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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10107932 No.10107932 [Reply] [Original]

Are any famous people otaku/weeaboos?

>> No.10107939

Thats such a good movie.

>> No.10107941


I really hope Robin Williams was the one who requested this, and he did it on purpose.

>> No.10107948


>> No.10107944

Jonathan Ross's favourite game is Paper Mario and he's been to japan so I guess he is.

Charlie Brooker has a TV documentary on videogames where he mentions PCB for about 10 seconds.

>> No.10107958
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"Shoot 'em ups aren't as big as they used to be, although they still have a hardcore following amongst masochistic maniacs who actively enjoy dipping into titles like 'Perfect Cherry Blossom', which sort of resembles a firework display being sick."

I watched that when it was broadcast, completely hit me by surprise.

>> No.10107956

Jason Mraz enjoys K-on!!

>> No.10107962


Hulk Hogan is a bro ;_;

>> No.10107963

Who was that rapper who tweeted about Akira?

>> No.10107965

Kayne West?

>> No.10107976

Since when does liking mainstream /a/b/v/ garbage make one an otaku?

>> No.10107979
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Yeah, Kanye is a weeb. I'd think that would be obvious.

So is Tarantino; I remember a Rolling Stone interview with him where the interview was describing the collection of memorabilia and stuff at his house as including a lot of anime and Japanese pulp cinema things in it.

>> No.10107995
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>stealth references milky holmes

>> No.10108008


>> No.10108026
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And says this with a small footage where the player moves up and down a little over one second.
Sure is hardcore here.

>> No.10108039

I'm pretty sure someone on /a/ hit Robin Williams up on Facebook and he did say that Evangelion is his favorite thing

>> No.10108043

>every celebertie's favorite anime is Evangelion
>never watched Evangelion

>> No.10108044
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I am a famous person and I am an otaku. But you'll never guess who I am!

>> No.10108045

paranoid as HELL han

>> No.10108049


i also love epik meem arrows

>> No.10108050

Are you the "ancient aliens" guys?

>> No.10108056

No, he is the ancient alien.

>> No.10108063

It's not exactly uncommon knowledge.

He also named his son Zelda after the protagonist of the Nintendo games.

>> No.10108066

isn't zelda the girl and link the guy

>> No.10108072

I'm crying here.

>> No.10108075

Why would they call a game "The Legend of Zelda" if Zelda wasn't the main character?

Use your head, Anonymous.

>> No.10108086
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>> No.10108093
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There's no law that says games' names must be based in the main characters of these, as example Metroid, Halo, Sonic and Final Fantasy are games whose title has nothing to do with their MC.

>> No.10108121

The main character is a red armadillo called Mighty. Why the hell would he be called ``Sonic the Hedgehog''?

>> No.10108118

Okay for Metroid, Halo and Final Fantasy but... SONIC? What did you smoke?

>> No.10108129


>> No.10108122

Ryan Gosling, the cute otaku autist

>> No.10108124


>> No.10108131

I heard Jennifer Love Hewitt likes MoF. is this true?

>> No.10108133

Giorgio Tsoukalos?

>> No.10108135
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Sonic is not the mc name, is a reference to that blue ball thing reaching speeds beyond sound's, sonic is the Latin rot for sound.

>> No.10108137

They can be named after some general theme (Final Fantasy) or location (Skyrim).

Sometimes it's misleading, though. I played Daggerfall before Morrowind and expected to be able to wander into Mournhold. But no, I only got Vvardenfell until they made that one expansion. You might as well call a game "Earth" because it's set somewhere on Earth.

>> No.10108144

Mother, for example as well.

>> No.10108145


knowing that her breath smells of stinky, greasy fish, and she has some grease on her lip, always ruins that gif for me

>> No.10108140

Otaku != hipster

>> No.10108141

"Sonic" is a verb, meaning "to make go fast".
"Sonic the Hedgehog" is an imperative, as in "MAKE GO FAST THE HEDGEHOG!!"

>> No.10108147

> Mother

Fuck off you weeaboo cunt.

>> No.10108167

Even if you're trolling the nerd in me cannot let that slide.

Sound in latin is "sonus", "sonic" is the adjective form, "of sound". As such it doesn't really stand by itself.

