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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10114021 No.10114021 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.10114032

The generic little girl shopper is cuter, anyway.

>> No.10114034

are you talking about the loli? But that bitch is cheap

>> No.10114035

Her facial expression really doesn't match her words.

She looks more like how she would be reacting to what she said. Basically, she has a "dude, what?" kind of face.

Thanks for reminding me by the way, I've been meaning to try this game

>> No.10114042
File: 221 KB, 1040x823, recettear2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never noticed because I always gave her a huge discount anyway for being so cute.

>> No.10114043

Hey now, we prefer the term "Jew" around here.

>> No.10114087

Dem empty raped eyes.

>> No.10114110

That gap is moe as fuck, though.

Screaming outrageous lines with a straight face is somehow incredibly arousing.

>> No.10114116

You have a juxtaposition fetish?

>> No.10114128

I got bored and never finished the game

>> No.10114149

Please do not support games localized (read: it's not a translation) by goons. Thank you.

>> No.10114169

It's better than machine translation.

>> No.10114172


¡Oh Dios mio mis costados!

>> No.10114193

rubba dubb dubb thanks for the grubb

>> No.10114250

translate it normally then, weebs

>> No.10114261


It's me who posted earlier. This translation is fucking GARBAGE. "Yayness" appeared in the spech bubble when the character said "yatta!" and so far there's been many similar cases.


I really doubt the original work was anything along the lines of that.

Am I going to have to learn Nihongo..?

>> No.10114265
File: 37 KB, 455x511, IF I SEE THIS FUCKING GIRL AGAIN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slut wouldn't buy anything no matter the price I offered. It came to a point I just prayed to the gods she wouldn't show up, because she's basically either a lost sale or a stolen item.

I kinda hoped Recette would drag her to a slum and murder her in >>10114042

>> No.10114266


Also, "merde". Seriously, what the fuck.

>> No.10114283
File: 993 KB, 1024x2300, 1323266531163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10114286

Pirating is not supporting, anon.

>> No.10114287

Translation and localization are not the same thing.

>> No.10114289

You autists with your inability to enjoy things. Get over yourself.

>> No.10114298

This is due to the wallet levelling system.
Each customer type has a maximum budget, that increases when you hit their sweet spot of markup again and again.
You hit her sweet spot and she'll come again and again.
I mean, she'll have enough money to buy your expensive crap. At like 104%, but whatever.

>> No.10114303

There was no original work, thing was some gang of pro internet bullshitters' pet project.

>> No.10114304

I might enjoy the game but there's no doubt that this is basically shit. You'd tell some faggot to get out of /jp/ for saying yayzors or some shit, wouldn't you? Just fuck off dude, it's retarded.

>> No.10114307

To add:
It's the bitch that tries to sell you shit at 500% markup that is the real problem. Fuck her for ruining my streaks. Comes to the point where you just avoid the event that unlocks her so she never comes to your store.

>> No.10114311

get out monolingual peasant

>> No.10114318

Once again, do not support localizations made by goons, for goons. Thank you for your time.

>> No.10114320

Fuk u

>> No.10114348

>"Yayness" appeared in the spech bubble when the character said "yatta!"
This kinda thing is common in untranslated games too, though. They'll prepare a limited library of generic sound clips and use it with more varied written dialogue, since varied text isn't as expensive to implement as varied voice acting.

That being said, "yayifications" and "capitalism, ho" is definitely made up by the localizers. But your example doesn't prove anything.

>> No.10114424 [DELETED] 

I guess they assumed that all internet goers would be used to reading things like this. I don't want this shit forced on me, it's not cute and I just really couldn't give a fuck to keep talking about it. By the way, you sound like an idiot who googled ad hominem and went from there in terms of argument.

>> No.10114434

I guess they assumed that all internet goers would be used to reading things like this. I don't want this shit forced on me, it's not cute or whatever they were aiming for. By the way, you sound like an idiot who googled "ad hominem" or some other term that gets thrown around and went from there when it comes to argument.

>> No.10114449
File: 131 KB, 1116x791, Now what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please go fuck yourself. Thank you for your time.

>> No.10114499

>By the way, you sound like an idiot who googled "ad hominem" or some other term that gets thrown around and went from there when it comes to argument.
What does that have to do with anything? I just pointed out that the example you mentioned happens in non-localized games and is therefore not in itself proof of a poor localization. There are plenty of other things you can bring up instead to prove it's a poor localization.

>> No.10114500

translate it normally then, weeb

>> No.10114513

wasn't she originally saying she was scared of being raped?

>> No.10114511

It's funny because he brought up "ad hominem" while performing a perfect example of it.

What a funny guy!

>> No.10114518

I'm all for translators changing words around to fit the character. Sometimes the meaning of a sentence is lost in translation. Maybe a character always uses informal pronouns that don't exist in English, so the translators make him abrasive and say "hell" or "damn" a lot. Fine. But putting words into characters' mouths just because it's quirky is stupid as fuck. It's something a 14-year-old would do. LOL I'M GONNA MAKE IT SO NARUTO SAYS "AWESOMESAUCE"!

>> No.10114520

Only if you pay me for it.

...actually, that might not be such a bad idea. I'm fluent in nipponteikoku kokugo, and all this time spent on 4chan has made me an expert in viral marketing. If they can do it, so can I.

>> No.10114528

You'd get the crowd that hates the localisation.

>> No.10114531


>> No.10114537

Studio Ghibli model is best. No additions, no cuts.
