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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10154885 No.10154885 [Reply] [Original]

Can you trust your senses?

>> No.10154901

What if I'm a neurobeet in the farm of an alien agriculturist, and my wandering mind creates the illusion of life on Earth?

>> No.10154902

As I learned when I was tripping recently, no. No I can't.

>> No.10154905

Did you know you can sense radiation?

Only in a specific spectrum, though!

>> No.10154906

I trust mine.

>> No.10154911 [DELETED] 
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I trust 'em about as far as I can throw 'em. Which, ladies and gentlemen, is not very far.

>> No.10154912

I trust you.

>> No.10154926

Yes, did you know that you can 'sense' radiation that is not measurable externally? Like when you dream for example, or perhaps as this person mentioned (>>10154902).

>> No.10154953

reading a book about rhabdomancy (dowsing) I learnt that some people feel unhappy or anxious when close to deposits of radon. some people adjudicate this feelings to a haunting in their houses. nope, radiation.

>> No.10154973

What a wonderful feeling that must be.

>> No.10154976
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Most people are very sensitive to radiation, actually! They can even discern its wavelength accurately.

Isn't it cool how this radiation is given a 'color' by our brains? It's just weird and abstract. And cool.

>> No.10154985

we should make a field trip to Chernobyl. it shall be magnificent! we could write down our experiences on ionizing radiation and the hunt and forage of hypertrophic species.

>> No.10155017
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Is that illusion causally continuous? That being the case, is there even a difference? Nobody would believe you.

>> No.10155035
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>> No.10155038
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is everything.


>> No.10155039

Nice one.

>> No.10155042

Yes, your sensory input does not lie. How your brain interprets that information, however, is a whole different story.

>> No.10155048

What about when my leg falls asleep, like when I sit on it for a long time?

>> No.10155055

The senses in your leg are not interfacing properly with the brain. They simply input data, the brain processes it.

>> No.10155060



Your eyes and ears aren't magical. They can malfunction too.

>> No.10155080

The instruments which gather the data for your senses to input to the brain are damaged, they don't malfunction for magical reasons. Cones deteriating in the eyes, ear drum rupturing, etc. When a keyboard no longer inputs a key because it is broken, do you no longer trust the keyboard? It is no different from any of your senses. Look to the brain.

>> No.10155082

How much of what we 'sense' is really just created by the brain? I know that I have a blind spot somewhere in my eye, but unless I try to locate it, I don't ever notice it.

>> No.10155086


I'm having a hard time reading this, no offence

>> No.10155091

The blind spot will be your brain having incomplete information to process into an image for your conscience to make sense of.

I'm sorry, I cannot articulate it in any simpler forms right now. No offense taken.

>> No.10155098


100% of it... our senses are just one narrow perspective through which we absorb and abstractize (?) information. Sounds are vibrations, sights are photons, and these things are perceived in an abstract and inaccurate (but still useful) way for the sake of practicality.

The whole idea of perception is just fucking bizarre. That there's an object and it knows the objects around it through weird obtuse measures. We are so specific.

>> No.10155097

I always use red for everything I do. Ensuring whatever I will do will become red truths
eg: Sticking Reciepts, putting tapes

>> No.10155100


I meant it was hard to read because your sentences are all fucked up, not the vocab

"The instruments which gather the data for your senses to input to the brain are damaged, they don't malfunction for magical reasons."

Re-read that, if you haven't

>> No.10155107

I think that comma should be a period. Then it makes more sense, at least to me.

>> No.10155110

To be fair, the usefulness of some attribute towards survival is a powerful driving factor. I don't think it's so bizarre when you put it in that framework.

>> No.10155111

What is wrong with you ? its perfectly comprehensible.

>> No.10155118
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inferior Eldritch Abomination, would not bang.

Just kidding, carry on. Perhaps someday I will get around to playing Saya no Uta and the appeal will become clear to me.