The game title probably refers to "supersonic" which means "faster than sound".

>> No.10108171

Hes taking the piss man

>> No.10108182

take the piss out of THIS

*whips out dick*

>> No.10108199

Only one of three Mother games was officially released under the title "Earthbound." How do you know it's Mother 2 he's talking about? Why not the entire franchise?

>> No.10108201

"EARTHBOLIIVD 0" is no better, Herr Spergermeister.

>> No.10108203

I see what you did there!

>> No.10108236

I don't. Would you mind explaining?

>> No.10108238


>> No.10108262
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The logo uses a wacky font that's all broken up and stuff.

>> No.10108276

Thank you for defending me point.
I was talking about the entire franchise, that has a title that vaguely relates to the game itself.

>> No.10108279


>> No.10108284

Where's the 0?

>> No.10108289

The computer game "Mother" is sometimes called "Earthbound 0" but I can't find any sort of box art where it matches the original logo. I think >>10108201 might have been blending two separate concepts together for comic effect.

>> No.10108293
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>> No.10108294

``EARTHBOLIIVD 0'' is the Americlap way of saying ``Mother 1''

>> No.10108307

"celebrity otaku" is an oxymoron. success cancels out "otaku", and you just become a normalfag.

>> No.10108302
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Oh 4chan, I wonder if you can fall any lower.

>> No.10108309

Haha, she sure trolled those fags!

>> No.10108314

the figure that the kid holds is one from williams' collection

>> No.10108318
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trolled hard as HELL

>> No.10108324

The Plain White T's are supposed to be fans of the "Kirakira" VN. Rumor has it that the song Rhythm of Love was based on the Sarina Kashiwara route.

>> No.10108330



>> No.10108341
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>> No.10108381

Zelda Williams is pretty good-looking for a goy.

>> No.10108384 [DELETED] 

When did he reference it?

>> No.10108387

when did sly reference milky holmes?

>> No.10108394
File: 49 KB, 323x463, slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Katy Perry is a fan of "lolita fashion".

Unfortunately, she thinks lolita fashion = "what Dominique Swain wore in the 1997 movie".

>> No.10108410

Even more unfortunately, you think dressing up as Raggedy Ann has anything to do with otaku culture or /jp/.

>> No.10108411

Gwen Stefani has a massive hardon for Harajuku.

>> No.10108414

I think Katy Perry is incredibly unattractive and don't see how people can rave about how hot she is.

>> No.10108417
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Is this what they call... celebrity otaku?

>> No.10108423


I can imagine you typing this and thinking in your head 'heh, they must think I'm such a badass'

And it's just kind of like, ugh

I want to hit you

I dunno

>> No.10108424
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Too bad she mistakenly thinks lolita fashion is drag queen fashion

>> No.10108426



hi5 robots ;D! FUCK THAT HO!

>> No.10108434

is this what they call...low standards otaku

>> No.10108438

I agree with him, she's very overrated, and old sluts like her are gross almost universally anyway. I don't think I like your style of posting very much, did you just recently migrate here from /a/ or /v/ or something?

>> No.10108442


Yes, you have low standards if you think Katy Perry is attractive. You don't have unrealistic expectations of beauty thanks to a medley of porn and misogynist thinking. These are all true things.

>> No.10108448
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>> No.10108451


No thanks, dork. I do what I want.

>> No.10108458


I can't be alone in saying: "kill yourself back to /r9k/"

>> No.10108459

Who is this Katy Perry?

>> No.10108455

I can't be alone in saying that this quasi-ironic forced shitposting style has been run into the ground several times over already.

>> No.10108466


ya o.o and people are always talkin about justin bieber and i'm like 'who's that LOL? i dont listen to shit music'

metallica for life brutha

>> No.10108471

sorry we're in the post-ironic age right now. That's why the over-animated show Nichijou failed.

>> No.10108468

Hey now, I wasn't the one fawning over some 3D slut, was I? If anything, it's you who should do that, since you were the one to bring it up.

>> No.10108478


"Hey now, I wasn't the one fawning over some 3D slut..."

A false dilemma is a type of informal fallacy that involves a situation in which only two alternatives are considered, when in fact there is at least one additional option.[1]

>> No.10108479


Katy perry isn't attractive to me, and to date I've never seen a pornstar that I found attractive.

