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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 235 KB, 700x541, nephis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10123086 No.10123086 [Reply] [Original]

Alright, what curently JP onry games are you playing? Discuss them here. No English-released titles allowed.

I swear to god /jp/, I started learning moon when this board was created, and now I finally understand it well enough to play games, and years later nobody else here is playing any fucking games. Don't you pussy out on me, we were supposed to be in this together.

For MMOs, I am playing Dream Drops. Single player, I recently platinumed Atelier Ayesha. Waiting on the makers DLC to continue Neptune V's postgame.

Has anyone played Xillia 2 yet? I played the first one and thought it was unfinished shit, so I didn't bother with 2. Always a chance it could be good, though.

>> No.10123105

Sorry, anon.

I'm working hard every day so that I'll be able to play Japanese games with you.

>> No.10123114
File: 5 KB, 256x224, 9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm playing Shin Megami Tensei translated into English and there's nothing you can do to stop me, nerd.

>> No.10123122

Persona 4 Golden at the moment.

>> No.10123155

Nobody could actually speak Japanese, they were just pretending to so that you would feel bad.

>> No.10123175

>I swear to god /jp/, I started learning moon when this board was created
And I was telling you I would learn it later.

I wish I had started 4 years ago instead of a year ago.

>> No.10123186

Excellent choice.

>> No.10123192

Shut the fuck up, you haven't even played it. What you have played are the sequels.

>> No.10123195

Excellent choice.

>> No.10123207

>trolling me for no reaason.

I actually have, I have even fooled around with them ages ago when there no translation patches in the works.

>> No.10123217

Playing Scribblenauts Unlimited on my Japanese-made Wii U. I've already finished the game, I'm working on hunting down the remaining Starites.

>> No.10123228

I'll start four decades from now.

>> No.10123303
File: 635 KB, 1803x1019, dd43-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DreamDrops is some kawaii shit, but it turns into a ridiculous grind around Level 40. The max level is 80, I don't think anyone's reached it yet. Pretty much every normal person in this game is level 40-50, with a few scattered people in the 60s. Although if you just log in to do your dailies you can get 10% an xp bar per day no matter what your level is, and an extra 10% once per week if you do the match collecting weekly.

>> No.10123378

translate it weebs

>> No.10123387

give me some 薬

>> No.10123403


You realize that the older you are, the harder it becomes to learn new shit, right?

And learning a new language is no small task.

You should get on it as soon as possible.

>> No.10123418

Yeah, but when I'm 60-80, I'll be retired and can do the all-important immersion learning technique where you visit the country of the language you are studying. I could see the world and learn many different languages before I die with all the money I'll have saved up. It's probably just a fantasy, though.

>> No.10123421

Let's all go play a Japanese mmo and make a guild called "USA" and go around killing Nips while screaming "PEARL HARBOR NEVER FORGET"

Seriously why would you learn a shit-tier language to play shit-tier games?

>> No.10123422

Can filthy gaigin play or is it Japanese ISPs only

>> No.10123431


You should aim to work in Japan in your 20s or 30s, instead.

>> No.10123435

Start learning now, you retard master. Right. Now. Open Tae Kim's guide, or if you haven't yet, learn the kana. Grab a pencil, a notebook, and start writing all that shit down. Do it, or you'll look 5 years from now and say "damn, I should have listened to anon's advice!". So don't waste your time. You can do it.

>> No.10123443
File: 595 KB, 1801x1017, dd43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gimme summadat 41 daily quest gems and swords and I'll drown you in 薬 son

Surprisingly, no IP bypass is required. I've yet to meet another pig gaijin in it yet, although I know at least two other people on /jp/ play it.

>> No.10123446
File: 95 KB, 354x605, beautiful strong red fox that dont need no grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10123454

Are you implying Japanese games are the grapes?

>> No.10123458

Then I shall join you. My Japanese borders on 'meh'.

