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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 52 KB, 403x604, 1353003129947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10133979 No.10133979[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ and /cgl/ are a natural fit right?

they love visual novels, touhou and lewd stuff.

>> No.10133986

Not exactly...

>> No.10133990

Fuck off, NSJ.

Countdown until Milk shows up and starts wenching around for attention.

>> No.10133992

In other dimension, maybe?!

>> No.10133994


I only Ironically enjoy visual novels and touhou.
Everyone loves lewd things, even babies, so that's not exclusive to us.
I will instead find a good muslim woman I can beat and will be loyal, and not be a slut that shows off her head or heels to other men.

>> No.10134005

I despise /jp/ femanons

>> No.10134006

/cgl/ makes me uncomfortable. Cosplay is nice in theory but in practice it's just another ego game, isn't it?

>> No.10134002

You're just butthurt because she got more attention than you in the stream yesterday.

>> No.10134017

yeah. They're huge bullies, and find pictures of fat girls to make fun of. Then my inner bully also tries to join in and bully every person in the thread, even the fat girl, while pretending to be multiple people. Don't go there, its addictive!

>> No.10134029


Since when /cgl/ is for cosplay?

Check that board.

>> No.10134034

When /cgl/ feels like being lewd they stuff themselves into skimpy attire from anime they've never seen before and go to cons to fuck some guys dressed as Kamina.

When /jp/ feels like being lewd they post borderline sfw images of touhous.

>> No.10134042

/cgl/'s latest thing is dressing up pretending to be gyaru.

There was some thread there the other day where a bunch of girls who went to Japan admitted they hanged out with Japanese gyaru and slutted it up massively.

Are modern women worth shit?

>> No.10134061

/cgl/ is a shithole far far worse than /jp/, keep your 3dpd over there

>> No.10134072
File: 753 KB, 1600x1037, WW2_Normandy_American_Cemetery_Rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check your privilege, cunt.

>> No.10134080

This is 4chan so people making up bullshit for attention is common.

Though the intent is there and thats just as bad.

>> No.10134084

I've never met a woman who liked asian men who was sane.

Same applies to /cgl/.

>> No.10134097

Fat pigs deserve to be bullied.

>> No.10134091

I went to /cgl/ and saw a thread were they making fun of shy and autistic guys trying to talk to them at cons. I know one of those guys is probably a /jp/sie who lies about never going to cons and says he hates 3DPD. It broke my heart to see it.

>> No.10134093


It's different with girls.

A trip-posting shitposter I can accept as part and parcel of 4chan as a whole.

I just dislike the fact that girls have entered our spaces in such huge numbers and always have to talk about their boyfriends or sex every 10 minutes.

>> No.10134101

Just went on /cgl/. Funny how moot made a sticky, then suggestively left his email at the end of it.

Going by what he said about dating girls from 4chan, who wants to bet the faggot uses boards like /cgl/ to pick up sluts?

>> No.10134103
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Guaranteed replies general

/cgl/ edition

get in here bros

>> No.10134104
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>> No.10134113
File: 945 KB, 500x341, draw.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not share the same outlook on life as the women on /cgl/, so I would not say were are compatible at all.
Those woman have no sense of shame. I find it fine if I choose to talk about dirty things or such in private on the internet, but I would not be a socially disruptive person like the ones who cosplay.
If you simply balance vices, I would say that theirs are objectively worse than any on /jp/. I don't blame them as it is their life, but for those reasons I choose to not associate with the posters of that board, and I hope they understand this and do not bother us here on /jp/.

>> No.10134116

Yeah, there was a thread about male virgins on there a few weeks ago. It would have made for sad reading if any /jp/sie read it. Really nasty, mean, outright bullying in some cases. Funny how the girls who said they disliked and were creeped out by virgins the most were the sluttiest.

>> No.10134120
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>> No.10134121
File: 187 KB, 500x500, 1353616490774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when do you guys hand over Milky-chan to me? I remember making a deal with someone, but it havent been done yet.

>> No.10134126

I don't see why you care. The feeling is mutual in most cases.