I can only watch amateur porn.

How exactly did porn and misogyny make me think slutty looking bitches who look mean and unintelligent are attractive? If you are trying to look "hot" or "sexy", which I know you are, you can fuck off because I don't care.

>> No.10108480

Didn't robin williams do a legend of zelda comercial too? And I also heard he wanted to play ganondorf if they ever did a movie.

>> No.10108485


"If you are trying to look "hot" or "sexy", which I know you are"

haha what

are you fucking delusional? I don't understand what's going through your head right now

>> No.10108489



>> No.10108490


I assumed you were female.

I don't know what kind of guy makes a comment like that, but I sure as hell hope I don't ever have to meet them.

>> No.10108491

Bring up some more wikipedia articles at me, nerd. I've got all day.

>> No.10108493


I'm pretty sure he just wanted to break out of the 'timid and silly nice guy' type-cast

>> No.10108500


Are you really challenging Wikipedia's credibility? Are you a grandpa or something?

Yes, someone changed the 'false dichotomy' article a few seconds before I pointed out your usage of it. It's also impossible to cross-verify that definition with other non-Wikipedia web sites (or even Wikipedia's sources.) You're a smart one.

>> No.10108508

Hey, I'm not the 3D lover sucking Jimbo Wales's fat irish cock, am I? Seriously, I think you should reevaluate your life.

>> No.10108504

That's like the only image I have of the guy. He might be able to do wind waker ganon though.

>> No.10108511
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go back to cgl I can tell you're female because you put celebrities on a pedestal. If you are male then your balls must be inside of you and are called ovaries because you aren't really a man you are just a confused woman for thinking the fat over sex'd obnoxious unfeminine celebrity is anything but utter garbage.

Dressing like a simpleton doesn't make you a part of Japanese Culture, it just makes you look stupid. And dressing up in 18th century Gothic garb has about as much to do with japan as Fried Candy Bacon or the movie Gone with the Wind..
And you are anything BUT a "lolita" when you look like someone who is in their late 20's, who the fuck are you kidding?

If you are getting your advice on how to be a woman from these influences then you are running away from men faster than the Dodge Tomahawk.

>> No.10108513
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>> No.10108517

Is that like when in movies the explosion is repeated many times?

>> No.10108518


Kyoani's animation is excellent, it isn't filled with still shots, it's fluent, you know, like actual animation.

Too bad everything else they do sucks.

>> No.10108522
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>> No.10108526
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This thread has gotten too silly

>> No.10108527


EPIK stormfront rhetoric

i too agree that being a xxXXrly manly manXXxx is the only important thing in life

toxic masculinity also isn't one of the things which the entire board claims to hate at all opportunities

>> No.10108531

>Too bad everything else they do sucks.

Why do you think that?

>> No.10108532

I thought Nichijou was excellent.

I also really enjoyed the simple Artsy animation of Hidamari Sketch.

>> No.10108549


Have you noticed how often people make bold assertions and don't support them with evidence?

I don't understand why it's so popular here. Possibly everyone is so entrenched in their views because there's a lot of contrary views around them all the time and they feel like they need armor.

It's like the idealistic state of the board is in a sort of World War 1 stage. Everyone keeps their perspective tucked into the pits, because when they expose them for changing and duck their heads over the lip of the trench, they're fucked by the metaphorical equivalent of machine guns, being articulate ironic nerds.

There needs to be the idealogical equivalent of the tank. Someone needs to create something which doesn't care about verbose, ironic insults and allows contrary views to thrive.

>> No.10108548

Ahh, I remember watching that. It was great!

>> No.10108552

I heard Will Smith loves Ultraman and even did the laser pose on some talk show to the confusion of his interviewer, but I can't find it anywhere. Can anyone help me out?

>> No.10108554

Win Monty Python reference is win.

Archive this shit, Woxxy!

>> No.10108562

>Have you noticed how often people make bold assertions and don't support them with evidence?

Six million Jews died in the Holocaust.

>> No.10108556


>> No.10108558


mootles plz sticky :D

>> No.10108569


like irony v2

i vote everyone starts posting well, ironically

like posting good posts but you just know it's ironic

>> No.10108591

I personally would prefer "over-animated" over dumb slideshow animation. It's nice to see people hard work into their creations, you know? And decent animation just isn't something you see regularly.

