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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 240 KB, 584x900, tumblr_mas00aFx6N1rhu0smo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10119662 No.10119662 [Reply] [Original]

anybody buy you any steam games JP? ive been trying all day

>> No.10119688

show me your smelly NEET pussy and i'll buy you something

>> No.10119711
File: 170 KB, 800x600, 1332103141657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait this is mine

>> No.10119717

i was given killing floor and bastion for free.

i've added bastion to my library and played it once.

>> No.10119718

That's one cute picture. It's funny because it looks like he drew it, or responding to a drawing someone else made. Like, "Is this supposed to be me?"
He's all grumpy!

>> No.10119727
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>> No.10119731

Is it wrong to find explaining the joke funny?

>> No.10119734

What game do you want OP?

>> No.10119738

It's just your 'tism.

>> No.10119743

I've gotten a few games, don't have the dosh to repay in kind at the moment though unfortunately.

Nor to get Chivalry. Alas.

>> No.10119750
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>> No.10119756 [DELETED] 
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A friend wants me to get a game to the point that he'll buy it for me, but I'll just feel bad if he buys it for me and then I end up playing only once or twice so I haven't accepted yet.

>> No.10119763

I just looked that game up... what's the difference between Chivalry and War of the Roses?

>> No.10119769

There's actually a Finnish meme that revolves around terrible jokes and explaining them in a moronic and incorrect manner. It's brilliant.

>> No.10119771

Chivalry is the full version of that Age of Chivalry mod from a while back, and is more focused on melee combat. War of the Roses apparently has better ranged.

>> No.10119774

Thankfully not since I don't play filthy gaijin games.

>> No.10119799
File: 705 KB, 1352x950, 19696018_big_p7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the Civ 5 expansion and The Witcher yesterday. The only game I really care to buy now is Victoria 2: A House Divided and maybe Castle Crashers

>> No.10119811

I don't have any friends

>> No.10119830
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>> No.10119834

>I bought the Civ 5 expansion

Good! Don't forget to download my mod!


>> No.10119835


>> No.10119871

Why don't you have a cute anime pic? Are you a fag?

>> No.10119901
File: 342 KB, 932x700, 74610c756ecf96c765cc156f84b6e49c02e80ee1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no steam friend

>> No.10119903

I'm just lazy, and I don't want people befriending me on steam.

>> No.10119911

I wish the steampunk scenario was a full game.

>> No.10119938
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>> No.10124806

Are you an internet panhandler, OP?

>> No.10124809
File: 399 KB, 677x504, kigufreakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steam is horrible and you should go fuck yourself.

>> No.10124818

I'd be friends with you guys, but 1. I need to re-install steam and 2. I kinda hate you guys, not enough to not be friends, but still.

>> No.10124819

Why cause it doesn't have more VNs and cute little anime girls running an amazing total of jack shit?

>> No.10124825

Dude, if you have any class you'll accept the gift. A gentleman accepts a gift unless he can confirm it's dangerous, and then he just properly disposes of it later.

At the least humor the man.

>> No.10124827

More because it's a shit program made by a shit company. Valve also treats consumers like absolute garbage.

>> No.10124828

no, but I am

got any money for me /jp/?

>> No.10124840

>More because it's a shit program made by a shit company.

opinion with no evidence.

>Valve also treats consumers like absolute garbage.

Oh god please explain this, I need some comedy. I came to /jp/ and you assholes don't have any good Touhou art dumps, so I'm making the time spent to come here worth while.

>> No.10124845

get back to /v/ normie

>> No.10124848

Do you often wear your inability to find images by yourself as a badge of honor?

>> No.10124850


Oh, look, the samefag is literally buttmad. How cute. I wasn't talking to you, pleb. Unless you're the one I'm talking to and you're pathetically attempting to change the subject away from how wrong you are.

>> No.10124853

Nah, they're just reposts from Danbooru anyways.
I'm just a lazy bitch.

Assumptions are unbecoming. If you're going to make claims and not back them up, then there's no words to define you. I guess we'll stick with Autism, that sound good?

>> No.10124856

Go back to being 17.

