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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10117680 No.10117680 [Reply] [Original]

Is japan sexist?

>> No.10117686


>> No.10117699


>> No.10117835

pretty much the entire planet is, yeah

i think japan is big on the objectification of women, but it's even worse on homophobia

>> No.10117903

>but it's even worse on homophobia
But their entertainment has plenty of cross-dressers and playful homo-innuendo.

>> No.10118202

The politicians are actively trying to ban that if they have not already.

>> No.10118745


Yeah, misandry is running rampant all of the globe. Damn sexists.

>> No.10118749


now where will /jp/ suck dicks in peace

>> No.10118805

Highest masculinity index according to Hofstede. Lowest is Sweden by the way.

>Masculinity versus its opposite, femininity refers to the distribution of roles between the genders which is another fundamental issue for any society to which a range of solutions are found. The IBM studies revealed that (a) women’s values differ less among societies than men’s values; (b) men’s values from one country to another contain a dimension from very assertive and competitive and maximally different from women’s values on the one side, to modest and caring and similar to women’s values on the other. The assertive pole has been called ‘masculine’ and the modest, caring pole ‘feminine’.

>> No.10118817


>> No.10118852

>but it's even worse on homophobia
To be fair, homosexuals are disgusting. I hope they'll pass the ban.

>> No.10118861

Feminism is stupid, and you're stupid if you take it's bullshit seriously. Men and women are very different from each other,and just because you treat them as interchangeable, doesn't mean those differences will go away.

>> No.10118859

That's a very childish way of thinking.

>> No.10118866

I don't think you know what feminism is.

>> No.10118904

Most people who identify as feminists usually don't know what feminism is.

>> No.10118916

Maybe you should stop hanging with 'most people' or correct them.

>> No.10118920

I was thinking these days that feminism is really ironic. It fights for gender/sex equality, but the word in itself is sexist, because it implies the fight to gender equality is something exclusive to females, like there are no gender issues for men.

>> No.10118923

> It fights for gender/sex equality
Feminism fights for females being better than man and orpressing them, otherwise it would be called equalism

>> No.10118924

Those people won't listen to reason. If they did, they wouldn't be ''feminists''.

Anyway, I don't ''hang'' with them.

>> No.10118927

It's what it supposedly fights for, so just assume it does for the sake or the argument.

>> No.10118928

The vast majority of people have no clue what it is.

>> No.10118978

Why are you comparing yourself to the vast majority of people?
"Oh look, there are ignorant individuals around so there's nothing wrong with me being an extraordinarily vocal ignorant individual."

>> No.10119022

they are, b ecause they appreciate little sisters much more than little brothers

>> No.10119038

I stopped trying to determine what feminism was when I got too many conflicting answers.

Let people who care sort it out.

>> No.10119058

Disregarding weird dykes and finding out what internationally revered scholars think is always an option.

>> No.10119096

If you believe in patriarchy, the feminists who defend female rapists and female sexists who do commit despicable acts, and defend feminists who demand a mass genocide of 40% of the entire male population "in order to stop sexism" then you are a feminist.

Being a part of the problem, but denying it's existence, and inadvertently defending it's hate speech makes you as worse as they are. At the Nuremburg Trials, it was clear "following orders was not a valid defense for crimes against humanity. Your movement is judged, as all movements are judged by the extremism that exists within it. Purge it, or you are unwittingly a part of that system.

Feminism is at it's core, a sexist and genocidal movement. Disprove it by removing the sexists and genocidal lunatics from your ranks.

>> No.10119131

I hope so. Someone needs to stick it to women.

>> No.10119156

>internationally revered scholars think is always an option.
But those people are the worst, it's these people that the extremist hale hating feminists quote.

>> No.10119162

I hate feminists. They're slowly working to destroy all that I care about. Why can't they just leave me and my happiness alone?

>> No.10119165

because it's discriminating. Why can't you have fun doing other things instead?

>> No.10119169


Because they need to take your happiness for themselves, because women still don't feel like they've gotten enough revenge for never having to fight wars, or work in a mine.

>> No.10119178

but countless women have worked in mines from the industrial revolution through the present day

>> No.10119183

I enjoy the feminists that are going around crusading against waifus. It's honestly one of the craziest things I have ever seen. The fact that it's very clearly motivated by jealousy makes it even better.

>> No.10119185

>But those people are the worst
I find that difficult to believe.
>it's these people that the extremist hale hating feminists quote
You seem to be well versed in the matter. Are you sure that they are not trying to dismiss the context or appear excessively radical?

>> No.10119187

Do you have an example of such a feminist?

>> No.10119191

I hope that's satire.

>> No.10119188
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Tumblr should be destroyed and everyone within forced into slavery.

>> No.10119192


Some women have, and there have also been female lumberjacks. Because guess what, they proved themselves to men, they didn't force the men to hire them through affirmative action.

Women live in this fucking bubble, expecting everything to be given to them, and to never earn or do anything for themselves. Trained from birth to cry whenever something bad happens to them. Men are taught to shut the fuck up and not to cry.

Sucks, but now it's kicking our ass isn't it? Men's rights are eroding away while we lay silent, trained not to raise our voice. Women see all the shit they are getting handed for free, and want more.

>> No.10119193

It's a collection of movements anyway. I could figure out what all of them are, or what the common theme running through all of them are with research, but that would involve caring about it.

>> No.10119202

I barely ever see feminism fight for equality,
all I see is women fighting for special treatment and for men being treaten worse

>> No.10119200
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Look at that anger. These women really have something against us.

>> No.10119201

I'm not able to buy into this collective struggle idea. Maybe in general females are lazy cunts, but most of the females I know in real life don't fit into that stereotype.

>> No.10119207

That guy's face get's me every time.

>> No.10119204

>Person of the Wrong Sex Enters /jp/, Fig. 1

>> No.10119208


So blasting 3 airhorns right in a guys face isn't assault?

>> No.10119214

I'd dump some screencaps, but my hard drive died recently.
You should be able to find some examples pretty easily with a bit of searching.

