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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 13 KB, 480x640, 1353662262879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10107318 No.10107318 [Reply] [Original]

Courtesy of Futaba, FS 2 neta.

>> No.10107327
File: 390 KB, 1600x1200, 1353660874048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing seems to be happening in particular, but a lot of cameos.

>> No.10107330

I want to put it in.

>> No.10107331
File: 348 KB, 1200x1600, 1353660085648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10107335

such a qt

>> No.10107336
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>> No.10107347
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>> No.10107356
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>> No.10107360
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>> No.10107362

burn in hell

>> No.10107370
File: 331 KB, 1200x1600, 1353661683923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10107377

Worst character.

>> No.10107380

Well, it was about time we saw him again. I was fearing ZUN had swiped Rinnosuke under the rug.

>> No.10107384

...doesn't that kind of image imply he died?

>> No.10107387

Good riddance

>> No.10107395

A projected inset means "memories", so yes, death is a probability.

>> No.10107418
File: 187 KB, 856x606, da30e6b334fd2ba624811b3da38b8f23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit we Space Runaway Ideon now!?

>> No.10107424

Remember when Kyouko "died"? I don't think /jp/sies are particularly good at interpreting visual clues.

>> No.10107444
File: 216 KB, 600x800, 288d09af4855c23131d22423029d553e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10107469

In b4 that fan game where all touhou are hallucinations of Reimu dying in a mental ward.

>> No.10107472

I saw the anti-kourin answers and went to the water cooler thinking about posting this exact picture. Good work.

>> No.10107481

Oh good it's monthly for a change.

>> No.10107499
File: 401 KB, 1057x1524, 1353682833005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10107516

So Toehoes do sneeze. Interesting observation.

>> No.10107519

oh gods, her feet.

>> No.10107527

Wait what the fuck, the artist got her feet wrong.

>> No.10107528

Yeah, it should be two left feet!

>> No.10107536
File: 403 KB, 1057x1524, 1353683752106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Akyuu's mansion is fuckhuge.

>> No.10107540

Oh thank god, I was afraid we won't see any more Akyuu after the first chapter.

>> No.10107549

I bet the human village is smaller than that.

>> No.10107554

I bet you're a secondary.

>> No.10107558

Fellow thieves, rejoice! We have another perfect place to pilfer from!

>> No.10107563

Is that Emiya Shirou dojo?

>> No.10107568

I bet you don't know when a person is being ironic.

>> No.10107614

Nice damage control.

>> No.10107626
File: 395 KB, 1057x1524, 1353684899781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10107627

I hope you're a clumsy thief. It's not cute if you're efficient.

>> No.10107631

>AQN and Kosuzu observing curiously

>> No.10107639
File: 401 KB, 1057x1524, 1353686154269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10107649

Now I want to see a story where Koßu stumbles upon Byakuren's sorcerer sutra scroll, tries to read it and become evil/insane.

>> No.10107656

>become evil/insane
Highly unlikely. She touched a Necronomicon before and still sane.

>> No.10107683
File: 29 KB, 639x360, 1353686149688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AQN and Kosuzu observing curiously



>> No.10107725

Wow, they're summoning a pink baby Mara? Why the censor?

>> No.10107760
File: 402 KB, 1057x1524, 1353688941448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10108120
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>> No.10108132
File: 399 KB, 1057x1524, 13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imminent rape

>> No.10108139

Poor youkai, never had a chance at life.

>> No.10108162

To there ARE youkais at Gensokyo who actually attack humans? Like in all those grimderpy doujins? Herpderp evil humaneaters? Wow. Mind blown and all that.

Oh well, not really. We're all know what'll happen next.

>> No.10108166

Man, what a sucker. Reimu is pretty much useless at anything BUT close range youkai extermination...

>> No.10108172

Read WaHH, Gensokyo youkai are not real youkai.

>> No.10108185

Do you even SoPM Kisume?

