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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 96 KB, 756x772, mysterious mountain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10098397 No.10098397 [Reply] [Original]

Which touhou theme are you practicing on your respective musical instruments currently?

I'm trying to smoothly play Youkai Mountain on my violin. It is a challenge, but it's not out of my grasp.

>> No.10098404

Stop making me depressed I can't afford a guitar.

>> No.10098409


>> No.10098428


It's a work in progress, so ill just give you the part that is the easiest


Yes I accidentally touched other strings, it also sounds pretty bad because my room has terrible acoustics; wasn't gonna keep doing it til lit was 100% perfect.

>> No.10098444


Can you play this part?


>> No.10098466
File: 23 KB, 1587x1123, いりす症候群 あんな子にされてみたいなと思った 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a horrible reminder that i haven't touched my piano for about a year now and now i probably can't play anything anymore.

the last /jp/ related thing i actually learned was 生まれてきてくれてありがとう. the last piece i had attempted to learn was あんな子にされてみたいなと思った.

>> No.10098473


Not coherently. I have the sheet music in front of me and it's playable, but I need to run through it a couple times.

>> No.10098483
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Waiting eagerly.

>> No.10098487

There is months that I don't touch in my acoustic guitar.
I want to but I can't because I don't have any time.
Learning Japanese and playing touhou takes all my time.
Damn it!

>> No.10098519

One day I learned the ending song of "spice and wolf" on piano

>> No.10098533

i want to play greenwich in the sky on piano but my fingers are short and incompetent

>> No.10098544

>my fingers are short and incompetent
that's not what my mom said

>> No.10098548
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>> No.10098574

This is the best burn ive seen in months

>> No.10098575


Eh, here's my stab at that part: http://vocaroo.com/i/s10NR5CskMi2

You seem pretty decent at that section, off topic but do you take grades?

>> No.10098586
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glad to hear it, maybe i will give it a shot after all

>> No.10098599
File: 3 KB, 104x80, this little fucker needs to go to hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very beautiful tone, although it's a piano so it always sounds like that! I envy that little perk about piano, but piano really is a beast of an instrument. I do not do grades, perhaps I should, but that's going out of my comfort zone.

The only reason i'm not playing it on vocaroo is because of this little fucker in my picture. It sounds absolutely horrifically ugly. Everything else sounds good, it's a pretty easy melody, except for this little shit.

>> No.10098760

I was going to learn touhou songs on accordion but I stopped practicing for months. But I can still sort of play this song:

>> No.10098835

The moment I heard that I dug up the sheet music off youtube and started practicing, never even thought about how easy and nice this melody sounds.

Enjoy it in all of it's rough and mistake-ridden glory! http://vocaroo.com/i/s07KfiWdscNp
And here is a bonus tune that I will never forget how to play.

One thing I just dont understand is why does my sound "surge" a lot? I definitely don't hear that when I play in my room, it might be how the mic records it.

>> No.10098858

I used to play bassoon but I can't think of what Touhou theme I could play on it

>> No.10098863


>> No.10098862

Whoa cool

>> No.10098871

Let's all play Touhou music together!

>> No.10098881
File: 329 KB, 1234x925, lunasaflop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My aspiration is to be able to play touhou tunes at a proficient level and cosplay as touhous.

My even bigger aspiration is to make a band with like-minded people and play doujinshi arrangement covers.

>> No.10098885

And cosplay while staying in your room right?

>> No.10098886

I'd like to play Touhou music while in costume! I play violin and piano.
It'd be really cool if all the /jp/ folk collaborated on somethin

>> No.10098891


Well i'd make recordings and post them on youtube.

If we could perform at, say a convention, that'd be really fucking cool.

I'd totally be down to do that, but i'm not skilled enough yet.

>> No.10098893

It's a pain in the ass, since i can't find any sheet music for it, but I'm working on Shoutoku Legend on my flute.

Been trying to play it by ear to the MIDI: http://youtu.be/0UQ3skHm4NU

>> No.10098901

btw I'm a girl

>> No.10098902

Ah, keep at it then! Good luck!
I'm inspired to play but my instruments as 55 miles away.