>> No.10119215

you must be some sort of ridiculous fucking pussy if you think blowing an air horn constitutes assault

god forbid they pull out the vuvuzelas

>> No.10119218
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it's all in the name of equality!

>> No.10119217

Legally speaking, it can pretty easily, depending on the country.

>> No.10119221

brb going out to assault hundreds of people at a sports game

>> No.10119222

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10119236


A single airhorn in the ear is enough to permanently cause deafness. It also causes ringing in the ears, which leads to vertigo and disorientation. Vomiting, the world starts spinning violently causing you to become confused and to fall which at best causes a concussion by the brain bouncing in your skull, brain bruising, and at worst, instant death by fracturing the skull on impact.

In any civilized country, blasting an airhorn maliciously at someone, is not only assault, it's assault with intent to cause harm, if anything happens, it can be assault with intent to cause harm, malicious intent, and if the guy is injured as a result it's battery, if he dies, it's man-slaughter.

btw i'm a paramedic

>> No.10119239

Can't they do some serious ear damage?

>> No.10119253

Let us not forget that victims of criminal activity are entitled to make a lawsuit against those responsible as well as legal charges.

>> No.10119257


No you see, they are women, he was infringing on their rights, he deserved to be assaulted. Didn't you know? As a woman, you can justify any crime under the veil of the blessed feminist umbrella, as long as the person you kill is male.

>> No.10119262

If it was a man doing that to a woman, he'd instantly be Hitler tier criminal.

>> No.10119264

Cool posts, dudes.

>> No.10119270

>btw i'm a paramedic
Where do you work?

>> No.10119278

I'm pretty sure I had an image of one of them that is on there sucking dicks in a porno movie.

>> No.10119280


The west coast of murrica, and that's all I'll say

>> No.10119384


>> No.10119491

Being outright _disgusted_ about legally and academically approved sexual activities doesn't seem very moderate. If such people disgust you merely by existing, how do you react to more controversial and serious matters?

>> No.10119700


>> No.10119709

I'm quoting your link.

>> No.10119722

>Believe it or not, modern women want to get married. Trouble is, men don’t.

What would I do without foxnews...

>> No.10119730

Fantastic /pol/ thread. Give me more.

>> No.10119764

what a shitty thread

yes it is. japanese men idealize women who need men to run their lives, entering the workforce is miserably difficult for women and it's insane for you to not exit it to become a mother, porn is centralized on the man getting off even if the woman looks like she's miserable, the amount of sexual service (and secondary prostitution) positions is higher per capita than in any other country, polygamy is all but de facto legal, women are almost completely pigeonholed into the lives of 19th century western women and are never expected to get more than a part-time job and only so that they can get enough money to get cosmetics and clothes to go husband-hunting, they're expected to be married at 25 and have children immediately, and finally men can pretty much do anything short of raping a girl in a bar or club so unless you run into a total bitch you can basically drag her home if you decide to be that much of a lowlife.

>> No.10119765
File: 38 KB, 540x304, hiyaomiyazaki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miyazaki is a feminist.

In a way, I'm glad. It's nice to see someone making movies where the female leads aren't constantly flashing their pantsu or getting in ecchi situations because that's moe and it sells. I don't give a damn about feminism as a movement, but i wish more creative people would have higher standards for females in cartoons and games. You can make a female character who is likeable and even sexually attractive without resorting to either the "Kawaii uguu~ ^.^" or "I'M A STRONG, INDEPENDENT WOMAN" extremes.

>> No.10119779

>constantly flashing their pantsu or getting in ecchi situation

You have shows like that which are completely moe, generally all-girl cast shows like SNW or to some extent KON.

>> No.10119786

Is Rozen Maiden fem-approved?

>> No.10119787

>otherwise it would be called equalism

You mean egalitarianism.

>> No.10119796
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>> No.10119800

This. Feminists can say all they want that they are not sexists, that they do not hate men, but their willingness to cooperate with and refusal to denounce radical feminists betrays their true intentions.

>> No.10119801

>female leads aren't constantly flashing their pantsu

You did not watch his movies, did you?

Come to think of it, it's a copypasta, isn't it? I'm being trolled, ain't I?

>> No.10119803

I agree with this post. Miyazaki's female protagonists are almost universally powerful girls able to consolidate their emotions, pursue their desires, and show respect for all the figures, male or otherwise, who help them in the world. Miyazaki's females serve a lot of the ideals of honorable men, and if women in the real world could do that, we would be able to have equality.

>> No.10119815

Is there anything wrong with that?

>> No.10119858

For the record I'm not against those shows for any sort of dumb ethical reasons. People like them and that's fine. But I think creativity is being hampered and a little bit of respect for girls and women would go a long way. Even when it comes to cartoons, I don't want something that completely panders to what I want (as strange as that sounds). I want to be challenged a little and to meet characters I disagree with. Characters who do what they want, not what an audience of greasy, balding otaku wants.

I remember some wind blowing up Nausicaä's top a few times, but she was wearing pants. There were also a few suggestive moments for comic relief, but they weren't really what I would call fanservice.
Plus, most of the characters wore bloomers.

This guy gets it. It's not like his films portray a world where gender roles don't exist, but they do show girls and women who break the status quo and earn respect instead of demanding it. I want more characters like that, and frankly I want more women in the real world like that. If you want to be a world-famous female miner, great, but you're going to have do a lot of mining and ideally zero complaining about sexism. If some men are being dicks because "women make terrible miners", prove them wrong instead of crying about it.

>> No.10119866

yes, there is. women can achieve a lot more than japan lets them without turning into American girls.

>> No.10119869

No they can't. The natural position of a woman is in submission to man. Taking them out of this position only causes harm, both to themselves and others, as can be seen in western society. Japan wouldn't be different. Don't try to pretend the west does influence them, or wouldn't highly influence any feminist movement there.

>> No.10119875

doesn't influence them*

>> No.10119876

>The natural position of a woman is in submission to man
prove it.

>> No.10119885

Doggy and missionary are the two most popular positions, because it means they don't have to do any work.

