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File: 254 KB, 1000x711, servant_killer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10139850 No.10139850 [Reply] [Original]

sup /jp/
I wanna know if it's true this rumour I've been hearing about.
Does Shiki can kill servants?

>> No.10139864 [DELETED] 

Checkmate, atheists

>> No.10139880

No. Servants do not have lines.

>> No.10139897

but there's a manga that shows him actually killing servants

>> No.10139909 [DELETED] 

That's not official you knob

>> No.10139914

That's not a manga, that's a doujinshi.

>> No.10139916
File: 273 KB, 647x563, servants.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you talking about?
don't listen to these faggots op

Tohno can in fact kill servants.

When he killed Arcueid, 17 cuts landed in "an instant".
This is on the same level as 5th grail war Asassin's Tsubame Gaeshi. This is in fact canon. Non only that, but Arcueid was not able to notice she was being followed, nor feel any killing intent from Tohno until the blade already killed her. This is on the same level as asassin servant presence concealment.

In the official Tsukihime manga, Shiki was capable of slicing and killing lightning shot at him by Roa. A low estimate of the speed required for this would land at 96,000MPH, which is the atmospheric discharge of lightning at denser levels (closer to lower altitudes.)

Tying together presence concealment, Zelretch level ability (flash sheath), and A class speed, Shiki could in fact stand a chance against most servants. His trump card that would place him above anything summoned under asassin card would be that he essentially has an instant kill move if he ever gets near, making him a very deadly oponent.

To use concrete evidence of Shiki proving himself time and time again, we can look at who in fact he has killed.

Nrvnqsr Chaos the 10th apostle. In one attack Tohno managed to kill all 666 of his lives.

Michael Roa Valdamjong, said to be immortal by traveling between Akasha and back, "reincarnating". Tohno severed his connection to Akasha, erasing his existance.

It's good to take note here, that Servants are tied to the Akashic record in the throne of heroes, which is what allows them to be summoned in the first place. When shiki kills a servant, they can no longer be summoned. Sounds like just the kind of person Archer was looking for.

In the "Talk" side story for Tsukihime, Tohno manged to kill the forest of Einnashe, the seventh dead apostle. He also managed to kill Einnashe's reality marble.

>> No.10139925

shiki a SHIT

>> No.10139930 [DELETED] 

Shiki can't kill Shirou who can kill servants and thus cannot kill servants himself.

>> No.10139939

needs nerfing.

>> No.10139947

well fuck, I'm confused now, he can kill them or not?

>> No.10139967

that's not true, Shiki can kill Shiro relatively easy

>> No.10141571
File: 597 KB, 1000x563, bd8269ecdba61c15b6ba997d0614f3d8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can Shiki kill hourai immortals?

>> No.10141596


>> No.10141612

By "an instant" are you sure it was not colorful language to express that it happened very quickly, and that it actually was that every attack occured simultaneously with the others?