>> No.10108190

I know, man. That's the joke.

> Gensokyo youkai are not real youkai.
Well not really, to be honest. Humans in OW are just in a dire need of cute girls. Who need scary one-eyed monsters nowadays?

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Telling the same things time after time...
SoPM is full of crap. This is what you wanted me to say?

>> No.10108751

>Wanna go see him?
>What do you think I-- (reimu blushes)
>Just now yout heart raced, there's no problem if you're a human!
>He's someone you love deeply, isn't it? Your first, right?
>You mean the salesman?
>Yeah, I got it when you blushed!
>You were thinking about what he might say about the outside world, right? (And other stuff da ze)
>Eh... (Marisa is clever)

Reimu confirmed for in love with Rinnosuke.

>> No.10108779

Thanks, weeb.

>> No.10108953

I want Reimu to put it in.

It's just someone remembering him.

Oh god.

>> No.10108958
File: 216 KB, 1093x900, 1352755480717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Holy shit is this real?

>> No.10108989

Not surprising for anyone who read CoLA.

>> No.10109065
File: 404 KB, 1057x1524, 1353690175181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also in this chapter: Marisa is a furry.

>> No.10109076
File: 403 KB, 1057x1524, 1353692958061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10109092
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>> No.10109105
File: 400 KB, 1057x1524, 1353694323575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10109113

You made me go out of my way to get a dictionary.

What a devil you are.

>> No.10109114
File: 255 KB, 457x381, 1326890773373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now another month or two until it's translated. Reminder to everyone that secondaries are the majority of the fanbase that prefers to translate doujins instead of official works.

>> No.10109116

It's bad, but at least it isn't /u/ garbage.

At least I can tell /u/ shippers to eat shit now.

>> No.10109125
File: 400 KB, 1057x1524, 1353696304565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gensokyo Shows Its Real Grim Side, part 1 of 4

>> No.10109141
File: 400 KB, 1057x1524, 1353697664087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 2

>> No.10109143

isnt it nice

even reimu deserves love

>> No.10109144

What does it say?

>> No.10109157

marisa looks like mima.

>> No.10109153
File: 398 KB, 1057x1524, 1353699369660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

part 3

>> No.10109163

Lying is bad.

>> No.10109174
File: 397 KB, 1057x1524, 1353699919876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...and the conclusion

>> No.10109183
File: 131 KB, 355x596, 1336915323340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why would we lie about this? Rejoice, anon, this is a time for celebration.

>> No.10109184

The picture of death in the first panel.

>> No.10109199
File: 402 KB, 1057x1524, 1353701434155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they even need to hide?

>> No.10109202

Old habits die hard.

>> No.10109209

rinnosuke you lucky bastard

>> No.10109214

Because Reimu would ruin their shit if she happened to be in a bad mood.

>> No.10109222

Thank goodness that's not real.

>> No.10109217

This probably happens prior to OSP 18.

>> No.10109221

This still does not explain those camouflage leaves.

>> No.10109230

And if it were?

>> No.10109250

/jp/ would most likely implode on itself.

>> No.10109267


It's really though.


I want to see that happen

>> No.10109270

Godammit the art is so cute I'm going to die. Cuter than Azuma's. I want to see Kasen drawn in this style.

>Moe Harukawa (春河もえ) is the illustrator for the Forbidden Scrollery manga. Next to nothing is known about her, other than that she's apparently young and very skilled, according to ZUN during a Nikenme Radio broadcast.

Cute girls drawing cute things.

The crumbling of the Yuri paradise wouldn't be something to be celebrated.

>> No.10109284


You seem nonchalant about it. With a single page, the 20 year history of yuri will come to an end.

>> No.10109285
File: 398 KB, 1057x1524, 1353682516814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'd make 17 pages out of at least 24.

>> No.10109302

Finally something interesting happening in a touhou manga!

>> No.10109304
File: 54 KB, 166x264, Reimu confirmed for jew.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The revelations just won't stop coming!

