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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 463 KB, 1440x810, 1352094971152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10099944 No.10099944 [Reply] [Original]

Are fujoshis the natural enemy of /jp/?

>> No.10099949

I don't see why they would be.

>> No.10099951


I'm a fujoshi and I play Touhou
and /jp/ is my enemy? :(

>> No.10099954

They should be our comrades, yet everyone on /jp/ seems to hate them. Can't we forgive their shitty yaoi and get along?

>> No.10099955

suck my dick she-devil

>> No.10099957

Hell naw breh are u gay or what? Lol nerd girls are fuckin hot would bang a fujoshi all day.

>> No.10099958

I've never seen a fujoshi shitpost on /jp/ b-

Spoke too soon.

>> No.10099962

I would. I don't mind their yaoi, I just don't care for it.

>> No.10099966

We should try to get along with them. Fujoshi are a cornerstone of the otaku economy. Anything that advances 2D, whether waifu or husbando, works in our favor.

>> No.10099971

All females are my enemy.

>> No.10099975

> those disgusting chink feet

>> No.10099976

I can see it now.




fujoshi are scary.

>> No.10099978

Yes, they're the female equivalent to us. How horrifying.

>> No.10099980

Your forget Kingdom Hearts. That's scary as hell.


>> No.10099982

I don't see the problem. We could have our cock suck meetups and they could watch.
A truly symbiotic relationship.

>> No.10099985

Are you trying to say I'm gay buddy? ARE YOU? I am so straight I browse standing up.

>> No.10099987

I would really like a fujoshi friend if I could find one.

I actually like Yaoi as well sometimes,

>> No.10099992


>> No.10099993
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>> No.10099998

Woah, are you trying to tell me /jp/ is a bunch of hypocrites? Hold on, I'll alert the media.

>> No.10100006


But... it that is friendship you rotten girl

>> No.10100007

Could someone post the "safety chair" picture?

>> No.10100018

is denim the stereotypical fujoshi clothing?
i would have thought they'd be wearing sweats or just sitting around in their underwear if it's hot

>> No.10100019
File: 10 KB, 249x238, fastntnig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually see that much yuri on /jp/

>> No.10100020


It would be better if you put VN's plot instead. It's /jp/ not /a/.

>> No.10100021
File: 88 KB, 1280x720, [SubDesu] Seikon no Qwaser II BD 04 (1280x720) [FBF4A112].mkv_snapshot_00.43_[2011.09.02_00.31.08].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Well pardon my ignorance.

>> No.10100024

Fujoshi are as scary as their male counterparts, which is to say, not very.

>> No.10100034

Where would you take a fujoshi on your first date?

>> No.10100038

A /jp/ cock suck meetup.

>> No.10100040

Home, she's probably as socially inept as I am.

>> No.10100044

Probably back to my room only to drink until we can't feel stuff anymore.

>> No.10100047

in the ass

>> No.10100052
File: 53 KB, 500x533, 腐.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

listen my original song about kaito fuq len while gakupo record

>> No.10100051

I wouldn't mind some internet fujoshi friends. it might be nice to see how the other half lives

>> No.10100057

I wouldn't date one. Just friends would be nice though.

>> No.10100071

Are you a fujoshi, Hobo Girl-chan?

>> No.10100086

Western fujoshis are fat or retards mostly both.

Japanese ones on the other hand seem pretty nice.

>> No.10100100
File: 55 KB, 640x480, 1336292943424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think so

/jp/ loves gay shit and they love gay shit...i sometimes think i'm the only STRAIGHT man on /jp/. STAY STRAIGHT KIDS

>> No.10100103
File: 135 KB, 1920x1080, 1327941825699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So btw im a girl and I come to /jp/ because I have the same interests as many people on this board. I don't really care about yaoi. I don't hate it and if it has a good story or plotline then I will watch or read it but I don't get off thinking about it.

I would rather look at pictures of 2D girls, listen to doujin music, talk about Touhou and play something like Kamidori rather than some random otome game (but I have played a few). Are fujoshi really defined by their love of yaoi? Because with some very specific exceptions which I will not talk about unless you ask me about them, I have very little interest in yaoi.

The other reason I come to /jp/ is because I'm a NEET and as of writing this haven't left my house in several weeks. Can't we all just get along and suffer together?

>> No.10100104

>i sometimes think i'm the only STRAIGHT man on /jp/.
You serious? /jp/ is the most homophobic 4chan board I've visited. And I visited all boards.

>> No.10100109

there's been threads about sucking cocks and glory holes since forever, so how is what you said possible?

>> No.10100111

i browse /jp/ every day and all i see are GAY threads either about sucking cocks or gay schoolgirls

/jp/ is gayer than /y/ and /cm/ combined...i bet there's gonna be NEET bears and NEET twink threads soon and grindr/growlr meetups with /jp/sies who have their poverty boost mobile iPhones

>> No.10100113
File: 139 KB, 457x960, little girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those are people who think they are little girls. It's a common delusion here.

>> No.10100115


Please marry me.

>> No.10100117

/jp/ is pretty gay, but nothing compares to /fit/

>> No.10100118

VERY vocal minority.

>> No.10100119

Yes, getting along sounds nice.

>> No.10100121
File: 155 KB, 900x694, 1351224204528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ is just bros doing bro things

nothing gay about being bros

>> No.10100122


Maybe some anime con. Never trust fujoshis who claim to be shut-ins, they all love to go out.

>> No.10100123


Why should I suffer by being a NEET?

It had been my dream since I was 14.

