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10146139 No.10146139 [Reply] [Original]

touhou promotes underage drinking

>> No.10146143

You're mom promotes fetal alcohol syndrome, nerd.

>> No.10146144

People say the word underage too much. Just where are they underage?

>> No.10146147

depends of the country..in my is -18

>> No.10146179

Aren't they like...older than you're mom?

>> No.10146350

Mind blown? Mind blown.

>> No.10146356

How old do you have to be to be not considered underage in gensokyo?
100 years?

>> No.10146366


-18 is pretty low, most places at least require you to be conceived first.

>> No.10146370

You really want to live to 81 instead of 80? Who really cares?

>> No.10146381

I'm glad ZUN don't give a crap about this whole "I can't drink yet" bullshit you see in so many anime and VN's.

>> No.10146382

Star Sapphire promotes underage fugging

>> No.10146398

Here in Italy sixteens can buy beer and any light alcoholic drinks. (legally)

>> No.10146400

And in Spain the Age of Consent is 12. Why is southern europe so god-tier?

>> No.10146403

Suddenly I feel compelled to reconsider learning Spanish.

>> No.10146410


Spain is by far the most popular place to migrate to in whole EU.

And it's great now since they have a big crisis and you can buy a house in Spain really cheap.

>> No.10146418

I am a whole ocean away. Going there would involve adapting to lots of different laws and customs and inane shenanigans. Also I am poor. Maybe I will reconsider it another time.

>> No.10146440

Come for the cheap housing, stay for the legal lolis.

>> No.10146445

Shit I'm down, who wants to open a /jp/ manor in Spain countryside?

>> No.10146446

If anybody else happens to be on the east coast we could steal a boat and sail across the ocean.

>> No.10146452

I'm in NJ
which is the closest to Spain than most other states.

>> No.10146454

It's like that in Latin America too.

>> No.10146455

Don't be fooled by the beaner. Spain is a shitty place to live in. Just take a step back and listen to his argument! He's saying Spain is a great place to go to because Spain is a shitty country!

For a nation that prides itself on being the best in the world, you sure are fooled fast.

>> No.10146458

Well, it used to be good, now its a poverty driven shithole.

>> No.10146461

Dude I live right beside an elementary school and all the houses around me are empty. I was not seriously planning on Spain.

>> No.10146497

I'd loathe to live in one of those backwater shitholes that have still not repelled the laws of logic and causality.

>> No.10146532

Well there's always Arkansas for you.

>> No.10146546

Someone post this picture on Reddit. It's against their Terms of Use and I want to see some nerds get upset that someone was banned for it on a ``liberal'' website.

>> No.10146561


>> No.10146563
File: 1.20 MB, 1316x1313, mai drunkfu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone drinks young.

>> No.10146564

The legal drinking age is one of the few things we Brits are sensible about. The minimum drinking age is 5, but you have to be at home or on private premises. You can buy alcohol at 16 or 17 with a meal as long as you are with an adult. You can buy alcohol in a shop from age 18 on.

21 is so high it's ridiculous. Conversely, letting teenagers buy and drink alcohol whenever they like is a recipe for disaster. I think we've managed to strike a good balance.

>> No.10146577

no , in most latin american countries the age of consent is 14

whihc is weird..how come you can start fucking when you are that young but cant drink a beer

a STD or an unplanned baby can fuck your life worse thna any alcohol beverage

>> No.10146578

Are you sure it isn't 13?


>> No.10146584

How? Akyuu is pretty much the only one that's below 18 and I don't see her drinking here.

>> No.10146590
File: 153 KB, 540x700, jp oc akyuu 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't the only actually underage girl Akyuu? I'm not even sure if that counts since she keeps all the memories from her past incarnations.

>> No.10146592

Reimu and Marisa are about 15 or 14 years old in SSiB

>> No.10146596

>Akyuu is pretty much the only one that's below 18

I wish I could hate you bald.

>> No.10146600


Canonically the only thing we know about their age is that almost a year passes between each game.

>> No.10146603


>> No.10146618

The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil took place about ten years ago.
Gensokyo's timeline approximately follows the outside world's timeline.
If Reimu was 10 or older in EoSD, she is now in her twenties.

>> No.10146625

But that would mean she was like 5 in the first game

>> No.10146653

That wasn't 博麗 霊夢, that was 博麗靈夢

>> No.10146662

Reimu probably got away with inhaling about 20 years worth of immortality from Remilia (EoSD ReimuA ending), while Marisa is probably on her way to become a youkai magician.

Then again, japanese women keep about the same face until their 40s, so who knows? Reimu and Marisa could be 22 now.

>> No.10146666

I've always thought of them in their 20s for a while now. Their ZUNart has noticeably been looking older for the past couple games.

>> No.10146681

I want ZUN to do one of those reunion things they do with long-running series (particularly sitcoms). Give Touhou a rest for ten years then release Touhou 14 where the characters are old women (like 25) and miss their happy-go-lucky days of solving incidents.
Maybe it starts out all depressing, like Reimu buries Genji behind the shrine, then she opens a drawer and sees her dusty old orbs and cries. Meanwhile, Marisa has retired from youkai exterminating and taken over Rinnosuke's shop, and they're basically like a family who has settled down.
Then some incident happens, and Reimu teams up with Marisa for the first time in years. All the best Touhous help out and they save Gensokyo forever and ZUN finally ends the series because he's been making the same game over and over for more than a decade.

>> No.10146704

They're already 25 now, and age means almost nothing in terms of personality change. Don't forget that even Cirno is over 60, and plenty of characters are hundreds or thousands of years old.
