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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10111872 No.10111872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Girl whispers to you in bed and pretends to be your girlfriend.


>> No.10111880

2 ugly.

ASMR sounds like a cool disorder to have though.

>> No.10111885

Her skin is too dark

>> No.10111886

sleeptite 4 da tired princess :)

>> No.10111892


>> No.10111893

goodnight bb gurl i wishi culd tap dat ass but im hella tired

>> No.10111895

is that you OP?

>> No.10111896

This is awkward.

>> No.10111899
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My favorite ASMR is listening to pretty French girls whisper.


>> No.10111908

A morbidly obese basement-dwelling manchild uttering ``nee-chan'' in a low, almost guttural voice. He is hunched over his keyboard, sitting awkwardly in his decaying office chair which is all but falling apart. Next to this creature is a semen-encrusted pillow featuring a pillow case with a faded picture of an anime girl, which he affectionately refers to as his ``waifu'', as he gently strokes its filthy surface with the chubby fingers of his left hand, whilst masturbating with his right. ``Nee-chan!'' the vile urchin groans. An explosion of thick, yellowish semen shoots out of his fat-buried phallus and lands on the pillow. ``Daisuki'', the autist whispers amiably, feeling accomplished. He looks the anime print in its over-sized, cold, lifeless eyes and gives a wink, as if he expected her to enjoy it if only she were real. What a great way to end the day, he thinks to himself. Before long, the beast had fallen asleep, without cleaning up, just sitting in his chair.

>> No.10111916

I always look at the laptop lying on my side on the bed but I can't watch this because I'm not a freak pervert loser.

>> No.10111920

Yes you are. You just don't like it because it doesn't suit your taste.

>> No.10111923

Am not.

>> No.10111933 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 388x360, 1339875630340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god. I would shlick to this. I want to choke on NEET seed and drown in piss bottles.

>> No.10111954

>Girl whispers to you in bed and pretends to be your girlfriend.

>OMG this is awesome! Im so glad you showed me this, and I hope you continue to do this!
>your cousin,

>> No.10111955

Your life sucks. You are all fat otaku nerds that are stuck in a room with nobody else than you, because nobody would like something so disgusting as you.

But, don't panic. You don't need to suffer anymore. Just die... release yourself from your pain... embrace the death... You know, if you die, you go to gensokyo, where all your dreams comes true.

>> No.10111968

Sorry, I don't understand quot

>> No.10111966

Fuck! My name is Samuel too!* Do you think I have a chance with this girl?

*Well, my internet name is Samuel, it comes from Samael, the Angel of Death, but I've been using it for years.

>> No.10111969

These are always really relaxing. Thanks for reminding me, OP.

>> No.10111971

That's pretty boring. You sound like a boring person.

>> No.10111973

Did you just greentext incorrectly on MY /jp/?! You fucking picked the wrong night fucker. I'm going to take a screenshot of your post right now and email it to moot. That way you dumb shits will realize it's not a fucking game to misuse forum functions. The hammer is coming down on you faggots and all I will do is fucking laugh.

>> No.10111976

Watching anime is creepy and somehow this isn't. What a world.

>> No.10111980

raged hard man!!!

>> No.10111982

You do not amuse Samael with your insults. I will enjoy guiding your soul to the underworld, when the time alloted by fate arrives!

>> No.10111989
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That's like based on my life.

>> No.10111992

- My first 'ironic' shitpost written by /a/-kun, 16 years old.

>> No.10111993

You can't even kill people on a whim? And you are supposed to be the Angel of Death?

You are fucking useless.

>> No.10112002

Clean up, anon. It feels really good to be clean in a clean environment.

>> No.10112012

I'm actually 19 thanks though :3

>> No.10112019


That sounds bothersome

>> No.10112026

[citation needed]

>> No.10112028

It's very easy if you clean a little at a time. Then it's really easy to maintain once everything is done.

>> No.10112041
File: 71 KB, 800x1200, 2cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


TruNEETs have reached a higher level of consciousness and have embraced loneliness, we don't feel bad about our lives, we loved them. Neurotypicals like you could never understand.

>> No.10112048

asmraurette and VisualSounds are my faves.

who ASMR otaku here?

>> No.10112055

Expected a cute Japanese voice but instead I got some garbage english slut.

>> No.10112063

She has a strange look in her eyes. Like she's laughing at me in her mind. What the hell is she laughing at?

I want to punch her. This video makes me me angry.

>> No.10112097

cite THIS

*whips out ur mom's dick*

>> No.10112104

That's not true. NEETs like that tell themselves they like to be lonely, but that's just a way to make themselves feel better. Truth be told, I'm pretty sure that every one of them would enjoy having friends, real friends-even if none fo them would admit it.

>> No.10112115

NEET King of /jp/ here. (Yes I am the NEET king, a veteran Hiki)


this is what happens after 10 years.

>> No.10112119

This is what happened to me in highschool, before I became a NEET

>> No.10112120

By the time that rolls around you should already be receiving the bux. I don't think anyone can go through an entire decade of NEETdom without any kind of support.

>> No.10112123

Some western whore, reported.

>> No.10112125

I can. I was born rich. I'll be collecting interest off of $12M in US bonds long after you starve to death.