>> No.10100126

babby u no i can give it 2 u.
grrl gimme dat neet pussy,

>> No.10100125

>NEET twink
That's what I am. People often say that I'm really cute. I'm very weak, small, and scared of the outside world and social interaction, though.

>> No.10100127

You were a middle school dropout?

>> No.10100129


To my house to order Chinese food,have awkward sex and cuddle.

>> No.10100130

Who is your favorite touhou?

>> No.10100132
File: 65 KB, 854x480, fujoshi everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every female that either likes anime/manga or plays games is automatically a fujoshi

>> No.10100135

They are a perfect match of otakus.

>> No.10100136

/jp/, please come to terms with your sexuality.

>> No.10100138


No and that's the reason why I currently love being NEET.

>> No.10100139

Do girls even drop out of school if they aren't pregnant?

You always hear of tons of dudes dropping out, but never girls. Why is that?

>> No.10100140
File: 97 KB, 360x367, 1332899783604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was just trying to express that many people on this board are suffering and in mental or physical pain which are common symptoms of being a NEET or Hikki. You don't have to have those symptoms to be one, but I suspect you haven't been one (or haven't been one for a long time) if you think it's "living the dream".

We should be supporting each other emotionally, not jerking off at the thought of discriminating against our own kind, no matter what gender or sexuality we are.

>> No.10100146
File: 93 KB, 932x707, tumblr_m9zkvbvK001r4cn6yo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've realized that otaku media (visual novels,dating sims,eroge,niche JRPGs,anime,manga,shmups etc) is the only thing I haven't seen females cling to in an attempt to make themselves look unique and use as a fashion accessory. Like recently every bitch on Facebook is a fan of Batman and runs around in Big Bang Theory t-shirts and superhero underwear posing for pictures but you never see any of this for otaku media.

I guess it's not popular enough and you know what? I'm fucking thankful.

>> No.10100149
File: 62 KB, 480x640, green saten lurking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They do
Although I agree that it's a rarity
I think it has to do with social-norms for which girls and women are more likely to fall prey to.

>> No.10100154

to my castle in Transylvania with lots of attractive and mysterious young men that totally don't turn out to be secretly-gay undead

>> No.10100159

Poor /co/.

>> No.10100162

> tumblr
> facebook

Woah there tough guy.

In my Japanese class there are plenty of them. One said she wanted to move to Japan and become an animator, because she was inspired by Inuyasha. One claims to be an otaku; she wears Soul Eater paraphernalia and doesn't know shit about anime. She also didn't know what eroge was when I made a joke about it.

>> No.10100164

I haven't left my house in several months and it's been at least two months since I've ran out of pills to treat my minor schizophrenia

I dont want to get along with you she-devil I want to look at 2hu

>> No.10100166
File: 53 KB, 599x337, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that girl is pretty.

>> No.10100165

Tell us about yourself looking like a socially awkward retard and trying to make eroge jokes to anyone you meet that likes even the most entry level anime?

>> No.10100168
File: 416 KB, 776x1128, 13300307360992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have a cute /jp/sie gf and play eroge with her.

>> No.10100172

I really do wonder why so many guys drop out.

I sometimes think I'm in a very small minority on /jp/ since I have both a high school and a university diploma...still a NEET though.

>> No.10100179
File: 93 KB, 511x380, 1352968477867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Being NEET hasn't to be that edgy. Maybe hikki but not NEET.

I've chosen to be NEET and i'm happy with that. I really can take it easy.

If you suffer that much by being NEET then maybe you should start living a other kind of life that can make you happy.

>> No.10100180

disgusting whores.

>> No.10100174


>> No.10100178

that's his little sister stupid

>> No.10100182

Well, there was this survey the college did on the class. And people were making fun of the "Why did you take this class" question. We were making up stupid shit like "to read my car manual", and I said "to read eroge games". Most of the class laughed, then she had to ask the class what eroge was. I'm not socially awkward by the way.

>> No.10100185

Well, you, see the thing is... that's gay. You're gay.

>> No.10100186
File: 14 KB, 550x312, 1337147094764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry I can't, Anon.

Satori. The reason should be obvious.

I've never been pregnant and I did because I was and still am mentally ill.

>> No.10100187


She's cute in a weird way. I'd love her tenderly.


The keywords in my post are " I haven't seen" emphasis on the I.

>> No.10100188
File: 199 KB, 700x700, browraise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eroge... games?

>> No.10100193

I just can't take it easy either as a TruNEET myself, btw who are you quoting and which 2hu would you fuck? as you can see I'm pretty familiar with /jp/ meme's myself and I don't care if I seem obnoxious by making extensive use of them.

>> No.10100200

>I've realized that otaku media (visual novels,dating sims,eroge,niche JRPGs,anime,manga,shmups etc) is the only thing I haven't seen females cling to in an attempt to make themselves look unique and use as a fashion accessory.
Just scrolling across the 4chan navigation bar, I've doubt you've seen girls who have pretended to be into Linux, computer networking, guns, Gundam, motorcycles, photography, trains, grand strategy games, EVE Online, Dwarf Fortress, 3D modeling, cooking, bikes, Japanese cinema, trains, papercraft, Magic the Gathering, Dungeons and Dragons, Warhammer 40K, Call of Cthullu, or action figures for the purpose of "being trendy" in real life.

>> No.10100203

My car manual is in Japanese too. I know that guy's pain.

Fuckin Subaru.

>> No.10100204
File: 467 KB, 960x1280, 1344161219945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a girl and I don't really like Yaoi.

>> No.10100211


>btw who are you quoting and which 2hu would you fuck?

keep up the good work

>> No.10100213

I'm a girl and I'll marry you!