>> No.10098900

>f we could perform at, say a convention, that'd be really fucking cool.

This seems like a really nice thread so I don't want to start shit, but I can't believe my eyes.

>> No.10098907
File: 29 KB, 80x80, yuka guitar_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you guys, now I have to dig out my guitar and get back to practicing


Someday I'll be able to play The Gensokyo The Gods Loved half as beautifully as this. Someday..

>> No.10098916


Go to this link, put in "densetsu" in the box, and press the button.

It's piano sheet music, but it shouldnt be a big deal.

>> No.10098928
File: 384 KB, 500x700, 1322846488364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awesome, i was actually lately thinking about learning to play the violin, it's such a lovely and elegant instrument provided the player is proficient.
Any advice anyone can give me apart from perhaps seeking a teacher?

>> No.10098930

Thank you so much, this will make it so much easier.

>> No.10098934

Even if it seems hard, just keep at it. But that can go for anything

>> No.10098935
File: 629 KB, 780x900, 9b1bea0ab6a2d370474f282770bd5c49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Erm... I l-like you...

Lullaby of Deserted Hell is my favourite theme... http://vocaroo.com/i/s0KFfYXts2wV

>> No.10098936

I don't see anything wrong with cosplaying as characters from a fictional world that you like.

>> No.10098939

fuck you jp why are you so talented

fuck you

>> No.10098945

Its the going to convention part, I guess you're not a frequent /jp/ poster so I'll give you some slack. That and I'm going to go make myself some pasta cause I'm really hungry.

>> No.10098947


It has a steep learning curve, i'm the guy that's been posting violin vocaroos in this thread. Most teachers are pretty good at what they do, but most will not give you the most optimal lessons. You need to come in there, prepared and ready to ask any questions that you want answered and to be given direction. You have to have some control over your lesson and guide it in the way that you want it to go.

What I did when I started was that I printed a bunch of touhou songs that I wanted to play, and I told her "this is my goal, this is what I want to play. What do I need to do to be proficient enough to play these songs?".

That is the best way to go in the right direction and not get bored with playing classical music ( that most teachers will tell you to do).

>> No.10098952

I am a frequent /jp/ poster.

It's just that I got myself out of the hikki slump and all the fruits of my labors are paying off


It's because people practice and practice and practice. I am definitely not as good as I want to be, but I keep going.

You aren't born with talent, you earn it.

>> No.10098970


>You aren't born with talent, you earn it.

Oh boy, I can't wait to say that to the fucktard dropout from next door who did jack shit with his life and yet is swimming in money because he can play an instrument without even trying.

Life is unfair when you study and work your ass off and yet there's some literal retard who's doing equal or even better than you with little to no effort.

>> No.10098976


/jp/ - just prodigies

>> No.10098977


You have a lot of self-pity. I've been like that for a couple years, so I understand you and I am not going to berate you. Do understand that the only way to be good at a musical instrument is to develop the muscle memory needed to pull off playing the notes in sequence.

No one is born with that muscle memory.

>> No.10098979
File: 306 KB, 600x600, 1323314849498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, this helps me a lot in knowing and preparing for what i should expect. Although I understand that most teachers would reference classical music due to the violin having a prominent role in that sort of music, I don't think I would mind playing and learning an averagely larger amount of classical music since I like most of it. However, I do understand your point and i realize that playing a lot of music of the same genre can become boring over time. Do you perhaps know of any touhou pieces one might play with the violin? Does the violin follow normal musical note rules?

>> No.10098982

Fuck off normal.

>> No.10098999


You will be referenced classical music, and it might be in your best interest to follow some of the songs the teacher recommends. This is because the music is most likely going to be easier and consistent.

For future reference, Wohlfarht etudes are great to start beginning because there are lots of easy songs that you'll feel progress and pride in mastering.

For which touhou songs you should start playing. To be honest you are going to cherry pick passages from some of the songs because it fluctuates in difficulty. I started off with Awakening of the Earth Spirits, Septette, and Love-Colored Master Spark.

