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10097307 No.10097307 [Reply] [Original]

Which flavor would you associate with different touhous?

For example I think Minoriko might taste like sweet potato with a hint of chest nuts.

>> No.10097343

Skin and blood, maybe cloth.

Is meat supposed to taste any different, or is this some synesthesia shit going on?

>> No.10097404

Synesthesia, I'm guessing.

For example, Mokou is oftentimes associated with fire, and for some reason I am reminded of a spiced cinnamon latte.

>> No.10097566

salty coins and milk

>> No.10097579
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Peaches, duh.

>> No.10097829

I've always thought of Mokou tasting like cinnamon schnapps, or maybe like cigarette ashes.

>> No.10097845

At least we've got the cinnamon down.

>> No.10097874

China is mint chocolate chip.

>> No.10097890


I'm thinking some kind of fruit thing for her myself, though I can't really justify it.

>> No.10097903
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>> No.10097905
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A fermented apple, perhaps.

>> No.10097925


>> No.10097934
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>> No.10097953


Something like a clementine i was thinking. I always prefer china with orange red than scarlet red.

>> No.10097981
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Beet with apples and cloves.

>> No.10097986
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Chocolate coated yellowcake.

>> No.10098020
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curry, perhaps.

>> No.10098031
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>> No.10098042 [DELETED] 
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sweet like a sugar plum

>> No.10098062
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>> No.10098104

Do you think Cirno would taste like stale dinner mints?

>> No.10098129

Definitely minty, not sure about stale, she's too perky for that.

>> No.10098132
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Smoke-flavored whisky.

>> No.10098150

Maybe like the Wint-O-Green mints by Lifesavers?

>> No.10098174

i say she'd just taste like ice cubes.

>> No.10098205

I was thinking more along the lines of toothpaste.

>> No.10098210
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Butt cream

>> No.10098280 [DELETED] 
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sweet like a sugar plum

>> No.10098287
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sweet like a sugar plum

>> No.10098338

Mint ice cubes with a hint of citrus.

>> No.10098348
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Obviously cucumbers. But maybe Cucumber Flavored Soda?

>> No.10098359
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Like a rather strong jägermeister

>> No.10098441
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strawberry mochi
I think industrial vodkд would fit better.

>> No.10098451
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Nuka Cola, whatever that tastes like.

>> No.10098460

like coke but with a hint of radiation.

>> No.10098465
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Sunflower seeds

>> No.10098686

I've always thought of Remilia tasting similar to Muscat grapes for some reason, and Flandre tasting sort of like spoiled milk or sour cream.

>> No.10098729
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I don't wanna get too hipster with this, so...
Rumia- meat. just meat.
Cirno- popsicle
China: kungpao chicken
Remilia: tea
Yuugi: IRN BRU
Minoriko: Sweet potatoes
Shizuka: apples
Tenshi: peaches
Marisa: chocolate
Reimu: ramen
Yuyuko: a TV
Youmu: vanilla
Eirin: cough medicine
Ran: honey
Letty: marshmellow
Suika: watermelon

>> No.10098733

oh. and Flan is Flan.

>> No.10098757

i'd rather have flan as sweet, just-ripened strawberries with cream.

>> No.10098772

I thought Yuyuko would taste like.. A lot of things considering how much she eats. Maybe she'd be like a buffet.

>> No.10098792

Yuyuko: Dumplings (savory)

>> No.10099937
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I'm not sure what her flavor would be.
Licorice? Chicken? Cream puffs maybe?

>> No.10099939

I think she would taste like tobasco sauce or chili or Jalapenos.

>> No.10099946
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I think she would taste like a tossed salad without any dressing.

>> No.10099952

Whole Gensokyo is ripe with the stench of bitches.

>> No.10099973

And bitches taste like durian.

>> No.10100098
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Imagine that sweet aroma emitting from their sweaty body after a lunatic danmaku.
