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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10136489 No.10136489[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Harb is plant.⌒∇⌒

>> No.10136494

Every time you post in this thread alice takes a puff.

Replied because 420.

>> No.10136495

do people actually emphasize the h in herb?

>> No.10136499


>> No.10136501
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plant good for you

>> No.10136506
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>> No.10136507
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>> No.10136508

epic. I always smoke weed after getting home from the club and before fucking my girlfriend lol :P its epic win.

>> No.10136509
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>> No.10136536
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lol what does weed have to do with touhou? XD tahts the joke!!!!!

>> No.10136565
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>> No.10136569
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>> No.10136570
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/jp/, it's MEANT for you!

>> No.10136575
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It makes me feel crazy and I hate it.

>> No.10136579
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Why is there no love for the fungus?

The mushroom entity is made of love. It traveled here from outer-space inside of an asteroid and landed on this planet millions years ago. It just wants to communicate with you.

>> No.10136585

It's ugly and Marisa likes to shove it up her ass.

>> No.10136589
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It is hard to explain what it is like to be high on weed, but I can try to.

The first few times I smoked, I would feel like time was 'skipping' forward and my thoughts raced, so nothing really coherent came out of it. I kept smoking, and now (I only started maybe two weeks ago, actually) it makes me able to hyper-focus, when under its effects everything becomes interesting and fun, and funny things are funnier. It relieves my anxiety, now even when I'm sober I am actually enjoying the company of others, and I don't feel like I'm being judged any more.

I was laughing my ass off filling out a form one time.

I want to try LSD/DMT/shrooms

>> No.10136586

Fuck you bitch, I'm the mushroom!

>> No.10136608
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Has anyone here ever done mushrooms?

Can you describe what it's like?

I'd honestly expect drug use to be much more rampant on /jp/.

>> No.10136612

From what my friends say it's like LSD but not as fun. People who tried mushrooms first and then LSD never went back.

LSD is one hell of a ride I can't even begin to explain, the first time I thought I became a molecule.

>> No.10136609

ur mum dun me mush room


Also, back to 420 with all of you.

>> No.10136613

Shrooms were a very intense introspective/spiritual experience for me. Every thing looked kinda like it was melting and changed colors but the craziest thing was how it changed my thought process. Do try it if you ever get the chance

>> No.10136615

Skip the fluff. Go straight for ayahuasca.

>> No.10136617

>I'd honestly expect drug use to be much more rampant on /jp/.
It says "Misunderstood Geniuses", not "Criminals and Junkies".

>> No.10136623

Normals fuck off please.

>> No.10136629

I only smoke weed a couple of time, but I only got a minor buzz, comparable to meditation.
I'm much more joyous when slightly drunk from wine.
I intend to try either fly amanita or psylos, because getting LSD/DMT or even hashish that is properly calibrated and not mixed with shit is too much hassle.

Also, any druggie can say how salvia conigera compares to other stuff?

>> No.10136641

Nice prostate massager on the pic.

Any /jp/sie willing to share their masturbatory experiences while on drugs? Or just hugging your daki.

>> No.10136647

Why don't more people on /jp/ use drugs?

It's obvious that most of /jp/ does not give a single shit about their health so that excuse doesn't work. Almost every single one of us lives an unhealthy, completely sedentary lifestyle, and we receive very little sunset.

What reason could you possibly have? Drug use seems to fit perfectly with /jp/'s lifestyle. It makes life interesting, it makes your hobbies even more enjoyable, and it makes you happy.

>> No.10136656

- Not having money.
- Being a shut in.
- Suffering from extreme anxiety and other mental problems

Just a few reasons. You are fucking stupid and should probably get the fuck out of /jp/ and go 'like' some posts on facebook.

>> No.10136659

Little girls don't do drugs, silly!

>> No.10136668


I'm a shut-in, the only money I have is the few dollars that my mother occasionally throws to me every few months, and I have plenty of mental issues.

It doesn't stop me from growing all of the drugs I need inside of my house though. I've never stepped a single foot outside of this door to get any of these drugs. It's around $50 to buy everything you need to grow pretty much any drug that can be grown and that's a one time purchase, after that you never have to buy anything.

Most of /jp/ probably spends several times that much on a monthly basis to fund the various hobbies that we have so many threads about.

>> No.10136669

Widespread substance abuse would cause the NEET protest to lose its last traces of credibility.

>> No.10136674

Are you the same person who told that other guy yesterday to go back to /a/ just because he was expecting a lot of replies in a thread with a Japanese guy in it?

>> No.10136677

Drugs are associated with normals which makes drugs uncool.

>> No.10136700

Do they require maintenance?

>> No.10136710


Aren't normals scared shitless of any drug that isn't either weed or prescription?

As far as I know most normals wouldn't touch psychedelics or deliriants and the propaganda about drugs like meth has been so firmly burned into their minds that they would cut contact with anyone they know who has ever used it.

I would even go as far as to say that drug addicts have more in common with /jp/ than almost any other group of people. They both lead lives that are almost universally disapproved of, they're both hated and looked down upon by normal people, and they're both social outcasts.

