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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10112847 No.10112847 [Reply] [Original]

Do you consider ZUN a talented writer ?

>> No.10112852


>> No.10112856

No clue.

Some of his stuff outside of the games seems really good, but I can't really tell reading the atrocious translations.

>> No.10112859

CoLA is ok

>> No.10112868


>> No.10112872


"It's not a book plus it's asian so it has to be shit, but it's enjoyable like fast food"
- fat nerds from /a/

>> No.10112876

I can't read moon and i can't understand the English translations of his works.

>> No.10112886 [DELETED] 

I'm told he uses archaic constructions cleverly in his works, and I'm happy to blindly believe that.

>> No.10112917

I don't understand a single thing that goes on in the official manga, yeah it's simple enough, but nothing really happens or the reasons are just non-existent.

>> No.10112925

Well, I don't think he's a bad writer.

>> No.10112933

I don't know, but I know that he's a wonderful thinker.

>> No.10112956 [DELETED] 

lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL


lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL lel LEL

Most of ZUN works are shit, 2hu is only good because the fanbase makes it good.
Like with Bethesda and the Fallout/Elder Scrolls series.

>> No.10112963

1 reply~
I'll send you a hug!

>> No.10112970

inb4 butthurtnitor blocks me for saying the truth

>> No.10112976

Could it be that you're aiming to ``stir `shit' up''?

>> No.10112977


>Like with Bethesda and the Fallout/Elder Scrolls series.

Those still suck even with mods.

>> No.10112982

My only aim is to spread the truth.

>> No.10112986

Epic quotation marks in this post

>> No.10112985

So edgy criticizing a popular, successful and loved franchise

>> No.10112991

Ganbatte, Anonymous-dono.

May you never rest until all the world is shown the light of truth.

>> No.10112994

>I know that he's a wonderful thinker.

He draws some funny conclusions from some really unrelated stuff, the kind of thing that makes you think "oh, now that you say it...". He does that a lot through Rinnosuke.
So I'll agree with that.

But anyway, although I personally like his writing, I'd say the same as >>10112856

>> No.10112996

>But anyway, although I personally like his writing, I'd say the same as >>10112856
My bad, I meant to quote >>10112956

>> No.10113012


He has wonderful characters and interesting concepts, like a hell raven devouring a God and acquiring the power of nuclear fusion, but the stories themselves aren't that interesting.

I think it's because the relationships between the main characters (Reimu, Marisa, etc.) and the other characters aren't strong at all. Reimu resolves incidents because it's her job. Marisa resolves incidents because it's interesting. Sanae resolves incidents because she finds youkai extermination fun. Sakuya resolved the incident in PCB because she was starting to run low on supplies. The relationships between the heroines and the antagonists are pretty much nonexistent. The antagonists themselves usually aren't evil anyway; they're just pursuing some selfish goal that happens to affect everything else strongly enough for the heroines to get involved. There are exceptions, like how Okuu wanted to burn the entirety of the surface world, but that was just because she was stupid and thought that that would be the best use of her power. Her ambitions ended when she learned that, no, that WASN'T what she was supposed to do.

As for the manga series WaHH, nothing of any consequence seems to happen in it for the same reason. The characters from each individual game have relationships with the other characters from their own games, but they have essentially nothing to do with the characters from other games. The only thing a lot of them have in common is the fact that they were, at one point, beaten up by one of the heroines, and that's not strong enough of a bond to have any kind of interesting dynamic.

>> No.10113025

I think the concepts and stories are totally uninteresting but the game dialogue might be the best stuff I've ever seen.

>> No.10113028


Continuing, that's why a lot of the doujin works can be so good, because they often don't focus on Reimu or Marisa at all. They like to dote on characters from individual games, which means they have relationships to use in their stories.

They also usually add in some lesbian sexual tension and/or lesbian sex, which makes the relationships between the characters more interesting, albeit for very low reasons. Still, that dynamic is the reason a lot of the lesbian Touhou ero-doujins can be interesting even if you disregard the porn, and why the stories of Touhou characters fucking faceless men are shit 100% of the time.

>> No.10113031

>the game dialogue might be the best stuff I've ever seen.
>the game dialogue might be the best stuff I've ever seen.
>the game dialogue might be the best stuff I've ever seen.
>the game dialogue might be the best stuff I've ever seen.
>the game dialogue might be the best stuff I've ever seen.

>> No.10113036

>Hey guise look at me I love touhou am I /jp/ yet?

Touhou is dead and so are you OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU

>> No.10113039
File: 108 KB, 800x599, e60a01adb25191eb08246ee6af5094b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't like you
>ooh I've been defeated
>let's drink tea

>> No.10113041

Says the turbonerd who uses translations. There are a lot of clever uses of quaint inflections and sayings, often combined with how a 21st-century teenager would talk, which makes the dialogue cute and charming. I speak Japanese almost fluently, but even I had to look a few things up.

Touhou dialogue is great.

>> No.10113045

If real people talked like that life would be much more pleasant.

>> No.10113047

>Implying I use translations
The dialogue is as good as Street Fighter IV rival cutscenes

shit shit shit

>> No.10113049

>some lesbian sexual tension and/or lesbian sex

>> No.10113050
File: 362 KB, 750x750, zunsan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's clearly well-read in lots of different areas and his talent for sheer volume of quality character design is kind of unmatched. Don't know any other otaku writer with 100+ characters who for the most part actually feel distinct and individual.

So yeah he has a wealth of inspiration to draw on from actual non-otaku culture which is cool but he also has a very distinctly otaku taste for excellent character designs, styles, names, stuff like that. He is good with words in an original way. In my opinion.

>> No.10113052

Secondary detected

>> No.10113055

where did you get the scanner ?