>> No.10108594


me too

why is 'over-animated' a bad thing anyway

or how can something even be 'over-animated'

sounds like a shitty term someone made up to have a reason to hate something

>> No.10108595

A member of dragonforce is a fan of anime and likes to visit akihabara, he even started learning japanese.


>> No.10108599


Is this it? I simply googled `will smith +ultraman'.

If this is the correct video, could you please give me a link to it so that I may watch it?

>> No.10108606
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>> No.10108625

Yeah I'm from cgl and so what? My balls are SURPRISE!!! and called BOO!!! because I ___________SURPRISE!!!!!!!__________ and I wouldn't say she's utter garbage.

>> No.10108628

Bill Murray

>> No.10108666


This is the link I actually found out about it from myself, but the video was removed due to copyright claims.


In this thread for that forum you can actually see will doing the pose on some Japanese tv show, but it's only screencaps. Still, I think it's cool as heck.

Also, I scoured all 10 pages again just now to make sure I didn't miss anything, but everything has been taken down due to copyright.

>> No.10108711

That's disappointing. But thanks for reporting. I don't allow embedded videos, so I couldn't check the youtube video out.

If you found out the name of that Jay Leno host show, you could probably scoure through every episode and find the clip with Will Smith.

>> No.10108759

Sure, stick around this thread for a little while. In fact, I think i have it already. Just give me 20 minutes to confirm.

>> No.10108763

I bet he has never seen Gunbuster.

I'm also willing to bet Kanye West has never read the Akira manga. How "Otaku" of them.

>> No.10108850

Well, I watched at least one clip in its entirety and he didn't mention it, so I'll look for another one in a few minutes.

>> No.10109061

Is that Mayhem's DMDS T-shirt?

>> No.10109124

Nobody posts Spidermans Girlfirend.

>> No.10109182

What is with these random criteria?

>> No.10109198

No. The purple thing does look similar to one of DMDS' covers, though

>> No.10109661

I remember when otaku meant more than "Someone who dabbled in Japanese things for a little while".

>> No.10109692

nichijou had artsy animation

hidamari sketch is low budget corner-cutting

>> No.10109706

alll this robin williams stuff is weird
i mean, a 60 year old man who like games and cartoons intended for 14 year olds?
i don't care what you think, that's just downright creepy

>> No.10109834

>artsy animation
It had great animation because they have a huge budget, but don't say it was artsy. The designs were plain as fuck.

>> No.10110036

I almost caught autism in the theater when I saw this part. A shame Robin Williams isn't popular anymore.

>> No.10110134

Gwen Stefani, Souja Boy

>> No.10110179

I was incredibly disappointed at this. It was clear they didn't know much of what they were talking about. And they brought a guy with an incomprehensible accent out of nowhere, too.

>> No.10110203

In what way? It was written by Charlie Brooker, and he got his start writing for a games magazine.

I didn't like the little voiceovers/transitions, but they were intended to match his other -wipe series so I wasn't too bothered.

>> No.10110227
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>> No.10110258

They obviously didn't play the games that much. The GTA segment, for example. OR the gears of war one. Hardly passing level one or completely missing the point of what early GTA games were about. Specially in terms of plot. I'm not talking about charlie brooker in particular, as he didn't say much about a game in particular. I'm talking about those that did.

>> No.10110269

I imagine that in most of these programmes, they get people in the office to play the games for five minutes, gather some footage to plaster between narration, and call it a day.

And that's terrible.

>> No.10110267
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>> No.10110277

Lupe Fiasco references Lupin III in one of his songs.

>> No.10111667


Tarantino made the entire cast of Kill Bill watch FLCL

>> No.10111700
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>> No.10111718


>> No.10111753


It was in the director's commentary and such, he also took pictures of actors with dildos on them if they fell asleep.

>> No.10111764

Katy Perry's favorite place in the world is Japan. Unfortunate, the racist government of Japan forcefully deported her boyfriend, Russell Brand, because WAITO PIGGU GO HOMU!

Previous thread on this: >>7380921
>“My husband [Russell Brand] just got deported from Japan,” the 26-year-old pop phenom tweeted. “I am so. sad. I brought him all this way to show him my favorite place #tokyodreamscrushed.”
It's so very sad that otakus aren't even allowed pilgrimages.

