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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10145736 No.10145736 [Reply] [Original]

Who was your first crush in otaku Japanese media?

For me, it was Saria. But I really only fell in love with Sakura, from CCS, and Kafei (Majora's Mask), some years after. I couldn't read English well at the time, so I thought he was a girl for a long time...

What about you, /jp/?

>> No.10145742 [DELETED] 

Keep at it, maybe it'll stick this time round.

>> No.10145741
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Uh, I mentioned this lovely girl in the last thread. She was one of the first in the early days. Hard to believe she was a general.

>> No.10145746
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I could read english and I still thought kafei was a boy.


Hmm, I think I remember this thread, but it must be different.

Anyway, it was ika musume. If you say she sucks I will hack you until you have to get a new ISP.

>> No.10145743 [DELETED] 


>> No.10145744 [DELETED] 

girls are icky

>> No.10145745 [DELETED] 

I am sick of you trying to derail these threads, I just wish you could enjoy them for once.

>> No.10145748

She sucks.

>> No.10145747
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Feels good to be around that long.

>> No.10145752
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Here she is again.

>> No.10145749
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It might have been Selan.

>> No.10145750 [DELETED] 

Please don't jump to conclusions, this is my first time posting in one of these threads. I was merely making a short post stating that I've noticed how many times the author of these threads has had to repost them today.

>> No.10145753
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Are you okay with used goods?

>> No.10145755 [DELETED] 

myself as a gurl

>> No.10145757


>> No.10145758
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Thats not official canon according to the English translation. So it's not true.

>> No.10145761
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I hope you have norton.

>> No.10145762

Maybe ash from pokemon actually

>> No.10145765

Don't you mean girl?

>> No.10145774
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1250, 26988596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first major crush was Yakui the Nijiura maid, I want to get high as fuck with her

>> No.10145779


Finally someone with taste, kudos.

>> No.10145784
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I wasn't very interested in girls back then, until I watched Dokuro-chan as reccomended by this otaku kid from school. I was a lonely boy entering puberty and the idea of a pretty girl coming down from heaven and turning my life upside down sounded pretty 面白い.
She still holds a special place in my heart. I'd refer to her as my waifu if I was in 「other boards」.

>> No.10145791


Have you read the manga or the light novels? Any good?

I loved the two OVA's alot too.

>> No.10145802
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It's been awhile.

>> No.10145805
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Way back when I read the manga I really liked this character for how crazily in love she was with the protagonist, a self insert later and I couldn't help but like her. Running into my first yandere with her I was pretty obsessed for some time, shes still nice.

>> No.10145809

I've never felt really attracted to a particular character...

i can't even get a waifu ;_;

>> No.10145817
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>> No.10145836
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It was SURPRISE!!!

>> No.10145844
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Can't say it was the first, but Haruko Haruhara first comes to mind.

Odd choice, I know.

>> No.10145851

Sadly this.I basically force myself into believing I really love characters but I never do.

>> No.10145855

It's ok if they were just crushes.

>> No.10145864

Not like the fictional character themselves are going to get to upset

>> No.10145869

Hiratsuka raichou is a lovely butterfly.

>> No.10145881

I have never felt attraction to any character ever, not even a crush, its not a huge problem but I would really like to feel very passionate and genuinely love something, and I can't say I'm not envious when I see someone who really seems to love their "waifu"

>> No.10145926

I tend to really really like them for a few days after I finish whatever material they are in, then I feel sad at the lack of reply from my fictional character and move on. How am I supposed to live this one sided relationship? It hurts because I pour my heart out to them and don't so much as get a reply, just a silent smile aimed at me.

>> No.10145936

you could write an AI program or something if you're really desperate.

>> No.10145942
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I loved her so much, and wanted her to be my gf as a child.

>> No.10145968 [DELETED] 

How do I confess my feelings to my /jp/ crush? I've given him subtle hints but he's too much of a NEET and inexperienced with girls to notice.