>> No.10109310

If this is real then Touhou is as good as dead.

Shipping is a big nono for canon.

>> No.10109316

This is very old news.

>> No.10109327

why ?

dont you feel happy for reimu , she is a healthy girl after all

tough she liking older man is kinda weird

>> No.10109325

It's not shipping if it's canon.

>> No.10109326


It's a one-sided love, apparently. Rinnosuke can still be shipped with other people.

>> No.10109334

Him saying that /jp/ would implode means that people would get angry that a touhou is getting a love interest.

>> No.10109340

I thought this manga was gonna be good after the first chapter but damn it went to shit fast.

Like, worse than Inaba levels of shit.

>> No.10109345

inaba was fantastic though

>> No.10109348

sperg more, autismal lord

>> No.10109350

inaba was shit though

>> No.10109356

Touhou is declining.

>> No.10109357

She's a girl, it's only natural to be interested in dicks.

Though I don't think you grasp the root of the problem here. Man would be fine; Rinnosuke is a youkai.

>> No.10109361

Rinnosuke is half-human and half-youkai.

>> No.10109365

You guys don't really think that's what it says do you? There's furigana and everything. You don't even need to be able to actually determine what it says to figure out that it doesn't say that.

>> No.10109369

Welcome to a few hours ago.

Not that furigana would actually be useful to people who don't know shit for Japanese.

>> No.10109367

why would people be angry about it

maeby if your waifu is reimu you could be a little mad, but it does not change anything from the main picture

besides reimu drooling over rinnosuke is cute as hell

>> No.10109368

That is probably one of the issues this manga will be about. Rinnosuke might be half-human, but he's still half-youkai. Reimu is a shrine maiden, she should be extreminating youkai, not blushing over them.

I wonder if Yukari will do anything about this or if Kasen is gonna show up in this.

>> No.10109377

Canon only destroys. I'll stick to my MeiSaku doujins, thank you very much.

>> No.10109373

One drop rule.

>> No.10109378

It was already a youkai shrine anyway.

>> No.10109386

Which may be the whole point, since ZUN has been making sure to repeat "hey guys, look! Humans and youkai have reached a truce! Everybody is happy, but still somewhat unsure as to how it's going to develop!"
And then this.

Assuming that's not the most successful lie in the history of /jp/, which is the case.

>> No.10109388

What does it say?

>> No.10109397

I thought your Japanese was better than this, /jp/.

>> No.10109394

This manga is about Kousuzu. Whatever happens, she's the one who's probably gonna set reimu straight.

Rinnosuke's happily married to Keine and has a daughter, anyway.

>> No.10109396
File: 1.04 MB, 1300x1280, reimuyukarikasen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10109408

Why spoil the fun, though?

>> No.10109405

Something about the pleasure of being cummed inside. I don't know the other devil runes.

>> No.10109415

Think about her name is pronounced in japanese.


>> No.10109418

He's not lying. I'm not great at japanese but I can detect some of the stuff he translated in the page.

A marriage between a human and a youkai would be a great way to show youkai and humans live in peace. Maybe hopeless masquerade will have something to do with this and a faction among the humans and youkai being against it. Then in the end "hey look, humans and youkai against human-youkai relationships! You were working together this whole time to stop it from happening!"

Then tea and cookie and a festival. Reimu is getting old, as well as Marisa. Soon enough we'll be having a new shrine maiden popping up and mima taking over the shrine again

>> No.10109425

>He's not lying

He is.

>> No.10109426

I find your use of the word "straight" amusing in this context.

>> No.10109429

Then post the correct translation.

>> No.10109432
File: 105 KB, 480x371, reimukosusu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reimu blushed at kosuzu.

>> No.10109444

Oh, you.

Though honestly this came completely out of the left field. I always thought Marisa would be the one ending up with Rinnosuke (or Keine) considering their past, but then again I haven't read CoLA. >>10108989 says it's not surprising.

