.10174745

I try not to take lame internet culture and buzzwords too seriously because I'm not a tit.

>> No.10174747


>> No.10174749
File: 52 KB, 714x429, 1322879383352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the point was to having people waiting for you to mention how you're a bear walking the dinosaur to bel-air while treats burst out of your pocket.

>> No.10174753

Oh yeah, I, too hate all this >>> redirection of anything someone doesn't like lately. There was always gb2/wherever/ but this spam of 20 links in a row or quoting like 30 seperate posts is autistic and dumb.

>> No.10174764


I fucking hate when people use this for every reason they pull out of their ass.
You listened to the same song for 6 hours?
"le xD face, autizm!!!1!!!!!"
You got angry because someone didn't keep their books in numerical order?
"lollllllll le autism!!!!!!!".
Mou. Yamete yo.

>> No.10174766

Who the fuck is ``Gomenasai, but"?

I'm just going to report all his posts.

>> No.10174769

I'm going to help you become a better poster.

The next time you're going to make a post, ask yourself, "is the entirety of my post's content an idiotic question?" If the answer is yes, don't make that fucking post. Stop asking so many fucking dumb questions.

>> No.10174780

Okay, fine. I won't use autistic. I'll call it what it is. RETARDED.

Stop reading the name field or filter.

>> No.10174776

Watch as I make this thread disappear.

>> No.10174781


the entire point of his existence is to ask dumb questions, detective-san

>> No.10174781,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10174781,2 [INTERNAL] 

``Faggot/ASCII quotes." Go back to /prog/.
"Janitor approved." Fuck off to /q/.
"Crossboarder." You didn't magically spawn in /jp/, 4chan, Internet one day. Where did you yourself come from?

"Acting like a retard on purpose" is not a meme, but there are unnumbered memes which are used for the exclusively purpose of pretending to be a retard. That entire category is shit.

>> No.10174781,3 [INTERNAL] 

Gay people.

>> No.10174781,4 [INTERNAL] 

It's a meme called faggot quotes.


>> No.10174781,5 [INTERNAL] 

> ``
> "

Lurk more.

Why care, anyway? It's like caring if someone uses (...), (. . .), or (…) for ellipses. They're all published, academic standards, and different people have different preferences.

>> No.10174781,6 [INTERNAL] 

I know, you've written walls of text about it and everything. I figured it would piss off some pedant if I incorrectly applied his shitty gimmick.

Yes, yes, I know, some important people used them in the Unix manual a decade or two ago, that's fantastic, AND I'M SURE MANUALS HAVE BEEN WRITTEN IN ALL CAPS TOO, WHICH IS SIMPLY A ~DIFFERENT STANDARD~ BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN IT'S NOT RETARDED.

>> No.10174781,7 [INTERNAL] 

They weren't. They were usually typeset with troff (both the on-line man pages and printed versions).