>> No.10146887

very first crush in Otaku media ? i hesitate between Saria from Oot , Sakura from CCS, or a baddy from power ranger...
with Saria, that was the most lyrical, all i wanted was not to make her sad and the separation at the boundary of lost wood just tore my heart, i was in tears and the fact link's destiny was to be far from her...i wanted to replace link and be by her side, living for her sake

Sakura was my "crush" i'd say, just what i loved in a girl, with hidden ability and a secret mission, just watch her be made my day brighter... i loved her like a child in admiration, i wanted to help her in maths, i wanted to do roller with her... everything.

The final one was a Baddies from Power Ranger, i could not remember which one it was but what printed into my mind forever was the fact it was a desire... even though i was maybe 4 or 5 (before grade school), i loved it, in a physical way, i wanted it to feel good back then
i was hypnotized by its segmental body and didn't want to share it's perfect form to anyone (that's what made it a secret for everyone even today), so the night i tried to dream giving him affection mentally wich would make it move with pleasure....i didn't know that was pretty much a mental sexual act...it's body was the embodiment of my desire. I was really into insect back then and the termit queen was one of my 'phantasm' in the same way as the power ranger character

this was the 3 first love i had at around 4-5 i'd say, the third one became afterward a hindrance because i started to hate myself for not being able to love normally

>> No.10146898

waifus are an /a/-related habit

>> No.10146918

Lucy from Elfen Lied. I didn't get into anime til like 8th grade.

>> No.10146938

This is not a waifu thread. This thread is asking who was your first 2D crush.

>> No.10146953

Rei, from Evangelion, sigh.

>> No.10146997

Either Ryoko or Sasami from Tenchi Muyo.

>> No.10147009

Good because that's /a/ bullshit. The OP just asked about your first otaku culture crush.

>> No.10147019
File: 115 KB, 850x619, cops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had this thread two times yesterday.

>> No.10147026

Different thread.

>> No.10147034

Yomi from Azumanga.
To this day that remains the only slice-of-life I can stomach.

>> No.10147035

Asuka from NGE.

Also my first male crush was Ryouji from NGE, but I was still in denial about liking dudes back then.

>> No.10147097


Didn't end up a furry.

>> No.10147105

First "girls are interesting": Lum

Fist crush: Sasami


That continued for about 11 years. Now I love Miku. I still feel guilty for being fickle though. :(

>> No.10147134

"waifu" is not /a/ bullshit. There is a huge difference between /a/'s definition of waifu and /jp/'s definition of waifu. I would even surmise that more people on /jp/ have waifu's than on /a/.

>> No.10147164 [DELETED] 

surprise box!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.10147167

Oh man, right in the nostalgia.

>> No.10147172

This is probably true.

>> No.10147184

I rarely describe girls as cute, usually opting to call them charming instead. That is also all I ever call them; cute, charming, or something negative because they are a negative. I do not know why, what it is I find so charming, and how it fits better than calling it cute. I do use cute here and there, of course. But I do not think I have in life called a girl sexy or attractive or anything of the sort. No, they were charming. Or they were boring.

>> No.10147204

>attractive in a pretty or endearing way

This is what "cute" means.

>(North American, informal) sexually attractive

This is not what "cute" means.

If you want proof that Americans ruin everything, search for "cute" on any porn site.

>> No.10147212

I did not mean to imply that cute had some sexual nature to it.

>> No.10147436

Vash from trigun was my first male crush.

>> No.10147450
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>> No.10147458
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I fucking love Yuno.

And as far as japanese media, probably Aisha.

>> No.10147466

What the fuck man! I just said him yesterday and she is mentioned here already.

>> No.10147480

That's kinda dangerous.

>> No.10147504

Really? I never did warm up to his character. Biggest reason I didn't like Trigun that much.

Now, Wolfwood, that's another story...


>> No.10147539
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>> No.10147638
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i will fite u

ryoko is fine too.


filename should be "zelda and his rori"

>> No.10147860
File: 117 KB, 649x778, 20120924_2550794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


In contrast to probably the majority of you, I didn't find Japanese media before I was 15 or 16 when I found 4chan. The only thing that aired here was Pokemon and Digimon.
