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10153717 No.10153717[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Would you lead a completly normal life if you could?
Depending on your answer I may or may not have to revoke your /jp/ license

>> No.10153722

I wanna take it easy till the end.

>> No.10153725

Sometimes I fantasize about it, and I realize it would be terribly boring. Compared to my other fantasies which involve dragons, robots and a harem of delicious brown lolis, real life seems rather dull. Oh woo hoo I won the lottery, time to turn the hedonic treadmill up a notch!

>> No.10153729

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10153732

Being normal requires not taking it easy and that i cannot do.

>> No.10153736

Not this flipping copipe again! It's not funny, charming or interesting! Stop posting it, kudasai!

>> No.10153734

I want to talk about brown lolis.

>> No.10153758

Eh, a little. Only just so I would have a job and my own place. Knowing I'm a burden on my parents kinda sucks. Though they don't seem to mind too much since I help out around the house when I can.

And before someone says "you can still change!" that's unlikely at this point. Let's just say I'm on the same level as Chris-chan or Ulillillia. Maybe I should write a book or file for autism bux.

>> No.10153768

>Maybe I should write a book or file for autism bux.

Why the bismuth haven't you already? Get to it!

>> No.10153775
File: 64 KB, 161x325, 161px-Th13Yoshika.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider myself as leading what you refer to as a "normal" life. I have a girlfriend, a few buddies I hang out with, a minimum wage slave labor job, plenty of /jp/-related and non-/jp/-related hobbies and I'm currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

Do I enjoy being "normal"? I guess you could say that. Sometimes I really wish I could just forget it all and take it easy, but my current situation won't allow for it and, if I could take it easy, I could probably only handle doing it for a few years at most since my desire to belong to a crowd and provide for myself will overwhelm me again. It's something I can't control. Being by myself for extended periods of time makes me unbelievably anxious, yet so does not having enough time for myself and having to constantly work.

It depends on the person, I guess. I don't condone being a NEET because you're essentially leeching off of other people which I believe is just plain selfish, but I could easily understand why you would make the choice to lead such a lifestyle.

>> No.10153779

Get a load of this scum trying to hijack the thread and preach to us.

>> No.10153782

This pasta is stupid. Stop posting it. We aren't depressed because we're lonely. Unemployed young men with no marketable skills have plenty of reasons to feel sad.

>> No.10153784

Never! I love my life.

Of course, I spend my free time actively living and loving existance. If I where to live a normal life I would have no time for the joy of existing that I get now.

I don't understand how people could possibly be happy spending their entire lives at a job. I want to study, to go for walks, to lay around, to read, to work out, to travel, to cook, to love life in every way possible. When you have a job your life energy is just drained.

>> No.10153789

I'm sorry. Could you clarify just what it is I was trying to "preach"?

>> No.10153790

If I had a loli harem I would make each one wear a different type of outfit. Most of them would be wearing kigurumi pajamas, with some wearing sundresses, Kobeya uniforms, or maid uniforms.

Denim, pants, and slutty underwear would be banned.

>> No.10153793

Go be normal elsewhere normal-hopeful

>> No.10153798

There is nothing stopping me from going out right now and living a completely normal life.

I chose this lifestyle and continue to do so.

>> No.10153801

>Unemployed young men with no marketable skills have plenty of reasons to feel sad.

Such as what?

>> No.10153811

I wish I could sometimes.. But I'm fine with how it's going so far. I just wish i had a bit more money for anime figures

>> No.10153807

Why do seem so convinced that the only possible reason a NEET could have to feel depressed and hate himself is because he or she wants to become normal?

>> No.10153810

> I'm currently pursuing a bachelor's degree in Computer Science.

So you're in your early twenties, I take it?

I don't mean to be patronizing, you are a grown adult who can think for himself, but you simply aren't old or experienced enough to lecture me. Going by the graduate/drop-out rate we have, same for /jp/ in general.

>> No.10153821

Seasonal affective disorder. Being a shut-in means you have it all year round.