>> No.10109448

Mima is in one of the books that Kosuzu will open and she'll be the final boss of 13.5.

>> No.10109449

Nothing happened in CoLA to suggest anything.

Reimu treats Kourin like shit and basically owns him.

>> No.10109452


>> No.10109457


There's already fanart in pixiv in response to that page. Canon, it's canon!

>> No.10109454

MC is a bi, who would have thought.

>> No.10109467


>> No.10109464

14 is not too old. Idiot. This bullshit has left me in a very unpleasant mood. I expected much more from ZUN.

>> No.10109465


That's now how I read CoLA dude

>> No.10109478

If anything Marisa would be the one to be suggested to be interested in Rinnosuke in CoLA, what with her visiting her even more than Reimu and having backstory related to him.

>> No.10109479

thats how anime girls show their love

>> No.10109474

It's more fun to go along with it.

>> No.10109477 [DELETED] 


omg u like memes too!? xD

>> No.10109481

He's joking. Of course theres tons of ReiRin fanart of pixiv already.

>> No.10109495

I'd get a chubby all day if Reimu owned me and treated me like her slave.

>> No.10109486

Tsundere is a wonderful thing. It fits Reimu like a glove, too.

>> No.10109489

Reirin is my justice.

>> No.10109492


Rivals in love

>> No.10109499

>her visiting her
Meant ''her visiting him''

>> No.10109513

They come out all the time.

>> No.10109508
File: 1.09 MB, 1019x1266, 31689099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This one came out right after the chapter came out.

>> No.10109509

when are we gonna get another occassion where touhous are playing a game and reimu shows her ''outcome deducing'' ability that she learned from akyuu and showed in CoLA.

>> No.10109518

thats because you are so beta it hurts me anon

>> No.10109530

Remember that 2 years have passed in canon. Whoever was 14 is now 16. They're at the peak of their youth. They're in heat.

>> No.10109533

>14 is not too old

It was prior to the 20th century.

>> No.10109543


Yeah, but there hasn't been a Reimu one in awhile. It wasn't just coincidence this one was made right after the chapter came out.

>> No.10109545
File: 66 KB, 419x248, Suwako grin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All this time you people kept saying Sanae is a slut. All this time I kept telling you you're wrong. That Reimu is the slut, not Sanae. Then canon comes along and proves it! I got you good, Sanae haters! I told you so! I called it! Reimu a slut!

>> No.10109537
File: 310 KB, 1600x2260, mfw reading striped pattern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.10109540

It's a joke, calm down.

>> No.10109542

>I'm not great at japanese but I can detect some of the stuff he translated in the page.

Ask yourself two questions:
- Are those any of the important parts?
- Would you leave as much of the original text as possible if you were him?

>> No.10109553


I won't treat it as a joke until I get 10 fucking translators agreeing on the same translation.

>> No.10109552

at least Reimu found true love, Sanae is just a fountain of sperm without emotions.

>> No.10109560

Fake translations came around for some games/zun commentary showing that Mima was making a return.

>> No.10109559

Reimu and Marisa probably froze their growths somehow. Reimu by sniffing some delicious Remilia smoke (EoSD Reimu A ending), Marisa as part of the process of becoming yet another youkai magician.

>> No.10109562

Screw you, deluded Reimu fan! Sanae is the best shrine MAIDEN. I wonder how much time's left until Reimu's no longer a MAIDEN. If she already isn't!

>> No.10109565

Reimu needs descendants though, she needs to keep the hakurei bloodline alive, else gensokyo goes poof according to PMiSS.

>> No.10109568

Lick my nuts Sanae fan.

>> No.10109570 [DELETED] 
File: 117 KB, 601x850, 1343885804278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't just help the case, Don't be an Aya fan. Putting the slut onto another label isn't going to solve anything. No touhou is a slut, No touhou will ever be a slut.