>> No.10100214 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 432x472, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like my cock dude?

>> No.10100218

>Magic the gathering
>Dungeons and Dragons
>Action figures

Especially photography. It was an epidemic before but it's a disaster now thanks to Instagram and Tumblr.

>> No.10100219

Why do you need to read your car manual, you Hank Hill homo?

>> No.10100215

I'm a guy and I don't really like yuri.

>> No.10100216

I don't think you're a girl. Enjoy your penis.

>> No.10100220

just because she's a girl doesn't mean she can't have a penis

don't be so closed-minded

>> No.10100223
File: 85 KB, 246x246, 1270095595688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's too many /jp/sie girl lately and they will never be my gf.

>> No.10100226

I would

I'm a virgin and at least 7/10 though

>> No.10100228

I really am a girl but suit yourself!

there are lots of girls on /jp/ as you can see so I don't know why its that hard to believe.

>> No.10100231

Fujoshis are equally sad as otaku.... We are all alone...

>> No.10100232

I'm that autist who reads the instruction manual to everything.

>> No.10100236

I don't think people posting pictures of your friends or vacation taken with a cell phone camera are even pretending to be "into photography," it's just something they do.

Are there girls who are into MtG and D&D just to be "trendy"? How can you even sit through hours of gaming sessions without enjoying the game?

And I honestly don't know the first thing about action figures.

Of course, I'm pretty disassociated from real life, so maybe these girls are everywhere.

>> No.10100237


I have accepted my fate.

>> No.10100238
File: 150 KB, 333x333, alwayskonata.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You have good taste in art/vidya though.

>> No.10100233

you can still rape em

>> No.10100239

milk is natural enemy of jp

>> No.10100240

Exactly. Which is why they're perfect for each other. It would be like a VN

>> No.10100242


Only people who enjoy being neet can be truNEET.

>> No.10100243

Give me your email so I can bother you with lewd messages then.

>> No.10100247

Please don't be mean

>> No.10100253
File: 47 KB, 620x425, typical tru nt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

typical fujoshi are always bow wows

>> No.10100251

>Are there girls who are into MtG and D&D just to be "trendy"? How can you even sit through hours of gaming sessions without enjoying the game?

Some girls own a MtG deck just to say they own one and some say they're into D&D but when they actually play it they don't get past the character creation and never finish a game.

It's glorified in the media.

>> No.10100252

I want them to leave. Or at least stop making themselves known. /jp/ is turning into attention whores and their anon underlings.



>> No.10100254

yea that is what i picture girls on /jp/ to be

you'd have to be extremely ugly and fat to be a shut-in as a female

>> No.10100256


You just need some love anon.

>> No.10100259

actually scratch that there are men who have fetishes for ugly and fat girls so there you go

all girls leave the board please thanks

>> No.10100258

Girls wont even leave the lowest of the low alone.

>> No.10100260

I've met a girl from /jp/ before
I wont do it again
and even then itll probably never happen again

>> No.10100263

im so sorry dude.

>> No.10100266
File: 132 KB, 400x500, 11a99f4591ac39e2d40ed39e2dca39b8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The girls have been acting fine so far, we haven't got any /soc/ types yet. I would befriend most girls that have posted on /jp/ in the last days.

>> No.10100267

Fuck you.

Because they know these faggots are easy. They can come here and get showered with attention, little or no effort required and then when they've had their fill they go elsewhere to take in cocks and sperm.

>> No.10100268
File: 17 KB, 345x228, green saten lurking 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ugly and socially akward is enough to be bullied into dropping out and abandoning all social contacts
Not every shut-in is fat
maybe some thick thighs and signs of lovehandles but that is just part of female anatomy.

>> No.10100269


my condolence on the marriage

>> No.10100271


I met a cute /jp/ girl but I'm too shy and don't know what to say... in fact I got very nervous because of how friendly she is.

>> No.10100272

the point is that everyone likes you if your a girl you dont even have to try

>> No.10100273

>we haven't got any /soc/ types yet

I'm sorry, what?

>> No.10100278


plase share the email

>> No.10100282

what happened

>> No.10100294


>> No.10100295
File: 81 KB, 394x410, a little sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just trying to correct the views of the poster that I quoted.
His point seemed to be that all shut-in girls are fat.

I agree that there are some people who will respond to you because you are a girl but there will be twice as many people who tell you to get out in return.

>> No.10100297


She posted in a thread about high tights, you should be able to find her info there. She's very friendly, be careful.

>> No.10100298

Have you started being nicer to yourself at least? If not, please do.

>> No.10100300


>> No.10100301

please share

>> No.10100302
File: 97 KB, 700x535, kaguya on the internet intrigued_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Does this actually occur outside of highschool? I honestly have not met many women who seem to be constantly hit on by men merely because they have vaginas

Maybe I'm just not looking hard enough, and on an intellectual level I understand that women are more likely to be treated with kids gloves than men are, but it is rather distasteful how extreme many /jp/ers take it

For some reason this thread reminds me of some time an alleged female on /v/ wanted to add me to her friends list because I agreed with her on some matter or another. I don't know why I decided to include this in my post, but, well, misunderstood geniuses, etc

>I agree that there are some people who will respond to you because you are a girl but there will be twice as many people who tell you to get out in return.

This. Sexism swings both ways. Um, only in that "like/dislike" way, not that "male/female" way

>> No.10100303

It's a trap. I've chatted with plenty of girls who come here for attention, and they're all exactly the same. Extremely manipulative and mean/bitchy. The worst case was that Matryoshka person who posted pictures of gumi everywhere. She ruined like 2 IRC channels I frequented along with some gay buddies of her that used to spam here with a penguindrum thing.
They always just pretend to like what you like, its the creepiest thing. None of them actually liked anything /jp/ related, or played any eroge (Saya no Uta, MAYBE)

All of them always want you to buy them shit too, and when you say no they get mad.