>> No.10153817

Why not do something with your time? Assuming you're already leaching off your parents, get them to buy you a plain ticket and go WOOFing. Pick up an insturment and start composing music. Grab a textbook and get studying. Put on some music and nice clothing and dance around your room. Have a long conversation with your imaginary friend. Get drunk and read shakespeare. Go for a run or start working out. Grab a book and head down to your local pool then read in the hot-tub. Volunteer to help old people or little kids.

You have an enitre life in front of you, and you should thank yor lucky stars that you don't have a job eating up your time!

>> No.10153824

>or start working out.

Not this again.

>> No.10153832

What is a "normal" life?

>> No.10153834

I'm only giving my honest opinion and providing my own insight. I don't mean to lecture or preach to you.

All I'm really saying is that I'm what /jp/ would consider "normal", but I sometimes wish that I could forget about it all and keep to myself, which I thought was sort of ironic since OP was asking if anyone was in the exact opposite situation I'm in.

>> No.10153838

One of the shitty things about the human race is that we're terribly adaptable.

Imagine bringing a typical Victorian Era student to the 21st century. You tell him of a wondrous device that gives him access to all of the world's knowledge with the press of a button. Think how exciting that would be, how much progress he could make, the good he could do.
Now imagine introducing that man to television and video games for a few years, and *then* giving him your ebook collection.

>> No.10153839

This is supposed to be a joke right? This doesn't even make much sense to me.

>> No.10153848

Absolutely not. Why would I want to become the type of person I've spent my whole life hating?

>> No.10153853

Originally yes, but I thought about it and I may have inadvertently raised a good point. Lack of sunlight makes human beings unhappy, for physiological reasons as well as mental ones.

>> No.10153859

You're forgetting the third type of NEET. I'm currently writing a VN on this, that is as soon as I feel like it, whenever that is. . . I have everything needed, just need the motivation to start on it.

Mark my words you will see it one day.

>> No.10153860

I'm sorry, I don't understand what you're referencing.

You need to force yourself off the internet, but after a few months of it you realize that living life is so much more enjoyable than stagnation. You just need something to force you alive for a while and you need to guard against becoming stagnant again.

>> No.10153861

Please don't hate normals. They are why we have eroge to fap to and bottles to piss in. The outside world is outside, so there's no reason to feel animosity towards the people in it. Take it easy.

>> No.10153866

For better or worse, abnormalities are what has advanced humanity to where it is today, and I dare say that there has not lived a single normal person who couldn't have just as well not lived at all.

I, personally, want more than for myself. For humanity, for justice, or something too far out of arms reach but just close enough to know its there, I'm living for something worth living for. I believe that. I have to believe that. I guess that's why I'm not normal.

>> No.10153863

I can, and I do. Deal with it nerds.

>> No.10153867

Why all the hate? Just because someone chooses to make something of themselves, you somehow find a reason to hate them?

>> No.10153868

Just what this thread needed, a heap of self-help bullshit.

>> No.10153872

>I may or may not have to revoke your /jp/ license


>> No.10153877


>living life

I hate people who spew this garbage at me. Life, living, and alive have lost all meaning to me once people started using them as a way of saying, "The way I live is better than the way you live," but they're not confident enough to say that to my face so they waste their breath telling me how I'd somehow be more "alive" than I already am if I don't do things they don't like.

>> No.10153878

I'm not doing anything with my time because I just don't know what is it I should be doing, and that is why I feel depressed and hate myself. I've already tried some of the hobbies you listed, and they couldn't really hold my interest for long. My current personal record for the amount of consecutive months spent on a hobby that wasn't videogames or 4chan is 5. Maybe I just need medication, but being diagnosed with attention deficit disorder could have severe consequences.

>> No.10153881

When winter comes around and I see only a couple hours of light I feel no different than in the summer when I see half a day or a whole day's worth of light.

>> No.10153893

for what it's worth, you shouldn't let such people get to you. if they feel a need to conform you to their way of thinking, that's their problem.

>> No.10153896

I still want to discuss brown lolis and loli harems.

>> No.10153902

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. I just meant that I've felt more alive since I quite my job, dropped out of school, and started studying/working out.

Please don't bully ;-;

>> No.10153909

i couldn't have a harem. i'd just want two. that way i can pay lots of attention to them and cherish them both very well.

also, one for each hand as we walk down the street.