>> No.10124859

Hello scapegoat, I'm the US Army and you're an Ethiopian village, of small children.

>> No.10124860


Fuck off with your crossboarder lingo

>> No.10124862

Nope 19, older than Yukari.

>> No.10124864

this thread sure is going places

>> No.10124865

Hey we never said you had to like where it went to.

>> No.10124867

Still better than steam.

>> No.10124868

Shut up and stop posting, child. If you're incapable of writing one sentence without using some obnoxious forced neo-/v/ coolspeak meme, you shouldn't be here.

>> No.10124871

So you admit to making wild claims that you are mentally incapable of backing up?

So people from other boards can't come here unless they assimilate into the autism? Enjoy stagnation. That's when your kiddie pool gets that gross mucky stuff in it. Because daddy forgot to clean it.

>> No.10124873

If someone wants a cute (and cheap) game I can buy it for you

But you must be cute as well

>> No.10124877

And why is that pray tell?

That poster wasn't me, as you would see if you weren't so slow to respond that you can't see I responded differently right after. But whatever. It's clear I am not going to get any answers from the bunch of you Autists.

>> No.10124881
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nobody to do any such thing. not that i care

>> No.10124882

Are you seriously using words like "kiddie" and "daddy" in a derogatory fashion when you're a teenager?

>> No.10124883

>say something negative about valve/steam
>/v/alvedrones start behaving like monkeys and flinging their shit at everyone


>> No.10124886

>So people from other boards can't come here unless they assimilate

Yes, that's right. Your Jew-brainwashed brain can't handle that thought, can it? Diversity is bad when it means being together with inferiors. Stagnation is a billion times more preferable than turning into horrible shit like /v/ currently is.

>> No.10124889

What the fuck are you even on, man? You are literally complaining about someone making baseless claims in a post made of baseless insults. Surely someone not liking a program you like is not cause for alarm or insults.

>> No.10124891

I see someone discovered a new word today.

>> No.10124892

I'll gift you ^_^

>> No.10124893

Mate, not that I don't appreciate you bringing comedy to this. But you're not me, I was more of a sarcastic ass, you're just an ass, I mean they deserve it, but still you gotta be more clam and sarcastic.

>> No.10124901

Yep, hey if you get to be a 30 year old autistic man child that tries to justify acting like a 10 year old, I get to do something similar.

No, if you made a compelling argument backed with evidence I'd join ya.


No, I just want a discussion is all and some entertainment. Least I'm getting one of those.

>> No.10124910

i don't particularly need any. not that i would refuse. just putting that out there

>> No.10124913

Also I'm doing this to bully you guys, since despite bullying each other, you love to turn around and claim no bullying.

Which is funny, you guys are the easy targets.

As for this topic, what better way than to ruin a steam friend thread on /jp/?

>> No.10124919

>Doesn't hate consumers
>That fucking EULA
I don't care that EULAs mean literally nothing. That shit is bullshit.

>> No.10124921
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Well I don't know your account name anyway

>> No.10124922
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>> No.10124925

You only think we're easy targets because you're judging your activity by your crossboarder 19 year old standards.

Everyone else can see you're making a fool of yourself.

>> No.10124928

So the whole resale thing, is a massive fucking breaking point?

well it's finally something, let's keep popping this pimple and find the core.

>> No.10124929

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10124932

The future.

>> No.10124934

No I mean literally you guys are autistic and misunderstood geniuses.

You are literally the easiest target on 4chan, /x/ is harder than you.

>> No.10124935

That's not a person.
Let me ask you again: Who were you quoting?

>> No.10124936

His autism, /jp/ seems to be self-aware and in-touch with their autism.

>> No.10124937

Why the fuck did a steam thread of all things get so many replies? This thread should've ended the moment people read OP filename.

>> No.10124940

I'm pretty sure there is no rule that states that a quote must come from a person.

>> No.10124943

You can blame /q/ for this.

>> No.10124947

Please do not misuse the quoting function as the quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.10124950

>ruin a steam friend thread on /jp/
But nobody is even posting any IDs... dummy.