>> No.10100304
File: 71 KB, 284x302, 1349044958967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer no knowing your gender /jp/

That way I can pretend that you're all smelly underdeveloped girls with mental problems

It gives me fatherly kind of feeling

>> No.10100305


Please don't misuse pictures of Chihaya along with your silly comments.

>> No.10100306

I think you've got it backwards actually. I've been on the internet every waking hour for the past 7 years or so and I can say from experience that for every one guy that wants you to leave there are dozens who will kiss your ass.

You could even take this thread for an example. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here and one of the few on /jp/ who has a vast disliking for your attention whoring antics.

>> No.10100307

No, my point was that most of them are ugly. I posted a fat woman on a computer just because.

>> No.10100308
File: 103 KB, 712x717, 1330380826211 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As one to another, I thought of an interesting question: Is it possible for fujoshi NEETs/Hikkis to be friends?

I usually hide my gender from males I meet online because I don't want to be treated like a female, I'd rather they treat me like their equal instead of 3DPD scum. The only reason I even brought up the fact that I am in truth female is that it is the subject discussion of this specific thread.

It would be nice if I didn't have to lie about it, though, but the reason I usually do is because of posters like >>10100252

>> No.10100315

no response is worse than a negative response if your looking for people to acknowledge your existence

men will never get that attention just by existing

im sure you understand what im getting at

>> No.10100316

Not her, but I don't see any reason why not.

>> No.10100318


I can't... I already told you.


I'm afraid of bullies getting her info, sorry. Just search in the archive.


No, I actually saw her photos.

>> No.10100319
File: 476 KB, 400x300, 1347151014335.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does any /jp/ girl wants to roleplay as my mommy? I'm willing to pay you up to 80 USD.

>> No.10100320
File: 57 KB, 300x300, btw im a gorilla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm I guess I can see where you are coming from.
I haven't had much exposure to internet socializing apart from 4chan's '2D' boards.
/jp/ and /a/ are especially hostile against female revelation.

>> No.10100324
File: 104 KB, 1101x714, cirno smug_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think that it's the hallmark of a true /jp/er if he can equally abhor both 3D men and women. We're all revolting, disgusting, despicable creatures, after all, so why nitpick about details like genitalia?


I don't know. That's more true on social networking sites. That's completely different. I mean, community plays a big part of it

Anyway, I think I speak for all women despite having a penis when I say we'd all be better off not making a big deal about it at all. Not even a little deal, actually. Just no deal, none at all

>> No.10100323

I was in a library browsing /jp/ when she encountered me

She then proceeded to talk about how she posts here/talking about 2hu. While doing this she wouldn't stop looking at me
Like I'm fine with eye contact but she didn't break it at all during the 30 minute conversation

Then she asked for my phone number and I said no.

she was kind of cute, but I have no interest in friends

>> No.10100326


are you gay?

>> No.10100329

That happened to me one time. The girl wasn't cute but she was nice and she hooked me up with free ice cream.

>> No.10100327

nice one dude, you shouldve called her a stupid dumb 3dpd slut as you were saying bye

>> No.10100328

I don't know
If you want negative response you can just troll and shitpost, perfect examples are Moetron and Tokiko a couple of months ago.

Don't even have to be a girl for negative responses

>> No.10100331
File: 40 KB, 339x224, shou hey anon, you're a dick_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Stop bullying, Anon! His sexual orientation has nothing to do with his aversion to social contact

>> No.10100332

im not talking about trivial online memes

more like real life

>> No.10100335
File: 48 KB, 397x408, 1329920140000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to pretend to be ironic when genders get involved, it works every time. That way I'm not lying but I won't be taken seriously either.

>> No.10100336

I dont really have a sex drive
I masturbate maybe 3-4 times a year

>> No.10100337

I bet you're flicking your clit to all this attention, whore.

>> No.10100339

Yes, I know. It was worth a try anyway.

>> No.10100344
File: 193 KB, 319x481, tiny doble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Like I'm fine with eye contact but she didn't break it at all during the 30 minute conversation

Oh my god I hate autists.
I made a long post here a while ago about some sperg in my math class that dressed up as some kingdom hearts character for halloween.
I remember she was talking to me about something and I wanted her to shut the fuck up, so I look 180 DEGREES AWAY and she's still talking about some random shit and I'm just thinking, wow, is this sperg for real? How could you not tell I just dont care at all. Eventually I just told her to be quiet and do her work and she looked down and started doing it.
I'm glad that was my senior year in high school, because she ended up being one of those people who thinks just because you sit next to them in class all of a sudden we are friends and you can approach me in the hallways and stuff.
She wasn't ugly but not pretty either, she had a really greasy hair and face thing and it was gross.

>> No.10100347

so what i get from this is that if i want to meet a /jp/ girl i should browse /jp/ at the library and hope for luck. but then again, i look like a fat old creep with thinning hair. they'd probably feel a bit sick inside from seeing someone like me browsing /jp/.

>> No.10100350

haha awesome

she probably commited suicide now so you dont have to worry n e more

>> No.10100352
File: 307 KB, 750x850, keine it IS shitposting, EVEN if you're being IRONIC_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she ended up being one of those people who thinks just because you sit next to them in class all of a sudden we are friends and you can approach me in the hallways and stuff.

The most painful type of people..

