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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10109720 No.10109720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets have an old fashioned JRPG General shall we?

-What JRPG are you currently playing?

-What upcoming JRPG do you look forward to?

>> No.10109733

Playing Persona 4 Golden right now and it's really fantastic. I really want to replay Grandia again soon.

>> No.10109735

u tryin to make me mad boy?

>> No.10109744
File: 1.52 MB, 1000x1000, 30759522.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm replaying Xillia before starting 2.

I made sure to buy the h0mu costume

>> No.10109748

What a waste of time.

>> No.10109759

A-Amazing. I want to fuck her in that.

>> No.10109772
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I'm not playing anything right now. I've picked up drawing and it's gobbling all my free time. Funny thing though is that my mother has started playing video games now since she doesn't work anymore. I don't live with my parents anymore but my consoles are still there. anyways, she has surprisingly good taste -- she's already gone through the entirety of xenogears and is almost done with FFXII.

>> No.10109776

Are there any RPGs that are a little more mature than WATER BEATS FIRE, FIRE BEATS GRASS etc,? I think that's a very juvenile and masculine, binary way of thinking that doesn't reflect real life. I would enjoy something a little more grown-up and involved.

>> No.10109779

>good taste

>> No.10109782

Jesus that was badly written. I spotted an error while writing it and then just made the whole thing worst.

>> No.10109789

Konnichiwa my tomodachis.

I am honored to see fellow Video Game Otaku here on /jp/.

>> No.10109793
File: 47 KB, 294x297, the new trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> just made the whole thing worst.
> just made the whole thing worst.
> just made the whole thing worst.
> just made the whole thing worst.
> just made the whole thing worst.

>> No.10109877

I also bought a copy of Mugen Souls today and I can't wait to play it.

>> No.10109882
File: 795 KB, 1024x819, wall_1024x819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a poor fag, so I really only play older JRPGs or use my flashcard. ;'( Swordcraft Story anyone? I thought it was pretty terrible, but Pratty was a good character. She always did her best, helping Sanary and all her other pals. Too bad she got hit by that train. Poor Pratty.

Still occasionally picking up Golden Sun. I stopped playing Devil Survivor 2 because
>that difficulty.
I suck so bad at video games. I'm just gonna draw from now on.

Wow that was great, where can I subscribe to your blog? Thread derailing aside, how do you get your mom to chill out? Mine won't stop cleaning.

>> No.10109901

You should practice more with SRPGs, I recommend something like Disgaea or Final Fantasy Tactics to help warm you up to these games.

>> No.10109912

>she's already gone through the entirety of xenogears a

Your mom and I are going to be very good friends soon, I hope you don't mind this.

>> No.10109917

I'm playing Lunar

>> No.10109927

Oh, which one? Fantastic games except for that DS one.

>> No.10109932

The DS one.

>> No.10109939

How about FFTA and FFTA2? Those good examples?

Also I'd just like to say, on the topic of NIS America, Phantom Brave was fucking terrible. The story / graphics made me hnnng and the gameplay was new but jesus, those randomly generated dungeons. The only way I could stand playing them was if I used Failure title, and even then it was a huge long chore.

>> No.10109942

The ps1 version.

You're not me, nerdqueer.

>> No.10109960

The remake is pretty cool as well. Now that I think about it Lunar has been remade as many times as Final Fantasy IV now.

>> No.10109955

They are both fantastic sequels but many (including myself) will tell you how inferior they are to the original. Definitely a good place to start.