>> No.10119886

Vast majority of human society from its beginnings until feminism. Well-functioning social order prior to feminism, decadence and decay afterwards.

>> No.10119891

>women can achieve a lot more
How could I convince myself to achieve more? Not achieving enough is ruining my life. Would a woman want to switch places with me?

>> No.10119894
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>> No.10119896

In every 50s film there's that one scene where a man snaps at a woman and even slaps her, then she breaks down and says, "Oh Billy, you're right! How foolish I was!"

You might argue this is fiction so it doesn't count, but the actresses never complained, so it proves itself.

>> No.10119915
File: 267 KB, 1073x521, 1352789924228-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This could be interesting

>> No.10119928

try this irl and see how natural this position of submission is. try it anywhere. trust me on this.

>> No.10119925
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This is feminist logic. Society has been chugging along pretty well for a few thousand years, but then they decide the system is broken and flip everything on its head. This of course causes massive problems and society starts to disintegrate. Could the solution be to go back to what was working before? NO! The feminist solution is still right....!!! Uh... it'll work eventually!! The thing that was working just fine before was obviously wrong!

>> No.10119932

When young men feel themselves useless, things start to happen. The otaku obviously form an exception.

>> No.10119933

Slapped a girl in high school and she ended up liking me afterwards and we dated for a short time.

>> No.10119936

>dated a girl
I found an inconsistency in your argument.

>> No.10119939
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Modern feminism is primarily a Jewish invention.

>> No.10119940

It was years ago. I'm still a virgin and have not had a girlfriend since then.

>> No.10119942

Why does it take so long for domestic violence to be found out?
In fact, most convictions start with a friend of the victim reporting it.

>> No.10119944

maybe you should stop hitting girls then you fruit

>> No.10119945

It can be. There's sort of a stigma of "Women do women things." and "Men to manly things" etc.
Women empowerment is on the rise however, last I checked.

>> No.10119946
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>mfw i dropped narutoSD because it had too much crossdressing

>> No.10119948

Love blinds people.

>> No.10119950

That advice doesn't make sense, since I got a girlfriend after hitting her.

>> No.10119951

>not being submissive

what a bunch of fucking normies

>> No.10119952

You're speaking with buzzwords. Please provide examples of those cartoons that are disrespectful towards women. Also, try to do it without (mis)using Japanese words.

>most of the characters wore bloomers

Not really, and of course bloomers are still pantsu by definition. Nevermind, though, the point from the very start was demonstrating how stupid aversion to underwear is. You've also managed to add a bonus of demonstrating how subjective it is.

>> No.10119956

>still a virgin
>hit her

>> No.10119959

Male submission is considered a "fetish".
Female submission doesn't have a label because it's normal.

>> No.10119963

You can't expect something that happens in fiction to apply to the real world.

>> No.10119964

I don't know what you mean. I find the idea of sex repulsive.

>> No.10119968

The label is BDSM.

>> No.10119969

Do feminists realise they can not be feminists and live ordinary lives? I have met female police officers, scientists, teachers and lawyers. None of them gave a shit. It's not like when you go for a business meeting and you're told, "Miss Smith will see you now," you do a double take. A woman? Working in business?! Oh no, that can't be happening!

It's 2012. People barely gave a shit a century ago and people barely give a shit now. Feminism is independent of the fact that women can (and do) become significant people in society. The difference is that becoming a doctor takes work, whereas "being a feminist" gives you an easy scapegoat as to why you aren't somehow a doctor already.

Here's a wonderful news story that made me happy:

>> No.10119972

No, it isn't. BDSM is not the same as normal female submission, retard.

>> No.10119983

this is what I mean. Japanese don't need third wave feminism, they just need to stop acting like women filling professional roles is beyond their capabilities and they need to just work in the service industry until it's time to have a baby

>> No.10119984

>The difference is that becoming a doctor takes work, whereas "being a feminist" gives you an easy scapegoat as to why you aren't somehow a doctor already.

The core thought of feminism is that the female is determined by the male. The woman is the outcome of the decisions of the males around her. The women isn't capable of making her own path, but can only act in response to the actions of men. So the only thing that can be done to change the situation is to alter the behavior of men, as this will alter the outcome for the woman. It is a fundamentally degrading view of women, and it not surprising that the effect it has had on women and families has been so overwhelmingly negative.

>> No.10120003

the porn industry is overwhelmingly masculocentric. you can't expect it to deviate from male ideals. even the idea of "femdom" is men declaring what position the woman should be in.

>> No.10120005

> “Even at the University of Amsterdam—the most progressive university we have—I had a 22-year-old student say, ‘Why is it your business if my wife wants to bake cookies?’ and the female students agreed with him! I was like, what’s happening here?”

My sides.

>> No.10120015

I would argue this is a fundamentally degrading view of men. It's almost conspiratorial. In fact, it reminds me of the same line of thinking as the Jewish conspiracy. "Zionists are bad people, Zionists are Jews, Jews control Hollywood and the banks...it's the Jews keeping me down!"

There is absolutely nothing stopping women from pursuing any career choice they like. We don't have "women's tests" and "men's tests". If you score higher and get a better degree, go ahead and get a better job. In the event that someone is genuinely sexist, focus on the individual, not the "patriarchy".

>> No.10120021

Who is the one who is in charge of what position you are going to work at in the company? It isn't your test scores.

>> No.10120023

Seriously, though, who WOULDN'T want to bake cookies?

>> No.10120024

"Ground-breaking news: working less and enjoying life makes your life more enjoyable". Sounds like those women are living the dream instead of stressing themselves out.

>The difference is that becoming a doctor takes work, whereas "being a feminist" gives you an easy scapegoat as to why you aren't somehow a doctor already.

It's just like how some people become flamboyant LGBT or furries or god knows what because they utterly failed to do anything interesting in their life, yet they still had some deep desire for attention. Note that I'm talking about the flamboyant fuckwads, not "that guy who told you that he's actually gay after you've known him for two years when a convenient conversation point came up".