>> No.10123473
File: 156 KB, 400x400, iwantobelieve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's in maintenance right now, ends in 1 hour 45 mins. Just in case you get it downloaded and set up before then.

>> No.10123489

I'm playing the Japanese release of Arcana Heart 3 on my PS3.

>> No.10123494
File: 207 KB, 960x544, 35l7pjr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ys Celceta.
Canlilica is awesome in many ways.

>> No.10123498

I'm not going to another country before I'm financially stable. In other words, comfortably retired.

I'll get working on my Japanese as soon as you get working on your motivational speaking, it could use some work.

>> No.10123503

> Has anyone played Xillia 2 yet?
Bought it. Sitting duck there. I haven't even finished Xillia 1.

>> No.10123509

You're gonna take forever, then. Or do you prefer if I use some exclamation marks to help you?

>> No.10123532
File: 629 KB, 892x1261, bnru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been meaning to try Ys out, would Celceta be a good place to start?

I beat Milla's route in Xillia 1 and then dropped it, can't be assed to replay as Jude. It really feels like they rushed it out the door half a year early. The main character just looks awful for the second game. I don't know why, but something about his character design just tweaks my autism.

>> No.10123539

Do you think you are a WoW quest giver or something? How will exclamation points work?

>> No.10123546

They add more emphasis to your sentence, just like だ、よ、な. And they are cute too, don't you think? I wish I could cuddle with them.

>> No.10123556

害人 stay home

>> No.10123566


Your unwillingness to put in effort and take risks is why you will never get to experience many things that you wish to experience. You will spend your entire life in mediocrity, sitting in some cubicle/behind some cash register/in your mom's basement wasting away until you die, and on your death bed, you will look back and say "I wish I could have seen more. Why was my life so subpar and miserable?"

Meanwhile, some asshole who's around your age or younger has just moved to Japan and started his new life as an English teacher while finishing up his study of the language. He'll live a life of rich experiences. The struggles, the accomplishments, the diversity, the good times, the hard times... he'll experience them all. And when he's on his deathbed, he'll look back and say "That was one hell of a ride. I lived with courage, and did as I pleased. I have no regrets."

How's that for motivation?

>> No.10123570
File: 886 KB, 500x280, 1352251404254.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can start pretty much anywhere with Ys and be fine.

>> No.10123580
File: 63 KB, 567x706, Sasuke chuckle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He'll live a life of rich experiences.

>> No.10123587

I guess you can start with Celceta. It's the first Ys that I fully play to the end. I tried the demo for both Ys 7 and somehow couldn't get into it.

>> No.10123594


Of course, it depends on where he goes from there.

But it's a much better start than "someday, I'll do that thing that I want to do".

>> No.10123615

It's not motivating at all when you've just copied all other motivation posts you've seen on 4chan.

>> No.10123626
File: 214 KB, 1280x720, Xillia2 Gangstas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I ordered Xillia 2 last monday
Im hoping it comes in this week

>> No.10123627
File: 27 KB, 193x211, 2012-10-07-214400canlilica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10123624
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>> No.10123633

I'm pretty sure I will sit on my death bed and say, "I wonder who I should give my life savings to," while the English teacher will say, "why did I bet everything on living in Japan. The only reason I wanted to learn Japanese in the first place was to play video games."

>> No.10123645
File: 31 KB, 222x218, 2012-10-05-144839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10123646


what the hell...

I knew some jrpgs had extreme homolust, but ufotable actually animated that.

Was this game made for girls by girls?

>> No.10123647

Wow, this is fantastic.


>> No.10123651

its part of the hotspring scene fanservice for everyone

>> No.10123656


Who said that he has to remain an English teacher in Japan? He can return home in a few years if he likes.

That's just a viable option if you're only there to finish up study and experience living in Japan.

If you're looking to stay there in the long term, you'll probably want to go over there with an engineering degree or something instead.

>> No.10123666

He will eventually run out of money.