>> No.10109580

>Rinnosuke's happily married to Keine

reimu a misstress

anyway..what is the position of the people in gensokyo about poligamy

>> No.10109581
File: 29 KB, 417x300, reimu marisa no enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please. This is very upsetting. You are kidding, right? Please respond. Please tell me it's a joke. This can't be true, right? It has to be a joke. I can't believe this is true. I won't believe this is true...

>> No.10109591
File: 117 KB, 601x850, 1343885804278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not helping the case, Don't be an Aya fan and put the slut label onto someone else. No touhou is a slut, no touhou will ever be a slut.

>> No.10109592

I don't think this has ever been discussed. As far as I'm concerned, the more procreation there is, the better. Youkai need humans to survive, after all.

>> No.10109590

yukari said in OSP that she spied on reimu all the time using the orbs from SA that were still working after that which means she watched reimu take a bath everyday.

what will she do now.

>> No.10109604


>> No.10109608


It's not a joke.

It's time to tear it up.

>> No.10109609

But it's the truth! The slut label was put on Aya by Reimu fans in the first place because she got into so many games and they felt threatened! Then Sanae became a playable character and Reimu fans turned their attention towards them. Aya fans joined the "fun" so they would get rid of the slut label, and disgruntled Sakuya fans turned their anger towards Sanae!

>> No.10109610

Yes, it's a joke.

>> No.10109615

Aya is labeled as a slut because she got her own games which means she sucked zun's cock.

>> No.10109616

So loving one person makes someone a slut? I don't believe you for even a second. I have my doubts you're even a legitimate Sanae fan.

>don't be an Aya fan
You're not helping either you know. Don't even try to play that game. It just makes your fanbase look even worse for trying to pin the blame on other people.

>> No.10109617


Can't pick who to believe.

>> No.10109620

Unfortunately it's not.

I'm sorry, anon.

>> No.10109625

Be the better person then, Stooping to their level isn't the solution.

>> No.10109632

It had to start somewhere, and to my knowledge, that's where it started from, if you can tell me the true source as to why Sanae was labeled a slut, please, enlighten me.

>> No.10109653
File: 205 KB, 480x653, newchap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the kaurei maidens like that witch in the scoprion king

they lose their powers as soon as their lose their virginity ?

>> No.10109662

I don't like change very much... Gensokyo was always the kind of place that never really changed... Whenever something happened, the protagonists made it so it all returned to status quo. And then this happens. It's like seeing an old friend taking up bad habits, you know? I'm happy for Reimu, but... It feels like something huge has changed. The fandom will react. Doujins will come out. A lot of stuff will change. For the better? Maybe. For the worse? I fear so...

It's at times like these that I truly feel that canon only destroys... I'm just... Look at me. How loe I've fallen. Caring about some little change in a manga about some game no-one cares about... But what can I do? It's only of the few things that brought joy to my life...

I don't know what will happen next. But I don't think I want to be around to witness it, /jp/...

Thank you for trying to cheer me up. Really. Thank you.

>> No.10109663

It has something to do with her extensive love for the cock.

>> No.10109668

>all these people not knowing japanese and going apeshit

sad /jp/ sad.

>> No.10109671

>So, what's with that campfire?
>What, you ask...
>These days, you won't find anyone without a leaf incinerator, ze
>People have even started gathering them up and selling them
>Selling leaves?
>It's like a farmhold selling compost, ze
>Even in the outside world, they say that's still a big business

Okay, you can stop now.

>> No.10109672

For fucks sake, anon. They're talking about collecting leaves.

>> No.10109673


Hey don't kill yourself over this, ok?

>> No.10109674

It doesn't matter where it came from, that's not the point. Not to mention the fact that there's absolutely no way to prove who started it. The point is that by pointing fingers at other fanbases you're only making your situation worse for your own fanbase.

>> No.10109681

Shut up already.

It IS a joke, the conversation Reimu and Marisa had is just something about burning things.