>> No.10120026
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America is more sexist than Japan.

Why all NEETs are men? Because for man, you face constant discrimination from birth. You are born. Your penis is mutilated because your mother prefers it that way. You are raised. You are raised to believe you are a monster, a tyrant. Elementary school teachers drug you because you won't settle down and aren't learning in a female-oriented learning style. No one thinks "oh, maybe we should have more hands-on learning for boys so they learn better and are more excited!" No. Learn obedience.

Then you reach puberty. Your sexuality is demonized. Thinking lewd thoughts about women makes you a bad person, and wanting to do lewd thinks makes you a rapist. "Don't treat women like children, don't be mean or teasing!" says the married woman whose husband does exactly those things. You are taught to be nice to women even though they do not find that attractive at all, and so those "jerks" those "asshole guys" women complain about fuck all the girls while you must stay at home all day. Are you bullied? No one cares about bullying victims unless they're female. Enjoy suffering in school, becoming less enthusiastic about everything. Watch as school encourages women to do great things while telling men they are failures. Don't get into colleges because college only accepts women. Don't get job because hiring women is more progressive.

Become NEET. Leave society. People blame you, though people made you this way.

>> No.10120034

inb4 a feminist shows you statistical data that women are paid less than men, and that women have generally less important jobs than men, and so on.
Of course this is all because patriarchy, because correlation equals causation.

>> No.10120035

>Don't get into colleges because college only accepts women.
i don't think this is right

>> No.10120036

How melodramatic. Most men are NEET because the job market is poor, that's all.

>> No.10120040

Holy crackers I couldn't agree more.

>> No.10120052

>Why all NEETs are men?
Techinically, housewives are NEETs. They dwarf men by several magnitudes.

>> No.10120054

You are exaggerating a bit. Men can easily get into college, for example. But for the most part I agree with you. The best thing to do, as a man, is to drop out of the system. Don't get married, don't have kids and play into all the bullshit. Just do the things that you want to do and try to enjoy your life.

>> No.10120056

It may as well be. Almost all college are majority female. And it's only increasing. Women are more likely to get into college as men.

Technically, but since they are "doing something with their lives", they are not really the same as NEET who have no job and do nothing all day but hobbies.

>> No.10120057

Technically, no they are not. No government considers housewives to be NEET.

>> No.10120060

Me too.

>> No.10120066

Despite most women opting for part-time work (men too, but to a lesser extent) in the Netherlands, around 40% of the Dutch parliament is female. Feminism has had no place in some countries for a while now.

>> No.10120067

Wow, that's actually exactly how I feel.
There isn't any reason to get a good job or even try, since I don't need money to spend no kids or girlfriends. I'm more attracted to submissive wimpy /jp/ boys than any woman.

>> No.10120071

Just think how retarded this is.
The same woman doing the same things in the same house is a NEET if not married, but an upstanding citizen if married.

>> No.10120072

Is the reason why there's no information beyond highschool that you're an angry teen justifying his failures?

>> No.10120073

It isn't any more disgusting than heterosexuality. Which is why heterosexuality should also be banned. We should reproduce using artificial insemination. Much healthier.

>> No.10120075

But it's basically the same thing, but a housewife is way more accepted than a hikkiNEET.
I mean, okay, it must a quite a lot of hard work when you have babies, but after that:
-The kids are 7 hours a day away from home at school, husband at work
-You don't really have to clean everyday, 2 general days and the house will always look tidy and clean.
-You probably make the meals, but since the kids eat cereals for breakfast and they eat at school, you only have to make dinner.
-You basically have +90 hours a week to take it easy

>> No.10120079

>Almost all college are majority female.
If you ignore the shitty majors most colleges are still predominantly male. Certainly not so female-dominated that "males can't get into university."

>> No.10120083

No. I just ran out of posting space and decided my point was gotten across.

I can keep going if it really bothers you

>> No.10120087

Assuming the housewife has babies to begin with. And most of those "housewives" are still "housewives" even after the kids have left the nest.

>> No.10120092

>aren't learning in a female-oriented learning style.
"Sit down, shut up, and fuck you" has been the Western standard for education since long before women were allowed to own property. The whole "kids should be free to learn," thing is a thoroughly modern invention.

>> No.10120089

Woman please go

>> No.10120091

Enjoyee, enjoyee your lifetime
*does a little dance*

>> No.10120095

Artificial insemination? Still disgusting. They should create working artificial uteruses.

>> No.10120100

That doesn't change the fact it is become even more centered around women in the past.

>> No.10120112

That's actually a pretty good idea. If only scientists were working on stuff like this instead of trying to cure impotency.

>> No.10120117

But they are.

We have already created viable eggs from Sperm cells and are working on artificial wombs.

>> No.10120123

The future is bright. I look forward to the day when sexual intercourse is obsolete.

>> No.10120126

>mfw this was the same /jp/ that wanted to become LITTLE GIRLS

>> No.10120130

Little girls aren't women, they are adorable children everyone loves.

>> No.10120134

>tfw women
Fug ;_;

>> No.10120144

How would feminists react?

a): Finally we can have babies without being burdened by them for 9 months just like men!

b): No! Giving birth is a woman exclusive right! Artificial wombs are the evil tools of patriarchy!

>> No.10120145

Little girls are the highest tier of human existance.
Which is weird cause women are pretty low on the ladder.

>> No.10120148

>piss and shit everywhere
>put everything in their mouths, put their dirty mouths on everything
>scream and cry when things don't go their way
>expect everything to go their way
>can't love you, only think of you as the guy who serves their interests the most and would sell you out just as easily to someone who would buy them more things
>bully their little brothers, take advantage of their older brothers

if you're going to hate 3D women because they don't match your ideal mango women, you should feel the same way about 3D little girls.

>> No.10120155

You have never has a little sister or anything have you?

A. are dykes. dykes are not the same as feminists.

>> No.10120157

mad as HELL feminazi fujoshi/mangina detected

>> No.10120158

>dykes are not the same as feminists.

There's a lot of overlap though.