>> No.10153921

...and one on either side of me at night.

>> No.10153925

You make some good points. More than two does seem like a waste.

>> No.10153929

If you're wishing for things you'll never get then wish for more hands, too.

>> No.10153937

Wait, couldn't you easily walk down the street with up to four lolis, if they hold on to your fingers? One for each finger and they'd easily trip over eachother, but if you just have two on each hand then I think they'd be able to walk properly.

>> No.10153944

Mini lolis can solve this problem. He can simply wear them like rings. He could get toe ring lolis, too, if he's into that kind of thing.

>> No.10153951

Speaking of toe rings and lolis, would anyone here play with a loli's feet? Would you tickle her sweaty, soft, and slightly stinky feet?

>> No.10153953

i think that would frighten them.

i'd rather feel the warmth of clasping her whole hand, rather than having two hands grip my fingers while my palm feels cold.

>> No.10153954

Based on my experiences, most people tend to put their own desires and wishes over everything else. It seems that everyone's absolute highest ambition is to find a well-paying job to make money. Why would I want to be a part of a society where the only way to be deemed successful is to make as much money as possible? Today's world is very materialistic and self-centered and I can't stand it. I intentionally disconnected myself from society because of this.

>> No.10153957

>i'd rather feel the warmth of clasping her whole hand

Another good point. This makes me want to hold hands with a loli.

>> No.10153960

too small. i can't hug a ring.

hell yes.

>> No.10153963 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 355x236, bill-oreilly-dissect-gangnam-style-1-22603-1354122986-5_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does normal mean? Having friends, knowing the touch of a woman, having ambitions or goals? Is this something to be looked down upon? Or could it be that you hate those who accomplish what you were never able to do yourself? So go ahead, you miserable wretches. Insult me, I can take it. Because I know right after throwing your tiny stone you'll scurry like a roach back under your little rock.

>> No.10153967

ok I thought you were cool until you just insulted our non-normalism.

>> No.10153982
File: 78 KB, 402x402, Bill-OReilly-9542547-1-402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I believe it was you who first criticized normalism, not the other way around.

>> No.10153983

What would your two lolis look like? Would they be brown?

>> No.10153985

I'm not interested in 3D at all, so I can't say. 2D doesn't involve the sense of smell, either, so I'm assuming that you're talking about 3D.

"Normal" is mediocrity. The only thing normal people accel at is criticising people who tried and failed, and justifying not being better by exaggerating the flaws of those who succeed.

>> No.10153989

This is my loli harem fantasy:

-Buy land in Northernmost Finland, Canada or Norway.
-Build a house.
-Build a large bunker under it. It must have the following:
->dining room. Table and three chairs.
->kitchen with standard appliances. Fridge, freezer, microwave, etc. Plastic forks and knives.
->storage room
->individual bed rooms with their own showers + toilet.
->a living room with a couch
->my own room, with a secret hatch & retractable ladder. the only way to leave the bunker.
->Secret cameras and microphones linked to a security room in the house

There should be as little of everything as possible, specially furniture and it should all be bolted down to the floor to keep them from climbing the hatch. No windows of any kind, obviously. I'd buy 3 babies and raise them inside the bunker, and I'd never tell them anything about the outside world, society, history, politics, art, etc. I wouldn't even tell them about the concept of time so they wouldn't know what a minute and a hour is. There would be no literature of any kind in the bunker. the final goal, of course, is to make them believe that the "outside" doesn't even exist. When I have to leave, I tell them that I'm going to sleep, lock myself in my room, pull down the ladder and go outside.

>> No.10153991 [DELETED] 
File: 155 KB, 375x400, BillOReilly (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the world your looking for is "average", sonny, not "normal". All great leaders would be considered "normals" and therefore mediocre by your standards. But great men like Ronald Reagan and Thomas Jefferson were anything but mediocre.

>> No.10153996

You can always imagine smells for your 2D loli and her feet.

>> No.10154001

The only thing I want to do is nothing

>> No.10154008

Participating in the act of nothingness is something.