>> No.10109695
File: 31 KB, 520x347, IT'S OVER WE'RE FINISHED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is why the thread exploded.

Add me to the list of pissed-off people. ZUN is now on my shit list and derivative works will be the only thing I'll care about. Consider me a ``filthy'' secondary from now on.

>> No.10109699


>> No.10109700

Who are you quoting?

>> No.10109702

ur mum

>> No.10109708

I like how you skipped all the kanji about passion and love and made it look like "burning passion" is "burning leaves". Nice try.

>> No.10109719

Love is pure. Cocksucking is not.

>> No.10109715
File: 50 KB, 500x129, iceburn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10109716


It's another mistranslation, the original on is correct.

>> No.10109717

i prefer the troll trasnation

is more interesting and open to posibilities

>> No.10109722

Reimu doesn't even blush, if you call that blushing, guess >>10109432 shows she loves kosuzu too.

She doesn't seem bothered at all in the bottom panel either, that never happens for people who have just been found out, _never_.

>> No.10109724
File: 37 KB, 531x366, cowboy bebop at his microscope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well shit.

>> No.10109725

Someone is a bit mad, it seems.

>> No.10109727

>Love is pure. Cocksucking is not.

You can fellate someone you love. Why is only regular sex romantic?

>> No.10109728
File: 272 KB, 863x967, reimukosuzu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guess >>10109432 shows she loves kosuzu too.

who says she doesn't?

>> No.10109736

she fellates everyone.

>> No.10109742

Stay mad, Reimufag.

>> No.10109747


>> No.10109752

So, Parsee, Seiga, and Moonbitches, we now have Reimu in people who a canon male love. Huh.

>> No.10109756



>> No.10109764

She became a youkai because her man left her and she got jealous.

>> No.10109767


It's like you never knew Parsee's backstory, LOL.

>> No.10109788


They sure love their husbands. So much they never even mentioned them.

Their husbands were probably nothing more than kitchen appliances for them.

>> No.10109794

What he meant was that they had sex.

>> No.10109809


Why would they mention their husbands when it's not appropriate for the conversation? You really expect everyone with a husband to go OMG I LOVE MY HUSBAND SO MUCH to everyone?

>> No.10109810

Reimu hasn't had sex with Rinnosuke. At least not yet.

>> No.10109822

As in, ''your first love''.

>> No.10109818

See >>10108751
>>He's someone you love deeply, isn't it? Your first, right?
>Your first

Kourin popped Reimu's cherry already.

>> No.10109824

Your first love, not first one she had sex with. Jeez!

He thinks girls mention their boyfriends all the time when he speaks with them not as a measure to prevent him from getting any ideas.

>> No.10109833

How do you know? "Your first" could mean lots of things.

>> No.10109838

That was just a styllistic liberty. If you read the original script the context is "your first love".

>> No.10109839

How do YOU know?

>> No.10109846

It's like you can't tell the character's backstory from her mythological origins.

>> No.10109848

I was just telling them they can't be sure either.

If that's the case then I humbly take back what I said.

>> No.10109851


Seiga actually fled from a marriage, so it's a given that she didn't like her husband. It's also a given that she's "wicked".

Regarding the moonbitches, however, we only see them during what's their day jobs. They can still return to their palaces by night to sleep with their husbands (who probably have important jobs elsewhere in the moon capital).

Of course, "marriage" in the moon capital can also mean something so cold as "we take some zygotes from you, mix them in a lab and grow the kids in tubes", so who knows?

>> No.10109857

Is /jp/ really that easy to troll?

One shitty troll translation and we have a shitstorm.

>> No.10109859

Reimu? The main character of the series? In love with a guy?

I only have one thing to say about this...

>> No.10109870

/jp/ is too beta to reply back to the guys saying it's real.

>> No.10109871

Everyone knows it's a troll translation.