>> No.10111766


>> No.10111778

cant stop LoLlin

>> No.10111784

those cunts

>> No.10111799


The only reason he'd get automatic deportation is if he committed a felony. In which case he can't come back to Japan for 10 years. They really give no fucks about Celebrities acting like they own the place.

>> No.10111805


Doctor Who plays Persona 4

>> No.10111829

Any confirmation of porn star otakus?

>> No.10111830

This thread was annoying as stupid as shit back then (I actually spent time arguing with the guy), but it's funny as HELL now! What have you done to me, neo-/jp/?

>> No.10111866

A couple /cgl/ whores became porn stars. That's probably the closest you'll get.

>> No.10111871
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>> No.10112040

Quentin Tarantino said he was inspired by anime and that he's a otaku at heart.

>> No.10112049

I think he also made on of the actresses watch the OVA Kite.

>> No.10112072


He's actually not very subtle about it.

>> No.10112080

Soulja Boy wrote a ... rap ... about Death Note or something. I couldn't really understand his monkey like moans, but it was definitely about anime.

>> No.10112084

>liking anime makes you an otaku/weeaboo

lol no

>> No.10112109

One of Madonna's music videos she cosplays as Mello from Death Note.

>> No.10112126


Death Note is not otaku related.

>> No.10112139

It definitely is.

>> No.10112142


Do you know what an "otaku" is?

>> No.10112146

Yes I do. You seem to be confusing ``otaku related'' with ``/jp/ related''.

>> No.10112147

its like an /a/ browser but less cool?

>> No.10112157


I don't think you know what otaku means.

>> No.10112160

in short Japanese anime nerd.

>> No.10112164

An otaku is someone with an unusual obsession with a specific topic, usually relating to anime, manga, or other Japanese media.

What do you think it is?

>> No.10112172


It's the different between a person who just watches Star Trek, and a Trekkie.

Otaku are not "anime fans"

>> No.10112174

But anime is most certainly ``otaku related''.

>> No.10112179


Except that /jp/ isn't /a/, that's the board to actually discuss anime

The only reason this thread is here is because we are discussing "who is an otaku" and there are no famous people who are obsessive otaku by definition.

>> No.10112182

/a/ is for people who want to discuss anime and manga, not for anime otaku. I'm sure they're there, but this board is made for otaku and not /a/.

>> No.10112184

>Except that /jp/ isn't /a/, that's the board to actually discuss anime
That has absolutely nothing to do with what we're arguing about. See >>10112146

>there are no famous people who are obsessive otaku by definition.
I can agree with that, at least in the west.

>> No.10112227


Jonathan Ross did an absolutely excellent BBC series about Japan called Japanorama.

>> No.10112307
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Wait. Let me save your day.

>> No.10112473

lol so edgy XD

>> No.10112481

I think I just cut myself on how EDJEY that post is.

>> No.10112503

haha read some of Orson Scott Card's thoughts over Obama getting reelected. You'll go white this quote out of the picture in shame.

>> No.10112716

Marty Friedman

>> No.10112719

I'd imagine it's somewhat like his statements about homosexuality is a diseased caused by pedo rape. He's probably among the most morally reprehensible good writers out there.

>> No.10112720

She is like. Hey guys! I've been to arcade! xD

>> No.10112726

JAPANORAMA!!! That was how I heard of Ross him in the first place - someone in my university anime club (mock me if you must) had copies the whole series at the time and screened it for us.

Anyone who's ever seen that show knows; he's a weeaboo for sure but an intelligent and cultured one, and is that rare kind who can tell you in detail about his interests without coming off as the human version of a leg-humping dog. Pretty sure one episode had a clip of his wife having their wedding/second vow affirmation ceremony (not sure which) at Sanrio Puroland, so yeah.

>> No.10112730

Correct. Tarantino is actually a good of someone who's an otaku with several concentrated areas of interest: exploitation films, anime, pulp cinema, etc.

Last I checked these are the same thing.

>> No.10112736

I was never into Megadeth but I remember him from metal news sites where sometimes an article about his current music would come up and all the comments would be meatheads going "wtf is this jap shite???"
