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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10169203 No.10169203[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What MMOs are /jp/ playing right now
I'm looking for something new and addictive to get into
I've played:
Maple Story
Sword Girls Online
Cosmic Break
Perfect World
and a lot of misc ones

a bunny for your troubles

>> No.10169205 [DELETED] 


>> No.10169209

Chinese and Corean MMOs are not Japan/General.

>> No.10169212

there was mmo threads on /jp/ for 3 years with mods coming and banning people from them. now it's not allowed? do you eat the shit directly out of his asshole or with a cup of jizz on the side?

>> No.10169213

Got bored of spamming Wizardry Online?

>> No.10169222
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I'm not playing any MMOs...

Just Ar Tonelico and Persona 2 like HELL, also I'm almost beating the former.

>> No.10169223

MMOs are boring soul suckers.

>> No.10169225


Don't try to group in other MMOs by association. That's like saying, "What are some good doujinsoft JRPGs? Also, let's use this thread to discuss Final Fantasy and the Tales series."

>> No.10169231

>MMOs are boring soul suckers.
that's the point

>> No.10169232

MMO threads are allowed on /jp/ if they're Japanese and the threads aren't spammed every single day. Now take it easy, nerds.

>> No.10169232,1 [INTERNAL] 

go to bed NSJ

>> No.10169232,2 [INTERNAL] 

'Meido' does it again.

>> No.10169232,3 [INTERNAL] 

every single day /jp/ gets worse. i'm just glad you rejects are too busy trying to establish your authority on anonymous imageboards instead of actual positions of power. not that the monkeys who decide the rules on 4chan are intellect enough to hold a real position of power in their life though

>> No.10169232,4 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10169232,5 [INTERNAL] 

If you genuinely want an on-topic thread, write it properly and obey the rules. If it's rule breaking, accept that /jp/ isn't the place for it and head off to another board.

>> No.10169232,6 [INTERNAL] 

Why doesn't someone dox NSJ, like the las janitor was doxed?

>> No.10169232,7 [INTERNAL] 

i'm already doing it, no worries.
