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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10174200 No.10174200[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I keep hearing that futaba is worst than 4chan. Can anyone explain in detail why, with some actually experiences?

>> No.10174203

neets, wotas.

>> No.10174209

>futaba is worst than 4chan
Not even possible, its Japanese, and therefore it is innately superior to western shit.

>> No.10174214

>worst than

>> No.10174215


What's the difference between Otaku and Wotaku. Outside of the fact that Wotaku don't want to be associated with the former?

>> No.10174213

it is almost 90% shitposting

think about how 4chan has become overun with more or less 'normal' people, only its to an extreme

the userbase is as if redditors had anonymity

>> No.10174219

Are you retarded?

>> No.10174226

>the userbase is as if redditors had anonymity
I'm failing to see how that is any different from 4chan.

>> No.10174227

>you retarded

>> No.10174233
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>> No.10174235

Japan's media is a niche interest in the west, so its holding some of those people at bay. Obviously this isn't as much of a relevant issue in Japan itself.

>> No.10174239

The autism level of their memeposters puts ours to shame.

>> No.10174240


No anecdotes?

>> No.10174245

there's threads of furry shit or whatever fetish porn between regular threads

>> No.10174246

Wotas define those people obsessed with a particular idol. You will see them spending a fortune buying dozens of X idol in order to boost her popularity, or if they ever find out their idol is not a pure virgin devoid of human emotions, they make the spanish inquisition seem mild.

>> No.10174251

This is the futaba userbase:


>> No.10174257

Actually FlanFly is still impressive.

>> No.10174268

Shit posts. Literal shit spamming posts. The exact same userbase as 4chan except Japanese, and without much funny to show for it. It's also several orders smaller than 4chan so 4chan is better just by having more potential for "win". Actually, rather than the same base as 4chan, it's more like if the entirety of 4chan was populated only with /a/ and /jp/ types.

Although it might just be because I don't hang around the normalfag boards there anymore than I do here.

>> No.10174297
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>> No.10174301

wtf is that?

>> No.10174306


Japanese web sites anthropomorphisized.

>> No.10174311
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Go to Futaba

Bring something back

>> No.10174315

You know those nico video where they freeze frame some hilarious video reaction image and loop them for 100000x times? That is your typical nip.

>> No.10174313

whoa, what is mixi?

>> No.10174316

Japans facebook.

>> No.10174318

japanese facebook, basically

>> No.10174323

also if you think "whoa" as in "she's hot", that's supposed to be a man

>> No.10174330
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>> No.10174335



Futaba rarely has image dumps. It's 90% discussion, the pictures are just used to start threads.

>> No.10174344

Futaba is much more entertaining than here.

>> No.10174397


Not in jun.

And futaba is way better than 4chan for me

>> No.10174404

>And futaba is way better than 4chan for me

Me too.

>> No.10174439

In futaba's crossdressing board they always post this old man that walks around in mini skirts and slut clothes all the time im jealous actually because his body is really nice but his face is ugly and he never shows shame.

>> No.10174443


Are you me?

>> No.10174459

According to Lain I could be

>> No.10174486

They have more original content but usually threads mostly consist of overused memes or short reaction phrases and I think I've never saw a good serious discussion about something on any Japanese board.

Also I'm not sure about this though I think they don't have strong opinions on anything because I've seen a lot more Western wikis and fansites with specualtions than Japanese.

>> No.10174524

>rarely has image dumps. It's 90% discussion

must be the closest thing to heaven on the net

>> No.10174538

I've never understood why people hate image dumps so much. Surely there is fundamentally no difference between an image dump and a discussion about something you don't like. And it's not like image dumps existing somehow take away from discussions you do like.

>> No.10174561

Japan has easier access to source materials, so they don't need to speculate. That and the west over analyzes things.

>> No.10174571

>the west over analyzes things.

This is true, japs like shit vague and view explicit dialogue negatively.

>> No.10174590

The creators of Lain and Eva said that Americans and Japanese got pretty much the same things from their works and that they were dissapointed (for different reasons)
