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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10115675 No.10115675[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?

>> No.10115721
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Autopsy Assistant

>> No.10115724

I was just wanted to be a strong and respectable person.

>> No.10115725


>> No.10115743

Nothing at all
I just wanted to play video games and beat off all day
My dream came true /jp/
my dream came true

>> No.10115746


>> No.10115748

Are you happy?

>> No.10115754

Not really.

>> No.10115759

A racer.

>> No.10115766

A scientist from Jurassic Park

>> No.10115769

A disney animator.

>> No.10115773

A slut.

>> No.10115781

Buss driver. I fucken loved busses as a kid.

>> No.10115787
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I never had an actual goal or something i wanted to be even as a kid. I wonder if that's why i'm NEET.

>> No.10115793

>Nothing at all
I just wanted to play video games and beat off all day


>> No.10115803

I never thought about it.

>> No.10115811

An entomologist.

Nowadays I just try to scrape by.
Fun stuff.

>> No.10115820

you are a girl?

>> No.10115823

Yes ;)

>> No.10115830


Ano kimochi when you did well in school and people expected great things from you but you are just happy to have a bed to sleep in and now your family looks at you with shame and disgust.

>> No.10115831

Do you like your life?

>> No.10115837

I was told I could be anything so that is what I did, I tried all the popular fields and while I succeeded doing them I felt unfulfilled and I can't decide what to do now.

>> No.10115847

Me too!!

>> No.10115851

u should scissor. yeh just liek that. hot

>> No.10115858


>> No.10115859
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A super hero.

I still want to be one.

>> No.10115867

Pilot in the air force.

>> No.10115869

Astronaut. I still want to go into space, but of course that will never happen.

>> No.10115875

I wanted to be a serial killer, and I got in trouble in third grade because I drew a scene from Medieval the video game, and everyone thought I wanted to be a serial killer or something.

>> No.10115876

You can be one.


>> No.10115893

a person who knew Japanese so I could play all the VNs I want... ;_;

>> No.10116019

Not a fucking loser, that's for sure

>> No.10116242

then why are you here?

>> No.10116283


>> No.10116310

Nothing. Not a superhero, not a cowboy, not an astronaut. I never worried about the future. I just wanted to have fun and enjoy myself and for the most part I did, which is why I'm a dumb piece of shit now. I don't regret it though. I'm much rather be a dumb piece of shit that enjoyed his life than a miserable success that missed out on everything fun to study and work.

>> No.10116323


>> No.10116356

A soldier, I guess I just wanted to shoot people.

>> No.10116358

Growing up I always thought there was a period in everyone's life shortly after highschool when they didn't do anything at all. I stayed home from school a lot even when I wasn't sick, mostly because I just didn't want to go. I wanted nothing more than to be able to skip school to be be at that point in my life, being able to laze around the house and sleep in. Those days I spent home alone from school are some of my fondest childhood memories. I got to sit on the couch all day and play games, or go on the computer, or do whatever I wanted. I wished I could live a life like that when I got older. I stopped really caring about school when I was around 14, so my grades plummeted. My parents moved me around to multiple schools until I was 16 and I dropped out. Nothing has changed since then.

I guess I've always wanted to be NEET even if I didn't know it at the time.

>> No.10116377

Something to do with video game creation but that died when I dropped out of art school due to being unable to draw to save my life

>> No.10116447

A permaloli Japanese schoolgirl

>> No.10120934

lol @ u nurd

>> No.10120949

The King of Carrot Flowers

>> No.10120957

An investment banker.

>> No.10120962

When I was in high school I wanted to play music, and I learned to play bass guitar very well. I abandoned that several years ago, though, and now I want to be a night auditor.

>> No.10120983

when I was in highschool I wanted to do lots of different things.

-playing guitar
-3D design (architecture)
-landscape painting
-cessna pilot

never did any of these things. I feel bad because I read somewhere that it takes 1500 hours to master a skill. On average I've been browsing the internet 10 hours a day since 2007 so...

>> No.10121004 [SPOILER] 
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A good poster
I'm so sorry father...

>> No.10121008

I wanted to be someone who knew what they wanted to do.

>> No.10121010

then porn movie actor,
then I just didn't want to be anything anymore...
life seems boring.

Now I have a technician job and I get home so tired that I don't even have time to browse /jp/.
I just get home and sleep and bathe in the morning before dressing to go to work and the cycle continues till saturday when I can finally go to /jp/ or /g/ or whatever 4chan board I feel like going for the day and waste my life here.

It wasn't supposed to be like this...

not like this


>> No.10121014


>> No.10121018


>> No.10121032
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Amusing, I was in a /v/ thread a few minutes ago discussing FFX and that laugh, and stuff.