>> No.10124951

because hurr le epic random shit thread must le reply and le shitpost for le win lol i troll you lel hurr

>> No.10124953
File: 80 KB, 1000x800, tsukasaponytail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Steam is shit because it charges you full price for digital downloads of games.

What kind of idiot honestly defends that pile of shit? At least I can look at my game collection on my shelf and sell something if I don't want it anymore.

God, I fucking hate modern gamers so much.

>> No.10124954

And so /jp/ is quality content? Quality entertainment sure, but not actual content.

>> No.10124956

quality contribution

>> No.10124958

finland is the best

>> No.10124963

I like the part where you don't actually own anything you buy from steam.

>> No.10124968

>full prices for digital downloads
Last I knew that was covered by the company that puts it on there.

>What kind of idiot honestly defends that pile of shit? At least I can look at my game collection on my shelf and sell something if I don't want it anymore.

I don't think erotic action figures and VNs are going to fetch a price locally.

Also that last one was me being a sarcastic ass cause that's who I am. Thanks for bringing up a point though.

>> No.10124975

Buying games now is equivalent to buying a license. It's changed. Sucks, but it changed cause no one stopped it.

>> No.10124981

Would you please stop talking when you clearly know nothing about a subject? I know intelligence isn't your strong point, but you're really embarrassing yourself and everyone here by being here. Thank you.

>> No.10124982

>mfw valvedrones play games that require less APM than angry birds

>> No.10124987

>Also that last one was me being a sarcastic ass cause that's who I am. Thanks for bringing up a point though.

Can you read? Stop talking it so seriously. If you want to talk with me, this is just what you're going to get. 'S how I am.

>> No.10124993

it isn't exactly searchable. so it wouldn't really matter if you did

>> No.10124994

Don't do this.

>> No.10124996

Okay okay, see, now you're picking up, but you missing something. You need to be able to word it neutrally so you can turn it around and make a friend, I make friends with the people I troll, it's fun.

You're still too hostile, you gotta be more calm.

>> No.10124999

You're really not going to make friends with anyone here.

>> No.10125002

you seem shy enough

thats my type!

>> No.10125005

So Valve can change Steams ToS even after you have already made several purchases, and if you don't agree to them you lose access to your games forever.


>> No.10125016

I don't you want you guys for friends. You'd probably be abusive and try to make me agree with you on the dumbest shit possible.

Honestly I don't any of you here would give one redeeming quality. I at least take an active interest in my friends.

>> No.10125019
File: 242 KB, 646x720, yasunahappiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol look at this faggot try to defend paying for his gabe newel licenses

>> No.10125020

>and if you don't agree to them you lose access

...And if you do agree, what happens? That's right! Fuck all. You keep your games, all's good. I've got a hat made of tin foil you might want to put on if you're going to continue down that path of argument, my friend.

>> No.10125029

I'm not defending anything. I just saw something BS and without evidence. I asked for some and this is what happened, blame yourselves.

>> No.10125033
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This is quite common. People will try to justify their poor purchases at any cost, especially if they have invested a large amount over a lengthy period of time.

I, too, would probably do the same in your situation, /v/-kun.

>> No.10125043

Why would you buy games that you can otherwise pirate?

>> No.10125048

What do you want to be when you grow up?

>> No.10125059

It's not legal what they did (At least in Europe), and they are fucking over customers with it. EU law gives anyone a right to return any product purchased online within 7 days of the purchase day, and Valve refuses to do this.



>> No.10125066

Also games are a PRODUCT to EU law, regardless of whether they are physical or digitally distributed.

>> No.10125070

What did you want to be before you became a 20-30 year old autist?

Also, not being hostile, just I know what you're asking is a loaded question.

>> No.10125071


Correct me if I'm wrong but Valve is an American company. It doesn't matter what backwards European laws say they can and can't do, because America, fuck yeah! So yeah. Still not really seeing any good arguments here.

>> No.10125072
File: 68 KB, 402x511, madokachen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>want access to your games? Let us install this new update that monitors your HD at all times for copyrighted material not purchased from an online merchant.
>want to play your games online? First sign up for a faceGoogle tumbletweet account and enter your SS number. For a free digital hat, see the list of "advertisinominal" naming keywords to create your name from!