>> No.10155133

I think I would mostly agree with that, on one level anyway. The thing is, when I'm 'awake', I get semi-reliable representations of the world. Then when I'm 'asleep', what I see is nothing of the sort. What I'm saying is that the sensory input has some weight in what I actually 'sense'. So at another level, what our brain creates -has- to have some correlation with what is actually in reality.

>> No.10155145

>>Then when I'm 'asleep', what I see is nothing of the sort
When you sleep the brain 'defrags' sensory input from throughout the day, there'll be hidden meanings into it. Unless you're doing drugs or having brain problems, this'll be the only time the I/O process will be illogical.

>> No.10155147

I guess my question might be more along the lines of: how much weight should I put into what I actually see and where to draw the line of what's 'illusory', for lack of a better word.

>> No.10155152

I don't think there's much I/O happening when I'm sleeping though. But I digress...

>> No.10155155

You still listen, you still smell. To a degree, you still also feel. A lot of your senses are active, your brain is just busy in a REM cycle to do much about it unless it's important.

>> No.10155160 [DELETED] 

How the fuck is this otaku culture?

How the fuck is this otaku culture?

How the fuck is this otaku culture?

How the fuck is this otaku culture?

How the fuck is this otaku culture?

>> No.10155164
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Perhaps sooner?

>> No.10155173

Your perception deceives you.

>> No.10155201

No, you can't. Perception lie to us.

>> No.10155264

Then someone would believe me.

>> No.10155599

The blind spot is where the optic nerve joins the eyeball, and there are no light receptors (is that what they're called?) in this spot.

>> No.10157336

It would all be an elegant lie though, wouldn't you agree?

>> No.10157343

Yeah pretty much, photoreceptor is the proper term.

>> No.10157369

She looks like she just had a really bad period.

>> No.10157383
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Your eyes must be tricking you.

>> No.10157399

Or perhaps, I should say it's the brain that is doing the tricking. Either way, Saya doesn't have periods, although it'd probably be rather disastrous if she did.

>> No.10157657
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I just read Saya no Uta last week. Good stuff.

>> No.10157678
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I trust my logic, which tells me when my senses are reliable and when they are not.

My logic tells me that this picture is static even if I perceive movements by watching it.

>> No.10157690

I was on shrooms for the first time yesterday and half of my trip was horrible. So no, I don't think so.

>> No.10158554


>> No.10158651


>> No.10158700

Thanks for the supporting articles, quite recent too.

>> No.10158737

Unfortunately, there are times when the artifacts in our perception are so subtle, or when when the illusion of our perception is so strong, that logic isn't able to account for the discrepancy. At least, not immediately.

>> No.10158751
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>> No.10158747

Which one of the game endings is the good one?
All of then made me sad for a different reason

>> No.10158760
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I enjoyed this one the most.

>> No.10158769


>> No.10158789

I really don't like how the story just ends abruptly if you choose for Saya to cure you of your terrible condition. It just seems like they said "U NO WANT LOLI? FUK U HAVE END IN JAIL" but when choosing the other option theres nearly a whole other half. Oh well, still a great VN.

>> No.10158795

b-but saya explodes!

>> No.10158802

You can choose between:

- bad end number 1
- bad end number 2
- bad end number 3

>> No.10158816

Be careful. A terrible premonition tends to attract a terrible reality. http://wvaughan.org/audio/ch-nanami.ogg

>> No.10158824

Fuminori a shit.

>> No.10158839

I get the feeling that the VN was a lot more atmospheric than the anime was. Is this correct? Because, if so, I'll give it a read after all.

>> No.10158844

I felt that it was the most probable ending. But yes, Saya's death is rather sad.

>> No.10158889

I thought his name was Josh.

>> No.10158893

I also prefer that route. The one where Fuminori is cured sucks, the other is "beautiful" in a sense, but it's a most horrifying end. At least if that was a happy ending for Fuminori and Saya... but it isn't even that.

>> No.10158922
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Quite beautiful.