>> No.10100357
File: 811 KB, 575x360, 1347075298103.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real girls are terrifying. I'm glad that I don't know one because she would manipulate me in way that I cannot understand.

>> No.10100353

I'm not a bully, stop being a faggot. Even though I didn't like her I still got mad when she got bullied, so I just imagined I beat up the bullies (in my mind)

It was just girls bulling her anyways, like putting her backpack in the garbage can and stuff.

>> No.10100354

that sucks man

you should've saved her and had sex with her.

>> No.10100360

>It was just girls bulling her anyways, like putting her backpack in the garbage can and stuff.

Why do you say that as if it's harmless? Emotional bullying is nothing to scoff at

It's hard enough to exist as a misunderstood genius as it is. Stuff like that just makes your day completely suck

>> No.10100362

she'd manipulate your dick straight into her twat, if that's what you mean.

>> No.10100364

how did she react when you said no
I cant imagine that it was a good feeling for her

>> No.10100365

>beat up the bullies (in my mind)
Woah holy shit what a badass.

>> No.10100367

>makes your day completely suck
Understatement. Things like that build up and eventually corrupt the person in question. Mental illnesses follow.

>> No.10100368

I don't have anything against women because I have "dirty" hobbies as well. Problem is i become uncomfortable as hell if I know Anon is a woman. Usually as soon as I realise there is a real woman in a thread I run away.

So bye

>> No.10100371

Not him, but I actually derive intense pleasure from rejecting girls. The crushed and embarrassed looks on their faces are always pretty great.

>> No.10100372

I didn't say it as if it was harmless, I just mean I couldn't do anything about it. What would I do, punch a girl?

I know, I always imagined myself doing it in an effortless way like my annie mays.

>> No.10100373

good idea

if i was moot, i would permaban all the girls off 4chan

>> No.10100376

I do this but with everything people talk to me about.

>> No.10100377

I would punch a million girls to save one autistic of either gender.

>> No.10100379

Same. I have done it twice and it gives me an immense sense of power.

>> No.10100380


I am a fujoshi and I wish to know more about this series.

>> No.10100384


Haiyore nyarlko

>> No.10100386
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>> No.10100387
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>Not even a little deal, actually. Just no deal, none at all

I can't. The attention I get on the internet is intoxicating, it's true. All I have to do is mention my gender and I'm quickly drowning in it. They want me, they want me to talk to them but I won't. I often toy with them. I need to do it to feel alive.

>> No.10100388

MC wasn't a lesbian, tho.

>> No.10100389

It's cool to not want physical contact but also still be reasonably attractive, huh?

>> No.10100392
File: 18 KB, 313x320, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How can you do that? I would love forever any girl that confesses her love to me, well except if they are uglier than an average man.

>> No.10100393

>The crushed and embarrassed looks on their faces are always pretty great.

This, I wish a I were more handsome to do that everytime.

>> No.10100395

yea too bad i would decapitate you irl <_<

>> No.10100396

>I didn't say it as if it was harmless

Well, whether intentionally or not, that's how it was phrased. "It was just girls bullying her anyways." It sort of implies that a girl bullying has little consequence

Anyway, maybe it sounded different in your head

>What would I do, punch a girl?

I know it's dumb to complain about a lack of social-fu on /jp/, but situations like that can easily be diffused just by voicing disapproval. Bullies do what they do because they think they can get away with it. Even someone saying "dude, what the hell" can make them think twice


I do not think you actually have a vagina. Well, maybe you do, but if so, you're a pretty awful person

Though in fairness, this is what I get for trying to speak for a gender

>> No.10100397

She didn't seem too surprised actually
I sort of feel bad about it because she seemed like a nice person, but then I remember that she made me feel awkward and that bad feeling goes away

She still goes to the same library as well

I bet females feel the same, if not receiving more pleasure from doing it

>> No.10100398

It was a bit of a let down. Finding all the references each times was some what fun however.

>> No.10100401

It's easy to do if you're attractive or rich. The reason you feel that way is because you're an undesirable male specimen plagued by desperation.

>> No.10100403

Because once you've read enough posts on 4chan or anywhere else on the internet, you begin to relate with all these losers and hate women.
Eventually a woman makes an advance on you and all those memories you've read of other people start to surface, and you get angry. This woman in front of you has probably crushed the hearts of plenty of good men, now I want to crush hers.

>> No.10100407
File: 36 KB, 447x700, 1332093697122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since when were there so many boys on /jp/?

>> No.10100405

They probably get to do it so much that they're bored of it by now.

>> No.10100409


What does it say about me if I would politely decline any woman who suddenly confessed their love to me in an effort to spare their feelings, despite being moderately attractive?

>> No.10100410

damn, this sounds like fun. i'd consider trying it sometime if i actually socialized with people.

>> No.10100411

please die!!!!!!

>> No.10100416

/jp/ doesn't have a gender. Its just a bunch of text.

>> No.10100413
File: 100 KB, 450x360, there are no boys on the internet_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I fucking know, right? Look at all these attention whores. Most of them aren't even boys!

>> No.10100414

i miss zun!bar

>> No.10100415


I'm desperate but I don't think I'm undesirable, bully.

>> No.10100417

Only if you're sure they deserve it. Otherwise, you're just becoming what you despise yourself.

>> No.10100418

The way you write I am starting to think I may have spoken to you before. Why the hell did this of all threads get me to start posting. I never post.

>> No.10100419

The same thing. You would decline because you know that there is plenty of potential to find someone else, where as someone who isn't "Moderately attractive" does not have the luxury of being able to pick and choose.

>> No.10100421

Nice self-esteem you got there. I wish I had that.