>> No.10113058

I'm gonna have to agree with this but, what do you think of CoLA and the 2 serious moon books? Also, I think while he can't really fit stuff together correctly, he excels in making a stand-alone story for each chapter.

>> No.10113060


Have you not read any Touhou doujins at all? The vast, vast majority of them (that aren't just a faceless man/a bunch of faceless men fucking one of them) make at least one character into a lesbian.

>> No.10113061

Police auction.

>> No.10113065
File: 850 KB, 720x480, 1347463525906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegeta, what does the scouter say about his secondary level?

>> No.10113067

I'm not that guy, but I think CoLA his is best written work for some of those reasons.

Zun seems like a chill guy, so good SoL flows nicely from that.

>> No.10113070


oh god.......this is a shit man......le epic memes are clearly teh strong with this one xD -darth vader noise lol- *OoOooOooo*8***

>> No.10113075


I've 1cc'd all of the integer Windows games on Hard mode, except for PoFV because I didn't like it.


I read SSiB a long time ago when I was much less familiar with the series, so I didn't enjoy it very much. Also, fuck those arrogant, elitist, hateful moonsluts.

I haven't read CiLR or CoLA, but apparently the former is supposed to make me hate the moonsluts less.

>> No.10113077
File: 97 KB, 557x238, touhou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Touhou dialogues in a nutshell

>> No.10113080

I don't really like Touhou fancomics as most of them disregard canon.

>> No.10113085


>> No.10113087


Fair enough.

>> No.10113086

How can you not see it?

>> No.10113093

Shut up. Idiota!

>> No.10113104

ara ara, calm down cabrón

>> No.10113106

Sorry but I failed to detect any.
Only badass Mima and Miko actions.

>> No.10113113


>> No.10113155

If I had to choose who looks way more idiotic, or how much shitposting is in one post, I would choose yours.

>> No.10113197
File: 177 KB, 700x850, faeb1f5a414d2b3a1ac81a704b73aa82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my opinion, I think that one of the strongest points about ZUN's writing is that he manages to create a very charming cast of characters whilst maintaining a story that manages to keep the same cast fresh.

Each character has a very unique breath of life to them that always draws me back into the story, for example: SSiB had parts of Gensokyo coming together to build a rocket ship to go to the moon. Now that is just an interesting concept in itself especially considering how the characters interact.

All of his factions are pretty unique, personally my favourite faction is Eientei. I'm not sure what it is about them, but I always feel myself drawn to the characters and their lifestyle. Sometimes the Doujins are very true to the characters as well, which just makes me think more about them. My favourite is Udonge too, so it's always great to see her appear in the official works. I would love to see Eientei appear more, especially with some character development of Udonge!

>> No.10113284
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>> No.10113299
File: 52 KB, 249x238, 1342218180734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10113315

ZUN either can't or doesn't want to write any character depth but I think it gives it a special feeling. It's like half comedy anyway so that kind of treatment isn't unusual. Then fan artists just love to take it and cram their doujinshi full of boilerplate drama.

>> No.10113321

Okay, well, we're all hungry. We're going to get to our hot plates soon enough. All right?

>> No.10113330

Reimu and Marisa got the development the most, though.
CoLA and WaHH do justice to their MC's developments too. I hope FS will follow suit.

>> No.10113359

I like Koishi's concept. 2deep4me

>> No.10113375

Dialogue is nothing like that.
it starts off with a little small talk. Then a couple of insults, then a fight. Or just small talk then a fight.
The final boss dialogue is usually a BIT of that image but still not it.

>> No.10113401

I meant that they don't have emotional depth. Not that they need to. But the result has kind of a flattened, relaxed feeling.

>> No.10113429

>male writers
>emotional depth
Decisions, decisions.

>> No.10113484

>The relationships between the heroines and the antagonists are pretty much nonexistent.

That's the charm, that everyone has a role in everyone's life, even if they are distanced.

Well, and it does look like he has a lot of knowledge regarding poetry and folklore, which he applies to the plot. And it also seems like he tries to give an understanding of certain aspects of the world and human relationships, or at least tries to relate some of his life experiences trough Touhou history.

Don't mind me, just pulling this out of my ass.

tl;dr: Yes.

>> No.10113506
File: 495 KB, 1682x2114, 1345558484962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reimu's is kinda dull but Marisa has some hilarious(smart) lines.

>> No.10113518

You said everything I could possibly say on this topic, /jp/, all within the first five replies. I feel redundant.

>> No.10113549


EoSD is horribly translated. You can't trust any of those lines.

>> No.10113977

He's not bad.

SoPM or CiLR were good.

>> No.10114002

Then release a new patch. You don't even need to do any translating, just copy the lines from Touhouwiki.

Everyone would greatly appreciate your effort.

>> No.10114008

It's correct.

>> No.10114007

I seriously wonder why nobody has done this.

>> No.10114339


I'd like to but I have no idea where to start.

>> No.10114357

Why ZUN don't draw the touhou manga he writes?

>> No.10114371

Because he's a poor artist.

>> No.10114392

but I like his art

>> No.10114446


>> No.10120098


>> No.10120113

What happened too the ZUN Q&A thread?

>> No.10120118

Roleplaying is forbidden

>> No.10120135

It's not roleplaying if it's him

>> No.10120149

It's not him though, so it is roleplaying.

Janitor has checked his IP and confirmed it

>> No.10120154

I'm the Queen of the Commonwealth Realms, ask me anything.

>> No.10120175

fun cant be something not allowed

>> No.10120215

Were you on that thread last week? Just give a look and tell me how you can be against that.

>> No.10120227

I'm against it because people actually started to believe it's real.
But it was me roleplaying as him all that time