>> No.10121058
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I only remember I said to others that I wanted to be a pilot or a doctor or those things.
What i really wanted was not having to study and have fun outside.

What really bothers me is when people ask what you wanted to be as a kid, and when you say something that you aren't they think that you failed to realize your dreams or something.
It's really stupid, obviously what you want to do changes over time. I fail to see why it's so important to realize your childhood-dreams, better off realizing your dreams of your current self.

>> No.10121063

I wanted to be a doctor then my parents laughed at me and told me that I was too stupid to be a doctor, that I lacked common sense and had no clue how to deal with people.

They were right to do it.

>> No.10121108

When I was kid I never actually had a legitimate dream, I always said stupid shit like being a dinosaur or being a Digimon tamer.

I'm willing to bet there's a psychological explanation for this that can be linked to hobbyist obsession. School and jobs aren't fun, Jurassic Park and Digimon is.

>> No.10121140

I never really thought about that, ever. I just assumed life would show me the way eventually. Still waiting!

>> No.10121169

coroner, astronaut, zoologist, tin-tin (adventurous reporter). now I wish I were a big shot novelist pandering and amusing a fanbase.

>> No.10121172

A gay NEET from outer space.

>> No.10121177

I'm of the same opinion. Though I always had big dreams as a kid and wanted to be a scientist.or something.

>> No.10121185

Just a bus driver.

And I cannot get past that fucking psychological examination I need for it, because ADD.

>> No.10121200
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Theoretical Physicist.

Being a welfare-sucking NEET isn't too far below that...

>> No.10121205

Architect or meteorologist. I absolutely love weather and designing house plans. But then one day in high school, a teacher asked us to look up things we want to do as a career and at the minimum grade things you'd need to get into college for it, for "homework". My dreams went down the drain the second I looked around that site....
The only thing I want to be now is someone who makes maps for Pokemon games, or any top-down RPG really. Usually if I find something fun but get forced into working and turning said work in before a set deadline, my mind blocks everything related to it and never do it. That hasn't happened with mapping. If only I knew how to make decent looking tilesets....

>> No.10121207

A princess, scientist, immortal, time traveler.

>> No.10121213
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Post 'em.

>> No.10121225

I found my diary from childhood

Apparently, my dream job was scientist.

But I remember I wanted to be many awesome things.
And I still do

>> No.10121230
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I can't really remember, but I did see a picture of myself with a fireman's helmet on.

>> No.10121237
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I wanted to be a scientist.

And a spy.

A star athlete, too.

But guess what?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Surprise!!! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>> No.10121242

I wanted to own a van so I could put a mattress in it and live in there

>> No.10121243
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I didn't see that coming.

>> No.10121246


In 3rd grade, I read about all of the fighter-pilot hours you're supposed to have, and sort of gave up.

>> No.10121252

A strong black women that don't need no man

>> No.10121254
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I wanted to be a scientist or an astromonist. Then peer pressure happened. Why can't I be asexual, /jp/? Why did I waste my time on relationships and porn? Why can't I be a super effective autistic childmanrobot?

>> No.10121257

I never wanted to be anything. I still don't. Being a bartender would be fine. Or a street thug. Or something else edgy.

>> No.10121261

I think I wanted to be a shark.
I wasn't a very bright child.

>> No.10121263
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>> No.10121267

As a kid, I always had the imagination of an autist and spent most of my time in a very elaborate imaginary world, and when I had to face reality, I surrounded myself with imaginary friends that acted as a support of sorts.
As I grew out of this, I started to lack any form of ambition and lost the will to do almost anything, immersing myself in the escapism of anime, mange and video games.

>> No.10121293

It seems wanting to be a scientist is a sign that one will end up becoming a neet.

>> No.10121321
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>> No.10121323

Movie director because I liked creating stuff and had rich imagination. I made many video games on notebooks and my own trading cards.

>> No.10121328
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Are you me?

>> No.10121341
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No, I'm me. But we seem alike, friend.

>> No.10121358

What the FUCK is a mange?

>> No.10121364


Did you also spend an obsessively long time playing Lego/Playskool-knights/power rangers alone, with your imaginary friend being the opposing force? Did you ever use a safety-pin and blanket as a super-hero cape?

>> No.10121367
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>> No.10121373

it is an exotic fruit from the same family as manga and mango

>> No.10121385

I spent a lot of my time playing with plush toys, putting on little episodic plays. Come to think of it, they were a lot like slice of life anime I'm such a big fan of.
I meant "manga", I'm an idiot.