>> No.10100424

why not just be friends

>> No.10100426

>What does it say about me if I would politely decline any woman who suddenly confessed their love to me

I don't think you saw that word, so I am drawing your attention to it now


Well, I have been on /jp/ for quite a while, so we probably have

>> No.10100430

I'm not a good friend, and I don't want any to begin with

>> No.10100436

inb4 milk starts playing Ketsui

>> No.10100438

This, pretty much.
I avoid mentioning my gender unless the context requires me to do so.
Or I simply choose not to reply when there is no choice.

>> No.10100441
File: 78 KB, 704x960, 1336806265145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly hate girls because of childhood related experiences. Girls were always breaking my heart and everything else. One of my best childhood friends ended up dating a kid who was bullying me and always stealing my stuff, and even she even took part in it the day I tried to confess my feelings. That hurt me the most but it didn't stop there.

Then I became a shut-in and of course no girls online will ever talk to me or anything because I'm nothing but a piss in the ocean of guys they have at their disposal. That's why I am very bitter towards females and have a very unhealthy obsession with 2D.

>> No.10100449
File: 41 KB, 336x400, kohaku will kill your family_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Anon, I am sorry that happened to you, but I must express astonishment that anyone can go through life very long before realizing that people in general just suck. Why limit your hate to one gender?

Misogyny? Misandry? To hell with them both. Misanthropy is where it's at

>> No.10100450


Is she suffering in the hands of a jerk now? I had a similar experience and the bitch has only met jerk after jerk. I makes me happy.

>> No.10100453

I guess I'm lucky I had an overprotective popular big brother who would threaten anyone who messed with me

>> No.10100454
File: 125 KB, 256x256, 1348598409265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we all just kill ourselves?
Life would be easier that way.

>> No.10100461

for some reason my family cares about me, so I would rather not disappoint them this one time

>> No.10100462

Not him, but I agree. Most people just suck. Some people are nice though (actually nice), and so I try to retain some sliver of faith in humanity.

>> No.10100465
File: 95 KB, 470x266, 1351275582579.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's the thing anon
You would no longer have a life.

>> No.10100466

this, a million times.
People in general suck. It's not limited by gender.

>> No.10100470
File: 103 KB, 484x448, oh ho, why not kill ourselves_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. I'll probably get around to killing myself sometime after my parents die and my siblings finally drop all contact with me

>> No.10100471

Who's life? The lives of those that cause us suffering? I'd rather not be dead while they are still alive.

>> No.10100478


No, there's a reason why it's easier to meet toubros than tousis. Men are less evil.

>> No.10100480

I haven't seen you in a while. I thought your phrase got banned or something.

>> No.10100481

true fujoshi wish to be born a male

>> No.10100482

Nah, guys are much different than girls when it comes to getting along. I'm not saying there aren't bad ones though.

>> No.10100484

Will you stop posting this thread?

>> No.10100488

You've got it easy. Imagine how difficult it is to find and k-onsis at all that can appreciate my bedroom.

>> No.10100489

I'm surprised how fast this thread went

>> No.10100494
File: 140 KB, 314x1669, dowzer style_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men are less evil.

I really don't think you've met many men. Or people in general, for that matter

>> No.10100499


Those girls probably had a nice guy waiting for them but decided to go out with the alpha jerk

>> No.10100500

do you really want to use facebook in a men vs woman argument?

>> No.10100506

Shut up, slut. Get out of /jp/ and never come back. You're probably the one that diverted the hate from women to the whole human race in this conversation. I'm not that stupid, you know.

>> No.10100508


Yes. My position is that they're both shitty awful terrible people in general. The Anon I responded to believes that women are more evil. I am sorry, but you simply have focused your attention on women more than men if you actually believe that

>> No.10100511

aren't you supposed to be sucking cock right now milk

>> No.10100517

leave me be she-devil, I will not hear your corrupting words for every female is evil and every man is out to get my waifu

>> No.10100520


To be honest, those kind of guys are a minority among men but the ones most desired by women.

Most of school friends were not like that.

>> No.10100521

Milk is suggin my cock right now.

>> No.10100523


But your cock doesn't work Mush.

>> No.10100524

huh.. then whos sucken mine?

>> No.10100527


I have a penis, you know. A pristine and untainted virgin dick, whose tip just barely extends past the foreskin. Just waiting for you to suck it, dudes

But really, this whole "lol ur a womn" thing whenever I start pointing out how men are shit in general too never gets old

>To be honest, those kind of guys are a minority among men but the ones most desired by women.

Like who? Really, point them out. It is silly to point to this alpha argument every time you want to demean women. Being alpha does not actually mean being a total cocklord

Also, most of the women probably weren't like that either, you just didn't notice them. Ever think of that? Hmm~?

>> No.10100529


>> No.10100530

Milk also High five, /b/ro.

>> No.10100532

All of you guys that are all like, "Grr, jerks get all the girls" sound so much like Chris-chan.

>> No.10100534

Please get out of /jp/.

>> No.10100537

you insulting my idol kiddo?

>> No.10100538

>Or people in general
You do realize this is /jp/ you're talking about. Different people, different experiences. I would say that women have a tendency to scheme a bit more than men though, but that's just my experience.

>> No.10100546

Chris-chan is a wannabe normalfag who can't stick to his ideals and probably doesn't have any other than wanting to get laid. If he's your idol then I don't know what to say to you.

>> No.10100553
File: 288 KB, 550x550, koishi AHAHAHAHA_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You do realize this is /jp/ you're talking about.