>> No.10125076

You're being hostile by assuming I'm asking a loaded question. I just want to know. Maybe you would be happier if I phrased it as "What do you want to be in the future"?

>> No.10125078

Why are you so upset?

>> No.10125083

I'm not - I'm just a bit blunt sometimes, can't be helped if that rustles a few jimmies. Besides I was pretty relaxed in tone there for what's usual of me.

>> No.10125085

>It doesn't matter what backwards European laws say they can and can't do

No, it does matter, because they're selling their products in the European market as well. If they don't want to be banned from doing that, they're going to have to let Europeans resell their steam games. And they'll do it, because you can't ignore the law.

>> No.10125089

Calm down, please. Take a moment to reflect before posting rashly.

>> No.10125094

Then said backwards European companies can ban steam in the borders or whatever they like. Hey, their loss. Don't really see them doing it though. Seems they're not as up in arms at it as some people who have too much time on their hands.

>> No.10125103

For the love of god, tell me who you're quoting in that post.

>> No.10125107

Dude, let's be honest, it's a loaded question.

But fine, I'll humor you, I want to program games and design them.

I wantg to do so, because it's fun and I have a personal story.

I had a lot of pain and anger growing up, I played a lot of games, they gave me an outlet and made me feel as if I belonged to a group.

I want to bring this outlet to others in my generation and in the future generations, but I want to make sure that the games are also fun and a good challenge.

also, I grew up reading about famous bugs and glitches, specially for Super Metroid, shit fascinated me and to this day it still does.

In college, free ride and good teachers.

>> No.10125113

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but I'm assuming you mean "countries", not companies. And that's not how it works. There's an European court with common European law that is enacted throughout the member states of the European Union. That court will review this case eventually and it will not let Valve get away with denying their customers their rights. If valve doesn't comply, they'll face heavy fines and penalties. If they do, they'll have to give people the rights to return and resell their games.

>> No.10125114

>It's not me so it doesn't matter

Typical ignorant American.

If they do not follow EU law then they cannot operate in EU territories

Dealing with EU citizens and making A PROFIT from EU citizens dealing from EU based servers is VERY MUCH 'operating within EU territory'.

>> No.10125126



Welcome to software licensing. Deal with it, Europoors.

>> No.10125138
File: 36 KB, 431x599, 790278-solidussnake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are people so eager to defend all these companies that want to take away MORE of our freedoms so they can fuck us over for a bit more money? Why?

I want Europe to tell Valve to fuck off, in hopes that maybe America will reconsider all this ridiculous, disgusting copyright bullshit that is happening here.

Why do you want The Patriots controlling the digital flow of information?

>> No.10125142

Why are you so retarded?

>> No.10125144

Well, we could always propose to make pirating perfectly legal for those companies that refuse to comply with our laws.

>> No.10125147

Hello? Okay now if I try to have a friendly and neutral discussion with you, will you play with it or act autistic?

Cause I love discussing social and political philosophy.

>> No.10125150

Please don't do this.

>> No.10125155

Calm down. Please, you're going to give yourself a heart attack if you keep this up.

>> No.10125166

Why are you so upset?

>> No.10125173

Settle down.

>> No.10125176

Late updates that never get cracked, online bits and bobs or just plain convenience are few reasons why I've occasionally picked up games I've pirated in the past.

Hell, I just bought a bunch of games on sale this weekend... and I can't even play them on this old computer.

>> No.10125179
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>I love discussing social and political philosophy.

Please go away forever and never come back.

>> No.10125180


Okay so I've ascertained that you guys are just going to follow me from that thread to ironically tell me to calm down. Welp. That's /jp/ autists for you. Not even mad, I'm slightly amused, but the act is rather old now.

>> No.10125182

Was meant for; >>10125043.

>> No.10125184


This isn't about some noble concept of personal liberty. It's about some turbonerd in England who wants to resell his copy of Blops Double so he can afford an extra ration of American semen this week.

>> No.10125186 [DELETED] 

>arguing with a valvedrone

Absolute waste of breathe

>> No.10125197

So you are angry. Why? There's no need to be angry!