>> No.10120160

Do people often get bullied by their older sisters? I had a fight with my sister like once when I was a kid, and I won that fight.

>> No.10120161

Except the jewish conspiracy is real

>> No.10120162

Little girls will eventually become woman and if you try to go to gensyoko before that happen it will be too late since you have already become a woman.

also the moment you do stuff for your happiness you become an adult.therefore a woman, So that means that you can't escape to Gensyoko

isnt it sad /jp/? ;_;

>> No.10120167

Why can't you just let women decide if they want to child-birthing kitchen tools or do something with their lives? I'm pretty sure you either don't want big bad normie shoving his penis in your skinny ass.

>> No.10120168

Women know that if they lose the monopoly on reproduction almost all of their power will be gone.

They won't give it up,

>> No.10120169

I had an older sister. needless to say wincest did not occur nor did i ever want it to

>> No.10120170

>I'm pretty sure you either don't want big bad normie shoving his penis in your skinny ass.
But that's exactly what /jp/ wants.

>> No.10120181

Fun fact about Japan. I bet you all didn't know this. 20 years ago, there were more women serving political positions then there are today. As more rights are being given to them, and more flexibility is afforded in Japanese culture, they choose to stay at home and raise the children.

Also it's the women who control all the money, they give their husbands an allowance. Who often work 12 hours a day, go out drinking, come home, sleep, and repeat their day.

However, there are many relationships where the women, and man work (theres a funny Japanese abbreviation for it too TINK Two Incomes No Kids) but it's more common for women to be housewives. It turns out that the Japanese value their society, and family dynamic more than the current Feminist ideal of grab everything you can while the ship is sinking.

>> No.10120187


It's exactly why women are protesting the Male Pill, they want sole exclusive rights to decide when, where an how to have children, and no one else is to be included.

>> No.10120192

This is the point where it doesn't matter what they think because no-one will listen to them.

>> No.10120193

Too bad Japan is on the path to extinction.

>> No.10120195

straw feminism all up itt

>> No.10120198

Yes. YES. A lot. At least in my case.
It was horrible. It's probably the reason why I'm awkward and fear people.

>> No.10120199


NEETs in Japan have a different reason for not getting married. The workplace in Japan is insanely oppressive

>> No.10120200

It's called entitlement. They feel like they are owed something.

I am all for equality of gender and race, giving everyone a fair chance at things, but that's where I draw the line. One must prove themselves capable before gaining something.

Woman gets pregnant and carry child to term and blame the man she sleeps with for getting her pregnant, entrapping him in fiduciary slavery, and eventually robbing him of all assets in the end if they guy is a wimp and doesn't see the pattern going on. Or Woman carries child to term with nobody to support it and becomes a welfare whore.

All people that use the ability to create life to control others should have their rights to reproduce revoked through forced sterilization for straining our society in general. Because we the hard working individuals are paying for their bastard children.

The women bitch about there being no good men left is all because in order to get laid, the men had to change to the way they wanted.

When in reality, being a good person is about using your gifts and talents to better society so that one day humankind can surpass the zenith before themselves and ascend beyond their own limitations. It's all about doing good so that we will ultimately prosper as a species.

Beneath all altrustic acts always lie an ulterior motive; self preservation allows for the greatest rewards to be reaped in general since all benefit from such an action regardless if it was selfish or not.

I myself have tried and aided in charities in general, offering my own money to try and generate a spark to create a movement for others to at least follow and think for once in their lives, however people did not see it in such a way. That is the paradigm our society now follows, instead of accepting growth and development of our species, many seek the opposite.

For those who are TL;DR. Entitlement is what is destroying our society as a whole.

>> No.10120201

see >>10119096 >>10119800

>> No.10120204

yes i thought those were fair examples of straw feminism as well

>> No.10120206

That's not what I mean. They have low birth rate. It will be below the replacement rate soon, and eventually Japanese people will cease to exist. It won't happen in our lifetime but it's coming.

>> No.10120208

>It's called entitlement. They feel like they are owed something.
In a vacuum this isn't a bad argument but it's probably going to fall flat in /jp/ because 95% of the people in it feel this way.

>> No.10120210

Then you're a fucking idiot. Feminists gladly let radical into their ranks. Let me know when they stop, and I'll consider giving a shit about your strawman whining.

>> No.10120214

>Feminists gladly let radical into their ranks.
nope, mainstream feminism dismisses radical feminism the same way mainstream liberalism dismisses the weather underground

i hope that helps

>> No.10120220

No, no they don't.

>> No.10120222

that man flashed his penis to the entire crowd, for context.

>> No.10120224


And you go to any other website in the internet and it's a feminist hugbox. There is not moderate view, it's insipidly curled it's way through every crack and facet of society. I would adore a moderate view. I would like to talk to a feminist, and I'd like to see them take responsibility for the horrors their movement is proposing (mass genocide), and I would do the same for ever MRA.

The feminist movement was born from raped or beaten women. Now there are women in it who've never been descriminated, who've had their lives given to them. Men here however, or MRAs, they all have had women destroy, or attempt to destroy their lives.

To quote Louis CK, A boy will hurt you, he'll kick your ass, he'll scar you. But a woman will shit inside your heart.

>> No.10120226

A crime punishable by permanent deafness in many countries.

>> No.10120231

sorry, you're right, mainstream strawman feminism wholly embraces every tenant of radical feminism, including the contradictory ones

>> No.10120234

>The feminist movement was born from raped or beaten women.

No it wasn't. It began with women's suffrage movements.

>> No.10120235

Why do people still feel the need to discuss this?

Why here? Is /r9k/ full?

>> No.10120238

You don't have to say, "Hey, we support you guys!" to co-operate with them and refuse to denounce them.

>> No.10120240

but that's not what sexism is. that's just legally-mandated rights. we're not talking about cultural rights. women still get treated like shit if they exist as anything but an onna-hole, and probably then too. that's why Japan is dead last in women's rights

>> No.10120242

You're a fucking retard. No one said that all feminists embrace radical tenants, they said that mainstream feminism is complicit with radicalism because they work with radicals and do not denounce them. Fuck off you stupid whore.

