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10115206 No.10115206 [Reply] [Original]

Alright guys, serious thread time.

Methods of getting into


>> No.10115213

Lucid dreaming
I've done it before though it's hard to not fuck things up without your mind going wild

>> No.10115216

H...holy shit... he said it tree times! I can't handle the stimulation!

>> No.10115218
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Don't let this guy in, he would bully Cirno and Daiyousei!

I'm thinking a portal will open on dec 21st

>> No.10115221

where exactly do you think it will be

maybe in our hearts..

>> No.10115238

in ur mum's bedroom, where i am every night
owned nerd

>> No.10115243
File: 391 KB, 600x600, 76aa7c7d496765e2c7e96463072de3c0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let nothing damage the Gensokyo in your heart!

>> No.10115244

do u really climb into a coffin every night

>> No.10115245
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Try Cusco, Peru.

>> No.10115254

i am a vampire

>> No.10115257

we should organize a pilgrimage!

>> No.10115278
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But how would you convince the youkai to not eat you?

>> No.10115288


If the whole 21st of december lore would be true, we all get "superpowers" then, simplified. So we may stand a chance.

>> No.10115293


Also, we become magical girls. Gensokyo wouldn't be the same if 99% of population is men

>> No.10115296


Survive until 2050 or so, when virtual worlds with full sensory feedback and somewhat reasonable AIs will be a thing. Somebody will make a Gensokyo then and we can meet the Touhous there.

>> No.10115323


But gensokyo is real, I don't want matixokyo!

>> No.10115345

Go read about egregores then and start practicing Astral Travel. Go ask /x/ for directions or better yet, look for a RL order that studies these things.

But what you'll find is just the astral construct the thousands of touhou fans create with their imaginations and dreams. It's kind of seedy. And of course, your body never actually leaves our world. Everybody that tells you otherwise is fucking with you.

>> No.10115351
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Alright, you pussies want to go on a border expedition, you pay up front, alright? I can only take three, any more and my friend in the JSDF starts getting cold feet. Half a mil per person gets you 18 hours on the inside. You stick with the group, you stick with me, you got that? Break off, your ass gets eaten by some monster in a frilly dress, ain't no concern of mine. If you fall behind, get lost, somethin' like that, you haul ass to the shrine, because we've got a timetable and I am not fucking getting stuck in that hellhole on your behalf.

Are we clear? Next opening is in 4 months. Get the cash by then.

>> No.10115373

First you have to find a power place to gain powers, /jp/!

Go anywhere that seems suspiciously paranormal. Then you can be a touhou too.

>> No.10115391


Find Ley Lines not Haunted Houses ^^