>> No.10134138

I care because it's natural to have one's feelings hurt when a 3DPD says I'm a creep for no other reason than that I'm too shy to have a girlfriend and don't have the requisite good looks for my shyness to be considered cute.

>> No.10134134
File: 101 KB, 900x598, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its funny to see the hambeasts that make up cgl discuss men

Theyre every bit as gross as the random male anime con goer

>> No.10134136

make a deal with this
*whips out dick*

>> No.10134141

The question is my dear. When will /jp/ leave out of her?

>> No.10134142
File: 1.99 MB, 250x237, shellshock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When WWIII happens, the American draft will take only men. Think about that for a second, ladies.

>> No.10134146

/cgl/ is full of landwhales
prove me wrong

>> No.10134147

/cgl/ represents everything terrible about post-2008 4chan.

>> No.10134149

Oh no, someone insulted you over the internet.

>> No.10134150

I don't think women "think" about much beyond what they can get between their legs.

>> No.10134155
File: 36 KB, 300x225, mcx1007FESoldiers001-medium-new.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not for long, thanks to feminism.

>> No.10134152

You can have it. No one from here likes her, and anyone that says otherwise isn't originally from this board.

Have fun.

>> No.10134166

only newfags are "originally from" this board

>> No.10134158

I don't care because I am equally disgusted by promiscuous persons, and their poor behavior and lack of consideration for healthy relationships or themes of romance overshadows any cuteness they might otherwise have, shy or physical.

Anyways, if they don't like you, why does that matter? People are not required to like you just for you existing.

>> No.10134163

I just find the concept of a woman being a soldier sort of absurd, given that they fantasize about being gang raped by enemy soldiers.

>> No.10134175

Thanks for proving my point.

>> No.10134176

I thought we don't like lewd stuff.

>> No.10134177
File: 363 KB, 620x350, Screen-Shot-2012-11-20-at-1.43.36-PM-620x350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, feminism.

>> No.10134183
File: 100 KB, 265x445, 1349397868321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cant make a deal on that one sorry bro.

So that basically means i have to use force to get her or something? Can i be mean to her?

>> No.10134184

Eagle-san should put a stop to this...

>> No.10134188
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>> No.10134209

I have reported this thread, and urge others to do the same.

>> No.10134212

what was the point you were making, exactly

>> No.10134215


>> No.10134223
File: 743 KB, 960x720, Char_admiring_hindquarters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm the only one bullying milk right now. You think you can handle me?
Do you really think you have what it takes? The charming good looks to get her going, and the autismical devotion to spam all her internet accounts and stalk her as multiple persons?
Go ahead and try, the last few guys that tried have already quit.

>> No.10134224

He seems to have take accustom to sticking around here and trolling without his trip(i.e. making threads about himself without it, then popping up later because he was "mentioned"), so if you can get him back, he's all yours.

>> No.10134228

Your handwriting is really cute.

>> No.10134242
File: 102 KB, 726x720, 1316260872744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll try my best at it! I wont fail you.
Share all your info then atleast.

A what?

>> No.10134282

Same goes for men who like asian women, tho.

Ya'll crazy.

>> No.10134285

You're really cute.

>> No.10134297

the cosplayer part of cgl isn't as bad as the lolita part

both are bitches, but lolitas are the bigger bitches

>> No.10134298

That's the thing though, normalfag men like asian women too. You're hard pressed to find normalfag women who like asian men though.

>> No.10134302

He doesn't post on /cgl/ anymore, does he? It's because he's moved here.

I don't want him here anymore than you probably want him back, so if you can convince milk to go back, he's all yours.

>> No.10134314

whats a lolita
im too lazy to look it up
give me the rundown

>> No.10134322

>normalfag men like asian women too

Have you ever even talked to a normalfag
They think they're strange, not sexy and curvy enough and loads of other shit.

>> No.10134323

Awesome, i'll give it my best for you guys!
I better arm myself and train before conquering!

>> No.10134325

a girl who has rich parent's and makes them pay for 600 dollar dresses along with accessories that match

if someone tries going into said fashion without buying the brand clothes they will be ridiculed

the dresses look dumb by the way

>> No.10134331


You're not funny.