>> No.10123674


Jude seems to be having fun then.

You should name the gif jp meetup

>> No.10123683

So, what am I supposed to do here?


>> No.10123680


If he's stupid.

Relatives can help with that, as well.

>> No.10123689
File: 23 KB, 188x188, 2012-11-22-225048elielaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Falcom makes nice faces.

>> No.10123690

He's a risk-taker. That's basically the same thing as being stupid.

>> No.10123701
File: 209 KB, 960x544, 2012-11-26-123948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should've screenshot everything about her while I can. Too lazy to do New Game+.

>> No.10123711

As far as Celceta goes, it's pretty much already confirmed for localization. I'm looking forward to playing it.

>> No.10123714

I really like their new artist

>> No.10123716
File: 299 KB, 1247x777, lnm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You go to the JP site, not the international one.


Also, dust off your hard drive and open Internet Explorer for the first time in 10 years if FF/Chrome don't work.

>> No.10123745


Unless you're born with millions of dollars to your name, you don't get anywhere without taking risks.

>going 40K in debt for a degree that you might end up hating
>starting a business
>moving to a foreign country

All risks.

No, being a risk-taker is not the same as being stupid, unless the risk itself is stupid. (i.e. starting a niche novelty business when the economy obviously won't allow for it right now)

Stupid is living above your means and not managing your finances in an intelligent way.

>> No.10123750
File: 2.60 MB, 2100x1560, Ao.no.Kiseki.full.1023501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Canlilica is incredibly spam friendly. Is the gravity sphere the skill that looks like the eyes of fact that hit targets in tandem with your attacks?

I love that gold hammer move of hers, great for farming.


I don't know exactly who the artist is, but I know that at one point, they got one of the artists involved with Baccano (Enami Katsumi).

I kind of wish they went back to their mid 2000s style though. Sometimes the art looks a little too much like a generic anime.

>> No.10123754
File: 137 KB, 960x544, 2012-11-17-214903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sister is also fine too.

>> No.10123769 [DELETED] 

> Is the gravity sphere the skill that looks like the eyes of fact that hit targets in tandem with your attacks?
Giant black translucent ball a bit in front of her that pulls everyone to the center of it. Then once everyone's in you can freely smash them with Gigant Hammer

>> No.10123770


>Japanese skills are babby tier
>Atelier is not the kind of game series that you import unless you can understand what you're reading


>> No.10123779

>Your unwillingness to put in effort and take risks is why you will never get to experience many things that you wish to experience. You will spend your entire life in mediocrity, sitting in some cubicle/behind some cash register/in your mom's basement wasting away until you die, and on your death bed, you will look back and say "I wish I could have seen more. Why was my life so subpar and miserable?"
I already wish I had seen less. The insatiable types who always had to have speed and excitement abandoned me time after time because I was too serious and stagnant. When you swim, you push the water down. Smiling while doing it seems to be what "everyone" is after.

>> No.10123793


That move is even spammier.

Was Celceta too easy for you? The only boss that gave me a challenge was that subquest boss in the swamp area towards the end of the game. Guruda, Eldeel, and all those human type bosses were way too easy. I liked that Guruda could flash guard/dodge you, but it wasn't to the point of him being difficult.

I feel like they need to bring back Inferno difficulty, Nightmare is getting too easy. The new 3d Ys is way too simple. I miss Felghana/Napishtim/Origin difficulty, even if the AI technically was cheating against you.

>> No.10123802 [DELETED] 

>Canlilica is incredibly spam friendly. Is the gravity sphere the skill that looks like the eyes of fact that hit targets in tandem with your attacks?

I forgot the name for that.

Gravity sphere's the one she summons a bit in front of her, and pulls your enemies into the center of it. Once they're stuck there, you can smash them with whatever you want. Enchant weapon with freeze for more fun.

Deleting >>10123769

>> No.10123809
File: 295 KB, 819x950, keith.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, at least it'll 100% sure be translated. Early 2013 last I heard.