>> No.10120245


Point me to the articles, where mainstream, prolific feminists have blasted the genocide theory, and the feminists who support it for how insane it is, for how evil it is, and for how evil they are for proposing it. Then I will apologize for everything I've ever said about feminists.

>> No.10120246

While I think that's a quite vulgar way to manifest his disapproval of whatever those feminazis were doing, I don't think that is an acceptable answer.
3 horns operating at 7 cm of distance from the victim's ears can cause irreparable injuries.

>> No.10120248

>3 horns operating at 7 cm of distance from the victim's ears can cause irreparable injuries.

Women are fine with mutilating infant's penises through circumcision. I doubt they care about giving someone hearing trouble.

>> No.10120251

>i'm a dude who hates women and i know exactly what feminism is, other people on the internet who are similar to me told me. I'm not going to bother to try to understand the complexities of society and how that factors into the way people behave.

>> No.10120253

That's it.
I'll try to raise up this issues in ethics class at school, or maybe try with a few posters in the hallways.

>> No.10120254

Take your ebin xD greentext back to whatever board you came from, please.

>> No.10120257

>Because we the hard working individuals
Excuse me, when you say "we", who are you referring to exactly?

>> No.10120265

Because /jp/ is made entirely of hypocritical faggots.

>> No.10120266


>i'm a woman who hates men and i know exactly what feminism is, other women trained me from birth to exploit it. i will cite knowledge i don't have, pretend studies exist when they don't and when pressured, link them to unscientific feminist articles that back up my way of thinking. If they cite actual peer-reviewed studies, i will scream sexism and cover my ears. then i will change the topic and repeat my talking-point arguments until they get bored and i win.

>> No.10120267

i've literally never heard of the genocide theory

i mean, you do recognize that some ideas are so ridiculous on their face that a rebuttal isn't actually necessary? and further, the lack of rebuttal should not imply acceptance?

>> No.10120270

glenn beck raped and murdered a young girl in 1990

>> No.10120271


Haha, good luck they are going to get torn down, and you're going to get shamed publicly for being a misogynist because you don't want to be executed for being born male.

>> No.10120273

While some suffragettes branched off into feminism, don't confuse the two. Suffragettes wanted something practical and fought for it in a sensible way. Modern feminists tarnish the reputation of suffragettes by trying to form an association with them.

>> No.10120275

Don't discourage him. Someone like that deserves everything that's coming his way.

>> No.10120277

this is actually true tho

>> No.10120278

Except people ARE listening to them.

>> No.10120280

How come you faggots raise a huge shitstorm when people start talking about Jews but eagerly participate when the shitstorm is about women?

>> No.10120281


This isn't an idea proposed by one feminist, this is the agenda of radical feminism. This is what they believe is the final solution. Eradication of 9/10 of all males on earth, and extracting semen from the remaining 10% as breeding stock. That is what the genocide theory is. That is what they have been proposing, and you are complacent in it.

>> No.10120283

Because I actually hate women.

>> No.10120290

you are an idiot if you think anyone but a select few people want this, or that a rebuttal is even necessary for such a farcical idea

>> No.10120291

I have strict, arguably extreme standards that I apply to both men and women:
* No masturbation
* No fornication
* No adultery

I reject the idea that because we've grown up as a society and apparently have more civil liberties now, we should lower our standards of sexuality. I apply this to both men and women, and if I hate you it's because you're a promiscuous cunt, not because of your gender.

>> No.10120295
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Modern feminists do not address the fact that despite women being more employed AND EARNING MORE than younger men, they still call for equal pay laws and demand more women be hired.

They don't address the hypocrisy of calling for FGM to be banned in the Muslim world while still supporting circumcision in America.

They don't explain why women need MORE reproductive rights when men right now have zero.

They won't say why it's ok for a woman to run away from responsibility through abortion without the man's consent but men aren't allowed to divorce themselves of a child they want either.

They cry about rape of women but never address male rape or false rape accusations levied against men.

They're silent on any issues of sexism that men face while demand more and more privileges for women.

Modern feminism is sexist.

>> No.10120298


masturbation is required by men to prevent prostrate cancer, and most erections men have are completely involuntary, I can tell a woman wrote this because they never attempt to understand male biological functions.

>> No.10120307

The gender pay gap is real. Watch this informative video to find out more:

>> No.10120312

This is what feminists consider an "argument"

>> No.10120316

You can't be serious. That's just an advertisement.

>> No.10120323

Nope, I am a man.

Masturbation has health benefits, physical abuse is good exercise, suicide bombing will fix your headache.

Obviously you are not harming anyone else, but I think it's something we could do without. I accept my anti-lewdness views aren't particularly rational. I can back some of them up with statistics, but that's a justification, not a reason. It's a matter of principle to me.
At least I'm not like the hypocritical /r9k/ types who hate consensual casual sex but masturbate three times a day.

>> No.10120329

Woman pls go

>> No.10120336

Hey, watch this:

On average, women across Europe earn 17% less than men.[1]

But I guess that argument isn't good enough. That cold, hard fact is wrong!
PRO TIP: the fact that there is factually a 17% difference means there is a gender pay gap. To say "the gender pay gap does not exist" is to be ignorant (and now, to outright deny) that fact.

[1] http://youtu.be/0TEGrI5bDLA

>> No.10120337


I didn't read that wall of text but women make better employees these days because young men are spoiled and becoming lazier, stupider, and more immature.

And what part of fem in feminism don't you understand? It's a movement for advocating the equal rights of women, not men. Idiot.

>> No.10120342

>It's a movement for advocating the equal rights of women, not men. Idiot.

Wait, how is that equal rights, then? It's like the phrase "more equal".
Is this a joke?

>> No.10120352

What's with all this misogyny lately? Have we been invaded by /r9k/ or something?

>> No.10120359

This hasn't been the "partriarchy"'s fault for a long time now.
Women just aren't applying for the higher paid jobs.

