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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 380 KB, 800x800, ffxivg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10164601 No.10164601 [Reply] [Original]

FFXIV yes?

>> No.10164608


>> No.10164623
File: 18 KB, 274x234, 1352167406163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


actually looks decent

>> No.10164625

There's no way Square-Enix can save this steaming pile of shit. No matter what they do, it'll always have the reputation of a laughing stock for the horrendous condition it was released in.

>> No.10164628

I played 1.0 up till 30 and got my goobbue mount, intending to play once 2.0 comes out.

>> No.10164633

Is that a dungeon/instance type thing? Is that how you level in xiv?

>> No.10164680

Modern MMOs are shit, I miss cool sandbox style games like UO or SWG where you actually felt involved in the world.
Nowadays it's just borig WoW clones that feel like online one-player games.

>> No.10164861

Original FF14 was actually a unique experience (Albeit a terrible one) but at least it tries to be different from other MMOs.

This new reboot, basically strips everything that made it interesting and original in the first place and made it a fucking WoW clone with chocobos.

>> No.10164894

SWG was one of the greatest MMOs I've ever played. Even before the expansions there was a ton to do, and it was all interesting.

>> No.10164895
File: 9 KB, 173x252, 1224451714371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


don't forget EVE.
it's nothing like the modern wow-clones, and the scenery is quite beautiful.

>> No.10164912

You should check out swgemu, it's a private server kinda thing that recreates the game pre all the shitty updates that made it into a wow clone.
It's still in alpha with some shit not added in yet like ai for pets, jedis or space combat, but it's playable and there are usually about a thousand players online so the major cities don't feel empty.
It's also totally free and you don't need a legal copy unlike what is said on their website.

>> No.10164936

I haven't played any FF games.

Should I start with FFI or skip to VII?

>> No.10164954


Start with IX.

>> No.10164957

FFVII is still fun as HELL.
IX is cool too, X was the last good one.
V is the oldest one that is still playable, anything before that is tedious shit.

>> No.10164982

VII is overrated but still very good and worth playing. It just has an extremely obnoxious, vocal fanbase that worships it as the best thing ever. Also, the sequel/sidestory games are shit.

>> No.10165208
File: 309 KB, 640x480, remilia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played for three months and it's only because i made some good friends on it(living a NEET life so it's too hard on my wallet)

what happened with happened to Wizardry Online?
I remember /jp/ getting me really excited for it a few weeks ago

>> No.10165276

it's closed beta with NDA on it and about 3 or 4 days worth of content.

>> No.10165323
File: 309 KB, 640x480, remiliaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh that little?
i finally got my beta invite and just finished installing
not sure if anyone plays, but if you do i would love to join you

>> No.10165333
File: 29 KB, 291x400, 1309525506078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the series of final fantasy games converges?
And if yes, does the part-series of *good* final fantasy converges too?

>> No.10165336


Whoever that is in the picture, is adorable even for 3D.

>> No.10165355

Nope, each game is it's own universe, except for X-2 and XIII-2 which are direct sequels of X and XIII.

>> No.10165357

What do you mean? Like, "hello mr cid 2day we discoverd an portal gun and it lets u go to other final fantasies"?

They'll probably do something like that for the last game, and you'll get to re-meet all your favorite characters.

SPOILER: there will never be a last game.

>> No.10165372

Can Chrystal Chronicles be played alone?

Is Tatics good?

>> No.10165420


>> No.10169310 [DELETED] 


>> No.10169341

it's a trap

>> No.10169348
File: 507 KB, 2171x1844, yolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i learned not to play with /jp/ers about 2 years ago.

>> No.10169491

You can play them in any order, there are basically no connections among the various titles. FFVII is probably the best in the whole series, but it might put off those who are used to today graphic.

I suggested starting with that if the technical aspect doesn't bother you, else start with FFX.

I recommend everything from FFIV to FFX, play the NES ones only if you really become a fanatic. FFXII is something "different", if you like the ivalice style and MMORPG combat system is very good, but the story isn't that solid i my opinion.

as for FFXIII, personally I liked it, but they've been very lazy with the gameplay and the number of different mobs. It's like SE can't find a middle ground anymore between powerful stories and varied exciting gameplay.

>> No.10169526



>> No.10169556

The nes/snes final fantasy series is the actual real thing. 7 and up are essentially a different series with a different philosophy and value system. And yeah, the graphics are different, but somehow snes graphics age better than pre-rendered like ff7, or 3D.

I mean, super metroid still looks attractive, and the 3D zelda and the "Thief the Dark Project" games look like ass.

>> No.10169570


>> No.10169597



>> No.10173151


XII is basically XI offline, complete with camping rare spawns and farming junk. Although, your AI teammates in XII are smarter and less of a hassle than your real teammates in XI/XIV.

>> No.10173157

Why is /vg/ posting this shit here?


And why is it so obvious a lot of you came over from that place?

>> No.10173181

>Although, your AI teammates in XII are smarter and less of a hassle than your real teammates in XI/XIV.

I was thinking while replaying XII recently it would have been nice to have gambit teammates in XI.

>> No.10173188

>everything you just said, yes I'm quoting you
Thanks very much, you just saved me a load of frustration and disappointment. Thank you.

>> No.10173203

The rare spawns and farming junk are entirely optional, and the story is damn solid.

Depends how deep you'd want to get into it.

>> No.10173234

I would play with /a/ over /jp/

>> No.10173241

There's Dissidia