Ayesha was easily my GOTY 2012 so far.

>> No.10123817

> Was Celceta too easy for you?
I haven't tried Nightmare, but normal is definitely very easy. They also give you enemies that you can power level on with very minimal efforts. The only challenging enemy is that Lvl 59 beast in the upper right map. Not sure what it is.

>> No.10123848
File: 217 KB, 1061x1500, 1342311610734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard kicked my ass at times. I never really wiped completely but I went through tons of healing and revival items at most bosses.

Eldeel was definitely a pushover though. Disappointing since the human bosses are always my favorite.

>> No.10123859
File: 107 KB, 640x357, stupidsexyetna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are your standards low enough to give NIS even more of your money for another Disgaea rehash?

Mine are. March 2013, day one most limited of limited editions preorder.

>> No.10123860


How does Ayesha hold up to the Arland Trilogy protags?

I get kind of a Totori vibe from her, which is good.

>> No.10123876

A mix of doji-type onee-san and your average village girl.

>> No.10123877
File: 159 KB, 600x282, 05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't know if its just a hiccup, but lately SnK seems to get all the focus and the challenge of Ys has plummeted. LoH used to take the backseat and it was pretty easy, but now the two series have done a role reversal.

New Ys games since 2004: VI, Seven, Origin, Celceta

New LoH games since 2004: SnK FC, SC, Third, Zero, Ao, Nayuta

New IPs or minor series revivals since 2004: none, closest revival was nayuta (similar to zwei)


All the girls in zero/ao are gorgeous. Fuck Lloyd, I am beyond jealous.

>> No.10123885

Japanese games: Beatmania, Initial D , Idolm@ster 2, K-on! Houkago Live , Umineko 1 and 2, Catherine

>> No.10123894

No, not until it goes down in price, at least.

>> No.10123897
File: 1.87 MB, 1000x1000, ayeshaniowilbell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, Ayesha herself is kind of dull. She's just a...good girl? A good girl who works hard to save her sister and wants to believe that people are good? The other characters are more interesting. I get the feeling after seeing the True End that the next game in the Twilight Land saga is going to be a lot more exciting, especially if Keithgrif comes along for the ride. Lots of foreshadowing about shit about to hit the fan.

>> No.10123931 [DELETED] 

Has anyone played Xillia 2 yet? I played the first one and thought it was unfinished shit, so I didn't bother with 2. Always a chance it could be good, though.
It's top ten for a few weeks. The reason why I decided to buy it.

>> No.10123935

>>10123086 (OP)
> Has anyone played Xillia 2 yet? I played the first one and thought it was unfinished shit, so I didn't bother with 2. Always a chance it could be good, though.
It's top ten for a few weeks. The reason why I decided to buy it.

>> No.10123955
File: 353 KB, 675x900, elise1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first game got a 39/40 from Famitsu and I thought it was an 8/10 at best, 7/10 if I'm not being generous.

>> No.10123961


I haven't really been keeping up with TOX2 but I thought the loli wasn't usable in combat?

>> No.10123971

Man, what's up with the retarded getups everyone is suddenly wearing in ToX2? Why did Alvin grow a goatee?

The only outfit that is an improvement is Jude's.

>> No.10123977

She probably just pops up after battle. You can see Leia's face on the bottom there.

>> No.10123979

>Has anyone played Xillia 2 yet?

It's boring as hell. Most of the time you're just repeating the same meaningless sidequests.

>> No.10123983


>videogame journalism

Found your problem.

>> No.10123987

She mainly acts as Ludger's voice because he's too autistic to speak by himself.

>> No.10124006

I guess I'll drop this off, translated endings/character quest guide for Atelier Ayesha if anyone needs it or would like to bookmark it for the future.


>> No.10124099
File: 114 KB, 850x850, 1346896187147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>has just moved to Japan and started his new life as an English teacher
>He'll live a life of rich experiences.