>> No.10121410

I wanted to do
I wanted to be
So I went to school to become an engineer
And I became an engineer
But I got bored so I went back to school to become a chemist
And I became a chemist
But I got bored
Then I wrote
But I got bored
Then I became a music teacher
But I got bored
And I've been running from the idea that Life = Boredom ever since

>> No.10121460

Have you ever messed with your neurochemistry as a hobby?

>> No.10121532

An astronaut or an author.

>> No.10121597
File: 321 KB, 640x464, Awsome-Yami-Yugi-yami-yugi-21827964-640-464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all flashing before my eyes.
My life, being tossed around like a wet piece of cardboard in amsterdam wind.
This generation, the next and the next. Walking towards an empty space.

>> No.10121622

I played Lego until the age of 12.
I also used to wrestle my pillow.

>> No.10121626

Oh, yeah.
I used to play with plush toys as well.
They were just like my pokemon.

>> No.10121632


I just drifted through life along the path of least resistance.

I read lots of books, but I never thought about being a writer then.

Sure, up through middle school I did well in school, but that's only because it took me absolutely no effort, not because I wanted to study to become something.

I went to a good high school, struggled with anxiety and depression, managed to somehow graduate, and got into University studying the same thing bunch of my classmates did.

After half a year the feeling of "what the fuck am I doing here" got too strong to bear so I dropped out.

It's been five years since, and only in that time I managed to find meaning and purpose in life, that I'm working towards now.

I took so long I might never make it now, but hey, it's better than the way I felt before.

>> No.10121647

A writer or a scientist.

I would have probably pursued science, but my mediocre math skills precluded that.

>> No.10121648

Submarine architect.

>> No.10121674
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Astronomer. I still stargaze nightly.

>> No.10121692

you mean a naval engineer?

>> No.10121701

Nothing, I just wanted to play videogames all day. I guess that in a way I'm living my dream life.

>> No.10121724

I wanted to design my own submarine, build it, be the captain, and get all the bitches.

Probably a cool imaginary way of wanting to be a basement dweller NEET playing 2hu.

>> No.10121757

I think my childhood dream was to be a con-man. I wanted to make money from manipulating people.

Probably could've done it, too; I was pretty scary smart as a kid. I was stealing wallets in daycare and plotting murder in elementary school. I remember having a plan for killing my only living grandparent and making it look like an accident in sixth grade, all so I could inherit the house she lived in and not have to pay rent.
Then I got brain damage. At least I'm technically a nicer person now..

>> No.10121815

lol carl sagan is my hero
we're made of stardust so cool
science da best :D

>> No.10121952
File: 187 KB, 398x415, Black Friday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le feel faec when U will nevar l00k at starz for Le moniis wit da Fagan :(((((


>> No.10121962

Since I was a kid I wanted to be NEET and financially stable.

>> No.10121990
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I don't know why I laughed, but I did.

>> No.10122020

I always wanted to be a Librarian, but apparently you have to have a college degree for that, too.

>> No.10122035

Not become my father, I think I've accomplished that.
Feels satisfying.

>> No.10122042

A pirate.

Not in the sense that I am now.

>> No.10122047

I wanted to be a robotic engineer. Back then my dream was to create efficient robots for domestic use.

>> No.10122060


I still want to be a librarian, but I'm afraid that libraries will go out of buisness and be a thing of the past.

>> No.10122062

a master's degree

>> No.10122070

A caretaker for dolphins, at a zoo.

>> No.10122089

A scientist, I guess. In highschool, an astronomer. Then psychologist.

>> No.10122098

eva pilot

>> No.10122110


>> No.10122122

I wanted to stay a kid.

>> No.10122129

are you literally like 17

>> No.10122141

yes, a girl too ;-)

>> No.10122160

Oh. Cuz I have a penis :P

>> No.10122300

I wanted to be the next Jane Goodall

>> No.10122329

I also wanted to fly and kept jumping from our couch while flailing with my arms.
Believing in the power of believe was nice...

>> No.10122466

i wanted to make video games
i dont want to make video games anymore i think it'd take the fun out of it

>> No.10122638

I wanted to be a mathematician/philosopher. I got a B in a linear algebra course, realized I was too stupid and dropped out.

>> No.10122748

I wanted to research genetics.
Then I just wanted to be a girl

>> No.10124008
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>> No.10124039

>When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a weeaboo

>> No.10124046

A billionaire.

>> No.10124062

I thought things would just work out and something would happen and I'd be ok.

I really didn't see this coming, I never thought I'd spend my days on Japan related imageboards talking to social rejects. I guess since this is the hand life dealt me I have no choice but the play it or fold.

>> No.10124073

Paleontologist. Lost that dream on the path the adulthood and have been lost ever since.