>> No.10109878

I don't understand why people are so pissed off about this. Touhous are girls. ZUN knows this better than anybody. Of course they'd be in love with a boy at some point. A perfect girl is not perfect if she doesn't have a romantic interest towards someone.

>> No.10109885

do you need classes about how to have fun anon ?

>> No.10109886

Well, that's just like, your concept of a perfect girl, man.

This is the best thread ever dude, have fun.

>> No.10109888

Yet theres 200 fucking replies about it. Totally just trolls trolling trolls about a troll translation. Get your deluded head out of your ass.

>> No.10109890

I'm honestly surprised we went from Rinnosuke is dead to he's fuggin Reimu.

>> No.10109894

>Yet theres 200 fucking replies about it.

That's normal.

>> No.10109898


It's not a troll translation.

>> No.10109904

It's the BEST translation.

>> No.10109905

It is, what it really says is that Rinnosuke is dead.

>> No.10109908

>troll translation

How about you do your reps instead?

>> No.10109913


Maybe the translation indeed is wrong, but actually Marisa is trying to comfort Reimu about the death of her lover?

>> No.10109921
File: 37 KB, 600x378, ;_;7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip in pieces

>> No.10109941

Well, I told every Touhou group I could find about this new love revelation. they were right 2012 has begun

>> No.10109956

Who doesn't want to speculate about 2hu's sexuality?

>> No.10109978

There's no speculation. Unless Yukari puts something on Reimu's drinking water, she's a teen girl and must think about romance all the time.

>> No.10109982

We know she spies on Reimu taking a bath all the time according to OSP.

>> No.10110032


Actually, you still didn't get it completely right.

>So what do you think that bonfire's for?
>What do you mean, what for...
>Nobody incinerates leaves nowadays.
>People have are starting to get into the business of gathering them up and selling them.
>Selling leaves?
>It's probably for turning them into compost and selling them to farmers.
>They say selling compost is pretty popular, even in the outside world.

Your main inaccuracies are with the third and sixth lines.

>> No.10110046


Dammit, I forgot to put "~ze" at the end of the fourth and sixth lines.

Silly me.

>> No.10110039


Those words don't match with the text shown in >>10107760.

>> No.10110048

But you are speculating yourself right now.

>> No.10110055
File: 52 KB, 581x593, hurr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10110057


>People are starting to get into the business of gathering them up and selling them.


>> No.10110063

See >>10109708

>> No.10110067

What about it?

>> No.10110164

>telling everyone about a troll translation

ya wank

>> No.10110297

>Yuri paradise
Is it canon? No. Enjoy the story, not some shitty shipping.

>> No.10110472
File: 47 KB, 640x480, charlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ you guys are idiots.
>今どき 落ち葉を焼却処理する人間はいないぜ。

>A blazing fire for what, then?
>..For what?
>Lately humans are burning fallen leaves.
>I'm beginning a business to sell the fallen leaves.
>sell the leaves?
>I'll likely sell them to farmers who are collecting them for compost.
>Apparently, compost is in vogue in the outside world.

Seriously. Are you guys that lazy? My translation might be spotty at best but the dialogue has nothing to do with blushing little girls talking about which one is gonna aim for rinnosuke. If anything, its implying that marisa is selling shit to or through rinnosuke.

>> No.10110499

Thank you captain, we sure didn't know it was a troll post from all the fixed translations that were posted as well as people telling others it was a troll.

>> No.10110500

That's what you get when translators are late to the party.

>> No.10110512

Which one is which?

>> No.10110524

There can be many interpretations, I mean even with fucking spanish you could wring out different ways to translate things based on both your understanding, your knowledge, and way of writing as well.

>> No.10110533
File: 67 KB, 377x480, Master of the Obvious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's implying she heard the "is in vogue in the outside world" from Rinnosuke, genius.

>> No.10110537
File: 514 KB, 900x900, 1348455750958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should be able to read stories about little girls selling leaves to gullible farmers on your own!

>> No.10110733

ps do your reps /jp/ dont fall behind