"Life of rich experiences" and "living in Japan" are incompatible.

It's more like a life of living in a shitty repressed society where most fun things are outlawed and everyone works away their entire life in a job they despise. There is nothing fun about Japan. Living in Japan is hell.

>> No.10124106


But isn't living in Hell an experience in itself?

You can say that you know what it's like to live in Japan.

>> No.10124108

I love you

>> No.10124166

Why do so many people seem to talk about learning Japanese like it's the most meaningful and life-changing thing that you can do? Half the posts in these threads read like a fucking Tony Robbins motivational seminar.

I started learning years ago because I thought it would make my life so much better and I stuck with it because I thought that pushing myself through the difficulties of learning a new language would lead to an amazing reward, but it didn't.

My life is roughly the same as it was before. I still stagnate in my room 24/7 and feel bored out of my mind most of the time, the only difference is that there's a bit more media that I can consume. It's really not even that much. It looks like such a wealth of interesting entertainment when you're on the outside looking in and you don't know the language, but then you learn and it's not much different from how it is with English products. Only about 10% is even worth the time it takes to download it and the rest is shit, just like with English games/movies/etc.

In retrospect I wish I had used this time to learn some basic programming and art skills so I could make some mediocre indie game and get money. Just look at FortressCraft, TotalMiner, CastleMiner, and all of the other shameless minecraft clones that were shitted out shortly after the success of Minecraft. Each of those terrible games made over several million in sales even though they were blatant knock-offs.

Being free from the worries of needing to eventually get a job would be far more enjoyable than knowing Japanese.

>> No.10124171

I just wanted to know what games you were playing.

>> No.10124182


>I started learning years ago because I thought it would make my life so much better

Stopped reading there. You received the wrong message. Learning Japanese will allow you to have a deeper enjoyment of your Japanese hobbies, and not much else.

It's about mindset. A lot of people say "I wish I were fit. I wish I had a better job. I wish I could travel. I wish I knew how to fly a plane. I wish I knew Japanese so that I could play that game that will never get translated." But how many people actually do it and follow through? It's about taking what you want vs. stagnating in a constant state of mediocrity like your average Joe.

>> No.10124187 [DELETED] 

This thread is about Japanese games, not learning Japanese. Please stop derailing it.

The new Super Robot Taisen looks pretty cool.


>> No.10124190

TL;DR It's your fault for thinking learning Japanese will somehow make your life that much better.
Most of us are learning because we want to consume more Japanese media.

Not like learning a language can somehow harm you anyway, learning any language is good.

>> No.10124192

It is entirely possible that someone finally accomplishing a long term goal would also change their life in a big way. It has nothing to do with what accomplishing the goal itself allows. It's just a mindset and motivation thing.

>> No.10124196

>Why do so many people seem to talk about learning Japanese like it's the most meaningful and life-changing thing that you can do?

My life revolves around vidya. The ability to play all the Japanese vidya between the 80s and today will be life changing for me.

>In retrospect I wish I had used this time to learn some basic programming and art skills so I could make some mediocre indie game and get money. Just look at FortressCraft, TotalMiner, CastleMiner, and all of the other shameless minecraft clones that were shitted out shortly after the success of Minecraft. Each of those terrible games made over several million in sales even though they were blatant knock-offs.

I have those skills already but am afraid someone will make money off shitty clones of my games. Or, worse, make it into some popular game while no one knows mine was the original. It's dumb though since I only want to make games about lolis anyway.

I wish I had learned some 3d modelling skills though.

>> No.10124200

>I could make some mediocre indie game and get money
Hundreds of thousands of CS students think like that when they begin their freshman year.

>> No.10124210

I don't know why, but this was fucking hilarious.

>> No.10124234

And they'd be right if they actually finished anything they started.

>> No.10124246

Some finish and almost all of them notice that flipping burgers would have been more lucrative.