>> No.10136721

I'm not going to go outside much less the ghetto to purchase a plant from a mexican nigger that will probably rip me off or mug/kill me
I'm not going to open my windows to let the sun in and I don't want any other lights besides the light from my screen
I'm not going to take care of it give it water if I wanted to do that I'd by a dog

>> No.10136722

>I would even go as far as to say that drug addicts have more in common with /jp/ than almost any other group of people. They both lead lives that are almost universally disapproved of, they're both hated and looked down upon by normal people, and they're both social outcasts.
You're talking about the things drug users and outcast nerds have in common. As an outcast nerd, I'd rather talk about the things me and drug users don't have in common.

>> No.10136725

I don't get how the word used to describe the usual boring coworker turned to mean...what?

Meanwhile after all these years I noticed that I hate more the people who tries to stand out. The normals are just boring people that you have to just deal with. The people trying their hardest to NOT be normals are the ones who usually make me mad.

>> No.10136726


It depends on the drug, but not really. Once they start growing then your job is pretty much done. Flick a light switch once a day, mist the mushrooms once or twice, etc. Brushing your teeth takes more effort than growing most drugs.

There are even drugs like mescaline that require no effort at all. You just order a San Pedro cactus cutting off amazon, slice up and blind your cactus, and you've got some juice ready to drink within less than 30 minutes.

>> No.10136727


Because drugs are for stupid teenagers and hopelessly addicted adults.

I've done shrooms twice. Back then drugs were different to me, and I would react differently now. (Now I would freak and be scared I'm going to die)

But when I did them I couldn't stop laughing because I was so happy. I think I saw ralphy may on the TV, and he was so fat and silly that I laughed about it for an hour. Colors were more vibrant, walls and streets were "breathing", and I noticed the edges of things curve a bit. I felt extremely out of my mind and not like myself.

TLDR; You can't explain how they feel.


All drugs I've tried made sex worse with the exception of amphetamines, which made me unbelievably horny. Touching any part of your body felt good, so touching your dick felt literally magical. I can't think of any other word for that. It also made it hard to cum which led to multiple hour long masturbation sessions.

I remember watching entire 24 episode long animes while masturbating through the entire thing, not even paying attention to the fact that I was masturbating.

I remember playing oot in one sitting without getting up to do anything but go to the bathroom or drink more water and smoke more weed.

That is your brain on amphetamines.

>> No.10136730

Exactly this.
yes Im sure your mother gives you enough money to order drug growing equipment and then she picks them up from the post office too.

>> No.10136737

I've never smoked in my life and didn't plan to, but I'm getting second thoughts now that all these potheads are claiming it's the best thing ever. Will I defile my purity and finally take that hit...?

>> No.10136739


>> No.10136743

No. I have something better for you to smoke... *unzips*

>> No.10136746

If you're unemployed, why are you spending money on drugs instead of food?

>> No.10136748


>drug growing equipment

Plastic containers, some jars, and lightbulbs? I'm willing to bet that you already have pretty much everything that you need to grow simple drugs like marijuana or mushrooms in your house already. You don't need some elaborate drug growing setup for this stuff. It's simpler than growing tomatoes.

>> No.10136749

Can I have some too after that anon?

>> No.10136750

>It depends on the drug, but not really. Once they start growing then your job is pretty much done. Flick a light switch once a day, mist the mushrooms once or twice, etc.
That's too much work.

>Brushing your teeth takes more effort than growing most drugs.
I don't brush my teeth.

>You just order a San Pedro cactus cutting off amazon, slice up and blind your cactus, and you've got some juice ready to drink within less than 30 minutes.
My mom makes and brings me my food.

I'll consider it once I can download it.

>> No.10136753


You've never grown cannabis.

Growing cannabis indoors cost a bare minimum of a few hundred bucks to start up, and I bet if you even tried to you would burn the fuck out of them, if not with your poorly ventilated nigger rigged heat trap of a room/cabinet, then with using a retarded amount of nutrients.

"Halp guys, why my plant have yellow-brown leaves and 1 foot stretched inbetween nodes" ~ You posting on generic weed growing forum #34

>> No.10136757

You are fucking stupid. Growing pot is expensive as hell to start.

>> No.10136761

You shouldn't let little things make you mad. Take it easy. 420

>> No.10136767

>"a mexican nigger"

Your are so tough on the internet but you wouldn't say that shit to my face woudl you bitch

>> No.10136775


>Growing pot is expensive as hell to start.

Do you live in the middle of a city or something? Weed is incredibly easy and cheap to grow. It only becomes expensive when you start up all of these elaborate stealth grows and try growing weed inside of some wardrobe in your closet with carbon filters and lights rigged all over the place. Growing any plant will become ridiculously expensive once you start trying to replicate outdoor conditions inside of a box.

If you live in a nice rural area where you don't have neighbors monitoring everything you do then you can grow it right out on your porch or by your window.

Mushrooms are more difficult/expensive to grow than weed and they're incredibly easy.

>> No.10136782
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I weigh 3 tons I would DESTROY your ass in 10 seconds you looking for a fight shitskin?

>> No.10136785

Since a lot of RL magic systems involve "opening your head" via chemicals, I'd not find strange if this was true in Gensokyo too. But other than the magicians (who do it for the power boost), I think the drug of choice for mostly everybody else is booze.

>> No.10136797

what are you like 7? Sorry, I don't hit little girls.

>> No.10136803
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That's what I thought

>> No.10136809

What do you mean by blinding the cactus?