>> No.10120354

crossboarder pls go

>> No.10120357


You missed the image that said that the 80 cents to the dollar pay gap is because men choose more difficult jobs. It's comparing secretaries and nurses to orthopedic surgeons working 70-hours a week. Men work harder, that's why they earn more than women.

It's not comparing equal pay for the same job, that's been common for 10+ years. It's comparing total money earned by women, to total money earned by men. It's deliberately misleading I.E lying to gain power.

>> No.10120358

> but women make better employees these days

Except studies have shown women are less efficient, do less work, and use more leave.

>> No.10120362

Clearly it's a raid whenever an opinion you don't agree with is posted.

>> No.10120366

So you're admitting there is a difference in how much men are paid compared to how much women are paid. A "gender pay gap", if you will.

Thank you and have a nice day :)

>> No.10120369


Can't tell if trolling or if legitimately stupid.

>> No.10120370

I'll try my best.
>But, what do you mean with:Someone like that deserves everything that's coming his way.
English not being my first language and having trouble with abstract language doesn't help too much.

>> No.10120374

The gender pay gap alone isn't the case at hand here.

>> No.10120375

I always thought that what feminists meant is that the fact that on average women gain less than men is DUE to the fact that they get less rewarding jobs, because of chauvinism.

I never thought that what they meant is that they get paid less for the same job.

>> No.10120377

There is a gender gap between the wages of teenagers and the wages of adults. Total wages earned by adults is much higher than total wages earned by teenagers, by at least 50%. We must end this injustice! Please ray pay for all teenagers to comparable levels! AGEISTS!!!!

>> No.10120378

There is a pay gap*
Please raise pay*

>> No.10120379

>What's with all this misogyny lately?
I don't do this a lot but.

newfag pls go

>> No.10120383

We can solve this by banning teenagers from getting jobs. There is no reason why you should lose your job to some high school girl who doesn't need it anyway and is just going to spend her entire shift texting.

>> No.10120382


Except studies have shown they arn't even trying to take more hours, they arn't trying to climb the ladder. They deliberately take 40-hour weeks, use more leave, and more sick days.

Whereas working men very rarely use leave or sick days, are more inclined to save them up and sacrifice personal health in order to work more hours and make more money.

>> No.10120384

Ageist please check your privilege. You don't deserve to earn more just because you are older. We can either raise their pay or lower yours. Get fucked.

>> No.10120386

This. Both sides are missing the point.
Plenty of feminists are taking it to mean that a female office worker would get paid less than a male office worker at the same company. This is completely false.
Plenty of anti-feminists are misunderstanding and saying the gender pay gap is a myth, because the above is false.

There is a gender pay gap, and it's a combination of both sides. Women take lower-paid jobs. It can't be helped and it's arguably a biological thing. However, some women struggle to get the higher paid jobs even when they want them and work hard. The traditional example is the "glass ceiling".

>> No.10120393


Not sure if trolling or just stupid. Women are still under represented as CEO's, high ranking officers in the military and in fields such as mathematics and science.

>> No.10120398

>Women are still under represented as CEO's, high ranking officers in the military and in fields such as mathematics and science.

So? No one's stopping them. They don't take those jobs because they don't want them. Studies show women prefer to put more time towards families and relationships than careers.

>> No.10120402


To become a CEO you pretty much have to become a heartless sociopath and no longer care about fellow human beings. It's the case of women have seen that kind of lifestyle and understandably don't want it. There are a few female Sociopathic CEOs though.

Also, women physically cannot do certain jobs such as Firefighting, that's not sexism, that's gender dimorphism.

>> No.10120403

Men are under-represented as nurses and receptionists. Whoop-de-fucking-doo.

>> No.10120406 [DELETED] 

Sorry, typed incorrectly, I meant:
I'll try my best.
>But, what do you mean with:
Someone like that deserves everything that's coming his way.
English not being my first language and having trouble with abstract language doesn't help too much.

>> No.10120409

Fifty years since second wave feminist movement, women make up more than half the population and we still haven't had a female president. You're delusional if you think we have gender equality.

>> No.10120410


Men are also underrepresented as waitstaff. We should be able to show a little ball to the ladies, because they certainly use cleavage to gain an advantage.

How about we talk about beneficial sexism?

>> No.10120411

What is Germany?

>> No.10120412


Please don't forget to type "sage" into the E-mail field.
This thread is not front page material.

>> No.10120416

>beneficial sexism

No such thing. If women have to show cleavage, it's because the males are oppressing them. Note that if you had an all-woman restaurant attended only by other women, the cleavage trick wouldn't work (except on a small minority of women).

Check your privilege, male.

>> No.10120417

Sorry, meant:
I'll try my best.
But, what do you mean with:
>Someone like that deserves everything that's coming his way.
English not being my first language and having trouble with abstract language doesn't help too much.

>> No.10120418


That's because Obama was just a better candidate than Hilary, that didn't stop him from hiring her as Secretary of State.

Also there have been female Prime Ministers of Australia and England. This equality doesn't hold water

It doesn't help that both those PMs were fucking INSANE

>> No.10120420

There are also other factors to consider.

For example I once read an article discussing the fact that on average female university professors are paid less than male university professors.

Tha authot pointed out the fact that the real problem is that professors teaching scientific matters like physic or engeneering are paid more than those who teach art or literature.

In the specific fields, women and men are paid exactly the same, but women tend to chose humanistic fields by their own volition.

>> No.10120428


>beneficial sexism doesn't exist, they only use it to gain an advantage

I find it funny whenever this argument comes up, then you see a feminist on youtube wearing makeup, who goes to the spa, or salon. Her argument is then "I want to look pretty, for myself"

Women do it to show off to other women as much as men. Just like men flaunt to other men.

Better check the handbook so you know what to say next.

>> No.10120431
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Women can and have ran for President. The United States didn't have a black President until fairly recently, and other minorities aren't complaining that there hasn't been a transethnic genderqueer Micronesian President.

Not to mention women have had political success in other countries. Here in the UK we had Margaret Thatcher, and she made decisions with the sociopathy and efficiency that would put most male leaders to shame.