>> No.10154014

>All I'm really saying is that I'm what /jp/ would consider "normal"

Then fuck off you self-righteous faggot.

>> No.10154017

I wish Bill was my dad who spanked me when I goofed off.

>> No.10154030

hm, never thought about having a brown loli. i think i'd rather them just be tanned than dark brown if i went for darker skin though. of course, at least one of them would be twintailed, and if the other isn't then she'd wear a headband. also, summer dresses with spaghetti straps and sandals.

and slave collars for their necks, yes?

>> No.10154038

Barely anyone outright hates it, we just discovered that it's not a lifestyle we want to lead, just like some people decide to be gay or not gay

>> No.10154044

Being normal is lame. I used to be normal, or something like that. It was an endless, vast expanse of nothingness and loneliness.

Now I browse /jp/ and do all sorts of things that I enjoy in the privacy of my bedroom, and I don' think I could be happier. I laugh, I cry, and more than anything else, I smile more than ever.

>> No.10154056

There are no slave collars in my fantasy. Why would they need them? They'd never want to go outside because they wouldn't even be aware that the "outside" exists at all.

>> No.10154058

How you would define "normal" is beside the point. Great leaders were/are not mediocre, I define normal as mediocrity, therefore, to me, great leaders were not and are not normal.

My definition of what normal is does not allow me to believe that great leaders were normal, this is incompatible with your assessment of my definition, therefore your premise of my believing that great leaders are normal is wrong.

>> No.10154073

Tan is nice. I think the best would be one tan skinned loli and one pale skinned loli, or at least one loli who could become tan without becoming sunburnt. The other would just get sunburnt and then you could rub aloe vera on her.

>> No.10154075

great leaders are extraordinary, not normal. that's why they shine.

>> No.10154095

true, good point.

though i think you might have some trouble with that not teaching them the concept of time thing. i mean, what if they want to try baking cookies for you? when the recipe says "drop portions of the dough on the cookie sheet, then bake for 8-10 minutes", well...?

>> No.10154098

And speaking of tanning and getting sunburnt, do you like a one piece or a two piece on a loli?

>> No.10154104

Thats precisely what I want

>> No.10154124 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 250x292, bill-o-reilly-cp-250-5943641__111216180223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to understand that you delinquents define normal as "someone who has friends, an active social life, or someone who is currently enrolled in school or work."

Surprise, slugger, in that category lie men greater than you'll ever be. It's time to face this reality and stop avoiding it like some sort of loon.

>> No.10154129

they can just stick a finger into the dough to check the consistency.

>> No.10154145

And in the end we'll all just be dust and forgotten. What does "greatness" matter?

>> No.10154153
File: 8 KB, 300x300, 1346517469284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10154159

>Stating opinion as fact
I mad.

>> No.10154161

>The other would just get sunburnt and then you could rub aloe vera on her.
you keep that up and i'm gonna have to go fap soon.

agh, tough choice. both work for me quite well. i think i lean a little more towards two piece, but really, i love both.

>> No.10154162

Is that the real Bill O'Reilly in this thread?

>> No.10154172

In other words, "If you recognize the futility of life you have a mental disorder." Good job.

>> No.10154166

Vanity is a sin, humility is a virtue. Why wish to be great, you an egomaniac?

>> No.10154175

their poor burned fingers.

>> No.10154180

This must be wrong.

ZUN had friends, a social life, and even a girlfriend, yet /jp/ does not, as a general consensus, consider him normal, therefore the general consensus among /jp/-goers for what "normal" is must not have a requirement for having any of those things.

From what I've observed, the only common requirement for the definition of "normal" on /jp is mediocrity. Because people may perceive something as being mediocre in a subjective way, someone may be "normal" to one person while not to another.

I do not believe that great men can be normal, and I do not believe that /jp/-goers, in general, believe that great men can be normal.

I think your reaction to the criticism of being "normal" is misplaced. The attack of normal people from /jp/-goers, as I see it, is a very generalized defense against who they perceive as being normal, as those same types of people in their own lives criticize them unjustly for their own self-esteem. IE: A man Y with nothing going for him in his life except for having sex more than anon X calls X a loser and Y assumes the position of being "normal" while calling X "abnormal." This is commonplace enough for the title "normal" to be attributed to people like Y. This title, by this definition, cannot be attributed to great people or people worthy of respect, as the title is used in a derogatory, long-term sense.