I am not sure what you mean with normal musical note rules, it is in the treble clef. Ill just say yes it does. The music theory is not any different.

>> No.10099021

Not bad; but you should practice more.
Your skill level should be around https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pRwaEwxraWw#t=136s

In all seriousness, I myself should start playing my Alto Sax again. I haven't played int years.
Anyone know a good place to start?

>> No.10099037

If anyone ever wants to collaborate in the future, feel free to send me an email sometime.

>> No.10099039

Yes, using a microphone with an instrument can be sort of tricky. Every little bit you move towards or away from the microphone can matter a lot. But also using vocaroo will make it sound weird since it gets compressed into 8 kb/s or whatever, so it could be that too.

>> No.10099044
File: 127 KB, 1024x1024, 1272776411322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played the piano when I was younger, and had a PSR-E403 a few years ago, but I had to sell it to pay some debts.

I never resumed playing, and now I don't think I can find the time nor the motivation to start again.

I'm sorry Milady, I'll just have to keep whistling your theme wistfully as always.


Is really that hard to play the accordion as people says?.

>> No.10099066
File: 34 KB, 516x360, anki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably unrelated, but does anybody have a violin deck related to fiddling? I've decided to start one after deciding that the hour-per-week that I do classes in just isn't enough, and I wanted to master some (pretty) basic concepts, but this is only because I can't find someone who's done this sort of thing before.

Could you share your sheet music? I've seen a lot of guitar and piano sheet music for Touhou, but there's never enough violin sheet music to be found when I search for it.

>> No.10099071


>> No.10099084

your guitar sounds broken dude

>> No.10099081


This is the only source of violin sheet music I know of, and it has like 8-9 songs.


Press the music button

>> No.10099087


>> No.10099088


Is that you playing? What wonderful tone! I hope one day I can sound so consistent and smooth.

Also, nice metronome.

>> No.10099095

Thanks, also it was a really lazy first take

Snoop doggie dog

>> No.10099152

I don't know what people say, but to play a piano accordion at a basic level is definitely easier than piano. The left-hand bass notes are all arranged according to the circle of fifths, so most likely all the bass notes and chords you want to play are right next to each other, and you only need to press a button to do so. And also if you make a mistake and miss a button, it sound ok a lot of the time anyway since you just played the fifth of that note instead (rather than playing one half-step off on piano).

>> No.10099180

The combined length of the 3-tuplets would be equal to 2 of the next larger note, in this case 2 quavers. Didn't your teacher tell you that?

>> No.10099235


I was never taught triplets, I always thought its 3 notes in 1 beat.

>> No.10099238

I was thinking some kind of a gypsy jazz arrangement of Green-Eyed Jealousy would be neat. Trying to find the motivation to record it someday.

>piano accordion
Only button accordions are real accordions

>> No.10099370

>2 of the next larger note
I meant 2 of the same note. God I'm stupid.

>> No.10099438

Anyone know where I can find sheets of marasy's piano transcriptions, if there are any?

>> No.10099481

>Only button accordions are real accordions
You said that last year too! Are you from a particular country or family with a history with a certain type of accordion? Or is it only a personal pride in your own instrument? Are you talking about diatonic or chromatic button accordions?

>> No.10099486

believe you're SOL there, mate. i could never find them. though i have found some third-party transcriptions.

>> No.10099496

Third-party transcriptions are fine.

>> No.10099623

learning this

>> No.10099635


I should start working on that, it looks really fun. But i've exhausted my violin powers for today.

>> No.10099650

here comes the spoon.

search まらしぃ ピアノ 楽譜 pdf 東方

>> No.10100963

>You said that last year too!
Now that I think about it, you're right. I'd forgotten myself. ( ._.)

I'm Finnish, my family and the local areas in general do indeed have such a history and it's about pride as well as buttons being more suited for virtuoso stuff. Also, chromatic.

>> No.10102603

what instrument should i buy?

What is the most otaku instrument?

>> No.10102636


>> No.10102689


What abomination is that?

>> No.10102702

The touhou songs are too difficult for me so I am practicing some of the simpler Cave Story songs on my bass guitar.