>> No.10134334

That's not entirely true, and you know it.

>> No.10134336

I want you inside me.

>> No.10134337

No, females still can't be drafted
only men

>> No.10134340

Normalfags will consider you gay if you don't want to hump everything female.

>> No.10134342

I still can't believe that they manage to find so many sluts to camwhore it up for cosplay deviants myself.

I mean, they hardly pay them anything, and there aren't a huge number of non-fat western cosplayers, but they still manage to find loads.

girls who like our hobbies are trash-tier, let's face it.

>> No.10134345

Yeah it isn't, they also have "sugar daddy" boyfriends that pay for their shit. Usually some guy from /fit/ who thinks he's alpha as fuark for getting a girlfriend he buys everything for.

>> No.10134346

no they will consider you gay for wanting to fuck something that has the body of a preteen boy

>> No.10134352


You've obviously never been to /fit/. No one there has a gf.

>> No.10134353



>> No.10134355

I will repeat what I said.

That's not entirely true, and you know it.

>> No.10134356

I have yet to see a woman with the body of a preteen boy.

>> No.10134358

yeah well you look at 2hu's all day nerd go outside

>> No.10134370

/fit/ is mostly normalfags from bb.com these days who meme spout all over the place and insult other 4channers.

>> No.10134375

No they won't. I think you're confusing normalfags with /b/tards and other internet inhabitants.

>talk to normalfag cousin in normalfag get-together
>live in a city full of asian people
>they all agree they are intimidating because they probably don't date outside their race, or probably thinks dating leads to marriage within two months, are afraid they are going to "break" them because asian girls are so skinny and tiny, are afraid they will pierce their uterus because asians have small pussy, are generally not interested because they look different, are not interested because their bodies is flat compared to white and black girls

>> No.10134377

yeah and most people on fit aren't even fit

they just like parading around saying they are from /fit/ like that carries any weight

>> No.10134390

There are many ways to tell your posts apart from others.

I'm sure there are also ways that you've noticed in mine as well.

>> No.10134385


You didn't have to greentext that.

not every story needs to be greentexted.

>> No.10134393

If I had to pick a 3DPD I'd pick an Asian girl simply because they're so innocent.

The idea of getting married after dating for 2 months is so pure and cute.

>> No.10134401



>> No.10134394

>go to ur mums house
>tell her shes a bitch
>poop in front of ur door

better not need to poop tonight kiddo you might step in a surprise

>> No.10134410

If you are an average white male in any asian country you will be swooned over by asian girls

>> No.10134411

Frigg off bully.

>> No.10134408

Of course, now bend over~

>> No.10134423

Aren't there a lot of normalfag guys on /jp/ these days who talk about "PUA" and stuff like that?

>> No.10134420

*bends over submissively*

>> No.10134431


What's PUA?

>> No.10134432

I know.
I'm just excited because it's the first time I talk to /jp/ without you guys throwing stones.
I also typed "their bodies is".

Am sorry.

Yeah, but you ain't no normalfag.
>asian girl

Yeah, compensated dating and panties selling is so moe.

>> No.10134435
File: 508 KB, 1288x1809, little_taste_of_cgl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's this.

>> No.10134443

I don't think I've seen many "how do i lose mah virjinity in japan halp" threads recently.

>> No.10134439

>Yeah, compensated dating and panties selling is so moe.

Stay jelly, gaijin.

>> No.10134442

*grasps you by the hips and swiftly enters you*

>> No.10134446

I'm sure for this image there have been 100 threads just as disgusting talking about male hygiene

>> No.10134459

Some are like that, but not the majority.

>> No.10134456

there's worse than that..

the ones where they're talking about how promiscuous they are are worse.

cosplaying should be looked upon the same as prostituting yourself out.

>> No.10134458

Men don't bleed from anywhere unless it's from injury.

>> No.10134460

At least prostitutes charge for it to live. /cgl/ goes it for the sake of being depraved.

>> No.10134462

One time I derailed a thread by getting everybody to talk about how badly our rooms must stink of cum.

>> No.10134469

But women did get injured. Haven't you read the Book of Genesis?

