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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 267 KB, 1440x810, fat1353985815961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10132178 No.10132178[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.10132187

he doesnt look that fat

>> No.10132188

I'm surprised you didn't link to Sankaku Complex

>> No.10132196

It's over, Japan is finished.

>> No.10132201

So did he get arrested for actually uploading some stuff or was he just downloading and got slapped with distributing because it's P2P?

>> No.10132216

The article and his response to the police make it sound like it was the former.

>> No.10132345

Downloading CP through perfect dark is so ridiculously easy and fast. The only reason I don't do it is because of the usually shit quality of the videos and "daddy please, it hurts".

>> No.10132355

Distribution of CP has been illegal in Japan for quite some time. It's the possession of it that isn't illegal.

>> No.10132364

I like how they mention his full name.

Where I live you have to bomb the capital financial district, go on an island massacre killing at least 50 young adults and release a compendium promoting terrorist acts and extremist ideologies for that to happen.

>> No.10132370

Norway is strange like that.

>> No.10132373

Hopefully the paedos will fuck off of PD now

>> No.10132374

I thought CP possession in Japan wasn't illegal or something like that? But I guess he was distributing, so that makes sense. Still a ridiculous "crime", to be honest.

>> No.10132424

I do wonder how exaggerated these pedo news are.
Maybe some day someone will catch a glimpse of my jr idol collection and then the other day on the news. "Pedophile that worked on international CP distribution league arrested"

>> No.10132427

Yea, also covering this hugely like that in the media? No news channel would really give much of a shit around here unless it was a large scale police action.

>> No.10132438

Or just of your 2D loli collection and the media will blow it up.

>> No.10132446

I thought PD was safe...

>> No.10132451

I use PD, shit now I am worried.

>> No.10132474

Most likely they ended up finding him through some other circumstances, then saw PD on his computer and drew conclusions.

>> No.10132534

Pig Disgusting P2P
Real paedos buy it from local retailers and support the industry.
Pirates can go fuck off hope he is jailed for life.

>> No.10132541


This mentions something about software from NetAgent security company which is known for tracking Share users and such.

>> No.10132556

"Cartoon sexualist deviant caught after distribute porn to millions of user of fortune board"

>> No.10132571


>> No.10132622


>> No.10132664

Maximum EDGY

>> No.10132694

Wait, how? PD isn't safe anymore?

>> No.10132715

Maybe, maybe not. The article did mention that he also used Winny, so they may have detected him through Winny and later upon searching his personal hardware found that he also uses Perfect Dark.

One way or the other, it doesn't really matter unless you live in Japan.

>> No.10132730

The article doesn't say he used winny

>> No.10132741

I am not afraid of authorities getting to me, I am worried about the evergrowing zealous antipiracy in japan and its implications.

>> No.10132832

It most certainly does.

>ファイル共有ソフト「Winny」より匿名性の高い「Perfect Dark」を使い

>> No.10132953

Well, from my limited knowledge of Japanese it says that he used PD which provides higher anonymity than Winny

>> No.10132963 [DELETED] 

So? It's illegal to distribute in Japan and programs like PD and Share, IIRC, show the uploader's IP address. He's not the first person arrested like this.

>> No.10132989 [DELETED] 

>A Perfect Dark user was arrested for the first time on 27 January 2010. The user had been uploading and sharing one episode of the Japanese animation TV series Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood with Perfect Dark, and was charged with breach of copyright law.
>On 10 June 2010, a second user, a 43-year-old man, was arrested on the suspicion of uploading about one thousand copyrighted files, in particular, the Big Windup! anime series.
>On 8 October 2010, a 42-year-old woman was arrested for uploading the Mitsudomoe anime TV series.

Uploaders aren't safe. Surprise.

>> No.10133022

Share cartoons
 with your friends
\   |   /
   Λ Λ  _.
  _( ・々゚) ̄
 ̄ /| \
/   |   \
Get jailed
  for 5 years

>> No.10133019


>> No.10133039

Copyright in a nutshell

Fuck everyone who supports copyright pigs. They will call us thieves and compare us to (sea) pirates, but they very well know that they're just 'oh nose! someone shares files that ARE MINE! NO COPYING ALLOWED. PAY FOR OUR SOFTWARE. WE MAKE, YOU LISTEN. WE CONTROL THE SOFTWARE YOU BOUGHT! YOU CAN'T SHARE!'
Instead of making shitty software, make a good soft, make it open source and open donations/voluntary payment system (like humble bundle, where you can buy it for 1 cent), and see yourself swimming in money.

>> No.10133050

Nobody wants to be a good guy or make quality software. It is all about jewing as many people as you can out of as much as you can for as little as you can.

>> No.10133067

Just proves my point. Fucking hymies. Death to ZOG and zionist pigs.

>> No.10133067,1 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't PD supposed to be encrypted?

>> No.10133120

I'm still waiting for an exposé on lolicon. Perhaps a Fox News special or an article in the Daily Mail.

"Across the internet, millions of people are sharing twisted cartoons of children being abused, raped and even mutilated. The sick deviants who share these images and videos call it 'lolicon'."

>> No.10133184

You're right. I apologize for my misunderstanding.

How embarassing.

>> No.10133241

the reason why he put those 30 files on pd was to get his downloading speed up. guess his choice of files to share was bad.

>> No.10133258
File: 419 KB, 2000x728, sample_9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will probably hinder the upload of クラシックカメラ少女 to PD.

>> No.10133399

>Perhaps a Fox News special or an article in the Daily Mail.
There was something about it recently, actually.

I think it may have been in the Telegraph. It was unexpected when I'd read it, as it was from a paper that wouldn't normally publish such sensationalist stories

>> No.10133419

Lolicon is a word that /a/ children use in order to distance themselves from pedophiles, even though there is no difference between them.

Prove me wrong. You can't.

>> No.10133432

Crossboarder please go, and take your spoiler abuse with you.

>> No.10133429

I've always thought of lolicon to mean lolita complex, so I've used it as such. Also, can if you could use spoilers properly that'd make me happy.

>> No.10133503

One word: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Surprise!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Well, ok. It's more than one word. To clarify, This last sentence was put in place to surprise!!! you even more when you hover over the first surprise!!! bar and become surprised when you only find one word!!

>> No.10133522

So how did they actually catch him?

>> No.10133529

Please don't misuse spoilers.

>> No.10133526

Was it really child pornografy or just drawn loli?

>> No.10133536

Are you retarded?

>> No.10133541

Yes. Now answer my question, please.

>> No.10133556


>> No.10133571

Why are you so mean to me?

>> No.10133570 [DELETED] 

So where can I download cp

>> No.10133572

Loli isn't illegal in Japan.

>> No.10133603
File: 292 KB, 1100x1100, sanae peek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anon you are a very nice person for answering my question!

>> No.10133603,1 [INTERNAL] 

le nsj face