>> No.10125202

Did you mean "breath"? Remember, "breathe" is that thing your mommy keeps hinting stinks with her repeated purchases of listerine for you, "breath" is what you will run out of one day if you have one too many hot pockets. Can be confusing, I know.

>> No.10125204

Hes so mad!

>> No.10125209

You are just silly. You got so caught up in your quaint little examples that you forgot to differentiate between the words correctly. Both of your examples are "breath".

>> No.10125215

Jesus, man, cool it down. Have you checked your blood pressure recently?

>> No.10125217

this sums up the whole thread

>> No.10125218
File: 32 KB, 480x391, 135318FRIEND.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Give another inch every week.

>> No.10125220

Take a step back and listen to yourself. You're sperging out all over the thread. Calm down. Don't be upset. Take a deep breath then post what you wanted to post in a coherent manner. Ok?

>> No.10125221

So mad

>> No.10125225

You don't get it. We just need you to calm down. We want to help you. You've clearly got some anger issues and refuse to listen to advice. Really, you must relax.

>> No.10125228

How about you stop nitpicking like an autist and actually counter his argument?

>> No.10125229 [DELETED] 
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>Remember, "breathe" is that thing your mommy keeps hinting stinks with her repeated purchases of listerine for you

>> No.10125239

breathe is a verb
breath is a noun
hope this helps
the more you know

>> No.10125240

Did I accidentally step into /v/?

>> No.10125245 [DELETED] 

>tfw mariclaps are mad because they have no customer freedoms

>> No.10125247

SO embarrassed he left the thread!

>> No.10125257 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125259

First, who are you quoting? Second, I want you to go back to /v/ for saying drone. Actually, no, fuck that, just leave 4chan.

>> No.10125260 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125263 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125267 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125270
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>> No.10125278 [DELETED] 


Same person who is now spamming because he is in a state of confusion and is trying to derail the thread.

>> No.10125272 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125276 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125281 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125284 [DELETED] 



>> No.10125286 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10125287 [DELETED] 


>> No.10125288 [DELETED] 

Yes, the /v/ person made a fool of himself, like with every other post. But you're acting like a /v/ poster yourself, now.

>> No.10125290 [DELETED] 

>Same person
I'm sure nobody could have possibly figured that out for themselves. Thank you detective.

>> No.10125294

he probably wants to put to fruition the time he utterly wasted in collecting all those slightly different pics.

So he can now think "that was totally worth it to collect them all", think of the feat he just accomplished! I mean wow!

>> No.10125296

Fucking epic. Holy shit. Congrats.

>> No.10125298

im mad as fuck

>> No.10125300

grrrr im so mad

grrrr, rargh >:(

>> No.10125299

I sort of want to read this thread just to see at what point it went from sort of shit to really shit.

>> No.10125303

And today we relearned that valve fans are really offensively stupid.

>> No.10125320

Okay, we're done with steam, let's talk about Origin!

>> No.10125324 [DELETED] 

my sides go literally swag as based fuck when I use origin ps3 no games

>> No.10125325

Steam is shit.
Origin is shit.
OnLive is shit.

Same shit. Different asshole.

>> No.10125327

"Dude, I'd never eat shit. It's disgusting."
"Oh, so you like vomit better, huh?"

>> No.10125354

Remember a time when /v/ hated steam?

>> No.10125492

Not really. Did it, ever?

They suck so much Valve cock now it's hard to imagine them doing anything else.

>> No.10130345

Shit cannot exist in a digital environment, sillyhead.

>> No.10130405

Why don't you go and use your AOL Browser a bit more. I am sure you love it.

>> No.10130407

a big shift occured on 4chan in 2010; you can clearly see the post that are pre 2010 and post 2010 are very different in essence and nature.
And the second shift has already been primmed, the passes being the main onset. Just watch 4chan turn into something it shouldn't be over the next few months; it has already started.
I guess it is time to move to a different place, staying here would only mean stagnation and rotting - and this place is fairly rotten already.

>> No.10130418

soooo, party at 2chan?

>> No.10130421

I bought Fairy Bloom Freesia as a gift to myself. Does that count?

In other news i have 2 spare DOTA2 invites for whoever wants them