>> No.10102705

Piano, or Koto

>> No.10102725

You can play something other than bzzzzz-bzzzz on a bass guitar?

>> No.10102729

None of them translate especially well to the trombone. If I'd picked a smaller brass, it'd be easier, but smaller brasses are lame and busted.

>> No.10102742

Yes, I can.

>> No.10102756

Wow, so many violinists. Makes me want to start practicing again. So far all I've worked on were passages from Haigoku, AiW and Septette.

Anybody else get an electric violin because they were embarrassed of being heard while practicing?

>> No.10102768


No, I wish I had one though

>> No.10102796

yea guys the amount of instruments I can play is in fucking TWO DIGITS, I fucking lift too, I am the fucking best.

>> No.10102797

I wish I could make covers like this guy does


It's really hard to play instruments with one hand though...

>> No.10102803

>plays the drums
Well, it looks like there's nothing to be done here.
I do have a kazoo though. Beloved tomboyish daughter on kazoo? I can do this.

>> No.10102806

I'm sorry.

>> No.10102813

Jeez anon, surely you can stop fapping for just a little while...

>> No.10102816

Two digits:

>> No.10102823

Try the trumpet. Or possibly a valved trombone, though you may need to rig a way to secure it to your shoulder or something.

>> No.10102824

What did you say you faggot, I bet you can't play the instrument I play the best you bitch, it's called VAGINA, I bet you've never of even heard of that instrument you little bitch.

>> No.10102825


The only instrument he can play is 0.5, that's the size of his penis.

>> No.10102853


Sorry guys these are all my posts, I don't know why I did this, I am truly sorry and I will leave this thread and return to


>> No.10102861

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

>> No.10102881

Why do people even use other instruments that the piano? Just stop, you are embarrassing yourself. I am glad that I did not pick up any non-instrument.

Although I just downloaded the complete sheet collection of the touhou ost's, I am first going to learn mozart's (yes, casual as fuck, but I really like the piece) rondo 1 in d major then ponder on which toohoo piece to pick. One thing that is setting me back with any touhou piece is the fact that I would then have to use an electronical synthesizer in front of my computer to read the notes and that is gay as hell when you have an actual piano in the house.

But in any case, why should I bother? I have no rhythm, so any piece that I learn is for the sole enjoyment of myself. In fact I am not going to go trough all the trouble just so I could post in a gay thread like this. Fuck you, /jp/.

>> No.10102887

so edgy

>> No.10102899

Thank you.

>> No.10102929

Most people who produce amateur electronic music use keyboards and software in production, right?

>> No.10103779

Obviously depends on the type of music, but sure. It's the easiest digital instrument to set up after all.

>> No.10107458

What kind of keyboard should I buy?

>> No.10107467

a cheap one to see if you like it

>> No.10107500

>Complete sheet collection of the touhou ost's
This is relevant to my interests. Links, anyone?

>> No.10107515

we asian level here. Even the negro ones.

>> No.10107517

Say, is it possible for you to post up the full sheet?
I have just been learning the violin for three - four months but I would like to give it a try.

>> No.10107703

Did you know that in the USA the east-asians are very active in youth orchestras but not active at all in professional ones. They are as under-presented in professional quality orchestras as negroes.

>> No.10107711


>> No.10107730

Does anyone have any reccomendations for albums with the most well known touhou songs so I could get started listening to Touhou without watching random touhou songs on youtube, or is that what you guys do?

>> No.10108226

That's because professional orchestras pay like shit for how difficult they are.

>> No.10108368
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Hey OP, can you give me the full sheet of that song, also if you have more touhou songs for violin I will really appreciate it.

I've been learning violin for some months now and I want to play something touhou related, but finding sheets is extremely hard.

>> No.10108515


>> No.10112962


there's tons of examples of 1 handed bassists, drummers, guitarists, and keys players on Youtube.

Guitar/bass you play with just pure hammer ons and pull offs like this guy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5ThulqDmKc

keys you can just record 2 tracks for the left hand part and right hand part and there's bass pedals that you operate with your feet.

drums, you get electronic drums and hook up more bass drums to other samples.