>> No.10124248


I think I was around lvl 23 before I got sidetracked with other stuff to do and forgot to play. I like the game, but find that having to open internet explorer to start the game too annoying to log back in. Is it worth the effort?

>> No.10124276

It is annoying, but I just have a shortcut to IE that opens straight to that page. Two clicks and I'm in. I'm off to bed for now, but feel free to add me if you do come back later.

As for "Is it worth it", it's a cutesy grindan forever MMO, like many others before it. You decide. I really like the fairy tale theme.

>> No.10124286


Fair enough. I'll get around to playing it again one of these days.

>> No.10124361


The nice thing about making games is that it's mostly passive income. It's unrealistic if anyone thinks they're going to get rich as an indie game developer, it's a one in a million chance, but if your expectations are low then it's pretty good.

You make some games, release them, and the money you make will now trickle in continuously with little further effort on your part. Even if you're only making around minimum wage that's still money that is being made without any effort on your part. If you're flipping burgers then that's working every day for five days each week for the rest of your life. Making games is also location independent work so as long as you have a computer with you then you can be making minimum wage in some cheap rural area where there are normally very few jobs and everything is cheap, so that minimum wage pays for a lot more than it would in the suburban or city area that you would have to live in to get a burger flipping job.

If you make a game then it's similar to making a robot and then having him flip the burgers for you. It takes effort to make the robot, but everything past that point is passive income.

>> No.10124989


Out of interest what particular method did you use to become that level of fluency?

I've been knocking through anki reps for 4 months now, and yeah i know all the kana, 500ish kanji and a shit load of vocabulary i'm nowhere near being able to play a difficult JRPG.

>> No.10129653

I'm playing tales of xillia 2, this is like a chuuni ToX fan's wet dream

Self insert silent protag who can use 3 different types of weapons, and a dark "final form" power. Also time travel/warp. He also becomes best friends with the main ToX cast for no real reason.

And then there is MC's token loli.

I enjoyed the beginning with the time warp shit but now that I'm a bit farther in, it's hard to give a fuck about the ToX cast and their new "problems", even though I loved the first game.

Perhaps I should play more and just focus on the main story

>> No.10129798
File: 166 KB, 768x618, noir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for confirming my suspicions about ToX2's main character, that's pretty much exactly what I thought about him from the trailers and skits I watched on youtube.

What happened to this series? Vesperia and Graces F weren't so blatantly shitty

>> No.10129808

Excuse me anon but Xillia shits all over Graces.

>> No.10129840

Graces isn't that great, but Xillia doesn't shit over anything but itself. It was almost as disappointing as Mugen Souls. It also happened to have the exact same plot as Tales of Symphonia, and Jude a shit

>> No.10129849

Please don't turn this into my favourite Tales game is better than your favourite Tales game, it never ends well. Actually, it never ends at all.

>> No.10129863
File: 324 KB, 298x270, 1333279826878.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you insist

>> No.10129899 [DELETED] 
File: 375 KB, 553x700, MichelleMic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Persona 2: Innocent Sin

Maan... Michelle is funny as HELL!
I remember seeing him years ago and thinking he was a girl.

I give 5/5 homus to this game.

>> No.10129917

I really want to replay it again but I am not sure if I should go with the original or the PSP remake.

>> No.10129934

Ayeshabros, report in with your character ranking.

Keithgrif > Wilbell > Linca > Odelia > Regina > Marion > Ayesha > Nio > Juris

I don't dislike Ayesha, Nio or Juris, but they are just kind of boring characters.

>> No.10129963 [DELETED] 

Besides Hitler there aren't many differences.
K-ass-u-gay-ama High or Cuss High, pick your poison.

>> No.10129964
File: 154 KB, 500x636, a1f25be47fd3b60f8c64ff202bf353c4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is my new favorite girl.

>> No.10129965

Wilbell is #1
Linca is #2
The rest can be #3

I like Wilbell's character design and she's a fun character.