>> No.10124076

>I thought things would just work out and something would happen and I'd be ok.
I think that's silly regardless of age. Even though I got good grades, I saw it coming when I was 9 or 10. Yeah, I guess I'm an extreme defeatist.

>> No.10124079
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>> No.10124100
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I wanted to be a God.

>> No.10124104

Emperor of the Mankind

>> No.10124107

I never really wanted to do anything I just said "vet" when people asked because it shuts them up. I pretty much knew I would never finish school but finding /jp/ gives me something to do til I die.

>> No.10124119

I wanted to make video games.

>> No.10124124

I wanted to get a Doctorates Degree in Otaku Culture. I'm still in school reaching my dream

>> No.10124127

I wanted to be well known for being a bad person

>> No.10124131

That's how it always happened to the other people I observed. That was when I thought I was the same as everyone else, I just figured something would come along that would decide my fate.

>> No.10124139

I thought I would be a great scientist.

Realistically, I probably need an extra 20 IQ points to do so.

>> No.10124143

A soldier, for the wrong reasons.

>> No.10124156
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A professional shitposter.

>> No.10124168

I had no role models, so I had no desire to be anybody.

I'm still nobody, but I don't really care about it. I consider myself a realist.

>> No.10124173

>That was when I thought I was the same as everyone else
My teachers and parents always told me that I'm exactly the same as everyone else. Trying to talk about my problems just made them angry so I stopped.

>> No.10124219


>> No.10124256

I wanted to be a librarian so I could be surrounded by books all day. Instead I got a job at a bookstore where I was surrounded by books all day. Better than expected.

>> No.10124308

Become a mormon

>> No.10124341

I wanted to be lots of things, I don't remember any of them though for some reason.

>> No.10124902 [DELETED] 
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>/jp/ philosophy

>> No.10124941

English professor.

>> No.10125018
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>> No.10125037
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>> No.10125061

I don't remember, but according to my mom I said I wanted a job where I can wear suit.

>> No.10125077

hell yea mothafucka

>> No.10125115
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Marine biologist. I just wanted to chill with dolphins.

>> No.10126088

I wanted to work in Japan. Looks like I'm about to do just that. Not as what I thought back then though.

>> No.10126121

A game programmer. I would draw all these maps and make sprites in MS Paint. Then at some point I stopped playing games because I had no money, and now I basically hate games. Maybe it's just sour grapes.

>> No.10126133

It's a doggie dog world man.

>> No.10126148

Comic book writer/artist, but then are I realized that comics are either underground or super heroes in America, which is gay as HELL, so I gave up. Then I realized that Japanese comics are really popular in Japan, so I formed my plan which is to learn Japanese, move to Japan, and become a mangaka, and if that fails, I can just become an English teacher there and live the rest of my days wallowing in tears and pity as I look back at my miserable life.

>> No.10126165

are you fucking retarded?

>> No.10127779

More like, 99% percent of modern western mainstream games are fucking garbage.

Well, okay, that's a bit harsh, it's more like they're purposely mediocre in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator and push the most copies.

I still want to make games, but there's maybe a one title a year that makes me go, "yes, that's the kind of game I would like to make".

>> No.10127782

Happy and satisfied.

>> No.10130235
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there were a couple of things i wanted to do
- program video games
- marry childhood friend
- own a mansion where all my friends would just laze around while i did all the work so they could all live happy because i grew up in a lower middle class environment

so far i've been doing the first one, but my childhood friend ended up being a shit and i couldnt stand her anymore, and im still not rich enough to own a mansion

>> No.10130254
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i think i wanted to be cop

>> No.10130272
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It's not so much I wanted to 'be' something but I believed for a long time there is always someone identical to you in every way but they're the opposite gender.
I made it my goal to search for this woman and make her my wife. I think I have been close before but she turned out to be a lesbian. I have not given up!

>> No.10130304


please respond!!

>> No.10130319

>- own a mansion where all my friends would just laze around while i did all the work so they could all live happy because i grew up in a lower middle class environment
That's my dream too!

>> No.10130354

It's my dream.

>> No.10130377


If you were the little girl you wouldn't had any problem.

>> No.10130380

I wanted to be a girl

>> No.10130394

An inventor, like Gyro Gearloose. Then later in life I realized that it is completely unfeasible without extensive knowledge in a wide variety of fields, making it virtually impossible for me to become one.

>> No.10130408

When I was young I wanted to be a harem master but yeah that didn't out so well.

>> No.10130440

I never actually thought of anything. Was too busy going to school and doing absolutely nothing, playing video games and looking at porn.

>> No.10130457

Can't it be our dream?

>> No.10130477

garbage man... everyone told me to dream big... now I don't want to be one because its one of the top 10 dangerous jobs and I have never worked a day in my life at 26.