I know. But I keep hoping that one day it will click with all misunderstood geniuses that a small sample size = an unsound result to draw conclusions from. Yes, I am sure you met some women who were megajerks, but it is tiring to see that taint their entire viewpoint forever. You're smarter than that, /jp/. Just hate *everyone* already, gosh!

Unrelated note, why the fuck am I up at midnight talking about misogyny and misanthropy with /jp/ when I have work in 6 hours

Goddamn you people, good night


It is only a temporary leave, Anon! You shall never be truly free of me! Wahaha!

>> No.10100557

Men are more direct in their evil. A man bullying you will punch you in the face or break your glasses or something.
A woman bullying you will weave a complex conspiracy that ends with a bunch of people you thought were your friends humiliating you or something crazy like that.

>> No.10100558


It's the truth, I was a lazy, good for nothing bully in school and girls loved me, two girls asked to be their boyfriend, then I became a nice guy and I stopped getting attention from women completely.

Women love jerks.

>> No.10100565

That's totally fine. I'm just talking about the people that whine and complain about it.

>> No.10100566
File: 184 KB, 634x359, koishi CRAZ1352605112113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10100570

you guys doing anything on turkey day?

>> No.10100578

Are you saying that physical damage is more harmful than mental damage?

>> No.10100585


Absolutely, physical pain lasts for a few hours, emotional pain can last forever.

>> No.10100594


I have to work every holiday. People are so fucking lazy they can't make dinner for their families so they have to eat out, forcing me to be there to bus their dishes. Meanwhile my siblings and cousins and aunts and uncles will all be feasting together.

>> No.10100595
File: 100 KB, 687x619, 1336531437760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit you made me realize something, that just now made my heart sink. When I started highschool I didn't have friends, so these 3 stoner kids invited me to their group and stuff and ''bullied'' me, but it was really just them getting me to be more outgoing and not so shy, and it worked.

I ended up still angry about that, so I ended up being the bully myself after, and bullied that weed addict that bullied me in my first years. I would put milk and syrup packets in his backpack and shit.
Eventually his ex girlfriend asked me out. I ended up declining because I was too nervous and didn't know what you were supposed to do with a girlfriend, but that's not the point I'm trying to make.

I bullied a kid, and then his girlfriend wanted to date me because of it. I had never figured out why she wanted me, but now I feel like I've put that puzzle together and it makes me angry, sad, and queasy.

I'm so sorry, he taught me how to not take shit from anyone and to be confident, and that's how I repaid him.

>> No.10100597

No, I'm saying the opposite.

>> No.10100600

Repent by taking your own life. It's the only way.

>> No.10100603

Go to him, anon.

>> No.10100604

This is true, a small sample size and fixation on only those things we agree with aren't the best tools for getting a good grasp of what's out there.

Good night then.

>> No.10100606

You don't belong here. Leave.

>> No.10100607

You aren't even subtle about being the same poster.

>> No.10100616

That's cause we're not.

>> No.10100620

>Men are more direct in their evil. A man bullying you will punch you in the face or break your glasses or something.
That's absolute horse crap unless you deal with actual idiots or teenagers.

>> No.10100622


>> No.10100630

Well, I was operating under the assumption that whenever we talk about bullying we mean high school or earlier because who the fuck gets bullied after that? So yes, teenagers.

>> No.10100632


I still get bullied, /jp/sies call me a nerd and ask me to suck their cock and get out of /jp/ ;_;

>> No.10100634

I'm pretty sure they are trying to show affection, not bullying.

>> No.10100637

That's just playful ribbing. It's a sign of our strong bond that we can joke around like that and remain friends.

>> No.10100638

nah we are bullying him
we also post lewd images of his waifu behind his back

>> No.10100639

Come suck my cock, dear.

>> No.10100645

I don't know about you guys, but when /jp/ calls me a nerd and tells me to suck their cock, I take it seriously.
I want to be conquered by a /jp/sie dick.

>> No.10100650

go spread your aids somewhere else homo

>> No.10100651
File: 56 KB, 651x693, 1332426730338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you guys

>> No.10100671

Well, it looks like this thread has derailed enough. Let's euthanize it.

>> No.10100673

>we mean high school or earlier because who the fuck gets bullied after that?
Many people do. If that sounds too evil to be true you could always become a truck driver who "ain't taking shit from no one" and start living in a bubble of straight and honest anti-intellectualism.

>> No.10100674

Kawaii is Kawaii.
I just want her to be well, just like all the fujoshis and hikikomori.

>> No.10100747

Imagine if you lived after ww3 and the world had very low population and decreasing so the UN encourage otakus and fujoshis to date, get married and have kids.

I want to live in that world.

>> No.10100754

Welp, time for me to write a VN.

>> No.10100841

I thought Japan was already trying to encourage people to get married and have kids.

>> No.10100870
File: 201 KB, 723x600, b95365eead8e4f76b87eabd789efdb91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you!

Duly noted but I believe I will try it anyway. I've been a fan of plenty of implausible pairings in my time.

All good fujoshi possess the magic necessary to conjure gay where there is none to be seen anyhow.

>> No.10100875

Will you be my gf

>> No.10100879
File: 16 KB, 300x300, 12945840965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know those pictures...

>> No.10100889
File: 109 KB, 630x441, 1350352164935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be more accurate, they WANT this to happen, but they're not doing shit to ENCOURAGE it.

Married women who continue working are still branded "oni", and for nothing more than refusing to be RYOUSAI KENBO SO GRORIOUS and transforming immediately into servile knocked-up housewives as soon as the wedding bands go on: www.japantimes.co.jp/text/nn20121109n1.html

(I apologize for bringing reality so abruptly into our little girls' tea party.)