>> No.10120440

What on earth is a genderqueer?

>> No.10120441

Then that's the same deal. The discrepancy is in the job, not the gender. In fact, it would be illegal to pay a female physics professor less than a male physics professor for the same work:

>> No.10120445

>The traditional example is the "glass ceiling".
That's not an example, though. An example would be a concrete instance of such a thing occurring.

Also, you're trying to occupy mushy ground by not taking a side and espousing an agreeable truism. Few people on either side will disagree it's not some combination of the two, but it's a question of how much.

If the "gender pay gap" is negligible, then it isn't the dire systematic problem some have portrayed it as. That would mean the focus that has been on the pay gap has been disproportionate to how much harm it has actually caused. If it's there in a massive way due to systematic sexism, even when accounting for everything else, then the question of other factors begins to disappear. You can't just boil it down to something like "both sides are equally right and wrong" and expect that answer to be satisfying to anyone but you.

>> No.10120447

Genderqueer (GQ; alternatively non-binary) is a catch-all term for gender identities other than man and woman, thus outside of the gender binary and cisnormativity. People who identify as genderqueer may think of themselves as one or more of the following:

* both man and woman (bigender, pangender);
* neither man nor woman (nongendered, genderless, agender);
* moving between genders (genderfluid);
* third gender or other-gendered; includes those who do not place a name to their gender;
* having an overlap of, or blurred lines between, gender identity and sexual and romantic orientation.

>> No.10120450
File: 57 KB, 963x721, Average_earnings_of_workers_by_education_and_sex_-_2006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The glass ceiling is real because here's a chart from Wikipedia's glass ceiling article.

>> No.10120452


After we have a spanish President, we need an indian one, and then a transethnic macrotheistic asexual otherkin with genderdisplasia

>> No.10120460

should sort by the specific field in which the degree was attained

>> No.10120461

Holy crackers there are people who are genderfluid?

>> No.10120467


Again, a Doctorate could count those with a doctorate in orthopedics, along with those with a doctorate in women's studies.

There is no way to quantify a glass cieling unless you counted male and female orthopediatricians working the SAME hours with male and female women's studies doctors working the SAME hours

>> No.10120476

We should combine as many minority groups as possible, e.g. find the only black Caribbean gender dismorphic otherkin Pastafarian and immediately make hir President. By 2138, we might have ticked all the boxes.

>> No.10120478

There is a doctorate in woman's studies? I thought that was just a class done in social studies?
I think I'm about to throw up.

>> No.10120486


You can get a doctorate in almost anything these days.

>> No.10120538
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>> No.10120594

So, doctorates are now meaningless?

>> No.10120612

That's like saying you're not a misogynist because you enjoy watching women degrading themselves.

>> No.10120632

But that's not what the Masculinity Index means, ACCORDING TO THE FUCKING AUTHOR:

>A high score (masculine) on this dimension indicates that the society will be driven by competition, achievement and success, with success being defined by the winner / best in field – a value system that starts in school and continues throughout organisational behaviour.
A low score (feminine) on the dimension means that the dominant values in society are caring for others and quality of life. A feminine society is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. The fundamental issue here is what motivates people, wanting to be the best (masculine) or liking what you do (feminine).

>At 95, Japan is one of the most masculine societies in the world. However, in combination with their mild collectivism, you do not see assertive and competitive individual behaviors which we often associate with masculine culture. What you see is a severe competition between groups. From very young age at kindergartens, children learn to compete on sports day for their groups (traditionally red team against white team).

>In corporate Japan, you see that employees are most motivated when they are fighting in a winning team against their competitors. What you also see as an expression of masculinity in Japan is the drive for excellence and perfection in their material production (monodukuri) and in material services (hotels and restaurants) and presentation (gift wrapping and food presentation) in every aspect of life. Notorious Japanese workaholism is another expression of their masculinity. It is still hard for women to climb up the corporate ladders in Japan with their masculine norm of hard and long working hours.

There's nothing about gender in there.

>> No.10120639

Not even close as much as western media want you to believe.

>> No.10120672

Because /jp/ being filled with Jews isn't a joke.

>> No.10120683


50 years since it began. 30 years since true equality was actually legislated. 20 years after it became a norm.

You seriously expect results to show after just one generation?

In those European countries where it happened earlier we already have female prime ministers and presidents.

>> No.10120695

>a huge shitstorm when people start talking about Jews
I've never seen that. Are you sure you're on the right website?

>> No.10120747

What? Most people here are atheist.

>> No.10120774

>Implying being jew and being atheist are mutually exclusive.

>> No.10120777

I hope you did that on purpose and IHBT.

>> No.10120845
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How many Jews are on /jp/ anyway?

>> No.10120857

I learned rudimentary Hebrew a few years ago....

>> No.10120895
File: 166 KB, 637x590, 1331565631808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing Hebrew doesn't make you Jewish.

>> No.10120909

No, it doesn't, but I was hoping I'd get an honorary kippah or something.

>> No.10120917
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You mean buy.

I've been trying to learn Hebrew for about 5 years now and I'm still at the very basics.

>> No.10120920

my gran says I'm like 1/32 jew

every so often I channel my remaining jew-energy to my toes and clip my nails. hopefully by the time die, I will be zero percent jew.

>> No.10122324

We gave you equal access equal opportunity. Nobody's stopping you to become a CEO, or a president. If you think it's men's fault that not enough women become a CEO because they have to fight their way to the top, well guess what cupcake: men also have to fight for it too. We take down our opponents heartlessly, regardless of gender. Having a vagina doesn't entitle you to that golden chair. This is equality in the truest sense. Thinking that equality means equal quota (50/50 everything) is just stupid. If you want equal quota, why don't we start with more male nurses, more stay at home dad, and more female ditch diggers. Oh, and male birth control pills.

>> No.10125445

Japan isn't sexist but it's culture is still shit.

>> No.10125489

Why is this thread still going?
Of course Japan is sexist.
Do we even have to travel there to know this? I am headed there, but my goodness.
