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10127586 No.10127586 [Reply] [Original]

Quite often when someone asks which game is better to get familiar with touhou, IN is suggested as one of the easiest. But how would you rank difficulty among all touhou danmaku games you played?

>> No.10127817

I dont know I'm still on easy modo

>> No.10127854

The difficulty varies. Memorization is more important in some games, and important period if you're playing for score. Dodging is critical always, but not as much in games like SA where most bullets are streamed.

As an introduction game, IN is far too forgiving and also too complicated. Something like EoSD or even LLS are much better starting points.

>> No.10127860

it's all just memorizing mazes

what's hard about this? it's a grind, like leveling a character in an mmo

>> No.10128256

Well, maybe it would be better to rephrase the question - reflex-wise difficulty. It's possible (at least it looks like it) to memorize patterns if you take enough time, but I guess it's hardly possible to improve reflexes if you lack them from the very beginning.

>> No.10128305

If anything it's close to synchronized swimming.

>> No.10128381

For general survival, IN is one of the easier ones. UFO has the hardest Lunatic mode and SA has the hardest Normal and Hard. For scoring, IN (and PCB) is arguably the most challenging.

>> No.10128589

>SA has the hardest Hard.

>> No.10128604

EoSD has a lot of random patterns. Also execution.

>> No.10128641

UFO has the hardest hard by far!

>> No.10128715

MOF's Hard is pretty difficult... I don't think that SA is any harder than it.

>> No.10128741

MoF is piss easy, except Kanako last card since the bombs do jack shit.

>> No.10129345

Fairy Wars is the hardest. UFO is the second hardest. Then StB/DS, then SA, EoSD, then the fighting games because I can't play them well, and then the rest.

>> No.10129376
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Can almost beat Yukari here -
Easiest to Hardest (based on clearing (not 1ccing) the normal modes of each game)

Modern vertical shooters only

MoF (no using MariB cheat)

UFO, SA (equal difficulty, UFO is more fast bullets and SA is more but slower bullets)

>> No.10129451


Easy: PCB
Normal: SA (if you don't know how to bomb)
Hard: UFO
Lunatic: UFO

>> No.10129666


>> No.10130001

I always thought EoSD to be one of the harder ones because you can't see the hitbox.
Same goes for the older games, but I haven't played them much.

>> No.10130040 [DELETED] 

there's a hitbox patch you know

>> No.10130056

I'm just so frustrated to see that so many people easily finish Lunatic with 1CC and ever compete with scoring. For now I finished only EoSD on Hard losing all continues and now when I see that EoSD is one of the easiest for survival, I fell so retarded. I don't have good reflexes so I guess touhou isn't my kind of game.
Well, I still try playing those games at least for survival on Hard (PCB for now).

>> No.10130062


And it's slightly off, so kind of pointless.

Still, I'd rate EoSD as fairly difficult, all things considered. Lots of fast random patterns and such, so you can't memo it to death.

>> No.10130087


Play SA or PCB extra/phantasm, those are more about precision than reflexes

>> No.10130117

IIRC, extra requires 1CC playing. It seems I have to play Normal to do that.

>> No.10130149

1CCing PCB normal isn't that hard, it's just a resource collect fest up until stage 4-5 and then resource management until the end of the game. Start with max lives it will allow (it will still count for your 1cc) and watch yourself be maxed on resources by s5 if you can figure out the easy bosses up til then.

>> No.10130181 [DELETED] 

No, I meant playing Normal instead of Hard. I'm just trying to avoid Normal and Easy because I don't want to get used to (it's like if you want to play Lunatic, it's better to play Lunatic from the very beginning, not Normal->Hard->Lunatic).
I read about that resource management in PCB and find it a little bit complicated. Well, maybe playing Normal instead of Hard allows to think about such things.

>> No.10130192

No, I meant playing Normal instead of Hard. I'm just trying to avoid Normal and Easy because I don't want to get used to (it's like if you want to play Lunatic, it's better to play Lunatic from the very beginning, not Normal->Hard->Lunatic).
I read about that resource management in PCB and find it a little bit complicated. Well, maybe playing Normal instead of Hard allows to think about such things.

>> No.10130200

Check the archives.This question has been answered 1000 times before.

>> No.10130196
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Don't think of it as playing on normal, think of it as warm up to go fight the most powerful being in Gensokyo

>> No.10130213

I tried if you want to know. I found only one thread which was about difficulty ranking but it has quite a few posts about difficulty and not something else.

>> No.10130209

Probably should've just played on normal to build up your reflexes unless you have prior STG experience.

>> No.10130225

I just find it doubtful to be able to build up reflexes after a lot of playing. I'm not sure that I got any after playing EoSD.

>> No.10130236

>I just find it doubtful to be able to build up reflexes after a lot of playing.
You need some Ketsui, son.

>> No.10132093

It's quite late for that but anyway. Give your vote for games which gave you a headache most of all. It doesn't matter if it's scoring, 1CC Lunatic, collecting spell cards or something else, as long as you had moments when you wanted to break your keyboard.


>> No.10132114

why people ven play in normal..that is BOOORING

at least hard is a little challenguing

>> No.10132231

>lol es noob to play normal jajaja

I'll outscore you in any touhou game on lunatic and break your neck in real life for having a shitty attitude.

>> No.10132407

You're the hero the Touhou STG community needs.