>> No.10100903

>Married women who continue working are still branded "oni", and for nothing more than refusing to be RYOUSAI KENBO SO GRORIOUS and transforming immediately into servile knocked-up housewives as soon as the wedding bands go on
That sounds pretty encouraging to me.

>> No.10100917
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>> No.10100922
File: 137 KB, 670x850, 1259448800851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you know any possible reply I could make to this would only start an avalanche of "GB2/SOC/" posts.

...why so mad, dude? I got them off Danbooru like everyone else. You should be able to tell that much from the filename.

If you're the original artist and you're mad then I promise to stop posting your stuff here if you'll draw me a picture of them taking a bubble bath together.

>> No.10100924

why not PLS

>> No.10100942

Denigrating women who want/need to work for a living isn't going to make any of them say "gee, that angry guy trying to tell me how my vagina should be used is right! Time to marry some controlling dickwad and start pumping out kids (if he ever drags himself away from porn and bar girls long enough to be able to impregnate me, that is)!"

No. These women would rather give up on having kids, and how can you blame them? All the more so since the economy went to shit.

>> No.10100953

There's an expats' turkey dinner I wanted to go to, but it's in a big city 12 hours away and falls on the evening of a day I can't get off work. ;_;

I might make myself turkey tacos or something at home though. How about you?

>> No.10100955

this post kind of turned me on.

>> No.10100960

Please let these all be trolls. I don't want to lose all faith in humanity quite just yet.

>> No.10100972
File: 85 KB, 512x384, ラテ・ラピク-cocofish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eroge games

erotic game games?


>> No.10100984

They probably aren't, which is saddening. But also, you're only looking at a select set of people out of the seven billion that live on this planet. It would be a shame if you lost faith in humanity due to only a subset of its individuals. Just as there are bad people, there are good people as well. You just have to find them.

>> No.10100992

Fujoishi aren't our enemy—they just usually aren't rotten enough as human beings to qualify for /jp/'s human gaabejji status.

>> No.10101044


Yes, fujoshis are our enemies. However, I would say Yurifags are an even bigger enemy.

At least the fujoshi fight in plain sight. On the other hand, yurifags are insidious foes who lurk amongst /jp/'s userbase--They're an enemy from within.

>> No.10101046


>> No.10101057

the only thing inside me is a will to go to a glory hole and SLURP SLURP SLURP that's how far away from me sucking your dick I am.

>> No.10101065

Certificate of autisticy

>> No.10101083

>"gee, that angry guy trying to tell me how my vagina should be used is right!"
Casual sex only is the right way, isn't it?
>These women would rather give up on having kids, and how can you blame them?
I don't. As you can see, I'm too busy NEETing it up. Every man for himself is the name of the game.

>> No.10101132

Women are all whores and men are pure. It's that simple. If you want to defend those sluts go back to /soc/.

>> No.10101156


I'm considered attractive and I've been a truNEET hikky for six years now. What does appearance have to do with social anxiety?

>> No.10101179

"autisticity" would have been much better.

If you're going to be rude at least put some effort into it.

>> No.10101182

>Casual sex only is the right way, isn't it?

No, and I'll thank you not to put words in my mouth.

p.s. slut-shaming makes YOU the angry guy.

>> No.10101211

if someone considers themselves to be ugly, they are more likely to avoid social interactions. among other reasons, it's why I've been hikki for three years.

>> No.10101334

Women have bevome sluts these days...
They're the ones who have the control - they can either say yes or no.
With that said I know a lot of guys who have a dounle standard, like call women sluts yet when they sleep with yhem it's some how different.

I'd just prefer to wait until marrige with a woman I love, but I have only met one true pure woman who doesn't let her emotions rule her, so as to stay pure. Women are controled witb their emotions and men rule with logic. Plain and simple. Try to explain to a woman you think you both should wait for marrige and she will either cheat or leave you. Cathilic girls can either be the most loose or actually wait with you. Pretty sure Catholic girls are the onlybexceptions, but like Ibsaid they can be loose too.

>> No.10101353

You seem to be the emotional one who thinks they can control a woman's body and that having sex has any barring on a person's character.

>> No.10101388
File: 37 KB, 252x479, 1347811107525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to bully this sperg in my old class. He was one weird fucker. Used to cruise the school with his autism crew while wearing socks and sandals with a matching fanny pack. Just the sight of him made my blood boil, maybe because he reminded me of myself when I was younger. He was in love with the fat mexican/turkish fujoshi in my class and we used to give him/her loads of shit for it. We also had loads of weebs in my class that I bullied, but at the same time I was on a whole different level than them. Nowadays I feel bad about it and it leads to immense self loathing. Now I'm alone, broke and useless. The 3D world is too cruel.

Does /jp/ wanna suck my cock? I'm willing to get gay for a cute /jp/sie.

>> No.10101400


Can I suck your cock dude?

>> No.10101552

Smells like sweet, just KARMA.

>> No.10101901

>Does /jp/ wanna suck my cock?

No. I'm only into frottage

>> No.10102224


What goes around comes around, I love it when arrogant people either fall from grace or get humiliated beyond believe. It makes my dick hard especially women, but my lust seems to extend to the other gender as well. Per example, I got a hard-on from just reading your story.

Does anyone here share this fetish?

>> No.10102413
File: 1.05 MB, 1280x721, spacedykes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe >>10099992
was telling the truth.

This stupid show is the best.

>> No.10105791
File: 424 KB, 1200x1684, gay-molester.aquabless146.1236218014349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They make the best yuri. They are our natural comrades. People offended by yaoi need to chill.
You guys need to chill, too.