>> No.10154181

That's not an answer. Why does "greatness" matter?

>> No.10154186

He could just suck their fingers to make them feel better.

>> No.10154198

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10154199

Not him, and I think the guy is a bastard, but I don't think there's anything to be proud of about being small. When was it ever stated that nothing you do will matter? You just accepted that as fact on your own. Nothing is futile until you give up.

When it comes to this world, hard workers are rewarded. Even if it's something that is supposed to be "impossible," it will come true if you try hard enough.

>> No.10154200

because without a false hope to aspire to then you wouldn't have an ample supply to people to exploit. This is why not working is actually revolutionary. When ODB rolled up to get food stamps in his Limo he wasn't being some kind of idiot, he was making a revolutionary statement.

>> No.10154202

yeah, could be his plan all along.

>> No.10154205

My mad self.

>> No.10154207

>doing nothing is revolutionary

Typical arm-char middle class white kid with a Che Guevara shirt.

>> No.10154213

okay, maybe they could use a spatula. I don't anything about cooking

>> No.10154219

Those are both human abstractions, and as such they bend to individual perception. You are human and in a position to change your own perception, therefore you, the individual, decide what is and is not rewarding, worthwhile, or virtuous.

>> No.10154223

People with catastrophic spinal injury will never walk, lost limbs will never regrow, there are concrete things which cannot be overcome.

I'll never be great and I've given up so it's surely futile. Though I'll be happy with just a job no career, just enough to buy beers and figures, it's not so bad.
what is the "arm-chair middle class" or are you saying I'm an "arm-chair white kid"? You might want to read these things before you hit submit.

>> No.10154237

ah well then more people should view humility as virtuous, even the most warped humility has got to be better than how most people act

>> No.10154254

Never said anything's easy, only said it's possible.

If you're going to give up, don't use that as an excuse to look down on others with phrases like "you egomaniac."

I'm not telling anyone what path to choose, I'm just saying it's better if you go down it with confidence.

>> No.10154259

Virtue is something intangible and transient, serving only to inspire an emotional reaction or be created from one.

It would be better that people contribute in what-ever way they can, disregarding humility.

>> No.10154329

I don't think I'm superior to a-typers I just hate them, that's what is so great about hatred, it doesn't have to be logical or justified.

I mean isn't the concept of "contribute" just as intangible? BP makes a lot of jobs but polluted the gulf, does this put them ahead or behind?

Granted I'm basically falling into the "i'm worse" conceit here.

>> No.10154331

My greatest dream is to live a TRUNEET life and die alone. I doubt it will ever happen. ;_;

>> No.10154345

good news on one front, we all die alone

>> No.10154372

You raise a good point.

I suppose that, in one way or another, contributing however one's self thinks that they are is virtuous in its own way, even when that conflicts with traditional virtues.

For example, if I'm a narcissist and belittle everyone around me while posturing and flaunting myself, yet give money to charity and believe that doing so is contributing, then that would be virtuous and yet not, as these two things can conflict and yet a person can still respect themselves and be respected.

>> No.10154383

Good news, all you have to do is never get a job and that dream will come true.

>> No.10154390

How would you pay for those adventures, though?

Living life "actively" like you say costs money most of the time. You can maximize to your heart's content but at the end of the day you need some sort of income, whether that be from your parents or from a job. Most often than not the reason why most people get jobs and assume the normality of human existence is because they want to do the very things you've described, but most of them require money and they have no other way to get the cash.

No one is particularly happy working a job, but that's why there's a distinction between working and relaxation. Then again, if you have rich parents, it's easy. For the majority of us getting a job is inevitable, though, and thus no NEET lifestyle.

In the end if you're living with your parents, they control most if not all of what you do. They can cut off your funds or force you out of the house, and then you have a choice to make.

So tell me: is it that you have money to spare of your own, do you have plans for the future, or are these just your hazy daydreams of some day living life "actively"?