>> No.10134472

>everyone on /cgl/ is the same

Don't let the shit seep too deeply into your floors, anonymous. Your parents will want to turn the room into a better place after you're found dead, and the smell's hard to get out.

>> No.10134475

Last time I showered was like 2 weeks ago

>> No.10134485

Every sexual fantasy thread on /cgl/ is like:

>I want to be beaten so badly I'm bleeding all over while men take turns raping me

And such.

I remember one girl on there said once that she was 'tired' of ordinary rape fantasies and just wanted to be raped for real because the fantasies did nothing for her anymore.

Cosplayers = Fucked in the head.

Slut detected.

>> No.10134481

*stands there quietly while being pounded*

>> No.10134487

*comes in the a shotgun and shoots both of you*
the end

>> No.10134496

Nobody here actually does that, except maybe a few tryhards.

>> No.10134510

screen cap or just made up bullshit

>> No.10134512

My fetish is beating up girls because I hate them, but also fucking them because sometimes they are pretty.
Maybe I should visit /cgl/ sometime. thanks for the tips.

>> No.10134505

*comes back from dead*
*am a zombie*
*bites your neck*
you am now a zombie too

>> No.10134508

>sit down and read the bible so i can own christians online
>thirty pages in
>god is about to burn a city full of homos
>the homos try to rape some angels
>a homo that god likes tells the other homos they can rape his daughters instead
>the angels help the homo and his daughters escape
>his daughters get him drunk and fug him so they get pregnant
>these were the people god chose to save


>> No.10134514


Get out.


>> No.10134530

>Slut detected.
I'm a guy.

You're right, but still.

>> No.10134525

do you hate female otaku too?

maybe we could double team a fujoshi one day anon.

>> No.10134527

Post a timestamped pic of shit on your floor.

>> No.10134528

shut up bitch

>> No.10134541

One thing I like about you guys is that you keep shit on your own board

if this was any of the other boards we have to deal with there would be 3 different threads of
>tfw no gf

>> No.10134538

I want to punch some teeth out.

>> No.10134548

Let the rage flow through you.

Let's destroy that fujoshi pussy for the glory of our NEET God.

>> No.10134557

>few western girls do something
>all westerns are the same and equally slutty
>few japanese girls do something

Stay deluded, /jp/.

>> No.10134565

Get a load of this tryhard.
Next you're gonna try to say you you caused the last janitor to quit, right?

>> No.10134567

speaking of milk did anyone see that nose


>> No.10134569

Go find someone else to double team you with your boyfriend of the week.

>> No.10134572

>few western girls do something

>> No.10134574

for a /jp/er, /cgl/ is the absolute worst board on 4chan. it's filled insecure women talking about their normalfaggotry problems and being jealous at everything that's better than them and engaging in real life dramas.

I want them to leave.

>> No.10134583
File: 9 KB, 399x399, 1352581517035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's still a generalization~

>> No.10134584

It's the complete opposite because /jp/ is the most anti social board and /cgl/ is the most social

>> No.10134586


Seen the slutwalks recently?


>> No.10134587

for /jp/, /jp/ is the worst board on 4chan

every other board can be ignored 99% of the time

>> No.10134591
File: 131 KB, 645x911, 1353962599500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did someone say fühlen ?

>> No.10134592

i want you to leave too, but i can't get what i want either.

>> No.10134598

I have never seen a slutwalk and I don't expect that I ever will, unless I go out of my way to look for it.

>> No.10134599

You want us to leave our own board?

Fuck off back to /cgl/ whore.

>> No.10134611

c u there "milk stalker"

>> No.10134603

No, he's from /jp/, and he wants you to leave because you're a shitty poster.

>> No.10134612

he's also from /jp/ and we both want you to leave

>> No.10134615

>/cgl/ is the most social
pretty sure that's /soc/

>> No.10134623

No, social as in go outside and talk to people

/soc/ is just lemme so yo penis and fat ugly girls

>> No.10134672

yup because feminism only wants the perks and none of the responsibility or drawbacks.

>> No.10134685

well that's why it's called feminism

if they wanted to be equal it'd be more like equalism
